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《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出幼儿园教育应"以游戏为基本活动,保教并重,关注个别差异,促进每个幼儿富有个性的发展",这充分体现游戏在幼儿教育中的地位、作用与影响。受多方面影响,幼儿表演游戏的水平存在差异性。根据教学实践中发现的问题,从幼儿的主体性、教师评价能力以及教师如何正确引导加以阐述表演游戏的指导策略。  相似文献   

游戏是幼儿的基本活动,是促进幼儿学习与发展的重要途径。幼儿园的结构游戏融操作性、艺术性、创造性于一体,作为课程,蕴含着有益于幼儿发展的隐形教育潜能。我园在课程领导中不断思索,寻求幼儿园发展特色,实施促进幼儿园科学保教的策略。我们立足于幼儿、立足于教师,从实际出发,从结构游戏课程研究开始,去思索幼儿的游戏、学习与发展问题,深入研究幼儿园结构游戏的组织与指导,践行课程领导策略。从游戏课题这一研究视角进行引领,运用《指南》指导思想进一步优化结构游戏的研究方向,提升办园保教水平。主要从建构结构游戏课题的愿景和目标,建立课题实践的组织机构,引领教师专业发展,课题研究卓有成效等维度,且思且行,浅谈践行结构游戏课题关注的视角。  相似文献   

<正>在当前教育的不断发展下,幼儿教育的质量关系到幼儿日后的成长,其中从幼儿的生理与心理特征看,他们具有活泼性与好奇心,故此,在幼儿教育中实现游戏与课程的相互整合,可提高教育质量与效率。本文主要从理论角度分析,探究游戏在幼儿园课程实施中起到的重要作用及其两者融合的好处与融合方法。一、游戏在幼儿园课程实施中起到的重要作用(1)游戏活动吸引幼儿眼球,提高其学习兴趣。游戏是种符合幼儿身心  相似文献   

<正>"课程游戏化"的提出不是对幼儿园课程的新要求,而是《纲要》和《指南》对课程的一致要求——幼儿园应以游戏作为幼儿的基本活动。本文以幼儿体育游戏为例,探究如何把游戏的价值、游戏的立场、游戏的形式、游戏的精神真正落实到行动中,有效促进幼儿的发展。一、游戏是幼儿的基本活动游戏作为幼儿园的基本活动,是根据幼儿的身心发展特点作出的重要论断。课程游戏化有三个内涵:一是幼儿园课程应该游戏化,充满自由、自主和创造的游戏精神;  相似文献   

江苏省课程游戏化项目明确提出:"引领幼儿园树立正确的儿童观、游戏观、课程观,推进幼儿园课程实施符合幼儿身心发展规律和学前教育规律,促进幼儿健康快乐成长!"我园根据江苏省课程游戏化文件要求,结合我园幼儿午餐实际情况对幼儿园幼儿自主午餐进行了大胆地改革与创新,由过去幼儿园传统的幼儿午餐管理模式,变教师"包办代替"为幼儿"自主午餐"管理模式,让幼儿尝试自我服务,自我管理,充分体现幼儿午餐活动的自主性。  相似文献   

幼儿园课程游戏化是幼教改革的重要方向。在幼儿教育中,教师要注意游戏课程环境的创设,挖掘课程中的游戏元素,合理整合课程游戏资源,设计有趣的游戏环节,吸引幼儿的参与兴趣,从而帮助幼儿在游戏中形成良好的行为习惯和道德品质,促进幼儿身心全面发展。  相似文献   

通过幼儿园课程与游戏整合,让游戏成为幼儿主要活动的形式,在游戏中潜移默化地实施教育,不仅促进了幼儿良好生活习惯、学习习惯的养成,而且能让幼儿在想象和游戏世界中自主发展,培养合作意识、规则意识、创造意识等优秀品质。只有充分认识游戏和教学这两类活动各自的性质和意义,这样才有可能以最小的代价在最大程度上实现幼儿园课程与游戏整合的价值。  相似文献   

游戏是幼儿的基本活动形式,是孩子生活经验的反映,是幼儿园里孩子们开展频率最高的活动。幼儿特有的生活方式和学习特点决定了幼儿园的课程必须与游戏整合。  相似文献   

随着教育事业的不断进步发展,幼儿园教育受到越来越多人的重视,幼儿园教育除了对幼儿进行智力启蒙,提高幼儿认知,更应保证幼儿的身心健康,培养幼儿良好的行为习惯。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》也明确指出"幼儿园应尊重幼儿身心发展的规律和学习特点,以游戏为基本活动,关注幼儿个体差异,促进幼儿个性发展",所以课程游戏化已然成为幼儿教育的必然趋势,幼儿园在教学中应采取有效策略,将游戏贯穿在幼儿的一日活动中,促进幼儿身心健康成长。  相似文献   

游戏是幼儿的一项基本活动,民间游戏作为游戏的重要组成部分,其内容非常丰富,幼儿园采用民间游戏进行教学,更贴近儿童的现实生活,使得孩子们在自发的状况下也乐于游戏。在幼儿园教学中,把民间游戏整合到幼儿园课程中,创新发展民间游戏,最大化发挥民间游戏在幼儿教学中的作用,对幼教工作大有裨益。本文以幼儿园民间游戏为切入点,探讨了幼儿园民间游戏创新的策略,重点从材料创新、玩法创新、空间创新、价值创新四个方面进行创新,让民间游戏富有活动,更大价值地促进幼儿的发展。  相似文献   

窗户的革命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数千年的时光锻造出不同时代的建筑,窗户始终处于变化之中。材料的进步,结构的更新以及科技的发展促成了窗户的三次“革命”。高技术与生态的结合是建筑发展的时代趋势,窗户将在这股洪流中呈现全新的面貌。  相似文献   

邵志伟 《新建筑》2011,(6):121-123
建筑作为建筑师与大众之间的物化形式,目前正出现游戏化的趋势。从解读伽达默尔的游戏概念出发,通过探讨游戏与建筑艺术之间的关联,辨析在当代多元化思潮的影响下建筑设计中存在的问题,并对建筑设计和建筑存在方式及价值意义进行了思考,试图为正确把握当前建筑理论提供路径。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the 1970s, the governing regimes of both Chicago and Seattle were confronted by sharp increases in the number of adult movie theaters, particularly in their central business districts. Since the traditional means of suppressing such businesses had been declared unconstitutional, these regimes were forced to derive new obscenity policies. The central concern of the Chicago regime was to construct policies that would prevent any further economic deterioration of the downtown Loop. Toward this end, the Chicago regime utilized legal harassment, changes in land use ordinances, and property development to force adult theaters from the Loop. The Seattle regime was less concerned about downtown development than with mollifying its traditional constituency in the residential neighborhoods. Thus, the Seattle regime created a policy that concentrated adult establishments downtown. Ultimately, both regimes were successful in achieving their separate policy goals.  相似文献   

During the 1930s the social life of Bucharest rivalled that elsewhere in Europe. Culturally and artistically Bucharest embraced dynamic, innovative and avant-garde attitudes, which were prompted by the establishment of a Greater Romania after the end of the first World War. The artists Brancusi, Janco, Mary, the composer Enescu, the philosopher Eliade, were recognised internationally. The development of Bucharest was based on progressive theoretical ideas and over a period of ten years its appearance was transformed by modernist buildings. The individual villas and apartment buildings which formed the bulk of this transformation were achieved by private enterprise and represented an innovative architecture of social equilibrium which was entirely modernist; quite unlike the modernist social housing programmes elsewhere in Europe which were the products of state intervention and industry. By contrast, state and civic building programmes in Bucharest realised an architecture which retained classical conventions to become austere, sombre and repetitive. Since 1989, Romania has had to adjust to the rigours of market economics. The intervening fifty years of totalitarianism kept the achievements of the inter-war years under wraps, but these are now being rediscovered by a generation for whom they are the nearest representation of democracy on Romanian territory. The new-found democracy of the market place brings this period of cultural achievement into sharp focus, in the hope that it may act as a catalyst for the resolution of today's extensive urban deprivations.  相似文献   

张潼  张玉 《中国电梯》2010,(6):31-33
约翰内斯·海德汉博士有限公司始建于I889年,是一家专门研发和生产测量系统、数控系统的跨国公司(为电梯行业提供编码器产品)。海德汉公司总部设在德国,目前在49个国家和地区设立了办事机构,绝大多数是全资的子公司。120多年来,海德汉公司扎根光刻制造领域,并以生产高精度、高质量产品而享誉世界。  相似文献   

During the 1930s the social life of Bucharest rivalled that elsewhere in Europe. Culturally and artistically Bucharest embraced dynamic, innovative and avant-garde attitudes, which were prompted by the establishment of a Greater Romania after the end of the first World War. The artists Brancusi, Janco, Mary, the composer Enescu, the philosopher Eliade, were recognised internationally. The development of Bucharest was based on progressive theoretical ideas and over a period of ten years its appearance was transformed by modernist buildings. The individual villas and apartment buildings which formed the bulk of this transformation were achieved by private enterprise and represented an innovative architecture of social equilibrium which was entirely modernist; quite unlike the modernist social housing programmes elsewhere in Europe which were the products of state intervention and industry. By contrast, state and civic building programmes in Bucharest realised an architecture which retained classical conventions to become austere, sombre and repetitive. Since 1989, Romania has had to adjust to the rigours of market economics. The intervening fifty years of totalitarianism kept the achievements of the inter-war years under wraps, but these are now being rediscovered by a generation for whom they are the nearest representation of democracy on Romanian territory. The new-found democracy of the market place brings this period of cultural achievement into sharp focus, in the hope that it may act as a catalyst for the resolution of today's extensive urban deprivations.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2022,62(1):101121

玉山石柴是父亲的住宅,但也叫石头房子。说它是父亲的住宅,因为这是设计师在蓝田老家的宅地上为父亲建的一栋房子,故名"父亲的住宅";说它是"石头房子"那是因为"石柴"关系,也就是指石头房子,这主要是用当地渭河的支流清峪河里的鹅卵石建造而成,不明底细的人干脆直观地叫它"石头房子",也就是这房子的小名了。  相似文献   

台湾——祖国的宝岛,美丽的日月潭和迷人的阿里山、如春的四季和丰富的物产养育了2300万勤劳善良的同胞兄弟。大自然在给予无限恩赐的同时,却又带来不少的罪孽。1999年9月  相似文献   

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