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The effects of monensin on the energy metabolism of dairy cows in early lactation were investigated in a large clinical trial that was randomized and double-blinded. A total of 1010 Holstein cows and first lactation heifers were allocated to receive a controlled-release capsule of monensin or a placebo at 3 wk prior to expected calving date. Treatments were randomized across 25 dairy farms located near Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Serum samples obtained at the time of treatment administration and at wk 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9 postcalving were analyzed for beta-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, urea, total protein, calcium, and phosphorus. Cows were also assigned a body condition score at the time each sample was obtained. Monensin treatment significantly reduced serum beta-hydroxy-butyrate concentrations at wk 1, 2, and 3 postpartum and significantly raised serum glucose concentrations during wk 1 and 2 of lactation. In addition, monensin treatment significantly reduced the loss of body condition score and decreased serum activity of aspartate aminotransferase during the postpartum period. Concentrations of serum urea were significantly higher during wk 2 and 3 postpartum for the cows that were treated with monensin. Monensin treatment had no effect on the concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, or total protein.  相似文献   

Dairy cows consume feedstuffs from which they derive nutrients to meet their requirements. Water and dry matter intake limit overall nutrient intake. The variability in the nutrient content of forages is recognized by dairy producers and is addressed with a laboratory analysis program. Grains, oilseeds, and by-products vary considerably in nutrient content, most often being below values listed by the NRC. Nevertheless, these ingredients are usually not analyzed prior to delivery or prior to consumption by the lactating dairy cow. Commercial feeds are regulated and must provide certain concentrations of major nutrients and list the ingredients on the feed label. Energy cannot be directly analyzed but has been estimated by in vitro, regression, and summative equations. Conversions from digestibility to metabolizable and net energy are also estimated simply from coefficients or by using empirical models based on the nutritional composition of individual feedstuffs or diets. Storage and handling losses must be accounted for, and variability in feedstuffs must be addressed through the supplier or a check sample laboratory analysis program. Knowledge of ingredients and dietary nutrient content is essential for any method of computing and delivering nutrients to meet the requirements of the lactating dairy cow.  相似文献   

101 cows with 197 udder quarters with subclinical mastitis from 23 dairy farms were selected for different antibiotic treatments under field conditions. Group 1 consisting of 27 animals and 50 infected udder quarters was treated twice intramammaryly with 250 mg Cefacetril. Group 2 (26 animals/50 quarters) was treated twice intramuscular with 10 Mio IU Penethamathydrojodid and with 5 Mio IU respectively. Group 3 was treated twice with the combination of the intramammary and the intramuscular therapies in the above mentioned groups. Group 4 served as control. 23 animals with 36 subclinical infected udder quarters were treated twice intramuscular with 2.0 ml of sterile isotonic sodium-solution. Therapeutic success was controlled with bacteriological and cytological examinations of quarter milk probes one week, two weeks and four weeks after the end of treatments. Concerning bacteriological healing both the intramammary and the combined therapy had an even success with a 72.9% elimination rate of pathogenic bacteria whereas the intramuscular therapy led to bacteriological healing in 36.7%. In comparison cytological healing rates (< 100 x 10(3) cell counts per ml milk) with 29.8% in group 1, 32.3% in group 3 and 8.2% in group 2 were not satisfying. S. aureus was the predominating isolated bacteria. With respect to bacterial species found in the subclinically infected milk probes, elimination rates in Streptococcaceae and in Enterococcaceae was evident higher than in Staphylococcaceae. The results are discussed.  相似文献   

As part of a total mixed ration, two rumen-fistulated dairy cows were fed meat and bone meal that had been artificially contaminated with Salmonella spp. Samples from the rumen, feces, and milk were taken 3 d/wk and cultured for salmonella. Rectal temperatures and rumen pH were also measured at the time of sample collection. Over the 2-mo study, salmonella were intermittently recovered from rumen contents, from feces, and from necropsy specimens of rumen contents, cecal contents, and mesenteric lymph nodes. No excretion of salmonella in milk was detected. An elevated rumen pH was associated with increased isolation of salmonella. No clinical illness was observed for either cow. Meat and bone meal that has been contaminated with low concentrations of salmonella is unlikely to result in clinical illness in healthy adult lactating cows. However, dairy producers should continue to be concerned about feed biosecurity and water contamination of animal by-products to prevent and control contamination by salmonella.  相似文献   

Adequacy of amino acids in diets fed to lactating dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System was used to evaluate absorbable limiting amino acids (AA) for milk yield. The system was utilized to characterize whether diets in five previous experiments met AA requirements for milk protein synthesis. Twenty-nine treatment means for milk yield from 367 cows constituted the database for the evaluation. Using the mechanistic relationships of nutrient metabolism described in the Cornell system, absorbed amounts were predicted of each essential AA from a diet and milk yields allowed by the most limiting AA. Regression of observed milk yield (Y) on predicted milk yield (X) using all treatment means (n = 29) was Y = 2.3 + 0.799X (r2 = 0.72). The linear relationship was stronger using 6 treatment means (n = 18) when protein supplements were fed rather than when ruminally protected AA were fed or when AA were postruminally infused (Y = -1.8 + 0.983X; r2 = 0.93). The Cornell system predicted that, for diets based on corn, Met or Lys was limiting when soybean meal was the protein source, but Lys was limiting when corn gluten meal or brewers grains were the source of protein. By AA limitation, the Cornell system explained differences in milk yield for diets that differed in supplemental protein sources in some of the experiments. As determined from milk protein yields in these studies, requirements for individual essential AA were expressed as a percentage of dietary dry matter or total essential AA, and values were relatively constant among dietary treatments and experiments.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of various densities of sorghum grain resulting in graded levels of ruminally degradable starch on lactational performance, 32 lactating Holstein cows (90 d in milk [DIM]) were assigned to four treatments for 58 d. Diets contained 37% alfalfa hay, 3% cottonseed hulls, 10% whole cottonseed, 6% soybean meal, 5% of a molasses-mineral-vitamin supplement, and 39% sorghum grain. Treatments were dry-rolled sorghum (DRS) at 643 g/L or stream-flaked sorghum (SF) at 437, 360, and 283 g/L. Dry matter intake was highest for DRS followed by SF360, with the linear (P < .01) and cubic (P < .05) effects significant. The linear decrease in milk (P < .05) and 3.5% fat corrected milk (FCM, P < .025) with decreased density of sorghum was because of large decreases on SF283. Steam-flaking increased total tract digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, starch, and ADF when compared with dry-rolling. Efficiency of conversion of feed DM to FCM and feed CP to milk protein were greater for sorghum flaked at 437 and 360 g/L than for DRS or the 283 g/L flake. The 283 g/L flake decreased DMI, milk yield, and milk fat percentage. Addition of buffer (1% NaHCO3) tended to ameliorate the decrease in DMI. These data show greater efficiency of feed utilization and conversion of feed CP to milk protein in cows fed sorghum grain flaked at 437 and 360 g/L compared with those fed dry-rolled sorghum or that flaked at 283 g/L.  相似文献   

A randomized clinical trial including 1109 cows from 12 Australian dairy herds was used to evaluate the effects of monensin on the health (n = > 686 cows), production (n = 915 cows), and reproduction (n = > 908 cows) of dairy cows. Cows were allocated to a treatment group receiving a slow-release intraruminal bolus containing 32 g of sodium monensin that was administered 40 d before and 50 d following the anticipated calving date or to a control group. Treatment did not significantly alter any reproductive outcome; 54.5% of cows treated with monensin and 58.2% of control cows were pregnant at first service, and days to conception were lower for cows treated with monensin. The hazard rate (0.95) was not significant for these cows. The percentage of cows pregnant was 83.8 for control cows, and days to first estrus (hazard rate = 1.04) and first service (hazard rate = 1.04) were not significantly higher for treated cows. Treatment with monensin did not significantly alter the risk of any disease. The incidence of retained fetal membranes, pyometra, lameness, abortion, and infectious diseases was not significantly lower for cows in the treatment group, and the incidence of mastitis was not significantly higher for cows in the treatment group. Monensin significantly increased milk production by 0.75 L/d per cow and tended to increase milk fat and protein yields but had no significant effect on milk fat or milk protein percentages. Changes in the production of milk and milk constituents were consistent throughout lactation.  相似文献   

The digestive effects of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture were investigated. Four cows in early lactation that were fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a crossover design. The diet, which consisted of 60% corn silage and 40% concentrates, was supplemented or not supplemented with a daily dose of 50 g of premix containing 0.5 g of S. cerevisiae (6 x 10(8) cfu/g of premix). Total and ruminal digestibilities of organic matter, duodenal flows of nonmicrobial and microbial N, solid and liquid turnover rates, ruminal protozoal numbers, pH, ammonia N and volatile fatty acid concentrations, and concentrations of some plasma metabolites were not modified by the addition of S. cerevisiae. Ruminal dry matter content increased when S. cerevisiae was supplemented to the diet. In situ ruminal degradabilities of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber from corn stalk and of N from soybean meal were not modified; degradability of acid detergent fiber from corn stalk increased (32.5% vs. 26.3%) with the addition of S. cerevisiae. A short-term increase in N degradation was observed after 4 and 8 h of incubation. This experiment showed no effect of S. cerevisiae on most quantitative digestive events; however, a positive transitory postprandial effect on some parameters of microbial activity was observed.  相似文献   

Evaluation of a milk test for detection of subclinical ketosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This commentary extends the discussion of the applications of virtual reality to persons with disabilities by focusing on: (a) the use of virtual reality for stimulating residential features for persons being deinstitutionalized into four-person community residences; and (b) the involvement of consumers in key decisions regarding their residence and personal assistive technologies.  相似文献   

The effects of choice of diets on feed intake were studied using 12 lactating Holstein cows. A switchback design was used that had three periods and two sequential blocks. Diets were 1) a control total mixed ration (TMR), which consisted of alfalfa haylage, corn silage, and a concentrate mixture based on ground corn and soybean meal (25:25:50 on a dry matter basis) and 2) a sweetened TMR in which a brown sugar food product constituted 1.5% of the dietary dry matter. Treatments consisted of the control TMR fed on both sides of divided feed bunks, the sweetened TMR fed on both sides of divided feed bunks, or both TMR fed on alternating (daily) sides of divided feed bunks in tie stalls. Periods were 2 wk in duration, and cows averaged 67 and 53 d of lactation at the start of blocks 1 and 2, respectively. The dry matter intake, body weight, milk yield, and percentages of milk fat, protein, and solids not fat were similar when either TMR was fed alone. A choice of control TMR or sweetened TMR did not affect any of these variables. The dry matter intake, body weight, milk yield, and milk protein percentage were affected by block; however, these effects were probably caused by differences between the blocks in environment and stage of lactation. The results of this experiment might have been affected by the composition of the control TMR, its similarity to the sweetened TMR, availability of both diets simultaneously when a choice was offered, and use of a TMR instead of separate feeds or simpler mixtures.  相似文献   

Twelve Holstein cows in early to midlactation (8 fitted with ruminal cannulas) were used to test the hypothesis that the synchronization of the rate of ruminal degradation of supplemental carbohydrate and N from fresh pasture would increase the amount of N retained for growth and milk production. A concentrate based on ground shelled corn was fed either at the time that pasture was fed at 0900 and 1700 h (synchronous) or 4 h after pasture was fed at 1300 and 2100 h (asynchronous). The crossover design included a 6-d adjustment period and a 10-d milk sampling period. Nitrogen balance was determined during the last 5 d of each period. Cows fed the synchronous diet had a lower mean ruminal pH. Peak ammonia concentration at 3 and 5 h after pasture feeding in the morning was reduced by approximately 33% of values obtained from cows fed the asynchronous diet. The diurnal pattern of blood urea N concentration was similar to that of ruminal ammonia, but mean daily concentrations of blood urea N did not differ between diets. Nitrogen retained for milk production and growth was not influenced by diet, and no differences in milk production, composition, or efficiency were observed. Based on changes in ruminal concentrations of ammonia, synchronous ruminal release of supplemental carbohydrate with pasture N appeared to improve the capture of ruminal N; however, these changes were transient and did not change the N status or performance of dairy cows.  相似文献   

Single subcutaneous injection of 1500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin or placebo injections were given at the time of insemination in lactating dairy and beef cows to determine their effects on rates of pregnancy. Pregnancy rates at first service in 161 control and 145 treated dairy cows were 52.8% and 44.8%, respectively. Similar rates for 136 control and 145 treated beef cows were 54.4% and 54.5%. Injections of human chorionic gonadotropin were not effective in stimulating conception rates in lactating dairy or beer cows under field conditions.  相似文献   

A glycoprotein B (gB) gene homologue was identified in a 5.4-kb BamHl genomic fragment of the phocid herpesvirus type-1 (PhHV-1) which represents a widespread and important pathogen of pinnipeds. Sequence analysis revealed a gB-specific open-reading frame comprising 881 amino acids. Phylogenetic analysis gave evidence for a close evolutionary relationship between PhHV-1 and members of the Varicellovirus genus of the alpha-Herpesvirinae and canid herpesvirus in particular. In PhHV-1-infected Crandell feline kidney cells gB is expressed as a 113-kDa glycosylated molecule which is proteolytically cleaved into at least two fragments of 67 and 53-59 kDa apparently forming disulfide-linked heterodimers of 140 kDa. Cell surface expression of PhHV-1 gB was confirmed by FACS analysis. Thus, synthesis and processing of the gB protein of PhHV-1 follows a pattern also observed in other Varicelloviruses. Since the gB protein of herpesviruses, expressed in the baculovirus system, has been shown to be a suitable target for vaccine design, we used this system for expression of PhHV-1 gB. Recombinant (rec) baculovirus-expressed gB was identified as a 105-kDa glycosylated molecule. Proteolytic cleavage into fragments of 62 and 52 kDa was markedly delayed compared to wild-type (wt) gB. Wt and rec gB harbored endoglycosidase H (precursor)- as well as N-glycosidase F-sensitive N-glycans (proteolytic fragments). Baculovirus-expressed gB appeared to be antigenically authentic, since it was recognized in radioimmunoprecipitation and immune peroxidase monolayer assays by PhHV-1-neutralizing seal sera and by gB-specific neutralizing murine monoclonal antibodies. Furthermore, PhHV-1-neutralizing antibodies were induced in mice following immunization with baculovirus-expressed gB, indicating its suitability for incorporation in a candidate vaccine for seals.  相似文献   

Studied were a total of 16,571 cows on 89 farms by means of the Bernburg test. Milk was sampled from the positively reacting quarters of the udder by taking 18,047 samples intended for bacteriologic investigation. The demonstration of mastitis streptococci was carried out on "TKT" agar Merk, of pathogenic staphylococci, hemolytic streptococci, and Corinebacteria--on dextrose agar Oxoid containing 7.5% citrated calf blood. The isolated hemolytic streptococcus bacteria from the two nutrient media were differentiated through the CAMP test as well as serologically by the precipitation agar gel and Difco sera. The pathogenicity of Staphylococcus bacteria, in addition through hemolysis, was tested by the use of plasma coagulase with citrated rabbit plasma. In 53.95% of the cases there were secretory lesions due to Sc. agalactiae (6.23%) to Sc. dysgalactiae (5.69%) to Sc. uberis (8.47%), to Staph. aureus (2.44%), to hemolytic streptococci of the C, G and L groups (0.28%), to Sc. viridans (0.03%), to Corynebacterium pyogenes (0.41%), and catarrhal mastitis (30.4%). Some of the causative agents, such as Sc. agalactiae, Staph. aureus, and others have proved of epidemiologic importance to humans.  相似文献   

Forty-four multiparous and 43 primiparous Holstein cows were used to study the effect of dietary alfalfa silage: grain ratio on digestion, passage of digesta, and energy balance in a complete lactation experiment. Cows were placed on one of five treatments with forage contents from 38.2 to 98.2% (DM basis) during the first 12 wk of lactation. Forage content was increased during wk 13 to 26 of lactation to give diets containing 48.2 to 98.2% forage and again during wk 27 to 44 to give diets containing 68.2 to 98.2% forage. Both DMI and DM digestibilities decreased as proportion of dietary forage increased. The DM digestibilities for multiparous and primiparous cows ranged between 69.3 and 57.3% during early lactation and 64.9 and 55.5% during late lactation. Increased percentage of forage in the diet decreased and then increased (quadratic relationship) the ruminal retention time of La, a marker applied to the alfalfa silage in early and late lactation. Time cows spent eating and ruminating per kilogram of DMI increased as proportion of forage in the diet increased. Cows fed diets with a high proportion of alfalfa silage remained in negative energy balance longer than cows fed high grain diets. Intake of NEL (calculated by either of two methods) minus NEL output (milk, maintenance, and BW change) resulted in net balances of NEL after 36 wk of lactation within 5% of NEL intake and indicated that estimates of the NEL value of feedstuffs used in this experiment were reasonably accurate.  相似文献   

That dairy cows housed in confinement might benefit if they were exercised during the dry period prompted development of a facility for exercising dairy cows. Two methhods of the exerciser, which consist of a circular lane and a driving mechanism powered by a variable speed electric motor, are described. A speed of 3.5 k, per h provides a steady but comfortable pace for pregnant dairy cows and heifers. Many animals refused to go at speeds greater than 5.5 km per h.  相似文献   

Fourteen midlactation Holstein cows were used in an 80-d study to examine supplementation strategies during intensive rotational grazing. Factors examined were the concentration of protein in the supplement [12 or 16% crude protein (CP) on a dry matter basis] and the amount of supplement offered (6.4 or 9.6 kg/d per cow). The supplement was offered in equal portions three times daily after milking. Pasture, composed of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata), was divided into 27 0.16-ha paddocks that were grazed for 12 to 24 h. Intake of forage tended to increase as CP in the supplement increased but was unaffected by the amount of supplement offered. Intakes of organic matter and dry matter and the digestion of these nutrients in the total tract increased as CP in the supplement increased and as the amount of supplement increased. Ruminal pH and concentrations of volatile fatty acids were unaffected by treatments, but concentrations of NH3 N increased as CP in the supplement increased. An increase in CP resulted in a greater intake and flow of total N to the duodenum. The flow of microbial N to the duodenum and the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis were unaffected by treatment. Flows of total amino acids and essential amino acids to the duodenum tended to increase as CP in the supplement increased. Yield of fat-corrected milk and concentrations of fat and protein in milk were unaffected by treatment. These results suggested that the supply and digestion of nutrients in grazing dairy cows may be improved through an increase in the CP concentration of the supplement or the amount of supplement offered. However, effects on the yield of milk and milk components may be small.  相似文献   

Four primiparous Holstein cows were gradually introduced, according to a Latin square design, to four diets obtained from the factorial combination of two forage to concentrate ratios (70:30 and 50:50) and two concentrations of monensin sodium (0 and 300 mg/d per cow). Addition of monensin tended to depress feed intake and milk fat content without affecting milk production and without interactions with forage to concentrate ratios. Ruminal propionate percentage was increased more by the addition of monensin to the low forage diet than by the addition of monensin to the high forage diet. Serum urea and concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids tended to decrease when monensin was added to the high forage diet but did not change when monensin was added to the low forage diet. The results suggested that monensin had moderate positive effects on efficiency of milk production and might have an antiketogenic effect with high forage diets.  相似文献   

Diets for dairy cows that provide or induce formation of trans isomers of polyunsaturated fatty acids result in reduced percentages of milk fat. The effect of abomasal infusion of trans-C18:1 fatty acid isomers on energy utilization by mature cows was determined. Six multiparous Holstein cows in midlactation had ad libitum access to a basal diet containing 50% forage and 50% concentrate. Treatments were 1) no infusion, 2) infusion of 630 g/d of a fat mixture high in cis-C18:1 isomers (64% cis-C18:1; 68% high oleic sunflower oil and 32% cocoa butter), and 3) infusion of 623 g/d of a fat mixture high in trans-C18:1 isomers (42% trans-C18:1; 90% partially hydrogenated soybean oil and 10% high linoleic safflower oil). The experiment was a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square design with 4-wk periods. Measurements of energy balance were made in open circuit respiration chambers during wk 4 of each period. Fat infusion increased milk production by 2.5 kg/d; apparent digestibility of DM, OM, energy, ADF, and ash by 1 to 4 percentage units; metabolizable energy by 11%; and NEL of the diet by 15%. Milk fat percentage and yield were higher when cows were infused with cis-C18:1 than when they were infused with trans-C18:1 (4.12% and 1.41 kg/d vs. 3.15% and 1.06 kg/d, respectively). Infusion of fat increased milk production, but trans-C18:1 reduced milk fat and energy output.  相似文献   

A 2 X 2 factorial experiment (protein 12.5 and 15.5; methionine hydroxy analog 0 and .125% dry matter) included 144 cows for one complete lactation, distributed over seven locations. Rations were formulated to the desired protein, methionine analog, and constant amounts of fiber 17%, sulfur .225%, calcium .6%, phosphorus .4%, and salt .5%. Treatment effects were not apparent for dry matter intake, daily milk and fat-corrected milk production, conversion of energy, and body weight changes. Conversion of dietary crude protein into milk protein was 34.5% for the low and 25.8% for the high protein ration. Methionine analon (0% = 2.54; .125% = 1.90). Effect of methionine analog was most apparent at low protein as 0 analog cows produced 247 kg fat, required 2.9 services/contraception, and had 156 days open whereas cows on other treatments (.125% analog and/or high protein) produced 264 kg fat, required 1.8 to 2.2 services/conception, and had 124 to 134 days open. Methionine analog response is discussed in relation to tuminal and postruminal effects as well as the interrelation with protein and energy.  相似文献   

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