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Different pelagic areas of the Mediterranean Sea have been investigated in order to quantify physical and biological mixing processes in deep sea sediments. Herein, results of eleven sediment cores sampled at different deep areas (> 2000 m) of the Western and Eastern Mediterranean Sea are presented.210Pbxs and 137Cs vertical profiles, together with 14C dating, are used to identify the main processes characterising the different areas and, finally, controlling mixing depths (SML) and bioturbation coefficients (Db). Radionuclide vertical profiles and inventories indicate that bioturbation processes are the dominant processes responsible for sediment reworking in deep sea environments.Results show significant differences in sediment mixing depths and bioturbation coefficients among areas of the Mediterranean Sea characterised by different trophic regimes. In particular, in the Oran Rise area, where the Almeria-Oran Front induces frequent phytoplankton blooms, we calculate the highest values of sediment mixing layers (13 cm) and bioturbation coefficients (0.187 cm2 yr−1), and the highest values of 210Pbxs and 137Cs inventories. Intermediate values of SML and Db (~ 6 cm and ~ 0.040 cm2 yr−1, respectively) characterise the mesothrophic Algero-Balearic basin, while in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea mixing parameters (SML of 3 cm and Db of 0.011 cm2 yr−1) are similar to those calculated for the oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean (SML of 2 cm and Db of ~ 0.005 cm2 yr−1).  相似文献   

This paper presents results of testing models for the radioactive contamination of river water and bottom sediments by 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu. The scenario for the model testing was based on data from the Techa River (Southern Urals, Russia), which was contaminated as a result of discharges of liquid radioactive waste into the river. The endpoints of the scenario were model predictions of the activity concentrations of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in water and bottom sediments along the Techa River in 1996. Calculations for the Techa scenario were performed by six participant teams from France (model CASTEAUR), Italy (model MARTE), Russia (models TRANSFER-2, CASSANDRA, GIDRO-W) and Ukraine (model RIVTOX), all using different models. As a whole, the radionuclide predictions for 90Sr in water for all considered models, 137Cs for MARTE and TRANSFER-2, and 239,240Pu for TRANSFER-2 and CASSANDRA can be considered sufficiently reliable, whereas the prediction for sediments should be considered cautiously. At the same time the CASTEAUR and RIVTOX models estimate the activity concentrations of 137Cs and 239,240Pu in water more reliably than in bottom sediments. The models MARTE (239,240Pu) and CASSANDRA (137Cs) evaluated the activity concentrations of radionuclides in sediments with about the same agreement with observations as for water. For 90Sr and 137Cs the agreement between empirical data and model predictions was good, but not for all the observations of 239,240Pu in the river water-bottom sediment system. The modelling of 239,240Pu distribution proved difficult because, in contrast to 137Cs and 90Sr, most of models have not been previously tested or validated for plutonium.  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, nuclear weapon testing and releases from the nuclear industry have introduced anthropogenic radionuclides into the sea, and in many instances their ultimate fate are the bottom sediments. The Arctic Ocean is one of the most polluted in this respect, because, in addition to global fallout, it is impacted by regional fallout from nuclear weapon testing, and indirectly by releases from nuclear reprocessing facilities and nuclear accidents. Sea-ice formed in the shallow continental shelves incorporate sediments with variable concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides that are transported through the Arctic Ocean and are finally released in the melting areas. In this work, we present the results of anthropogenic radionuclide analyses of sea-ice sediments (SIS) collected on five cruises from different Arctic regions and combine them with a database including prior measurements of these radionuclides in SIS. The distribution of 137Cs and 239,240Pu activities and the 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio in SIS showed geographical differences, in agreement with the two main sea ice drift patterns derived from the mean field of sea-ice motion, the Transpolar Drift and Beaufort Gyre, with the Fram Strait as the main ablation area. A direct comparison of data measured in SIS samples against those reported for the potential source regions permits identification of the regions from which sea ice incorporates sediments. The 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio in SIS may be used to discern the origin of sea ice from the Kara-Laptev Sea and the Alaskan shelf. However, if the 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio is similar to global fallout, it does not provide a unique diagnostic indicator of the source area, and in such cases, the source of SIS can be constrained with a combination of the 137Cs and 239,240Pu activities. Therefore, these anthropogenic radionuclides can be used in many instances to determine the geographical source area of sea-ice.  相似文献   

A depth profile of 239Pu and 240Pu specific activities and isotope ratios was determined in an inter-tidal sediment core from the Esk Estuary in the northeastern Irish Sea. The study site has been impacted with plutonium through routine radionuclide discharges from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria, NW England. A pronounced sub-surface maximum of ~ 10 kBq kg-1 was observed for 239 + 240Pu, corresponding to the peak in Pu discharge from Sellafield in 1973, with a decreasing trend with depth down to ~ 0.04 kBq kg-1 in the deeper layers. The depth profile of 239 + 240Pu specific activities together with results from gamma-ray spectrometry for 137Cs and 241Am was compared with reported releases from the Sellafield plant in order to estimate a reliable sediment chronology. The upper layers (1992 onwards) showed higher 239 + 240Pu specific activities than would be expected from the direct input of annual Sellafield discharges, indicating that the main input of Pu is from the time-integrated contaminated mud patch of the northeastern Irish Sea. The 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios ranged from ~ 0.03 in the deepest layers to > 0.20 in the sub-surface layers with an activity-weighted average of 0.181. The decreasing 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio with depth reflects the changing nature of operations at the Sellafield plant from weapons-grade Pu production to reprocessing spent nuclear fuel with higher burn-up times in the late 1950s. In addition, recent annual 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in winkles collected during 2003-2008 from three stations along the Cumbrian coastline showed no significant spatial or temporal differences with an overall average of 0.204, which supports the hypothesis of diluted Pu input from the contaminated mud patch.  相似文献   

Measurements of anthropogenic radionuclides in marine sediments can provide good estimates of past and present radioactive contamination of the marine environment. The Barents Sea is one of the world's richest ocean areas, and it is therefore of major interest for Norwegian fisheries to document the levels of radioactive contamination of this and adjacent ocean areas. In this study, concentrations of 137Cs, 238Pu, (239,240)Pu and 241Am were measured in marine sediments collected mainly in the Spitsbergen-Bear Island region. Additional samples collected in the deep Norwegian Sea and near the Greenland ice-edge have been included for comparison. The highest radionuclide levels were found near Spitsbergen, reaching over 50% higher than in adjacent areas. Determinations of the mineral content and particle size distribution indicate a relation between the content of clay minerals and radionuclide levels. The present study confirms earlier observations of elevated levels of 137Cs in sediments in the Spitsbergen-Bear Island area and documents elevated levels of 238Pu, (239,240)Pu and 241Am in these sediments. Using an exponential curve fit based on determinations of unsupported 210Pb in sediment cores, sedimentation rates of 0.28, 0.05 and 0.26 cm year(-1) were calculated at locations south of Spitsbergen, near the Greenland ice-edge and in the deep Norwegian Sea, respectively.  相似文献   

Calculations based on an approximate material balance model of the Baltic Sea show that the difference between the input and output of 90Sr and 137Cs transported with water is similar to the amount found in the sediments. The agreement is better for 137Cs than for 90Sr. The inventories of 239,240Pu, 137Cs and 90Sr show that about 99, 50 and 10% of each nuclide, respectively, was found in the sediments at the beginning of the 1980s. The accumulation of the radionuclides in the sediments can be explained by assuming a mean contemporary sedimentation rate of about 1 mm year−1.  相似文献   

Plutonium and 137Cs in surface water of the South Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present plutonium and 137Cs concentrations in South Pacific Ocean surface waters were determined. The water samples were collected in the South Pacific mid-latitude region (32.5 degrees S) during the BEAGLE expedition conducted in 2003-04 by JAMSTEC. 239,240Pu concentrations in surface seawater of the South Pacific were in the range of 0.5 to 4.1 mBq m(-3), whereas 137Cs concentrations ranged from 0.07 to 1.7 Bq m(-3). The observed 239,240Pu and 137Cs concentrations in the South Pacific were almost of the same level as those in the North Pacific subtropical gyre. The surface 239,240Pu in the South Pacific subtropical gyre showed larger spatial variations than 137Cs, as it may be affected by physical and biogeochemical processes. The 239,240Pu/137Cs activity ratios, which reflect biogeochemical processes in seawater, were generally smaller than that observed in global fallout, except for the most eastern station. The 239,240Pu/137Cs ratios in the South Pacific tend to be higher than that in the North Pacific. The relationships between anthropogenic radionuclides and oceanographic parameters such as salinity and nutrients were examined. The 137Cs concentrations in the western South Pacific (the Tasman Sea) and the eastern South Pacific were negatively correlated with the phosphate concentration, whereas there is no correlation between the 137Cs and nutrients concentrations in the South Pacific subtropical gyre. The mutual relationships between anthropogenic radionuclides and oceanographic parameters are important for better understanding of transport processes of anthropogenic radionuclides and their fate in the South Pacific.  相似文献   

Iodine-131 (physical half-life: 8.04 days) was detected in brown algae collected off the Japanese coast. Brown algae have been extensively used as bioindicators for radioiodine because of their ability to accumulate radionuclides in high concentration factors. The maximum measured specific activity of 131I in brown algae was 0.37 ± 0.010 Bq/kg-wet. Cesium-137 was also detected in all brown algal samples used in this study. There was no correlation between specific activities of 131I and 137Cs in these seaweeds. The specific activity of 137Cs ranged from 0.0034 ± 0.00075 to 0.090 ± 0.014 Bq/kg-wet. Low specific activity and minimal variability of 137Cs in brown algae indicated that past nuclear weapon tests were the source of 137Cs. Although nuclear power stations and nuclear fuel reprocessing plants are known to be pollution sources of 131I, there was no relationship between the sites where 131I was detected and the locations of nuclear power facilities. Most of the sites where 131I was detected were near big cities with large populations. Iodine-131 is frequently used in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. On the basis of the results, we suggest that the likely pollution source of 131I, detected in brown seaweeds, is not nuclear power facilities, but nuclear medicine procedures.  相似文献   

The uptake and transfer of natural radionuclides, other than 40K, from soil to mushrooms has been somewhat overlooked in the literature. Their contribution to the dose due to the consumption of mushrooms was considered negligible. But the contribution of 210Pb in areas unaffected by any recent radioactive fallout has been found to be significant, up to 35% of the annual dose commitment in Spain. More than 30 species of mushrooms were analyzed, and the 210Pb detected was in the range of 0.75-202 Bq/kg d.w. A slight difference was observed between species with different nutritional mechanisms (saprophytes ≥ mycorrhizae). The 210Pb content was correlated with the stable lead content, but not with its predecessor in the uranium radioactive series, 226Ra. This suggested that 210Pb was taken up from the soil by the same pathway as stable lead. The bioavailability of 210Pb in soil was determined by means of a sequential extraction procedure (NH4OAc, 1M HCl, 6M HCl, and residue). About 30% of the 210Pb present in the soil was available for transfer to mushrooms, more than other natural radionuclides in the same ecosystem. Lycoperdon perlatum, Hebeloma cylindrosporum, and Amanita curtipes presented the highest values of the available transfer factor, ATF. As reflected in their ATF values, the transfer from soil to mushroom of some natural and anthropogenic radionuclides was in the following order:
228,230,232Th ≈ 40K ≥ 137Cs ≥ 234,238U ≈ 226Ra ≥ 90Sr ≥ 210Pb ≈ 239 + 240Pu ≈ 241Am.  相似文献   

The hydrothermal deep-sea vent fauna is naturally exposed to a highly specific environment enriched in potentially toxic species such as sulfides, metals and natural radionuclides due to the convective seawater circulation inside the oceanic crust and its interaction with basaltic or ultramafic host rocks. However, data on radionuclides in biota from such environment are very limited. An investigation was carried out on tissue partitioning of 210Po and 210Pb, two natural radionuclides within the 238U decay chain, in Bathymodiolus azoricus specimens from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Menez Gwen field). These two elements showed different distributions with high 210Pb levels in gills and high 210Po levels in both gills and especially in the remaining parts of the body tissue (including the digestive gland). Various factors that may explain such partitioning are discussed. However, 210Po levels encountered in B. azoricus were not exceptionally high, leading to weighted internal dose rate in the range 3 to 4 μGy h− 1. These levels are slightly higher than levels characterizing coastal mussels (~ 1 μGy h− 1).  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that radionuclides of the transuranium elements plutonium, americium and curium have penetrated the sediment column in the N.E. Irish Sea to depths of at least half a metre. The distribution of 239,240Pu, 238Pu, 241Am, 244Cm and 242Cm concentrations and the 239,240Pu/238Pu quotient in samples taken in April and May 1983 from the sediment surface, burrow linings, sediment adjacent to burrows, and the gut contents and body of a large echiuran Maxmülleria lankesteri clearly indicate that bioturbation is responsible, at least in part, for the incorporation of these radionuclides to depths of up to 140 cm.  相似文献   

The 239+240Pu concentrations and 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios were determined by alpha spectrometry and double-focusing SF-ICP-MS for seawater samples obtained in 1984 and 1993 from the Yamato and Tsushima Basins of the Japan Sea in the western North Pacific margin. The total 239+240Pu inventories in the whole water columns were approximately doubled during the period from 1984 to 1993 in the two basins. The increasing rates were estimated to be 5.1 Bq m−2 yr−1 in the Yamato Basin and 4.2 Bq m−2 yr−1 in the Tsushima Basin and they corresponded to ~ 0.02% of the annual 239+240Pu inflow rate into the Japan Sea through the Tsushima Strait. The mean 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios were ~ 0.240 and significantly higher than the mean global fallout ratio of 0.18. Furthermore, there were no temporal or spatial variations of 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios during this period in the Japan Sea. The total 239+240Pu inventories originating from the close-in fallout increased from 17.6 Bq m−2 to 34.6 Bq m−2 in the Yamato Basin and from 20.1 Bq m−2 to 34.6 Bq m−2 in the Tsushima Basin; however, the relative percentage of ~ 40% from the close-in fallout was unchanged during this period. A likely mechanism for the increasing Pu inventory would be the continuous inflow of the Tsushima Current from the western North Pacific, and the removal of Pu from surface waters by scavenging onto the settling particles, followed by regeneration of Pu from the settling particles during the downward transport.  相似文献   

The 137Cs specific activities (mean 32 Bq kg−1) were determined in spruce bark samples that had been collected at 192 sampling plots throughout the Czech Republic in 1995, and were related to the sampling year. The 137Cs specific activities in spruce bark correlated significantly with the 137Cs depositions in areas affected by different precipitation sums operating at the time of the Chernobyl fallout in 1986. The ratio of the 137Cs specific activities in bark and of the 137Cs deposition levels yielded bark aggregated transfer factor Tag about 10.5 × 10−3 m−2 kg−1. Taking into account the residual specific activities of 137Cs in bark 20 Bq kg−1 and the available pre-Chernobyl data on the 137Cs deposition loads on the soil surface in the Czech Republic, the real aggregated transfer factor after and before the Chernobyl fallout proved to be T*ag = 3.3 × 10−3 m−2 kg−1 and T**ag = 4.0 × 10−3 m−2 kg−1, respectively. The aggregated transfer factors T*ag for 137Cs and spruce bark did not differ significantly in areas unequally affected by the 137Cs fallout in the Czech Republic in 1986, and the figures for these aggregated transfer factors were very similar to the mean bark Tag values published from the extensively affected areas near Chernobyl. The magnitude of the 137Cs aggregated transfer factors for spruce bark for the pre-Chernobyl and post-Chernobyl period in the Czech Republic was also very similar. The variability in spruce bark acidity caused by the operation of local anthropogenic air pollution sources did not significantly influence the accumulation and retention of 137Cs in spruce bark. Increasing elevation of the bark sampling plots had a significant effect on raising the remaining 137Cs specific activities in bark in areas affected by precipitation at the time when the plumes crossed, because the sums of this precipitation increased with elevation (covariable).  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of the anthropogenic radionuclides 238Pu and 239 + 240Pu in the Tropical East Pacific in 2003 was studied from the viewpoint of material migration. We measured the contents of Pu isotopes in seawater and in sediment from the sea bottom. The distributions of Pu isotopes, together with those of coexisting nitrate and phosphate species and dissolved oxygen, are discussed in relation to the potential temperature and potential density (sigma-θ). The Pu contents in sediment samples were compared with those in the seawater. Horizontal migration across the Equator from north to south was investigated at depths down to ~ 800 m in the eastern Pacific. The Pu distribution at 0-400 m correlated well with the distribution of potential temperature. Maximum Pu levels were observed in the subsurface layer at 600-800 m, corresponding to the depth where sigma-θ ≈ 27.0. It is suggested that the Pu distribution depends on the structure of the water mass and the particular temperature and salinity. The water column/sediment column inventory ratio and the vertical distribution of Pu may reflect the efficiency of scavenging in the relevant water areas.  相似文献   

The short-lived natural radionuclides 7Be (T1/2 = 53 days), 234Thxs (T1/2 = 24.1 days) and 210Pbxs (T1/2 = 22.3 years), i.e. 234Th and 210Pb in excesses of that supported within particles by the decay of their parent isotopes, were analysed in suspended particulate matter (SPM) to study the particle dynamics in the Gironde fluvial estuarine system (France), strongly impacted by heavy metal pollution. From surveys of this land-ocean interface in 2006 and 2007, we established a times series of these radioisotopes and of their activity ratios (7Be/210Pbxs and 234Th/210Pbxs ARs) in particles sampled under different hydrological conditions.The particulate 7Be/210Pbxs AR varies along the fluvial estuarine system mainly due to variations in 7Be activities, controlled by riverine, oceanic and atmospheric inputs and by resuspension of old 7Be-deficient sediments. These processes vary with river discharge, tidal cycle and season. Therefore, seasonal particle transport processes can be described using variations of the SPM 7Be/210Pbxs ARs.During high river discharge, the SPM 7Be/210Pbx ARs decrease from river to the ocean. The turbidity maximum zone (TMZ) is dispersed and the particles, and the associated contaminants, are rapidly transported from river to coastal waters, without significant retention within the TMZ. During low river discharge, the TMZ intrudes into the fluvial estuary, and the lowest 7Be/210Pbx ARs are observed there due to resuspension of 7Be-deficient sediments. Away from the TMZ, from the middle to lower estuary, SPM 7Be/210Pbx ARs increase, indicating that the particles have been recently tagged with 7Be. We explain this trend as being caused by marine input of dissolved radionuclides, as traced by SPM 234Th/210Pbxs ARs, followed by scavenging in the estuary. This result indicates that particle transport models based on 7Be and trace-metal budgets must consider oceanic dissolved inputs as an additional source of 7Be and, possibly, of contaminants to estuaries.  相似文献   

Recent researches revealed the exciting application of 210Po in tracing carbon and nitrogen cycling in the coral reef system. In order to quantify the recycling of particulate organic nitrogen (PON), both 210Po and 210Pb were examined at both high and low tides in the Zhubi Coral Reef lagoon, the South China Sea. Unusually, much higher 210Po activities and 210Po/210Pb ratios, in comparison with those found in the open seawater and the lagoon subsurface water, showed additional input of 210Po besides production from in situ210Pb in the lagoon surface water. Statistical analysis identified that the reef flat seawater was the additional 210Po source. Based on a mass balance model, the input rates of 210Po varied from 0.04 Bq m−3 year−1 to 8.41 Bq m−3 year−1. On average, the additional 210Po contributed more than 60% of the total 210Po. The particulate 210Po significantly correlated with the concentrations of PON, indicating that diffusion of 210Po from sediment could be used to quantify the recycling of nitrogen. The average input rate of nitrogen was 16 mmol m−3 year−1, which can support up to 11% of the primary production rate. These results suggested that the unusual behavior of 210Po could provide new insight into the nitrogen recycling in the coral reef system.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of measurements on air and soil samples collected for their natural and artificial radioactivity content. The radionuclides studied under this programme are 7Be and 137Cs. Average activity concentrations in surface air of 7Be and 137Cs were found to be 1920 and 2.1 μBq m‐3, respectively. 137Cs activity concentration in surface soil is found to be 450m Bq kg‐1. Estimated effective doses to adult from inhaled 7Be and 137Cs were found to be 1 and 0.13 nSvy‐1, respectively.

The average outdoors absorbed dose rate in air, 1 m above the ground level was found to be (48 ± 4.0 nGy h‐1), based on the analysis of thermoluminescence dosimeters data collected.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2007,47(4):649-656
In this paper we evaluate the utilization of the sedimentation rate values obtained by the carbonate content technique (Fukue et al., 1996, 1999) as compared with those obtained by traditional radiometric techniques (210Pbxs, 137Cs and radiocarbon), using sediment samples from the Southeastern Brazilian shelf. Our results indicate that the sedimentation rates calculated by the calcium carbonate content technique do not show any significant differences from those obtained from 137Cs and 210Pbxs but do reveal a significant difference from radiocarbon estimates. Nevertheless, no significant correlation was obtained in the comparisons between 137Cs, 210Pbxs and calcium carbonate. Thus it would seem that the calcium carbonate technique may be used for raw estimates of sedimentation rates. Taking a carbonate level which can be correlated with a tsunami that occurred in 1542 as well as the peak activity of 137Cs in 1963-1965 as age references we obtained an average value for the calcium carbonate precipitation rate for the study area which is close to that given by Fukue et al. (1996, 1999). Nevertheless our results suggest that the assumption of a single carbonate precipitation value may be too generic to be taken as valid for the calculation of sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

River and reservoir sediments have been collected annually by Los Alamos National Laboratory since 1974 and 1979, respectively. These background samples are collected from five river stations and four reservoirs located throughout northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. Analyses include 3H, 90Sr, 137Cs, total U, 238Pu, 239,240Pu, 241Am, gross alpha, gross beta, and gross gamma radioactivity. Surprisingly, there are no federal or state regulatory standards in the USA that specify how to compute background radioactivity values on sediments. Hence, the sample median (or 0.50 quantile) is proposed for this background because it reflects central data tendency and is distribution-free. Estimates for the upper limit of background radioactivity on river and reservoir sediments are made for sampled analytes using the 0.95 quantile (two-tail). These analyses also show that seven of ten analytes from reservoir sediments are normally distributed, or are normally distributed after a logarithmic or square root transformation. However, only three of ten analytes from river sediments are similarly distributed. In addition, isotope ratios for 137Cs/238Pu, 137Cs/239,240Pu, and 239,240Pu/238Pu from reservoir sediments are independent of clay content, total organic carbon/specific surface area (TOC/SSA) and cation exchange capacity/specific surface area (CEC/SSA) ratios. These TOC/SSA and CEC/SSA ratios reflect sediment organic carbon and surface charge densities that are associated with radionuclide absorption, adsorption, and ion exchange reactions on clay mineral structures. These latter ratio values greatly exceed the availability of background radionuclides in the environment, and insure that measured background levels are a maximum. Since finer-grained reservoir sediments contain larger clay-sized fractions compared to coarser river sediments, they show higher background levels for most analytes. Furthermore, radioactivity values on reservoir sediments have remained relatively constant since the early 1980s. These results suggest that clay contents in terrestrial sediments are often more important at concentrating background radionuclides than many other environmental factors, including geology, climate and vegetation. Hence, reservoirs and floodplains represent ideal radionuclide sampling locations because fine-grained materials are more easily trapped here. Ultimately, most of these differences still reflect spatial and temporal variability originating from global atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and disintegration of nuclear-powered satellites upon atmospheric reentry.  相似文献   

The first results on the feasibility of using 236U to reconstruct the level and spatial distribution of close-in fallout deposition from the Hiroshima A-bomb are reported, coupled with the use of global fallout 137Cs and 239 + 240Pu. The results for global fallout 236U in soil samples (0-30 cm) from Ishikawa prefecture showed that the deposition density of 236U from the global fallout can be accurately evaluated using AMS. All deposited 236U, 137Cs and 239 + 240Pu appeared to have been recovered using 30-cm cores. It was also noted from the depth profiles for 236U/239 + 240Pu and 236U/137Cs ratios that the downward behavior of 236U in the soil was apparently similar to that of 239 + 240Pu, while the 137Cs was liable to be retained in upper layers compared with 236U and 239 + 240Pu. The accumulated levels were 1.78 × 1013 atoms m− 2 for 236U, 4340 Bq m− 2 for 137Cs and 141 Bq m− 2 for 239 + 240Pu. The ratios of 236U/137Cs and 236U/239 + 240Pu were (4.10 ± 0.12) × 109 and (1.26 ± 0.04) × 1011 atoms Bq− 1, respectively. Results of 236U, 137Cs and 239 + 240Pu measurements for the seven soil cores (0-30 cm) from Hiroshima were discussed on the basis of ratios of 236U/137Cs and 236U/239 + 240Pu by comparing with those from the background area in Ishikawa, indicating that the global fallout dominates the current level of 236U accumulation in soil in the Black-rain area around Hiroshima after the Hiroshima bomb, and the contribution of the close-in fallout 236U produced by the Hiroshima A-bomb seems difficult to observe.  相似文献   

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