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生物质燃料是一种理想的、可再生的清洁能源。生物质燃料替代传统煤燃料在砖瓦企业的应用技术是实现其"节能、减排、降耗"的有效途径之一。从生物质燃料直接燃烧过程与特性的理论分析来看,在解决应用中生物质燃料供给、投料工艺、内燃技术、煅烧工艺等关键技术基础上,秸秆、木屑类生物质燃料直燃技术在砖瓦企业中生产应用是可行的。  相似文献   

Electrokinetic remediation has been successfully used to remove organic contaminants and heavy metals within soil. The electrokinetic process changes basic soil properties, but little is known about the impact of this remediation technology on indigenous soil microbial activities. This study reports on the effects of electrokinetic remediation on indigenous microbial activity and community within diesel contaminated soil. The main removal mechanism of diesel was electroosmosis and most of the bacteria were transported by electroosmosis. After 25 days of electrokinetic remediation (0.63 mA cm− 2), soil pH developed from pH 3.5 near the anode to pH 10.8 near the cathode. The soil pH change by electrokinetics reduced microbial cell number and microbial diversity. Especially the number of culturable bacteria decreased significantly and only Bacillus and strains in Bacillales were found as culturable bacteria. The use of EDTA as an electrolyte seemed to have detrimental effects on the soil microbial activity, particularly in the soil near the cathode. On the other hand, the soil dehydrogenase activity was enhanced close to the anode and the analysis of microbial community structure showed the increase of several microbial populations after electrokinetics. It is thought that the main causes of changes in microbial activities were soil pH and direct electric current. The results described here suggest that the application of electrokinetics can be a promising soil remediation technology if soil parameters, electric current, and electrolyte are suitably controlled based on the understanding of interaction between electrokinetics, contaminants, and indigenous microbial community.  相似文献   

Lee M  Kang H  Do W 《Water research》2005,39(1):139-146
Surfactant-enhanced in situ flushing was performed to remediate soil and groundwater at a diesel contaminated area, which had been used as a military vehicle repair area in Korea for 45 years. A pilot-scale site (4 m x 4 m x 4 m) was selected within the contaminated area for in situ flushing; the selected site was composed of heterogeneous sandy and silt-sandy soils, with an average hydraulic conductivity (K) of 2.0 x 10(-4)cm/s. Two percent of sorbitan monooleate (POE 20) was mixed with uncontaminated groundwater and five pore volumes of solution (three pore volumes of surfactant solution and two pore volumes of groundwater alone) were flushed to remove diesel from the site. The effluent TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbon) concentration with surfactant solution flushing increased to 1761 mg/L, which was over 200 times higher than the average concentration with only groundwater flushing. A total of 48 kg of TPH (about 88% of the initial TPH) was removed from the pilot site with five pore volumes of 2% sorbitan monooleate solution flushing; this total was more than 75 times the amount that was removed when flushing with water alone (less than 640 g). All of the extracted solution was treated by means of a chemical treatment process, which included the use of a dissolved air flotation system to lower the concentration of solution below 5mg/L and the treated solution was then disposed of in a nearby sewage drain.  相似文献   

The impacts of a spill of approximately 9800 L of diesel on a small stream and the River Ray (near Swindon, Wiltshire, UK) were examined using kick-net sampling of freshwater macroinvertebrate families at impacted and reference sites. Initial impacts (10 days after the spill) 50 m downstream of the spill were severe, with only 9% survival of individuals (excluding oligochaete worms) and 56% survival of invertebrate families. The percentage survival of macroinvertebrates increased progressing downstream from the spill, with no detectable impacts beyond approximately 4 km downstream. The crustacean families Asellidae and Gammaridae were particularly sensitive to the diesel spill. The recovery of the macroinvertebrate community was assessed 13.5 months after the spill. At this time, recovery was almost complete, with only minor impacts at the sites closest to the spill. The use of live laboratory sorting of samples from impacted sites provided essential information on the impacts of the diesel spill.  相似文献   

In this experiment, the performance, emission, and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine were tested using bio-fuel (Anise oil) at different loads. The main focus of this study was to compare the existing biodiesel blends with the proposed mixture (anise?+?cerium oxide) of biodiesel blends in terms of engine parameters, cost, efficiency, and pollution control. The blends used in this experiment are B10 (Biodiesel-10%), B20 (Biodiesel-20%), and B30 (Biodiesel-30%). The emission and performance parameters considered for the test are SFC (specific fuel consumption), CO (carbon monoxide), NOX (nitrogen oxide), and HC (hydrocarbon). These parameters were tested for different load conditions such as 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. From the results, it shows that SFC is lower for B20 blend compared to that of pure diesel fuel, while B10, B30, B40, and B50 blends have slightly higher values. From the experiment, it is found that emissions of the HC and NOx were reduced and CO emission is slightly higher than the pure diesel.  相似文献   

A variety of activities leads to release of petroleum products in soil. In this study, DNA extracted from oil and grease contaminated soil by a simple technique was used as a template for Polymerase Chain Reaction based assays. Target gene sequences of certain key bacterial oxygenases involved in transformation of aromatic hydrocarbons viz. naphthalene dioxygenase, catechol 2,3‐dioxygenase, cytochrome P‐450cam monooxygenase as well as eubacterial 16S rRNA gene, were evaluated for determining the presence of microbial genotypes in soil. It was concluded that duplex, nested and multiplex PCR assay strategies in combination with residue analysis can play a crucial role in the selection of treatment processes as well as monitoring the efficacy of bioremedial technique.  相似文献   

The goal of the present work is to screen and evaluate all available data before selecting and testing remediation technologies on heterogeneous soils polluted by jet fuel. The migration pathways of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) in the subsurface relate closely with soil properties. A case study is performed on the vadoze zone of a military airport of north-west Poland contaminated by jet fuel. Soil samples are collected from various depths of two cells, and on-site and off-site chemical analyses of hydrocarbons are conducted by using Pollut Eval® apparatus and GC-MS, respectively. The geological conceptual model of the site along with microscopic and hydraulic properties of the porous matrix and fractures enable us to interpret the non-uniform spatial distribution of jet fuel constituents. The total concentration of the jet fuel and its main hydrocarbon families (n-paraffins, major aromatics) over the two cells is governed by the slow preferential flow of NAPL through the porous matrix, the rapid NAPL convective flow through vertical desiccation and sub-horizontal glaciotectonic fractures, and n-paraffin biodegradation in upper layers where the rates of oxygen transfer is not limited by complexities of the pore structure. The information collected is valuable for the selection, implementation and evaluation of two in situ remediation methods.  相似文献   

In this study, hydrocarbon fuel (HCF) was derived from waste transformer oil through a traditional base-catalysed trans-esterification process. The experimental investigations using its blends of 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and diesel fuel were carried out separately. The HCF obtained from waste transformer oil is used in a direct injection (DI) diesel engine without any engine modification to evaluate its performance, emission and combustion characteristics. The results indicate that the engine operating on test fuel blends shows a marginal increase in brake thermal efficiency (BTE) with a significant reduction in smoke. Nitrous oxides (NOx) emission was slightly higher for test fuel blends than for diesel. The results show that at maximum load conditions, 25% HCF reduces carbon monoxide, smoke and hydrocarbon emission by 50%, 31% and 10%, respectively, whereas 50% HCF shows a greater BTE than other blends and is 12% higher than that of the diesel fuel. The combustion characteristics of fuel blends closely followed those of standard diesel.  相似文献   

The recovery of a degraded soil was assayed in greenhouse conditions by applying organic amendments and revegetation with grasses. Two types of organic residues were used: sewage sludge composted with pruning waste (CPW), at 8.5 and 85 Mg ha(-1) and sewage sludge treated by thermal drying (TD), at 22 and 46 Mg ha(-1). The vegetal cover was established by sowing different herbaceous species commonly used in the revegetation of degraded alkaline soils (100 and 200 Kg of seeds ha(-1)). The chemical soil parameters and enzymatic activities (alkaline phosphatase, urease, and beta-glucosidase) and the vegetal biomass were evaluated. The type of amendment and the doses applied had different effects on the soil characteristics. However sowing dose did not have a significant effect on the parameters analysed. Organic matter was the only soil parameter affected by the interaction between the sowing rate and the amendment dose. The phosphatase and glucosidase activities showed significant correlation with the percentage of N in the leaves and stems, furthermore the phosphate activity was significantly related to the dry weight of leaves and stems.  相似文献   

Energy demand is the hot topic of all developing and developed countries. Energy demand has been increasing day by day at a high rate. So, it is necessary to find an alternative solution that is eco-friendly. Biodiesel can be the alternative solution for this problem. The main purpose of this paper is to test the engine performance and emission parameters of a diesel engine using pure cinnamon oil blended with diesel and using cerium oxide as a catalyst. The parameters measured are brake power, brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel conception, CO2, CO, NOx and HC.  相似文献   

This study investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) eggs after a major oil spill (Prestige, November 2002) in northwest Iberia. We analysed a total of 77 eggs from 10 breeding localities of the Iberian Atlantic coast, 9 located along the Galician coast (NW Spain) and one in the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal). General linear mixed models did not show a significant effect of the area on the total PAH levels and on each compound, probably due to the spread of pollution caused by the Prestige ship and the industrial and harbour pollutions of the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal). In contrast, the PAH levels were significantly affected by year. The PAH levels decreased from 2004 to 2006 but strongly increase and showed a different pattern of PAH accumulation in 2007. These results may be due to tetra- and pentacyclic compounds from forest fires that occurred during summer 2006.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of Cd, Cr, Cu, Se and Zn were studied 7 years after artificially contaminating plots of an agricultural field on a calcareous chernozem soil. Effects of three to four different contamination levels (originally 10, 30, 90 and 270 mg kg−1) were studied. Nematode density was significantly reduced by 90 and 270 mg kg−1 Se as well as by 270 mg kg−1 Cr, while 90 and 270 mg kg−1 Se also reduced nematode generic richness. Maturity Index values (calculated for c-p 2–5 nematodes) consistently decreased with increasing Cr and Se concentration and to a lesser extent in Zn plots as well. Structure Index showed decreasing trends in increasing Cr, Se and (to a lesser extent) in Zn treatments, while in Cd it shows a moderate increase. Distribution of c-p groups was negatively affected by the increasing Cr and Se concentration, while in Zn plots, this decrease was not significant. Response of feeding groups to pollutions was similar to other parameters: Cr and Se caused significant changes toward the loss of variability. The proportion of the most sensitive omnivorous and predatory nematodes decreased clearly as a consequence of Cr and Se treatments. Zn pollution also resulted in a slight decrease in this group, while Cd caused an increase. Nematode diversity profiles showed a significant decrease in the plots of increased Cr and Se concentrations, while increased concentrations of Cu and Zn resulted in ambiguous effects. Besides providing evidence on the harmful effects of Cr and Se on a soil nematode assemblage, our results suggest that simultaneous analysis of Maturity Index, Structure Index and diversity profiles provide a promising tool in nematological indication of soil pollution.  相似文献   

After forest fires on the east coast of Korea in 2000, some burnt areas were left untreated. Although 80% of the area was reasonably revegetated within 3 months, about 20% of the area was partially vegetated, mainly due to a low density of sprouters and poor growing conditions (eroded soil and steep slopes). Three years after the fires, the effect of soil conservation measures, such as mulching with wood chips, seeding with native plant species and log erosion barriers (LEBs), on runoff and soil erosion were examined using runoff plots. Wood chip mulching greatly reduced runoff and sediment yields and these effects were consistent regardless of the volume of rainfall. Neither seeding nor LEBs reduced runoff and sediment yields. No positive or negative effects of mulching, seeding or LEBs on ground vegetation cover were observed. The ineffectiveness of seeding and LEBs may have been due to the steep slope, the failure of germination and establishment of seeded plants, and the small diameter of logs. Treating hill slopes with mulch should be considered where post-fire regeneration is slow and there is an absence of organic material such as litter.  相似文献   

The effect of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) on the gaseous and particulate emissions of a diesel engine was investigated using Euro V diesel fuel blended with different proportions of DMC. Combustion analysis shows that, with the blended fuel, the ignition delay and the heat release rate in the premixed combustion phase increase, while the total combustion duration and the fuel consumed in the diffusion combustion phase decrease. Compared with diesel fuel, with an increase of DMC in the blended fuel, the brake thermal efficiency is slightly improved but the brake specific fuel consumption increases. On the emission side, CO increases significantly at low engine load but decreases at high engine load while HC decreases slightly. NOx reduces slightly but the reduction is not statistically significant, while NO2 increases slightly. Particulate mass and number concentrations decrease upon using the blended fuel while the geometric mean diameter of the particles shifts towards smaller size. Overall speaking, diesel-DMC blends lead to significant improvement in particulate emissions while the impact on CO, HC and NOx emissions is small.  相似文献   

Diesel engines are widely used in the surface transport system. They are the main source of economic growth of a nation. Nowadays, awareness of the environment compels people to adopt stringent emission norms. The rapid depletion of fossil fuels and the increase in the emission levels have caused concerns globally. An eco-friendly alternate is required to fulfil the growing demand. This paper focuses on alternate fuels and the importance of choosing palm oil. The energy density and higher cetane number are its major advantages. Also it reduces environmental pollution drastically. The viscosity of palm oil is a problem like other vegetable oils, which affects the fuel spray pattern. It reduces the efficiency of the combustion to a large extent. To overcome the problem, the pre-heating technique and transesterification process are adopted in this work. Performance tests were conducted on a single cylinder, four-stroke, direct injection diesel engine coupled with eddy current dynamometer, and emission was monitored using an AVL exhaust gas analyser. The results indicated that vegetable oil fuels have lower brake thermal efficiency compared to that of diesel. Pre-heated oil and methyl ester showed an appreciable reduction in hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and higher exhaust temperature and nitric oxide (NOx) emission.  相似文献   

The aim of our project is to experimentally access the practical applications of ethanol and blending it with some lubricating oils in a direct injection compression ignition engine. This replacement of conventional diesel with ethanol requires some of the properties of ethanol to be altered. In order to increase the lubricating property of ethanol, it is blended with some lubricating oils. Some of the preferred lubricating oils are methyl esters of Jatropha oil, Pongamia oil, etc. Ethanol is blended with these lubricating oils to reduce the corrosive property of ethanol. The different fuel blends [Pongamia–ethanol (50–50) and Jatropha–ethanol (50–50)] are used in the direct injection CI engine, the combustion characteristics are calculated and they are compared with diesel and a perfect blend is analysed. The engine combustion parameters such as peak pressure, heat release rate (HRR) and cumulative heat release rate were computed. The combustion analysis revealed that the early rate of pressure rise causes the cylinder pressure to rise early in the case of alternate fuels with a resulting lower rate of pressure rise and peak pressure. However, HRR and cumulative HRR show a maximum for Pongamia–ethanol (50–50) when compared with the neat diesel fuel.  相似文献   

A solar photo-Fenton process combined with a biological nitrification and denitrification system is proposed for the decontamination of a landfill leachate in a pilot plant using photocatalytic (4.16 m2 of Compound Parabolic Collectors - CPCs) and biological systems (immobilized biomass reactor). The optimum iron concentration for the photo-Fenton reaction of the leachate is 60 mg Fe2+ L−1. The organic carbon degradation follows a first-order reaction kinetics (k = 0.020 L kJUV−1, r0 = 12.5 mg kJUV−1) with a H2O2 consumption rate of 3.0 mmol H2O2 kJUV−1. Complete removal of ammonium, nitrates and nitrites of the photo-pre-treated leachate was achieved by biological denitrification and nitrification, after previous neutralization/sedimentation of iron sludge (40 mL of iron sludge per liter of photo-treated leachate after 3 h of sedimentation). The optimum C/N ratio obtained for the denitrification reaction was 2.8 mg CH3OH per mg N-NO3, consuming 7.9 g/8.2 mL of commercial methanol per liter of leachate. The maximum nitrification rate obtained was 68 mg N-NH4+ per day, consuming 33 mmol (1.3 g) of NaOH per liter during nitrification and 27.5 mmol of H2SO4 per liter during denitrification. The optimal phototreatment energy estimated to reach a biodegradable effluent, considering Zahn-Wellens, respirometry and biological oxidation tests, at pilot plant scale, is 29.2 kJUV L−1 (3.3 h of photo-Fenton at a constant solar UV power of 30 W m−2), consuming 90 mM of H2O2 when used in excess, which means almost 57% mineralization of the leachate, 57% reduction of polyphenols concentration and 86% reduction of aromatic content.  相似文献   

Starting in July 2000, treated wastewater of urban origin has been used for the "Serres de Pals" golf course irrigation (Girona, Spain). To evaluate if the soil and the aquifer underneath are affected by the utilization of this type of water, samples have been taken along a period of several months from the wastewater treatment plant, the stabilization lagoon, groundwater and soil profiles. Analyses have been performed for total coliforms and aerobic bacteria, soil water pressure and soil water content as well as chemical analyses of the irrigation water, aquifer and water of the vadose zone. Soil profiles taken at several times during the study indicate the absence of coliforms except for a short period during summer. In the vadose zone an increase of more than 1000 mg kg(-1) of NaO(2) in the top 60 cm of soil was observed while Cl(-) concentration in the aquifer reached up to 1200 mg l(-1) ten months after starting the irrigation.  相似文献   

Soil carbon (C) long term storage is influenced by the balance among ecosystem net primary productivity (NPP), the rate of delivery of new organic matter to soil pools and the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). The increase of NPP under elevated CO(2) can result in a greater production and higher turnover of fine roots or root exudation and, in turn, in an increase of labile C belowground. The aim of this work was to detect if changes in labile C substrates influenced the organic C storage in soils, verifying (i) whether treatments with elevated CO(2) and N fertilization induced changes in the amount and quality of labile C pools and in microbial C immobilization and (ii) whether these changes provoked modifications in the microbial C mineralization activity, and therefore changes in soil C losses. The effect of elevated CO(2) was a significant increase in both seasons (June and October 2004), of all labile C fractions: microbial biomass C (MBC), K(2)SO(4) extractable C (ExC), and water soluble C (WSC). The C/N ratio of the microbial biomass and of the K(2)SO(4) extractable SOM presented a seasonal fluctuation showing higher values in June, whereas the elevated CO(2) increased significantly the C/N ratio of these fractions independent of the season and the N addition, indicating a lower quality of labile SOM. Microbial respiration was more than doubled in October compared to June, confirming that changes in substrate quality and nutrient availability, occurring in the plantation at the beginning and at the end of the vegetative period, influenced the microbial activity in the bulk soil. Furthermore, the microbial respiration response to N fertilization was dependent on the season, with an opposite effect between June and October. The kinetic parameters calculated according to the first-order equation C(m)=C(0)(1-e(-kt)) were unaffected by elevated CO(2) treatment, except C(0)k and MR(basal), that showed a significant reduction, ascribable to (i) a lower quality of labile pools, and (ii) a more efficient microbial biomass in the use of available substrates. The C surplus found in elevated CO(2) soils was indeed immobilized and used for microbial growth, thus excluding a priming effect mechanism of elevated CO(2) on SOM decomposition.  相似文献   

本文通过某厂房火灾后结构安全性鉴定及抗震性能评估实例,介绍火灾后房屋的现场查勘、检测、验算分析过程以及处理方法。  相似文献   

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