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空间对接机构动力学仿真分析 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
以俄罗斯“异体同构”周边内翻式对接机构(APAS89)为研究对象,利用ADAMS建立对接机构的差动式机电缓冲阻尼系统的动力学模型。对差动式机构的动态特性进行仿真,得到系统的等效刚度和阻尼特性.对差动式机电缓冲阻尼系统及其主要部件的动态特性进行仿真研究。可以为对接机构设计提供仿真工具和设计依据。其仿真结果对空间对接机构的设计研究以及空间对接过程动力学建模具有参考作用. 相似文献
接触点判断是飞行器对接动力学仿真的关键问题之一。当两飞行器初始位置、姿态、速度以及角速度偏差较大时,空间对接机构将可能发生导致对接失败的非设计模式首次接触,文中首次对此提出3类接触模式:导向瓣边缘与顶部圆弧接触,顶部圆弧与顶部圆弧接触,顶部圆弧与底部圆环接触。并根据Z-缓冲算法原理给出了非设计接触模式的判断准则以及数学表达式。针对顶部圆弧对应圆心角较小的特点,采用两条线段来逼近顶部圆弧使后2类接触判断得到简化。最后编制了仿真程序,给出了多组算例,算例结果验证了算法的有效性和正确性。 相似文献
实验结果表明,本文提出的自组装控制方法可以直接扩展到多个Sambot的情形,来构建任意构型的集合体机器人. 相似文献
针对缺少适于在社区与家庭中使用的康复机器人的现状,研制了一种适于偏瘫患者在社区与家庭中进行不同步幅康复训练的新型机器人.通过探索正常步态及患者康复过程中步态运动的特点,结合社区与家庭的使用要求,基于并联机构设计了一种步幅可变的混合输入康复机器人.以身高185cm成人的正常步态为设计依据对机器人训练机构进行了尺寸综合分析,并对其运动学、工作空间、控制规律进行了分析与仿真,在理论上证明了该设计方案的可行性.样机试验结果表明,该机器人可通过改变曲柄长度和调整杆角度使受试者实现肩、膝关节活动度分别为-14.8°~23.7°、1.8°~66.5°,步长68cm以下的步态运动. 相似文献
阐述了一种线驱动与常规串联驱动相结合的混合设计方法.这种设计方法融合了线驱动并联机构和模块化串联机构的优点,而且混合驱动机器人的工作空间大于完全线驱动机器人的工作空间.文章首先介绍了混合驱动机器人的机构设计,也就是机器人的肩关节采用模块化串联结构,而肘、腕关节采用线驱动结构.然后利用几何分析的方法来解机器人前向运动学问题.在分析驱动线长与关节角之间变换关系的基础上,分别利用速度法和关节角增量法来计算机器人逆向运动学解.最后,使用VC++实现混合驱动机器人对直线运动轨迹进行跟踪的仿真,从而证明了文章所描述的设计方法的正确性. 相似文献
This paper presents a network-based analysis approach for the reconfiguration problem of a self-reconfigurable robot. The self-reconfigurable modular robot named "AMOEBA-I" has nine kinds of non-isomorphic configurations that consist of a configuration network. Each configuration of the robot is defined to be a node in the weighted and directed configuration network. The transformation from one configuration to another is represented by a directed path with nonnegative weight. Graph theory is applied in the reconfiguration analysis, where reconfiguration route, reconfigurable matrix and route matrix are defined according to the topological information of these configurations. Algorithms in graph theory have been used in enumerating the available reconfiguration routes and deciding the best reconfiguration route. Numerical analysis and experimental simulation results prove the validity of the approach proposed in this paper. And it is potentially suitable for other self-reconfigurable robots' configuration control and reconfiguration planning. 相似文献
设计了一种新型模块化自重构机器人单元模块——360bot,每个模块具有一个连续旋转的自由度.该机器人模块除具有模 块化机器人的普遍特征外,凭借其特殊而简易的结构,使得单元模块具有了独立可靠的运动功能,对运动环境的限制要求 较低,同时具有较丰富的连接:4个连接面,5种连接选择,使得单元模块在模块化系统中可以具有各个方向的旋转自由度 ,进而增加了模块组合系统的功能及种类.详细介绍了360bot的结构设计、运动学、动力学建模及仿真等内容.最后对 双模块的构型研究进行了总结分析. 相似文献
Yusuke Ota Kan Yoneda Fumitoshi Ito Shigeo Hirose Yoshihiko Inagaki 《Autonomous Robots》2001,10(3):297-316
A new lightweight six-legged robot that uses a simple mechanism and can move and work with high efficiency has been developed. This robot consists of two leg-bases with three legs each, and walks by moving each leg-base alternately. These leg-bases are connected to each other with a 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) mechanism. While designing this robot, the output force, velocity, and workspace of various connection mechanisms were compared, and the results showed that good performance could be achieved with a serial/parallel hybrid mechanism. The serial/parallel hybrid mechanism consists of three 6-DOF serially linked arms positioned with radial symmetry about the center of each leg-base; each leg-base is composed of two active and four passive joints. Walking experiments with this robot confirmed that this mechanism has satisfactory performance not only as a walking robot, but also as an active walking platform. Furthermore, in this robot, the entire leg-drive mechanism acts as a 6-axis force sensor, and individual sensors at the feet are not necessary. The forces and moments can be calculated from the changes in the joint angles. Experiments conducted verified that smooth contact with the ground by the swing-leg and successful switching from swing to support leg can be achieved using this force control and force measurement method. 相似文献
Modular Reconfigurable Robots in Space Applications 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Mark Yim Kimon Roufas David Duff Ying Zhang Craig Eldershaw Sam Homans 《Autonomous Robots》2003,14(2-3):225-237
Robots used for tasks in space have strict requirements. Modular reconfigurable robots have a variety of attributes that are well suited to these conditions, including: serving as many different tools at once (saving weight), packing into compressed forms (saving space) and having high levels of redundancy (increasing robustness). In addition, self-reconfigurable systems can self-repair and adapt to changing or unanticipated conditions. This paper will describe such a self-reconfigurable modular robot: PolyBot. PolyBot has significant potential in the space manipulation and surface mobility class of applications for space. 相似文献