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β-Oxidation of conjugated linoleic acid isomers and linoleic acid in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To assess the oxidative metabolism of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers, rats were force-fed 1.5–2.6 MBq of [1-14C]-linoleic acid (9c,12c-18∶2),-rumenic acid (9c,11t-18∶2), or-10trans, 12cis-18∶2 (10t, 12c-18∶2), and 14CO2 production was monitored for 24 h. The animals were then necropsied and the radioactivity determined in different tissues. Both CLA isomers were oxidized significantly more than linoleic acid. Moreover, less radioactivity was recovered in most tissues after CLA intake than after linoleic acid intake. The substantial oxidation of CLA isomers must be considered when assessing the putative health benefits of CLA supplements.  相似文献   

The previous studies showed that dietary 18∶2 c,t isomers could be chain-elongated and desaturated to produce unusual 20∶4 isomers. The present study was undertaken to determine the minimal amount of 18∶2n−6 required to suppress the chain elongation and desaturation of 18∶2 c,t isomers in the lactating and neonatal rats when animals were fed 15% partially hydrogenated canola oil diet containing 1.72% energy as 18∶2 c,t isomers and varying amounts of free 18∶2n−6. These diets induced marginal essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency states (0.56% energy 18∶2n−6) to EFA adequacy (2.56% energy 18∶2n−6). After feeding for 50 d, the female animals were mated with males by overnight pairing. After conception, the lactating rats were killed, together with one pup from each dam, at term and day 26 of lactation. Two unusual 20∶4 isomers in both maternal and neonatal liver phospholipids were identified as 20∶4Δ5c,8c,11c,14t and 20∶4Δ5c,8c,11c,15t, which were derived from 18∶2Δ9c,12t, and 18∶2Δ9c,13t, respectively. The results showed that 18∶2n−6 at about 2.0% of total energy in maternal diet was required to block the production of 20∶4Δ5c,8c,11c,14t and 20∶4Δ5c,8c,11c,15t in the maternal liver, whereas 18∶2n−6 at about 2.5% of total energy in maternal diet was required to suppress production of these unusual 20∶4 isomers in the neonatal liver.  相似文献   

Trans FA (TFA) have at least one trans double bond and comprise several isomers and types, including many of the CLA (e.g., c9, t11–18∶2 CLA). Some TFA may have adverse effects (e.g., cardiovascular disease), whereas some are though to have beneficial effects (e.g., anticarcinogenicity). The presence of TFA in human tissues and fluids is related to dietary intake, although this relationship is not completely understood—especially in regard to serum lipid fractions. This study was conducted as part of an investigation designed to test the influence of butter (B), “low TFA” margarine (LT), and regular margarine (RM) on milk fat content. Here we tested the secondary hypothesis that consumption of B, LT, and RM by lactating women would result in differential distribution of TFA and CLA in major serum lipid classes. Breastfeeding women (n=11) participated in this randomized Latinsquare study consisting of five periods: intervention I (5 d), washout I (7 d), intervention II (5 d), washout II (7 d), and intervention III (5 d). Extracted serum lipid was separated into cholesterol ester (CE), TAG, and phospholipid (PL) fractions and analyzed for total and isomeric TFA and CLA concentrations. Data indicate that TAG consistently contained the highest concentration of total t-18∶1. No interaction between treatment and fraction was found for any of the t-18∶1 isomers identified. Absolute concentration of each t-18∶1 isomer was greatest during the RM period, regardless of fraction. On a relative basis, concentrations of t10–18∶1 and t12–18∶1 were most responsive to treatment in the CE fraction. The concentration of c9, t11–18∶2 CLA was highest in the TAG fraction and lowest in the PL fraction, regardless of treatment. In summary, these results indicate (i) that there is a differential distribution of some isomeric TFA and CLA among human serum lipid fractions and (ii) that dietary TFA intake influences absolute and relative concentrations of some of the isomers in selected fractions.  相似文献   

High-resolution selected-ion recording (SIR) of the exact molecular ion mass was used to confirm unambiguously the presence of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) derivatives in biological matrices and standard mixtures and to differentiate non-CLA derivatives from CLA derivatives in the CLA region of the gas chromatogram. The success of this method was based on the selectivity of the SIR technique and its sensitivity, which was comparable to that of flame-ionization detection. A minor fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) was identified as methyl heneicosanoate (21∶0), and six isomers of 20∶2 FAME were found to elute in the CLA region. Isomerization of a standard CLA mixture resulted in a non-CLA flame-ionization response eluting in the CLA region of the gas chromatogram. It is therefore recommended that the identification of minor CLA isomers in natural products of biological matrices should include their direct confirmation by mass spectrometry  相似文献   

The present study investigated the dietary effect of conjugated linolenic acid (CLnA) on lipid profiles and lipid peroxidations in alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in rats. Diabetic rats were fed with 20% sunflower oil (diabetic control), sunflower oil supplemented with 0.5% CLnA, sunflower oil supplemented with 0.15% α-tocopherol, and sunflower oil containing 0.25% CLnA+0.15% α-tocopherol. The results demonstrated that 0.5% CLnA, 0.15% α-tocopherol, and 0.25% CLnA+0.15% α-tocopherol each on supplementation significantly lowered total cholesterol and non-HDL-cholesterol in comparison with the diabetic control group. The TAG level was significantly lowered in both the 0.15% α-tocopherol and 0.25% CLnA+0.15% α-tocopherol groups. LDL lipid peroxidation and erythrocyte membrane lipid peroxidation were reduced significantly in each of the experimental groups vs. the control group. The CLnA+α-tocopherol diet induced a greater reduction in membrane lipid and liver lipid peroxidation than the α-tocopherol diet alone. In conclusion, dietary CLnA exerts antioxidant activity as evidenced by reduced lipid peroxidation in chemically induced diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

A new polymeric system containing hydrolysable ester bond linked to salicylic acid to be used for controlled drug release was synthesized. Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) functionalized with chloroacetate groups was obtained by the reaction between PHEMA and chloroacetyl chloride using the N,N-dimethylacetamide/5% lithium chloride system as a solvent and pyridine as a catalyst. The degree of substitution was calculated from the chlorine content and ranged from 32.2 to 98.1 mol.% depending on the ratio of chloroacetyl chloride to PHEMA. The coupling of salicylic acid to PHEMA functionalized with chloroacetate groups was carried out by the reaction between PHEMA and the sodium salt of salicylic acid. The structures of chloroacetylated PHEMA and PHEMA–salicylic acid conjugates were determined by means of FTIR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra. The hydrolysis in the heterogeneous system of PHEMA–salicylic acid conjugates were performed in buffer solutions (pH 7.6 and 8.5) at 37 °C and showed that the release of the drug (sodium salicylate) from tablets was dependent on the hydrophilic character of conjugate as well as on the pH value of the medium.  相似文献   

Octadecapentaenoic acid (all-cis δ3,6,9,12,15–18∶5; 18∶5n−3) is an unusual fatty acid found in marine dinophytes, haptophytes, and prasinophytes. It is not present at higher trophic levels in the marine food web, but its metabolism by animals ingesting algae is unknown. Here we studied the metabolism of 18∶5n−3 in cell lines derived from turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata), and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Cells were incubated in the presence of approximately 1 μM [U-14C] 18∶5n−3 methyl ester or [U-14C]18∶4n−3 (octadecatetraenoic acid; all-cis δ6,9,12,15–18∶4) methyl ester, both derived from the alga Isochrysis galbana grown in H14CO3 , and also with 25 μM unlabeled 18∶5n−3 or 18∶4n−3. Cells were also incubated with 25 μM trans δ2, all-cis δ6,9,12,15–18∶5 (2-trans 18∶5n−3) produced by alkaline isomerization of 18∶5n−3 chemically synthesized from docosahexaenoic acid (all-cis δ4,7,10,13,16,19–22∶6). Radioisotope and mass analyses of total fatty acids extracted from cells incubated with 18∶5n−3 were consistent with this fatty acid being rapidly metabolized to 18∶4n−3 which was then elongated and further desaturated to eicosatetraenoic acid (all-cis δ8,11,14,17,19–20∶4) and eicosapentaenoic acid (all-cis δ5,8,11,14,17–20∶5). Similar mass increases of 18∶4n−3 and its elongation and further desaturation products occurred in cells incubated with 18∶5n−3 or 2-trans 18∶5n−3. We conclude that 18∶5n−3 is readily converted biochemically to 18∶4n−3 via a 2-trans 18∶5n−3 intermediate generated by a Δ3, Δ2-enoyl-CoA-iso-merase acting on 18∶5n−3. Thus, 2-trans 18∶5n−3 is implicated as a common intermediate in the β-oxidation of both 18∶5n−3 and 18∶4n−3.  相似文献   

A series of polysulfone (PSF) membranes were prepared using different solvents: dimethylformamide (DMF), tetrahydrofuran, dimethylacetamide, and n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP). The PSF membrane prepared by NMP showed the highest gas permeability. The influence of propionic acid as a Lewis acid on gas separation properties of the PSF was explored. The PSF membrane prepared by the casting solution containing 25 wt% PSF, 35 wt% propionic acid, and 40 wt% NMP showed a superior gas separation performance. The gas permeation measurements indicated that incorporating 30 wt% γ-alumina nanoparticles into the PSF matrix resulted in about the respective 43% and 41% increase in CO2 and O2 permeability together with a rise in CO2/CH4 and O2/N2 selectivities (13% and 7%, respectively). Furthermore, by rearranged modified Maxwell model, the role and nature of the interfacial layer in the PSF-based mixed matrix membranes were mathematically analyzed considering a reduced permeability factor.  相似文献   

In this study, the silicic acid produced from sodium metasilicate hydrate and titanium tetraisopropylate were chosen as the ceramic precursors for the modification of biodegradable polylactide (PLA) through an in situ sol-gel process and the melt blending method. In addition, acrylic acid grafted polylactide (PLA-g-AA) was studied as an alternative to PLA. Hybrids were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 29 Kumar , P. ; Badrinarayanan , M.S. ; Sastry , M. Nanocrystalline TiO2 studied by optical, FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: correlation to presence of surface states . Thin Solid Films 2000 , 358 , 122130 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]Si solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and Instron mechanical tester. The result was that properties of the PLA-g-AA/SiO2–TiO2 hybrid were superior to those of the PLA/SiO2–TiO2 hybrid. This was because the carboxylic acid groups of acrylic acid acted as coordination sites for the silica-titania phase to allow the formation of stronger chemical bonds. The 29 Kumar , P. ; Badrinarayanan , M.S. ; Sastry , M. Nanocrystalline TiO2 studied by optical, FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: correlation to presence of surface states . Thin Solid Films 2000 , 358 , 122130 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]Si solid-state NMR showed that Si atoms coordinated around SiO4 units were predominantly Q3 and Q4. The 10 wt.% SiO2–TiO2 content gave the maximum values of tensile strength and glass transition temperature in PLA/SiO2–TiO2 and PLA-g-AA/SiO2–TiO2 both because excess SiO2–TiO2 particles caused separation between the organic and inorganic phases.  相似文献   

Human liver cells (HepG2) were cultured with individual trans (t) 18:1 including t6‐, t12‐, t13‐, t14‐, t15‐ and t16‐18:1, and retention times of their Δ‐9 desaturation products were determined using 100‐m biscyanopropyl‐polysiloxane and SLB‐IL111 columns. Corresponding peaks were found in beef adipose tissues known to have different delta‐9 desaturase activities. Further lines of evidence indicating the presence of Δ‐9 desaturation products of t‐18:1 isomers in beef fat were developed by analysis of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) fractionated using Ag+‐TLC, and by GC/MS. Some of the Δ‐9 desaturation products of t‐18:1 have been previously identified in ruminant fat (c9, t12‐ and c9, t13‐18:2). Some of the Δ‐9 desaturation products of t‐18:1 (c9, t14‐ and c9, t15‐18:2) have been previously tentatively identified as different fatty acids, and for the first time we provide evidence of the presence of c9, t16‐18:2, and where t6, c9‐18:2 may elute during analysis of FAME from beef fat.  相似文献   

A series of silica-supported Pt, Ru, and Pt–Ru catalysts has been synthesized using dendrimer–metal nanocomposite (DMN) precursors prepared by both co- and sequential complexation with metal salts. The catalysts have been characterized by several techniques, including electron microscopy, temperature-programmed titration of adsorbed oxygen, and X-ray diffraction. Liquid-phase selective hydrogenation of 3,4-epoxy-1-butene (EpB) was used as a probe reaction to evaluate their catalytic performance. The bimetallic catalyst prepared by the co-complexation method exhibits a superior catalytic activity compared to the sequential one, and is much more active than a conventional catalyst prepared by incipient wetness. The activity enhancement is attributed to a bifunctional performance of the PtRu alloy sites created, based on a strong correlation between turnover frequencies, and both the alloy compositions and metal surface site distributions. In addition, the co-complexation catalyst is selective toward crotonaldehyde, suggesting that this reaction pathway is favored on the PtRu sites.  相似文献   

In this paper, Poly(acrylic acid-co-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-2-acrylamido-2–methyl-1–propanesulfonic acid (AAc-HEMA-AMPS) microgels were synthesized by using an inverse suspension polymerization technique. The increase in the AMPS content of the microgels composition caused a large increase in water uptake. The morphology of the microgels was examined by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). The AMPS containing microgels had a mean particle diameter of 10 μm. The glass transition temperature of the microgels were examined by DSC and found that they show single Tg. Lidocaine (LD) and Methylene blue (MB) were used as model drugs for the investigation of drug release behavior of the microgels. Different drug release patterns were observed, for LD and MB loaded microgels. The release studies showed that some of the basic parameters affecting the drug release behavior of microgels were the specific and non-specific interactions between microgel and drug structure and pH of the dissolution medium. These hydrogels may be potential candidates for pH-sensitive applications.  相似文献   

Using low-cost clay supports as substrates, ceramic–LTA zeolite composite membranes (Z1–Z4) were fabricated with hydrothermal crystallization. The composite membranes were achieved with variations in the sequential zeolite depositional steps. For Z1–Z4 membranes, various characterization techniques such as thermogravimetric (TG), particle size distribution (PSD), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and field emission scanning electron microscopic (FE-SEM) analysis were applied. For the Z1–Z4 membranes, the pure water permeability, porosity, and average pore size varied from 1.22 × 10?7 to 1.19 × 10?8 m3/m2s kPa, 30–23%, and 215–76 nm, respectively. For the Z4 membrane, ultrafiltration experiments were conducted at a pH of 2.5 and transmembrane pressure differential of 207 kPa using aqueous bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions. The optimal flux and rejection correspond to 4.54 × 10?7 m3/m2s and 80%, respectively.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2023,49(12):19817-19828
The Cf/SiBCN–ZrB2 composites were prepared by dipping and winding combined with reactive hot pressing. The flexural strength and fracture toughness reached 261 MPa and 11.96 MPa • m1/2, respectively, through continuous carbon fibers debonding, pulling and bridging mechanisms. Excellent mechanical properties ensured that the Cf/SiBCN–ZrB2 composites remained intact after exposure to a plasma flame with a heat flux of 9.37 MW/m2 for 300 s, with the mass and linear ablation rates of 1.78 mg/s, 1.01 μm/s, respectively. The excellent ablation resistance was due to the formation of dense oxide layers separating the matrix from the plasma flame. The SiO2 formed in the low-temperature areas away from the center was the main ablation-resistant barrier, while the ZrO2/SiO2 double oxide layer formed in the high-temperature region at the center was the major ablation-resistant barrier.  相似文献   

Copolymers with different weight ratios of AA/PAS (acrylic acid/poly(DL-aspartic acid)) were synthesized and blended with sol-gel precursors to prepare water-soluble PAA–PAS/SiO2 inorganic/organic hybrid materials. The PAS polymer or its copolymer in PAA–PAS/SiO2 formed hydrogen bonds with SiO2 and the amorphous structure of the hybrid material varied with the weight ratio of PAA. The hybrid materials exhibited enhanced thermal resistance over the copolymer alone. All hybrid materials were water-soluble and relatively insoluble in organic solvents.  相似文献   

The catalytic wet air oxidation of aqueous solutions of p-hydroxybenzoic acid has been carried out over CeO2–TiO2 supported ruthenium catalysts (Ru/Ce–Ti) at 140 °C and 50 bar of air. High activity of ruthenium supported catalysts was observed. It was found that the decrease of the molar ratio Ce/Ti from 3 to 1/3, improves the activity of Ru catalysts. The activity of the samples decreases in the following order: Ru/Ce–Ti (1/3) > Ru/CeO2  Ru/TiO2 > Ru/TiO2DT51. Characterization of samples was performed by means of N2 adsorption–desorption, XRD, UV–visible, TPR, SEM and TEM.  相似文献   

The preparation of the TiO2, ZnO, and TiO2/ZnO nanofilms was conducted on glass via sol–gel process. The prepared film was detailedly characterized by means of OM, SEM, XRD, and EDS. The results showed that the obtained pure TiO2 was composed of nanoparticles. For pure ZnO it consisted of nanoparticles and large agglomerates. Both the microstructural morphology and the crystallization of the prepared TiO2/ZnO composite film were strongly related to the Ti/Zn ratio in the film. With a Ti/Zn ratio less than 1/1, the composite film was absence of cracks. Poor crystallization was definitely observed for the composite film with Ti/Zn ratio of 3/1 and 1/1. The EDS analysis revealed homogeneous distribution of Ti and Zn elements in the film.  相似文献   

Soapless emulsion polymerization of styrene-butyl acrylate-acrylic acid was carried out using single or combined polymerizable emulsifiers, such as hydroxypropyl methacrylate sodium sulfate (HPMAS), sodium vinyl sulfate, and vinyl alkylphenol polyether sulfates (NRS-10), in the presence of colloidal nano-SiO2 solution in order to obtain films with high degree of hardness and water-resistance. Monomer conversion, formation of coagulum, viscosity, particle size, size distribution, and surface tension of the emulsions, as well as the film properties, were determined and compared with those of an emulsion prepared with the conventional emulsifier sodium dodecyl sulfate and polyoxyethylene octylphenol ether. Emulsions prepared from a mixture of two polymerizable emulsifiers NRS-10 and HPMAS (1:1, weight ratio) have presented high monomer conversion, low coagulum, and small particle sizes. When the emulsifier level increased within a certain level, the monomer conversion increased but particles size decreased. Increased amounts of reactive emulsifiers led to low monomer conversion, large amount of coagulum and small particle sizes. With the increase of nano-SiO2 the particle sizes and the viscosity of the emulsion also increased. The introduction of reactive emulsifiers improved the water-resistance of the resulting films, and the addition of nano-SiO2 increased the hardness of the coatings. Under optimal conditions, the coatings made from emulsions produced from a combination of reactive emulsifiers such as NRS-10 and HPMAS (1:1, weight ratio) at 2?% level (based on monomer weight) exhibited remarkable hardness, adhesion force and water-resistance.  相似文献   

Mullite monoliths with well-defined macropores and mesostructured skeletons have been prepared via the sol–gel process accompanied by phase separation in the presence of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO). Gelation of Al2O3–SiO2 binary system with chloride salts as an additional precursor has been mediated by propylene oxide (PO) as an acid scavenger, while PEO worked as a phase-separation inducer. The dried gel and that heat-treated at 800 °C are amorphous, and γ-Al2O3 or Si–Al spinel phase nanocrystals are crystallized at 900–1000 °C. After heat-treated at and above 1100 °C for 5 h, the complete crystalline mullite is generated, and the macroporous monoliths in large dimensions of more than 15 mm × 15 mm × 10 mm are obtained. Heat-treatment at 200–1400 °C does not basically spoil the macroporous structure of monoliths, while decreases the macropore size and significantly alters the phase compositions and micro-mesoporous structure.  相似文献   

Glass and jute (treated and untreated) composites of epoxy resin of 1,1′-bis(3-methyl-4-hydroxy phenyl)cyclohexane(EMC) cured using 20% triethylamine as a hardener (G-EMCT-20 and J-EMCT-20) and EMC- polyurethane of toluene diisocyanate (J-EMCPU and TJ-EMCPU) have been prepared by a hand layup technique under 27.58 MPa pressure and at 150°C for 4 h. G-EMCT-20, J-EMCT-20, J-EMCPU and TJ-EMCPU showed 275, 96.5, 37.3 and 31.5 MPa tensile strength; 351, 84, 10 and 24 MPa flexural strength; 5837, 2758, 1277 and 1619 MPa elastic modulus; 24.6, 7.1, 1.9 and 1.6 kV/mm electric strength; and 1.4 × 1013, 1.1 × 1011, 7.7 × 1010 and 3.6 × 1010 ohm cm volume resistivity, respectively. Fairly good to excellent mechanical and electrical properties of the composites indicated their industrial applications in building and construction, electrical and electronic industries.  相似文献   

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