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桂林市临桂县义江边的两江古镇,是名副其实的风水宝地,古树参天,车水马龙,商贾如云。现在是桂林国际航空港,数百年前,是出入融安、融水、灵川、龙胜的交通要道,商贸交易辐射到湖南、广东。古往今来,繁华的集市,忙碌的商贩,朴实的居民,已打造出诸多远近闻名品牌,如:铁器加工、木材家俱、成品衣物……,同时,也推出颇具本地特色的各类小吃,如:牛血、松糕、汤圆、米豆腐、剔河螺、马蹄糕,其中名气最大当数远  相似文献   

公历是以耶苏诞生为公元元年,公元纪年是每年递加的不断延伸的自然正数系列,这是大家都熟悉的常识。但知道我国农历纪年方式的人就不如公历那未普遍,我国的农历纪年与公元纪年很大不同点是它不是由数字组成,而是由天干(甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、已、庚、辛、壬、癸)与地支(子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥)各一字依次组成干支年,这种变化就是十个天干与十二个地支的最小公倍,组成60个,是为一个周期,循环往复,以至无穷,因此,孤立的看农历纪年年号是不能判断距今的具体时间的,  相似文献   

海参的营养及药用功效海参的营养价值较高,每百克水发海参含蛋白质14.9g,脂肪0.9g,碳水化合物0.4g,钙357mg,硒256mg,磷12mg,铁2.4mg以及维生素B1、维生素B2、尼克酸等。海参含胆固醇极低,为一种典型的高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇食物。加上其肉质细嫩,易于消化,所以,非常适宜于老年人、儿童以及体质虚弱的人食用。故人们将海参当作高档名菜,用作烧、扒、烩、拌、汤等菜肴,如虾籽大乌参、红烧海参、扒海参、扒鸡腿海参、氽海参玉兰片、烩海参四丝、烩三丁、麻酱海参、蝴蝶海参、冰糖海参羹、海参猪肉木耳汤、海参羊肉淡菜汤等等。  相似文献   

李静  董同沅 《食品科学》1998,19(2):10-12
自七十年代以来,由美国,日本,俄罗斯,德国等国垄断的木质纤维素,作为高级助滤剂控制着包括我国在内的整个需求市场。进入九十年代,由我国研制成功的木质纤维素,不但在产品质量上领先于国外同类产品,而且在工业化生产能力上初具规模。该产品可广泛地应用于化工、电力、油品加工、冶金、化纤、乙烯、印染、啤酒、酒制品、医疗等行业,可开发应用的场所十分广泛,如:污水处理、海水淡化、味精、酱油、食糖、食用油、保健饮料精制、保健烟嘴等方面。由于它独特的性能,将会得到更加广泛的应用。木质纤维素是以木浆为原料,经过降解、提纯、烘干而成。产品色泽洁白、无毒、无味、无杂质、细腻、滑散、无结团,含水份5%~7%,纤维直径10~ ......  相似文献   

赖华万 《中国食品》2020,(9):126-127
中式面点具有悠久的历史,是中式烹调的重要组成部分,品种流派众多,制作工艺千变万化,讲究馅心、注重口味,不但深受中国人民的喜爱,在全球各国也有一定的声誉。中式面点的成型技法多样,造型美观,技术要求高、艺术性强,如:包、捏、卷、按、擀、叠、切、摊、剪、搓、抻、削、拨、钳花、滚沾、镶嵌、模具、挤注等操作均需要精湛技术和制作技巧。  相似文献   

用好专件器材提高成纱质量   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对专件、器材的优选能进一步提高纱线质量的事实,采用跟踪试验法,从科学选型、精心制作进行了讨论,重点论述了胶辊、胶圈、上销、下销、压力棒、隔距块、钢领、钢丝圈、锭子的合理搭配、正确使用和创新管理,指出只有了解原料的各项性能指标,根据设备状况,结合专件、器材的特性,综合运用现有资源配置,扬长避短,着眼全局,制定出相应的工艺参数,才是稳定和提高产品质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

在我国,烹调是一种技能,也是一种艺术,甚至可以说也是物质文明和精神文明相结合的产物。"中国菜好吃",这已是各国友人在宴席之上,餐厅之外异口同声的赞誉。"中国菜好吃"奥妙在哪里呢?1.技法多样:中国菜的烹调技法多达数十种,如炒、爆、烹、炸、溜、烩、煎、贴、烧、焖、扒、蒸、烤、涮、汆、炖、煨、酱、卤、熏、拌、炝、煮、熬以及甜菜的拔丝、蜜汁、挂霜等,各种技法各有各的独特风味。2.花样多:中国菜的花样没有精确统计过,但至少在万种以上。仅以山东、四川、湖南、江苏、广东五大风味菜系来看,就有名菜数千种,如同百花争艳,美不胜收。有些国际友人说:"吃中国菜是一种令人难忘的  相似文献   

从颜色辨别:绿色植物与地面距离接近,吸收地面湿气,故而性偏寒,如绿豆、绿色蔬菜等。颜色偏红的植物,如辣椒、胡椒、枣、石榴等,虽与地面接近生长,但果实能吸收较多的阳光,故而性偏热。从味道上辨别:味甜、味辛的食品,由于接受阳光照射的时间较多,所以性热,如大蒜、柿子、石榴等。而那些味苦、味酸的食品,大多偏寒,如苦瓜、苦菜、芋头、梅子、木瓜等。  相似文献   

“山川之美,古来共谈(”陶弘景《答谢中书书》)。这是因为秀美的山河在为人类提供丰富的物质资源和良好的生活环境的同时,还能给他们带来心灵的慰藉、思想的启迪和审美的愉悦。中国地域广阔,历史悠久,山水名胜资源十分丰富。其中名山除了“五岳”——泰山、华山、嵩山、衡山、恒山之外,庐山之秀,黄山之奇,五台、峨眉的佛影,武当的道迹,无不令人向往;大川则除了长江、黄河、大运河、黑龙江、淮河、珠江、雅鲁藏布江之外,鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖和青海湖等也名闻遐迩。至于高原、盆地、沙漠、草原、岛屿、洞穴、峡谷、溪涧、池潭、瀑布、泉流、…  相似文献   

虾、蟹壳是虾、蟹加工过程中产生的主要废弃物,含有较大量的蛋白质、灰分和甲壳素,以及少量的脂肪、游离氨基酸和虾青素等。近年来,随着我国养殖、捕捞技术的进步以及伏季休渔制度的实施,虾、蟹产量逐年上升。因此,有效利用虾、蟹壳副产物,开发基于虾、蟹壳废弃物的利用途径和产品类型,以提高产品附加值,减少环境污染,对于虾、蟹产业的健康发展具有重要意义。目前,采用酸碱法制备甲壳素是虾、蟹壳利用的主要方法,该方法易于操作,但能耗高且污染严重,近年来研究人员对传统的酸碱法制备甲壳素的工艺进行了优化,并积极探索酶法和发酵法等新型提取工艺。此外,虾、蟹壳中其他可利用成分(蛋白质、脂肪、钙质和虾青素)的提取和利用也获得了许多研究成果。本文主要综述了虾、蟹壳的组成成分,虾、蟹壳整体利用途径以及虾、蟹壳中甲壳素、蛋白质、脂肪、钙质、虾青素等成分的提取和利用途径的研究进展,以期为虾、蟹壳的高效、低成本、无污染和高附加值利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the dynamic changing pattern of the chamber temperature with chamber pressure during vacuum cooling, 10 repeated experiments were conducted to evaluate the time-dependent temperature and pressure in the vacuum chamber during vacuum cooling of water. Water was chosen in the experiment as it is the main component of most foods. The results showed that the temperature in the vacuum chamber significantly depended on variation in pressure at different pumping stages. The temperature changes in the chamber generally followed a certain pattern. In the early stage of vacuum cooling, the chamber temperature dropped very quickly (0.26 K/s), while at the end of vacuum cooling, it increased rapidly (0.22 K/s), and was about 11.8 K higher than the ambient temperature when the vacuum was released with ambient air flowing back to the chamber.


Vacuum cooling is a rapid cooling method for the food industry; further understanding of the vacuum cooling mechanism can help to control and improve this cooling process. Temperature changing pattern and distribution affects the quality of the food product in vacuum cooling process. As the main component of most foods is water, it is necessary to investigate the dynamic temperature changing pattern and distribution with vacuum pressure during vacuum cooling of water so that the information obtained could be used as a reference for vacuum cooling of food products.  相似文献   

Transient vacuum drops in the milkline during one ordinary milking were recorded as a measure of vacuum stability in milking installations on 184 Norwegian dairy farms in the summer of 1997. An association between the frequency of vacuum drops and technical data including milkline diameter, length and slope, number of milking units and effective reserve was demonstrated. The direct connection between the transient vacuum drop and its cause could be established for most drops during milking observations. A high frequency of transient vacuum drops in the milkline was associated with a high level of mastitis and a high new infection rate as inferred from changes in somatic cell counts for individual cows. The frequency of vacuum drops during one milking is only a rough indication of the long-term vacuum stability in a specific installation, and must be interpreted with care. The dimensions and slope of the milkline and the effective reserve probably give as good information about the installation's ability to maintain a stable vacuum.  相似文献   

风机取代真空泵用于麦草浆洗涤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘润泽 《中国造纸》2004,23(8):31-34
分析了真空洗浆机洗浆机理,对提高真空洗浆机真空度的方案进行了比较.根据真空洗浆机洗涤草浆的特点,指出用风机代替真空泵是一种比较好的方案,它可以满足真空度要求,减少真空系统黑液流失,且有消泡功能,比真空泵节省能耗.  相似文献   

不同干燥方式对莲子品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了莲子的热风干燥、真空微波干燥、真空冷冻干燥、热风-真空微波干燥和热风-气流膨化干燥5 种不同干燥方式及其对莲子干燥产品物理性质、主要营养成分和微观结构的影响。结果表明:总色差值大小顺序为真空冷冻干燥>热风-气流膨化干燥>热风干燥>真空微波干燥>热风-真空微波干燥;硬度大小顺序为热风干燥>真空微波干燥>热风-真空微波干燥>热风-气流膨化干燥>真空冷冻干燥,而脆度大小顺序为真空冷冻干燥<真空微波干燥<热风干燥<热风-真空微波干燥<热风-气流膨化干燥;比容大小顺序为真空冷冻干燥>热风-气流膨化干燥>热风-真空微波干燥>真空微波干燥>热风干燥;复水性大小顺序为真空冷冻干燥>热风-气流膨化干燥>热风-真空微波干燥>真空微波干燥>热风干燥;5 种产品中的蛋白质和粗纤维含量相差不大;真空冷冻干燥、热风-真空微波干燥与热风-气流膨化干燥产品的微观结构均观察到明显的蜂窝状结构,热风干燥产品仍为致密结构,真空微波干燥产品中仅出现少量空隙。综合看来,热风-气流膨化干燥可以作为开发莲子休闲食品的适合加工方式。  相似文献   

膨化颗粒饲料真空喷涂油、水的工艺参数研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用小型真空喷涂装置对直径4mm膨化颗粒饲料进行了真空喷涂油脂、水时工艺参数对颗粒硬度、喷涂均匀度的影响的研究,结果表明:在喷涂油脂时,真空度、泻压时间和油温对于颗粒硬度均有不同的影响;真空度、油温对喷涂均匀度有显著影响。在喷涂水溶液时,真空度、泻压时间对颗粒硬度均有较大的影响;真空度对喷涂均匀度有显著影响。  相似文献   

介绍了用真空煅烧炉清洗过滤芯的工艺技术,重点讨论了煅烧温度、时间、真空度和用水量等参数对清洗效果的影响。对三甘醇法、真空法作了比较,并指出真空煅烧炉清洗过滤芯技术是切实可行的。  相似文献   

Vacuum cooling has notable advantages including fast cooling rate, cleanness, and high energy efficiency. However, the weight loss of food after being vacuum cooled was unsatisfactory, especially for meat products. Immersion vacuum cooling can significantly reduce the weight loss of food compared with traditional vacuum cooling procedures, but the cooling rate is unacceptable. To overcome this problem, here, a novel vacuum cooler, bubbling vacuum cooler, was designed and evaluated for the small-size cubic cooked pork with a side length of 1.5 cm from about 60 to 4 °C. Experimental results indicated that bubbling vacuum cooling can reduce the weight loss (about ??2.3%) of food compared to both vacuum cooling (about 12.4%) and immersion vacuum cooling (about 0.5%) (P?<?0.05). Further, bubbling vacuum cooling can cool the sample with a slightly more rapid cooling rate (0.10 °C/s) contrasted with immersion vacuum cooling (0.07 °C/s) (P?>?0.05). For the chromatism value of sample, no significant difference was found between immersion vacuum cooling and bubbling vacuum cooling (P?>?0.05). The textural property of sample cooled by bubbling vacuum cooling was close to (for hardness, elasticity, chewiness, and shear force, P?>?0.05) and better (for cohesiveness, P?<?0.05) than that of immersion vacuum cooling. Thus, our experiment demonstrated that cooked pork cooled by bubbling vacuum cooling has a lower weight loss rate and a more rapid cooling rate than that of immersion cooling.  相似文献   

真空膜蒸馏技术以其独特的优点在海水淡化、水溶液处理、溶液浓缩、超纯水的制备、环境保护等领域得到广泛的应用,但这方面的理论研究还较少。文章针对真空膜蒸馏过程,从微观传递机理出发建立了真空膜蒸馏管内传质传热模型,使用正交配点法对中空纤维膜真空膜蒸馏过程中的温度、浓度分布进行计算,并分别讨论了溶液浓度、温度、流动状态、真空度对真空膜蒸馏过程的影响,为工业应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

为支撑卷烟行业特色加工工艺及装备研究、解决传统静态真空回潮方式存在的松散效果不理想、回透率低的问题,设计并制作了用于试验室小试验线的正圆柱筒体真空回潮设备,主要包括真空罐体、真空机组、热水器机组、管道系统以及电控系统等部分,设备在具备真空回潮功能的同时,还具备加料的能力。通过开展工艺参数对产品质量影响规律研究、小试验线与大生产线感官质量符合性研究,明确以下几点:①根据工艺参数调整,试验室用真空回潮设备对产品感官质量的影响规律与大生产线设备相同,通过参数优化可实现与大生产线产品感官质量的高度一致;②蒸汽施加时间与物料出口水分呈正相关关系;③动态真空回潮条件下,能有效提升松散效果以及回透率,并保持叶片结构与大生产线产品持平。   相似文献   

The influence of milkline vacuum, pulsator airline vacuum, and cluster weight on complete lactation milk yield performance, teat condition, and udder health were studied in 241 cows by using three separate factorial experiments. The first experiment had milkline vacuum set at 38 and 48 kPa, pulsator airline was vacuum was set at 0 and 8 kPa above milkline vacuum, and cluster weight was 1.6 and 2.3 kg. The second experiment had milkline vacuum set at 38 and 48 kPa and cluster weight was 1.6 and 2.3 kg. The third experiment had milkline vacuum set at 32 and 42 kPa and pulsator airline vacuum 0 and 8 kPa above milk line vacuum. The first two experiments were carried out with a high-level milking and the third with a low-level milking system. The average vacuums in the short milk tube during milking for low and high milkline vacuum in the high-level system were 26 and 33 kPa, and 30 and 39 kPa for the low-level milking system, respectively. Milking at low vacuum increased the machine-on time and frequency of liner slip, decreased milk flow rate, but had no influence on teat condition and udder health. The milk yield of high producing cows with long machine-on time was reduced by 5% when milked at a low vacuum. A higher pulsator airline vacuum than milkline vacuum had no influence on milking performance. The use of the light cluster reduced machine-on time. We recommend that mean vacuum in the short milk tube should not be lower than 32 kPa.  相似文献   

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