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The menstrual cycle is regulated by a complex hormonal system with positive and negative feedback mechanisms and changes in sensitivity of peripheral tissues. Four concepts appear to be fundamental: -- regular, pulsatile secretion of LHR is necessary to the functioning of the system; -- regulation is to a great extent effected by the pituitary gland in response to changes in ovarian steroid levels; -- changes in ovarian steroid levels are due to regulatory changes in receptivity to pituitary hormones, as well as to variations in enzyme activities; -- at the periphery, changes in hormonal impacts are accompanied by modifications of receptivity to steroid hormones.  相似文献   

The estrogen hormones have been shown to be highly glycogenic as well as lipolytic in nature. It is unknown whether the metabolic actions of estrogens impact upon energy metabolism during exercise. The composition of prior diet, however, does affect exercise energy metabolism. This study examined the influence of menstrual cycle phase (mid-follicular [FP; low estrogen] vs. mid-luteal [LP; high estrogen]) and diet composition on the rate of substrate oxidation for carbohydrate (CHO) and lipid at rest and during various intensities of physical exercise. Nine subjects completed an experimental session under four different menstrual cycle-diet conditions: 1) FP following a 3-day high CHO diet [75% total caloric intake], 2) FP following a 3-day low CHO diet [35% total caloric intake], 3) LP following a 3-day high CHO diet, and 4) LP following a 3-day low CHO diet. In each of the experimental sessions substrate oxidation was determined at rest and during cycle ergometer exercise at intensities of 30, 50, and 70% VO2max, respectively. Statistically significant (p < 0.05) interaction effects on substrate oxidation due to the menstrual cycle phase and diet conditions were found at rest and during 30%-50% exercise. In general, CHO oxidation was lowest and lipid oxidation highest in the LP under a low CHO diet condition.  相似文献   

Because negative mood is a characteristic of both tobacco withdrawal and menstrual discomfort, withdrawal may vary by menstrual cycle phase. Tobacco withdrawal, mood, and menstrual discomfort were assessed in premenopausal women who quit smoking during either the follicular (Days 1–14 postmenstrual onset; n?=?41) or luteal (Day 15 or longer postmenstrual onset; n?=?37) phase of the menstrual cycle and maintained biochemically verified smoking abstinence during the postquit week. Women quitting during the luteal phase reported significantly greater increases in tobacco withdrawal and self-reported depressive symptoms than women quitting during the follicular phase. These results indicate that selecting a quit-smoking day early in the follicular phase may attenuate withdrawal and negative affect in premenopausal female smokers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effect on cognitive tests of menstrual-cycle-related changes in estrogen in 87 undergraduates. The estrogen peak was expected to facilitate performance of 4 "automatized" tasks and to impair performance of "perceptual-restructuring" tasks, compared with performance in the postovulatory phase when progesterone is thought to counteract the action of estrogen. Daily basal body temperature (BBT) records suggested that 21 Ss did not ovulate in the cycle(s) studied. No main effect of Day 10 of the cycle vs Day 20 occurred for any task in the 66 Ss who did appear to ovulate. However, the magnitude of predicted shifts in performance was significantly correlated with proximity of the "Day 10" testing day to the lowest BBT, the presumed preovulatory estrogen peak; and to the "Day 20" proximity to the highest BBT, the presumed progesterone peak. Ss tested 3 or fewer days before the thermal nadir and on or after the thermal peak had the predicted significant changes on 3 of the 4 tasks. Results support the hypotheses and indicate that precise timing is essential to demonstrate the phenomena. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential role of serotonin in the premenstrual syndrome (PMS), we investigated the effects of menstrual cycle phase on neuroendocrine and behavioral responses to the serotonergic agent m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-CPP) in women with PMS and controls. A single oral dose of m-CPP (0.5 mg/kg) was administered to 10 PMS patients and 10 healthy controls during the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle. We observed the following. m-CPP administration during the luteal phase resulted in an acute improvement of PMS symptoms; the plasma cortisol and ACTH responses to m-CPP were blunted in both menstrual cycle phases in PMS patients compared with controls. These data provide evidence for the acute efficacy of m-CPP in the treatment of PMS. Although there is additional evidence for dysregulation of either the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis or serotonin control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in women with PMS, there is little evidence for luteal phase-specific serotonergic dysfunction. These findings, nonetheless, implicate the serotonin system as a modulating (not causal) factor in PMS.  相似文献   

Nine resistance-trained men consumed either a protein-carbohydrate supplement or placebo for 1 wk in a crossover design separated by 7 days. The last 3 days of each treatment, subjects performed resistance exercise. The supplement was consumed 2 h before and immediately after the workout, and blood was obtained before and after exercise (0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 min postexercise). Lactate, growth hormone, and testosterone were significantly (P 相似文献   

Effects of the menstrual cycle on heat loss and heat production (M) and core and skin temperature responses to cold were studied in six unacclimatized female nonsmokers (18-29 yr of age). Each woman, resting supine, was exposed to a cold transient (ambient temperature = mean radiant temperature = 20 to -5 degrees C at -0.32 degrees C/min, relative humidity = 50 +/- 2%, wind speed = 1 m/s) in the follicular (F) phase (days 2-6) and midluteal (L) phase (days 19-23) of her menstrual cycle. Clothed in each of two ensembles with different thermal resistances, women performed multiple experiments in the F and L phases. Thermal resistance was 0.2 and 0.4 m2 . K . W-1 for ensembles A and B, respectively. Esophageal temperature (Tes), mean weighted skin temperature (Tsk), finger temperature (Tfing), and area-weighted heat flux were recorded continuously. Rate of heat debt (-S) and integrated mean body temperature (Tb,i) were calculated by partitional calorimetry throughout the cold ramp. Extensive peripheral vasoconstriction in the F phase during early periods of the ramp elevated Tes above thermoneutral levels. Shivering thermogenesis (DeltaM = M - Mbasal, W /m2) was highly correlated with declines in Tsk and Tfing (P <0.0001). There was a reduced slope in M as a function of Tb,i in the L phase with ensembles A (P < 0.02) and B (P < 0.01). Heat flux was higher and -S was less in the L phases with ensemble A (P < 0.05). An analytic model revealed that Tsk and Tes contribute as additive inputs and Tfing has a multiplicative effect on the total control of DeltaM during cold transients (R2 = 0.9). Endogenous hormonal levels at each menstrual cycle phase, core temperature and Tsk inputs, vascular responses, and variations in body heat balance must be considered in quantifying thermoregulatory responses in women during cold stress.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND METHOD: Findings from both animal and human research suggest that pain sensitivity changes across the menstrual cycle; however, among humans the nature of these menstrual cycle effects remains unclear. The present study used a repeated-measures design to evaluate changes in thermal and ischemic pain responses during three phases of the menstrual cycle, midfollicular (postmenstrual), ovulatory, and mid-to-late luteal (premenstrual), in 11 healthy women. The cycle phase during which subjects began their participation was determined randomly. Plasma levels of estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, and beta-endorphin were determined at each experimental session. Participants also completed a daily diary of physical and emotional symptoms for two complete menstrual cycles before the experimental sessions. RESULTS: The results indicated that women showed less ischemic pain sensitivity during the midfollicular compared with the ovulatory and mid-to-late luteal phases, but thermal pain responses did not vary significantly across menstrual cycle phases. Physical and emotional symptoms were minimal and did not change significantly across the menstrual cycle. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate greater ischemic but not thermal pain sensitivity among women after the midcycle LH surge. The practical relevance and potential mechanisms of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether submaximal cardiovascular responses at a given rate of work are different in children and adults, and, if different, what mechanisms are involved and whether the differences are exercise-modality dependent. A total of 24 children, 7 to 9 yr old, and 24 adults, 18 to 26 yr old (12 males and 12 females in each group), participated in both submaximal and maximal exercise tests on both the treadmill and cycle ergometer. With the use of regression analysis, it was determined that cardiac output (Q) was significantly lower (P 相似文献   

Inhibin/activin alphaC/alphaN and betaA subunits were localized immunohistochemically in the human endometrium throughout the menstrual cycle using an affinity-purified sheep polyclonal antibody raised against the alphaC/alphaN subunit and an affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against the betaA subunit. The betaB subunit was below the level of detection in all human endometrial samples tested. Immunoreactive inhibin alphaC/alphaN subunit was localized in the luminal epithelium, glandular epithelium, stromal tissues and vascular endothelium with no significant variation across the normal menstrual cycle. Immunoreactive betaA subunit, common to inhibin A and activins AA and AB was localized in the luminal and glandular epithelium and in migratory cells while the endometrial stromal cells, decidua, vascular smooth muscle and endothelium were devoid of immunoreactivity. A significant variation of immunoreactive betaA subunit was observed in glandular and luminal epithelium across the normal menstrual cycle. In proliferative endometrium, only a very low level of betaA immunostaining was seen in luminal and glandular epithelium, while the luminal epithelial staining increased significantly in the early secretory phase and remained relatively constant over the rest of the menstrual cycle. A progressive increase in betaA immunoreactivity was observed also in the glandular epithelium during the secretory phase reaching a maximum in the late secretory phases, and decreasing at menstruation. Co-localization studies on serial sections suggested that the migratory cells expressing strong betaA immunoreactivity were macrophages and neutrophils but not eosinophils or mast cells. Thus, cells within the human endometrium are capable of expressing inhibin/activin molecules in vivo. The variation in the pattern of secretion of the betaA subunit across the menstrual cycle suggests that activin peptides may have a physiological role in endometrial function.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have indicated that children demonstrate a lower cardiac output at a given oxygen uptake during exercise compared with adults. This study compared cardiac responses with maximal upright cycle exercise in 15 boys (mean age 10.9 yr) and 16 men (mean age 30.7 yr) to determine whether this observation reflects differences in size or age-related influences on myocardial function. Stroke volume, aortic peak velocity, and systolic ejection time were measured to peak exercise in all subjects using Doppler ultrasound techniques. No significant differences were observed in resting, submaximal, or peak mean values for these variables relative to body size between the boys and men. Average values for peak stroke index, cardiac index, and peak aortic velocity were 59 (+/-11) mL.m-2, 11.33 (+/-2.32) L.min-1.m-2, and 152 (+/-30) cm.s-1, respectively, for the boys. Respective values for the men were 61 (+/-14) mL.m-2, 11.08 (+/-2.52) L.min-1.m-2, and 144 (+/-24) cm.s-1 (P > 0.05). This study failed to demonstrate evidence of impaired cardiac responses to maximal exercise in prepubertal boys compared with that in adult males.  相似文献   

The effect of the menstrual cycle on the thermic effect of food (TEF) was examined in eight healthy, normal-weight [mean +/- SD: 56.1 +/- 5.6 kg and body mass index (in kg/m2) 21.3 +/- 1.8] women aged 22-38 y. Their lean body mass and fat mass were 39.4 +/- 2.7 kg and 16.9 +/- 6.5 kg, respectively. TEF was measured on 4 separate days selected to match the four phases of a menstrual cycle: early follicular, follicular, luteal, and late luteal. The volunteers consumed a 3138-kJ liquid meal (54.5% carbohydrate, 14.0% protein, and 31.5% fat) on each test day. Resting metabolic rate was measured for 55 min before the meal and every 30 min after the start of the meal for 205 min. Although resting metabolic rate remained unchanged, there was a significant difference (P < 0.01 by ANOVA) in mean (+/- SEM) values for TEF among the four phases of the cycle: 0.94 +/- 0.05 kJ/min during the early follicular phase, 0.86 +/- 0.09 kJ/min during the follicular phase, 0.70 +/- 0.10 kJ/min during the luteal phase, and 0.76 +/- 0.07 kJ/min during the late luteal phase. TEF decreased significantly (P < 0.025 by paired t test) during postovulation (average of luteal and late luteal phases), when it was 0.73 +/- 0.07 kJ/min, compared with preovulation (average of early follicular and follicular phases), when it was 0.90 +/- 0.06 kJ/min. In conclusion, TEF decreased during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, possibly as a result of impairment of glucose uptake and slower transit of food through the upper gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One of the key factors in maintaining optimal cognitive performance in the high-G environment is the adequate delivery of oxygen to the cerebral tissue. As eye-level blood pressure is compromised at 22 mmHg x G(-1), perfusion to the peripheral cerebral tissues (cerebral cortex) may not be adequate to support the mental demands of flight. This study measured the effect of closed-loop flight simulations (3 min) on cerebral oxygen saturation changes (rSO2), arterial oxygen saturation (SAO2), and heart rate (HR), in both rested (8 h of rest) and sleepless (24 h without sleep) conditions. METHODS: Subjects (16; 8 males and 8 females) were subjected to G-exposures via closed-loop flight simulations in a series of four 3-min sorties flown by subjects on the Dynamic Environment Simulator (centrifuge) in either a rested or a sleepless state. Prior to the centrifuge flight, subjects were instrumented with sensors for measurement of arterial oxygen saturation (SAO2) and regional cerebral tissue oxygenation (rSO2). Subjects wore the standard flight suit, boots, CSU-13B/P anti-G suit, and the COMBAT EDGE positive-pressure breathing for G-protection system. RESULTS: Significant changes in cerebral and arterial oxygen saturation were observed within groups when comparing pretest baselines and minimum values during the test and pre- and post-G rSO2, SAO2, and HR in both the rested and sleepless state, (p # 0.01), respectively, for each group. Comparisons between groups showed women to have significantly smaller regional cerebral cortex oxygen decreases than men (p # 0.01). No significant changes in SAO2, however, were observed between groups. Both men and women showed a slow recovery of rSO2 values to the prebaseline levels. CONCLUSIONS: Sleeplessness had no effect on the rSO2, SAO2, and HR compared with the rested condition. During acceleration, regional cerebral tissue oxygen decreased 13% in men compared with 9% in women. The recovery of cerebral tissue oxygen levels to prebaseline values was retarded somewhat when compared with the recovery response of arterial oxygen saturation.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation-induced leg muscle contractions provide a useful model for examining the role of leg muscle neural afferents during low-intensity exercise in persons with spinal cord-injury and their able-bodied cohorts. Eight persons with paraplegia (SCI) and 8 non-disabled subjects (CONTROL) performed passive knee flexion/extension (PAS), electrical stimulation-induced knee flexion/extension (ES) and voluntary knee flexion/extension (VOL) on an isokinetic dynamometer. In CONTROLs, exercise heart rate was significantly increased during ES (94 +/- 6 bpm) and VOL (85 +/- 4 bpm) over PAS (69 +/- 4 bpm), but no changes were observed in SCI individuals. Stroke volume was significantly augmented in SCI during ES (59 +/- 5 ml) compared to PAS (46 +/- 4 ml). The results of this study suggest that, in able-bodied humans, Group III and IV leg muscle afferents contribute to increased cardiac output during exercise primarily via augmented heart rate. In contrast, SCI achieve raised cardiac output during ES leg exercise via increased venous return in the absence of any change in heart rate.  相似文献   

133 undergraduate females responded to a pre-experimental questionnaire assessing their contraceptive use (28% on contraceptive pills), sexual experience (71% had had sexual intercourse), and present phase of menstrual cycle. Ss then read an erotic story intended to induce sexual arousal. Results of a self-report postexperimental questionnaire assessing sexual arousal and genital stimulation show no significant response differences based on menstrual cycle phases for Ss not using contraceptive pills. Greatest degree of arousal and sensation was experienced by Ss on contraceptive pills who were in the menstrual phase of the cycle; least arousal and sensation was experienced by Ss on contraceptive pills who were in the premenstrual phase of the cycle. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

f-channel nucleotide modulation was investigated in sino-atrial (SA) node cells isolated from rabbit hearts, using an inside-out macropatch configuration. Saturating doses (30 microM) of phosphorothioate derivatives of cAMP, Sp-cAMPS and Rp-cAMPS, were tested on the cAMP-induced shift of I(f) activation. Responses were not altered when Sp-cAMPS was combined with cAMP. When Rp-cAMPS was superfused with subsaturating cAMP concentrations (1-10 microM), it inhibited cAMP-induced I(f) activation shift. cGMP and cIMP reversibly shifted the I(f) conductance-voltage curve to more positive values; however they had a lesser specificity than that of cAMP. The efficacy ranking for I(f) activation by cyclic nucleotides was: cAMP > cGMP > cIMP. Non cyclic nucleotides (ATP, ADP and AMP) failed to change I(f) activation, indicating that the cyclic nature of nucleotides seems to be essential to f-channel modulation. Similarities between f-channels and cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are discussed.  相似文献   

Distinct means have been developed to answer an increasing demand and need for methods that can accurately predict and detect the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle and fit various indications and changing situations of women's reproductive life. Methods based on the detection of direct fertility markers, such as hormonal tests and ultrasound, are more objective and accurate than traditional markers based on indirect markers, but cost and dependence on supplies limit their application. Nevertheless, these methods could be used during a few cycles either as support in the teaching phase or in difficult cases and for specific indications. Likewise, some new devices designed to facilitate recording and calculation of fertility signals could be combined with clinical methods to improve prediction and detection of the fertile phase. Besides the search for new fertility markers and the development of new methods, the possibility of combining already existing methods would certainly improve use-effectiveness and acceptance.  相似文献   

The relationship between ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and metabolic responses was examined during aerobic dance exercise with combined arm and leg movements. 16 women with previous aerobic dance instructional experience performed three consecutive trials of 8 min. each of aerobic dance exercise at a cadence of 124 and 138 beats.min.-1. Estimates of RPE reported at the end of each trial were significantly different across the trials while heart rate and % maximum heart rate were significantly different between Trials 1 and 3. Correlations and partial correlations between RPE and all metabolic variables were not significant across trials and with trials combined except for ventilation. Results indicated that RPE should not be used singularly as an indicator of exercise intensity during aerobic dance exercise.  相似文献   

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