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Annual paddy rice-winter wheat rotation constitutes one of the typical cropping systems in southeast China, in which various water regimes are currently practiced during the rice-growing season, including continuous flooding (F), flooding-midseason drainage-reflooding (F-D-F), and flooding-midseason drainage-reflooding and moisture but without waterlogging (F-D-F-M). We conducted a field experiment in a rice-winter wheat rotation system to gain an insight into the water regime-specific emission factors and background emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) over the whole annual cycle. While flooding led to an unpronounced N2O emission during the rice-growing season, it incurred substantial N2O emission during the following non-rice season. During the non-rice season, N2O fluxes were, on average, 2.61 and 2.48 mg N2O-N m2 day− 1 for the 250 kg N ha− 1 applied plots preceded by the F and F-D-F water regimes, which are 56% and 49% higher than those by the F-D-F-M water regime, respectively. For the annual rotation system experienced by continuous flooding during the rice-growing season, the relationship between N2O emission and nitrogen input predicted the emission factor and background emission of N2O to be 0.87% and 1.77 kg N2O-N ha− 1, respectively. For the plots experienced by the water regimes of F-D-F and F-D-F-M, the emission factors of N2O averaged 0.97% and 0.85%, with background N2O emissions of 2.00 kg N2O-N ha− 1 and 1.61 kg N2O-N ha− 1 for the annual rotation system, respectively. Annual direct N2O-N emission was estimated to be 98.1 Gg yr− 1 in Chinese rice-based cropping systems in the 1990s, consisting of 32.3 Gg during the rice-growing season and 65.8 Gg during the non-rice season, which accounts for 25-35% of the annual total emission from croplands in China.  相似文献   

The atmospheric fluxes of N2O, CH4 and CO2 from the soil in four mangrove swamps in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, South China were investigated in the summer of 2008. The fluxes ranged from 0.14 to 23.83 μmol m2 h1, 11.9 to 5168.6 μmol m2 h1 and 0.69 to 20.56 mmol m2 h1 for N2O, CH4 and CO2, respectively. Futian mangrove swamp in Shenzhen had the highest greenhouse gas fluxes, followed by Mai Po mangrove in Hong Kong. Sha Kong Tsuen and Yung Shue O mangroves in Hong Kong had similar, low fluxes. The differences in both N2O and CH4 fluxes among different tidal positions, the landward, seaward and bare mudflat, in each swamp were insignificant. The N2O and CO2 fluxes were positively correlated with the soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphate, total iron and NH4+-N contents, as well as the soil porosity. However, only soil NH4+-N concentration had significant effects on CH4 fluxes.  相似文献   

Chronically nitrate-loaded riparian buffer zones show high N2O emissions. Often, a large part of the N2O is emitted from small surface areas, resulting in high spatial variability in these buffer zones. These small surface areas with high N2O emissions (hotspots) need to be investigated to generate knowledge on the factors governing N2O emissions. In this study the N2O emission variability was investigated at different spatial scales. Therefore N2O emissions from three 32 m2 grids were determined in summer and winter. Spatial variation and total emission were determined on three different scales (0.3 m2, 0.018 m2 and 0.0013 m2) at plots with different levels of N2O emissions. Spatial variation was high at all scales determined and highest at the smallest scale. To test possible factors inducing small scale hotspots, soil samples were collected for slurry incubation to determine responses to increased electron donor/acceptor availability. Acetate addition did increase N2O production, but nitrate addition failed to increase total denitrification or net N2O production. N2O production was similar in all soil slurries, independent of their origin from high or low emission soils, indicating that environmental conditions (including physical factors like gas diffusion) rather than microbial community composition governed N2O emission rates.  相似文献   

Emission of N2O and CH4 from a constructed wetland in southeastern Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Skjønhaug constructed wetland (CW) is a free surface water (FSW) wetland polishing chemically treated municipal wastewater in southeastern Norway and consists of three ponds as well as trickling, unsaturated filters with light weight aggregates (LWA). Fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) have been measured during the autumn, winter and summer from all three ponds as well as from the unsaturated filters. Physicochemical parameters of the water have been measured at the same localities. The large temporal and spatial variation of N2O fluxes was found to cover a range of − 0.49 to 110 mg N2O–N m− 2 day−1, while the fluxes of CH4 was found to cover a range of − 1.2 to 1900 mg m− 2 day− 1. Thus, both emission and consumption occurred. Regarding fluxes of N2O there was a significant difference between the summer, winter and autumn, with the highest emissions occurring during the autumn. The fluxes of CH4 were, on the other hand, not significantly different with regard to seasons. Both the emissions of N2O and CH4 were positively influenced by the amount of total organic carbon (TOC). The measured fluxes of N2O and CH4 are in the same range as those reported from other CWs treating wastewater. There was an approximately equal contribution to the global warming potential from N2O and CH4.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were measured by means of passive sampling at 40 sampling points in a medium-size city in Northern Spain, from June 2006 to June 2007. VOC and NO2 samplers were analysed by thermal desorption followed by gas chromatography/mass-selective detector and by visible spectrophotometry, respectively. Mean concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, propylbenzene, trimethylbenzenes, and NO2 were 2.84, 13.26, 2.15, 6.01, 0.59, 1.32 and 23.17 µg m− 3 respectively, and found to be highly correlated. Their spatial distribution showed high differences in small distances and pointed to traffic as the main emission source of these compounds. The lowest levels of VOC and NO2 occurred during summer, owing to the increase in solar radiation and to lower traffic densities. Mean concentrations of benzene and NO2 exceeded the European limits at some of the monitored points.  相似文献   

Arsenic is present at high concentrations in the upper layer of Lake Biwa sediments and shows a depth profile similar to that of Mn. Adsorption experiments of As onto synthetic hydrous Mn oxide (HMO) in the presence of Mn2+ and the speciation of Mn in the sediment cores, suggest that the accumulation of As at the sediment surface results from post-depositional migration of arsenite in the sediment pore water followed by oxidation to arsenate at the sediment surface and adsorption onto Mn2+-rich HMO.  相似文献   

Eight field campaigns in the eutrophic, shallow, Lake Taihu in the summers from 2005 to 2007, and a phytoplankton degradation experiment of 33 days, were carried out to determine the contribution of phytoplankton degradation to CDOM. Significant and positive correlations were found between the CDOM absorption coefficient at 355 nm [aCDOM(355)], normalized fluorescence emission (QSU) at 450 nm from excitation at 355 nm [Fn(355)], and the chlorophyll a (Chla) concentration for all eight field campaigns, which indicates that the decomposition and degradation of phytoplankton is an important source of CDOM. In the degradation experiment, the CDOM absorption coefficient increased as phytoplankton broke down during the first 12 days, showing the production of CDOM from phytoplankton. After 12 days, aCDOM(355) had increased from the initial value 0.41 ± 0.03 m−1 to 1.37 ± 0.03 m−1 (a 234% increase), and the Chla concentration decreased from the initial value of 349.1 ± 11.2 μg/L to 30.4 ± 13.2 μg/L (a 91.3% decrease). The mean daily production rate of CDOM from phytoplankton was 0.08 m−1 for aCDOM(355). Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) was used to assess CDOM composition from EEM spectra, and four components were identified: a terrestrial-like humic component, two marine-like humic components, and a protein-like component. The rapid increase in marine-like humic fluorophores (C3 and C4) during the degradation experiment suggests that in situ production of CDOM plays an important role in the dynamics of CDOM. The field campaigns and experimental data in the present study show that phytoplankton can be one of the important CDOM producers in eutrophic shallow lakes.  相似文献   

This is the first to conduct simultaneous determination of microcystin (MC) contaminations in multi-groups of vertebrates (fish, turtle, duck and water bird) from Lake Taihu with Microcystis blooms. MCs (-RR, -YR, -LR) in Microcystis scum was 328 μg g− 1 DW. MCs reached 235 μg g− 1 DW in intestinal contents of phytoplanktivorous silver carp, but never exceeded 0.1 μg g− 1 DW in intestinal contents of other animals. The highest MC content in liver of fish was in Carassius auratus (150 ng g− 1 DW), followed by silver carp and Culter ilishaeformis, whereas the lowest was in common carp (3 ng g− 1 DW). In livers of turtle, duck and water bird, MC content ranged from 18 to 30 ng g− 1 DW. High MC level was found in the gonad, egg yolk and egg white of Nycticorax nycticorax and Anas platyrhynchos, suggesting the potential effect of MCs on water bird and duck embryos. High MC contents were identified for the first time in the spleens of N. nycticorax and A. platyrhynchos (6.850 and 9.462 ng g− 1 DW, respectively), indicating a different organotropism of MCs in birds. Lakes with deaths of turtles or water birds in the literatures had a considerably higher MC content in both cyanobacteria and wildlife than Lake Taihu, indicating that toxicity of cyanobacteria may determine accumulation level of MCs and consequently fates of aquatic wildlife.  相似文献   

With fast economic growth, industrial water pollution has been a serious problem ubiquitously in China. More threatening is that lots of economic developing regions still strategically depend on fast industrialization, neglecting the relationship between production's spatial distribution and regional water environmental carrying capacity. As a small region, Deyang City is the objective case. We propose a plant-level aggregation method to estimate the spatial distribution of industrial water pollution pressure in the future five years. Based on discrete event simulation, newly added industrial projects' sizes and location choices (refer to industrial location theory) are regionally aggregated. COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) emission into every river reach in the region is calculated respectively. In order to recover the water environmental function, the strategy aims at controlling emission within the carrying capacity of each river reach. And the strategy is assessed on its regional effects and spatial equity, from the perspective of government and industry. The results quantitatively show the diversified uncertain bounds of river reaches' COD adoptions which will aggravate the water pollution. And the pollution control strategy's effect indicates a large different level of spatial equity for industry and government respectively.  相似文献   

Hepatotoxic microcystins (MCs) produced by cyanobacteria are known to accumulate in gastropods following grazing of toxic cyanobacteria and/or absorption of MCs dissolved in water, with adverse effects on life history traits demonstrated in the laboratory. In the field, such effects may vary depending on species, according to their relative sensitivity and ecology. The aims of this study were to i) establish how various intensities of MC-producing cyanobacteria proliferations alter the structure of gastropod community and ii) compare MC tissue concentration in gastropods in the field with those obtained in our previous laboratory experiments on the prosobranch Potamopyrgus antipodarum and the pulmonate Lymnaea stagnalis. We explored these questions through a one-year field study at three stations at Grand-Lieu Lake (France) affected by different intensities of cyanobacteria proliferations. A survey of the community structure and MC content of both cyanobacteria and gastropods was associated with a caging experiment involving P. antipodarum and L. stagnalis. In total, 2592 gastropods belonging to 7 prosobranch and 16 pulmonate species were collected. However, distribution among the stations was unequal with 62% vs 2% of gastropods sampled respectively at the stations with the lowest vs highest concentrations of MC. Irrespective of the station, pulmonates were always more diverse, more abundant and occurred at higher frequencies than prosobranchs. Only the pulmonate Physa acuta occurred at all stations, with abundance and MC tissue concentration (≤ 4.32 µg g DW− 1) depending on the degrees of MC-producing cyanobacteria proliferations in the stations; therefore, P. acuta is proposed as a potential sentinel species. The caging experiment demonstrated a higher MC accumulation in L. stagnalis (≤ 0.36 µg g DW− 1 for 71% of individuals) than in P. antipodarum (≤ 0.02 µg g DW− 1 for 12%), corroborating previous laboratory observations. Results are discussed in terms of differential gastropod sensitivity and MC transfer through the food web.  相似文献   

空调大温差研究(2):空调大温差送风系统设计方法   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
殷平 《暖通空调》2000,30(5):63-66
提出用定露点法计算常规空调大温差系统,逐项介绍了设计步骤;认为定露点法不但可以较准确地控制室内设计参数,掌握室内实际空气状态,而且可以利用计算机,使大温差送风的设计计算更加简捷、直观。强调采用定露点法计算时,单个系统不宜过大,热湿比不同的房间宜采用不同的空调系统,空调机组风量或风压较大时,宜采用风机压出式布置。  相似文献   

Soils from agricultural areas receive unsatisfactory attention as regards the contamination with organic pollutants. To answer those needs the contents of the sixteen individual PAH compounds were determined (GC/MS technique) in agricultural soils in Poland. The samples (n = 216) were collected from the upper layer of arable land in the year 2005. Half of the samples represented typical rural areas, while the rest derived from the territories potentially subjected to the urban/industrial pressure of various intensity. The mean (geometric) content of individual compounds varied from 1 μg kg− 1 for acenaphtylene to 55 μg kg− 1 for fluoranthene with the highest contributions (11.6%-12.9%) of phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene. Higher molecular weight PAHs (4 rings) were strongly linked mutually and with the ∑16PAHs. They contributed substantially (73%) to the overall content of PAHs, which implies domination of anthropogenic sources. The calculated molecular indexes suggest that most of those PAHs derive from the combustion of coal, the main energy source in Poland. Simultaneously, the concentrations of lower molecular weight compounds seem to reflect the background, “natural” PAH compounds, which represent mainly atmospherically distributed emission. The division of the samples into groups describing geographical regions and landscape type enabled evaluation of the spatial trends in contamination of soils with PAH compounds. The most pronounced effect of spatial parameters corresponded to PAHs > 4 rings, while lower molecular weight compounds showed more homogeneous concentration through the country.  相似文献   

19世纪以后草坪已成为西欧城乡景观的重要部分,并随着西方殖民主义的扩张被迅速传播到非西方世界,在各地经历了不同的接受和发展历程,并被赋予了不同的社会、政治和文化意义。本文论述草坪作为西方城市近代性的象征被引入北非、南亚和东亚,及其迅速改变城市景观特征和城市生活方式的历史过程,在3个层面上讨论草坪在这些非西方地区的发展:以公园为代表的公共空间,以机关的园区和周边环境为代表的半公共空间,以及以私人住宅为代表的私有空间,比较东、西方草坪建植观念和实践的异同。  相似文献   

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