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Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured in the drinking water in Province of Izmir, Turkey, and associated health risks due to ingestion of these compounds were investigated using population weighted random samples. A total of 100 houses were visited in different districts of Izmir and drinking water samples were collected from consumers' drinking water source. Questionnaires were administered to one participant in each house to determine demographics and drinking water consumption rates. Oral exposure and risks were estimated for each participant and Izmir population by deterministic and probabilistic approaches, respectively. The four trihalomethane (THM) species (i.e., chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform), benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and naphthalene were the most frequently detected VOCs with concentrations ranging from below detection limit to 35 microg/l. The risk estimates were found to be less than the values reported in the literature with few exceptions. Noncarcinogenic risks attributable to ingestion of VOCs for Izmir population were negligible, whereas the mean carcinogenic risk estimates for bromodichloromethane and dibromochloromethane were above the de minimis level of one in a million (10(-6)). For all VOCs, the concentrations measured in metropolitan area were greater than those in other districts. All THM species were detected in higher concentrations in tap water, whereas nontap water contained more benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and naphthalene. Therefore, the concentrations of the latter four compounds and associated risks increased with increasing income and education level since bottled water was used in larger proportions within these subgroups. The results of this study showed that oral exposure to drinking water contaminants and associated risks may be higher than the acceptable levels even if the concentrations fall below the standards.  相似文献   

The distribution of bromine containing trihalomethanes in the water distribution system of Kuwait has been studied. Total halomethanes in the drinking water averaged 25.6 ± 9.1 μg l−1 with a maximum of 50.5 μg l−1. Average concentrations (μg l−1) of individual compounds were: CHBr3, 13.6 ± 4.6; CHBr2Cl, 8.8 ± 3.7; CHCl2Br, 3.3 ± 1.5. Water from roof top storage tanks contained significantly less halomethanes than that from underground reservoirs.  相似文献   

Bottled waters from diverse natural and industrial sources are becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Several potentially harmful trace metals (Ag, Be, Li, Ge, Sb, Sc, Te, Th, U) are not monitored regularly in such waters. As a consequence, there is extremely limited data on the abundance and potential health impacts of many potentially toxic trace elements. Containers used for the storage of bottled waters might also increase trace metal levels above threshold limits established for human consumption by the EPA or WHO. Applying strict clean room techniques and sector field ICP-MS, 23 elements were determined in 132 brands of bottled water from 28 countries. In addition, leaching experiments with high purity water and various popular metal bottles investigated the release of trace metals from these containers. The threshold limits for elements such as Al, Be, Mn and U in drinking water were clearly exceeded in some waters. Several bottled waters had Li concentrations in the low mg/L range, a level which is comparable to blood plasma levels of patients treated against manic depression with Li-containing drugs. The rate of release of trace metals from metal bottles assessed after 13 days was generally low, with one exception: Substantial amounts of both Sb and Tl were released from a commercially available pewter pocket flask, exceeding international guidelines 5- and 11-fold, respectively. Trace metal levels of most bottled waters are below guideline levels currently considered harmful for human health. The few exceptions that exist, however, clearly reveal that health concerns are likely to manifest through prolonged use of such waters. The investigated coated aluminium and stainless steel bottles are harmless with respect to leaching of trace metals into drinking water. Pocket flasks, in turn, should be selected with great care to avoid contamination of beverages with harmful amounts of potentially toxic trace metals such as Sb and Tl.  相似文献   

There is a growing effort to provide drinking water that has the trust of consumers, but the processes underlying the perception of drinking water quality and risks are still not fully understood. This paper intends to explore the factors involved in public perception of the quality and risks of drinking water. This purpose was addressed with a cross-national mixed-method approach, based on quantitative (survey) and qualitative (focus groups) data collected in the UK and Portugal. The data were analysed using several methods, including structural equation models and generalised linear models. Results suggest that perceptions of water quality and risk result from a complex interaction of diverse factors. The estimation of water quality is mostly influenced by satisfaction with organoleptic properties (especially flavour), risk perception, contextual cues, and perceptions of chemicals (lead, chlorine, and hardness). Risk perception is influenced by organoleptics, perceived water chemicals, external information, past health problems, and trust in water suppliers, among other factors. The use of tap and bottled water to drink was relatively well explained by regression analysis. Several cross-national differences were found and the implications are discussed. Suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Halonitromethane formation potentials in drinking waters   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Halonitromethanes (HNMs) are highly cyto- and genotoxic nitrogenous disinfection by-products (DBPs) that have been detected in some water distribution systems. In this study, a systematic investigation was conducted to examine the formation potential of HNMs in drinking waters under different oxidation conditions. Formation potential tests of samples obtained from various drinking water sources showed that ozonation-chlorination produced the highest HNM yields followed by in the order of chlorination, ozonation-chloramination, and chloramination. Similar or higher HNM yields were observed in the treated waters (i.e., after conventional water treatment) than in the raw waters, indicating that hydrophilic natural organic matter (NOM) components that are not effectively removed by conventional treatment processes are likely the main precursors of HNMs. This was further confirmed by examining HNM formation potentials of NOM fractions obtained with resin fractionation. Hydrophilic NOM fractions (HPI) showed significantly higher HNM yields than hydrophobic (HPO) and transphilic (TPH) fractions. The correlation analysis of HNM formation potentials during ozonation-chlorination with various water quality parameters showed the best correlation between the HNM yields and the ratio of dissolved organic carbon to dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations in the water samples tested.  相似文献   

Fabris R  Chow CW  Drikas M  Eikebrokk B 《Water research》2008,42(15):4188-4196
Observations from many countries around the world during the past 10-20 years indicate increasing natural organic matter (NOM) concentration levels in water sources, due to issues such as global warming, changes in soil acidification, increased drought severity and more intensive rain events. In addition to the trend towards increasing NOM concentration, the character of NOM can vary with source and time (season). The great seasonal variability and the trend towards elevated NOM concentration levels impose challenges to the water industry and the water treatment facilities in terms of operational optimisation and proper process control. The aim of this investigation was to compare selected raw and conventionally treated drinking water sources from different hemispheres with regard to NOM character which may lead to better understanding of the impact of source water on water treatment. Results from the analyses of selected Norwegian and Australian water samples showed that Norwegian NOM exhibited greater humic nature, indicating a stronger bias of allochthonous versus autochthonous organic origin. Similarly, Norwegian source waters had higher average molecular weights than Australian waters. Following coagulation treatment, the organic character of the recalcitrant NOM in both countries was similar. Differences in organic character of these source waters after treatment were found to be related to treatment practice rather than origin of the source water. The characterisation techniques employed also enabled identification of the coagulation processes which were not necessarily optimised for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal. The reactivity with chlorine as well as trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) of the treated waters showed differences in behaviour between Norwegian and Australian sources that appeared to be related to residual higher molecular weight organic material. By evaluation of changes in specific molecular weight regions and disinfection parameters before and after treatment, correlations were found that relate treatment strategy to chlorine demand and DBP formation.  相似文献   

Seven water treatment works were selected to compare disinfection by-products (DBPs) formed when using chlorination and chloramination. DBPs measured included trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs), haloacetonitriles (HANs), trihalonitromethane, iodinated THMs and nitrosamines. Generally treatment works that used chloramination were able to meet the European THM regulatory limit of 100 μg L−1 whereas the chlorinated works found it significantly more difficult. There were no significant differences in the levels of nitrogenous DBPs between the treatment works using chlorination or chloramination with the exception of the nitrosamine N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) which was present at one treatment works in one season.  相似文献   

Many water supply schemes, particularly in developing countries where dug wells form the major water source, contain excess fluorides normally detrimental to dental health. A simple and inexpensive method of defluoridating these fluoride‐rich waters was required and it was found that kaolinitic clay forms a suitable raw material in the defluoridation process. Fluoride adsorption and desorption reactions in clay were investigated. At equal concentrations of total fluoride in solution, fluoride retention was greatest at pH = 5.6 and decreased both at low and high pH. Fluoride sorption conformed to both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms over the entire range of fluoride concentrations (5–25 ppm). However, fluoride desorption conformed only to the Freundlich isotherm. These properties make it possible for the use of kaolinitic clay as defluoridating material to be used in potable water supplies at village levels.  相似文献   

Investigation of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) in flemish drinking water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of the study was to investigate the drinking water supplied to majority of residents of Flanders in Belgium. Over 500 water samples were collected from different locations, after particular and complete treatment procedure to evaluate the efficiency of each treatment step in production of biologically stable drinking water. In this study assimilable organic carbon (AOC) was of our interest and was assumed as a parameter responsible for water biostability. The influence of seasons and temperature changes on AOC content was also taken into account. The AOC in most of the non-chlorinated product water of the studied treatment plants could not meet the biostability criteria of 10 mug/l, resulting in the mean AOC concentration of 50 microg/l. However, majority of the examined chlorinated water samples were consistent with proposed criteria of 50--100 microg/l for systems maintaining disinfectant residual. Here, mean AOC concentration of 72 microg/l was obtained. Granular activated carbon filtration was helpful in diminishing AOC content of drinking water; however, the nutrient removal was enhanced by biological process incorporated into water treatment (biological activated carbon filtration). Disinfection by means of chlorination and ozonation increased the water AOC concentration while the ultraviolet irradiation showed no impact on the AOC content. Examination of seasonal AOC variations showed similar fluctuations in six units with the highest values in summer and lowest in winter.  相似文献   

Ozonation of drinking water results in the formation of low molecular weight (LMW) organic by-products. These compounds are easily utilisable by microorganisms and can result in biological instability of the water. In this study, we have combined a novel bioassay for assessment of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) with the detection of selected organic acids, aldehydes and ketones to study organic by-product formation during ozonation. We have investigated the kinetic evolution of LMW compounds as a function of ozone exposure. A substantial fraction of the organic compounds formed immediately upon exposure to ozone and organic acids comprised 60-80% of the newly formed AOC. Based on experiments performed with and without hydroxyl radical scavengers, we concluded that direct ozone reactions were mainly responsible for the formation of small organic compounds. It was also demonstrated that the laboratory-scale experiments are adequate models to describe the formation of LMW organic compounds during ozonation in full-scale treatment of surface water. Thus, the kinetic and mechanistic information gained during the laboratory-scale experiments can be utilised for upscaling to full-scale water treatment plants.  相似文献   

Nagda NL  Rector HE 《Indoor air》2003,13(3):292-301
This paper presents a review and assessment of aircraft cabin air quality studies with measured levels of volatile and semivolatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs). VOC and SVOC concentrations reported for aircraft cabins are compared with those reported for residential and office buildings and for passenger compartments of other types of transportation. An assessment of measurement technologies and quality assurance procedures is included. The six studies reviewed in the paper range in coverage from two to about 30 flights per study. None of the monitored flights included any unusual or episodic events that could affect cabin air quality. Most studies have used scientifically sound methods for measurements. Study results indicate that under routine aircraft operations, contaminant levels in aircraft cabins are similar to those in residential and office buildings, with two exceptions: (1). levels of ethanol and acetone, indicators of bioeffluents and chemicals from consumer products are higher in aircraft than in home or office environments, and (2). levels of certain chlorinated hydrocarbons and fuel-related contaminants are higher in residential/office buildings than in aircraft. Similarly, ethanol and acetone levels are higher in aircraft than in other transportation modes but the levels of some pollutants, such as m-/p-xylenes, tend to be lower in aircraft.  相似文献   

The detection of many new compounds in surface water, groundwater and drinking water raises considerable public concern, especially when human health based guideline values are not available it is questioned if detected concentrations affect human health. In an attempt to address this question, we derived provisional drinking water guideline values for a selection of 50 emerging contaminants relevant for drinking water and the water cycle. For only 10 contaminants, statutory guideline values were available. Provisional drinking water guideline values were based upon toxicological literature data. The maximum concentration levels reported in surface waters, groundwater and/or drinking water were compared to the (provisional) guideline values of the contaminants thus obtained, and expressed as Benchmark Quotient (BQ) values. We focused on occurrence data in the downstream parts of the Rhine and Meuse river basins. The results show that for the majority of compounds a substantial margin of safety exists between the maximum concentration in surface water, groundwater and/or drinking water and the (provisional) guideline value. The present assessment therefore supports the conclusion that the majority of the compounds evaluated pose individually no appreciable concern to human health.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotube (CNT) adsorption technology has the potential to support point of use (POU) based treatment approach for removal of bacterial pathogens, natural organic matter (NOM), and cyanobacterial toxins from water systems. Unlike many microporous adsorbents, CNTs possess fibrous shape with high aspect ratio, large accessible external surface area, and well developed mesopores, all contribute to the superior removal capacities of these macromolecular biomolecules and microorganisms. This article provides a comprehensive review on application of CNTs as adsorbent media to concentrate and remove pathogens, NOM, and cyanobacterial (microcystin derivatives) toxins from water systems. The paper also surveys on consideration of CNT based adsorption filters for removal of these contaminants from cost, operational and safety standpoint. Based on the studied literature it appears that POU based CNT technology looks promising, that can possibly avoid difficulties of treating biological contaminants in conventional water treatment plants, and thereby remove the burden of maintaining the biostability of treated water in the distribution systems.  相似文献   

A survey undertaken in Italy (Emilia-Romagna region) has shown that Volatile Halogenated Organics (VHO) are present in many water samples; analysis has been performed by static head-space gas chromatographic technique.In drinking water samples low levels of pollution have become evident before any treatment, while after chlorination with sodium hypochlorite, or chlorine as a gas, VHO have appeared, almost exclusively as trihalomethanes (THM), sometimes at fairly high levels (max = 41.8 μg l−1).Surface water samples have been collected every other month in one year, and have shown different levels of contamination; in most cases VHO (mainly chlorinated solvents) appeared just as traces, seldom at high concentration (max = 263 μg l−1).Swimming pool samples have shown the high levels of contamination (max = 177.4 μg l−1), mainly due to THM, as a consequence of chlorination with sodium hypochlorite.As a matter of fact, it has become evident that VHO pollution is wide-spread in every kind of water; while contamination of surface waters can only involve environmental and aquatic life, contamination especially of drinking waters, and also of swimming pool waters must be controlled as it can directly act on human health.  相似文献   

A nationwide survey of NDMA in raw and drinking water in Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A nationwide survey of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in both raw and finished water samples from drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) in Japan was conducted. NDMA was analyzed by solid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). NDMA was detected in 15 of 31 raw water samples collected in the summer at concentrations up to 2.6 ng/L, and in 9 of 28 raw water samples collected in winter at concentrations up to 4.3 ng/L. The NDMA concentrations were higher in raw water samples collected from treatment plants with catchment areas that have high population densities. The NDMA concentrations were higher in river water samples collected from the east and west of Japan than in those collected from other areas. NDMA was detected in 10 of 31 finished samples collected in summer at reduced concentrations of up to 2.2 ng/L, while 5 of 28 finished samples collected in winter showed NDMA concentrations up to 10 ng/L. The highest NDMA levels were detected in finished water samples collected from the Yodo River basin DWTP, which uses ozonation. Furthermore, evaluation of the process water produced at six advanced water treatment plants was conducted. Influent from the Yodo River indicated that the NDMA concentration increased during ozonation to as high as 20 ng/L, and then decreased with subsequent biological activated carbon treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first nationwide evaluation of NDMA concentrations in water conducted in Japan to date.  相似文献   

The culturability of Escherichia coli in undersaturated drinking water with respect to CaCO3 (corrosive water) or in oversaturated water (non-corrosive water) was tested in different reactors: glass flasks (batch, "non-reactive" wall); glass reactors (chemostat, "non-reactive" wall) versus a corroded cast iron Propella reactor (chemostat, "reactive" wall) and a 15-year-old distribution system pilot (chemostat, "reactive" wall with 1% corroded cast iron and 99% cement-lined cast iron). The E. coli in E. coli-spiked drinking water was not able to maintain its culturability and colonize the experimental systems. It appears from our results that the optimal pH for maintaining E. coli culturability was around 8.2 or higher. However, in reactors with a reactive wall (corroded cast iron), the decline in E. coli culturability was slower when the pH was adjusted to 7.9 or 7.7 (i.e. a reactor fed with corrosive water; pHpHs). We tentatively deduce that corrosion products coming from chemical reactions driven by corrosive waters on the pipe wall improve E. coli culturability.  相似文献   

Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are classified as known or possible carcinogens, irritants, and toxicants, and VOC exposure has been associated with the onset and exacerbation of asthma. This study characterizes VOC levels in 126 homes of children with asthma in Detroit, Michigan, USA. The total target VOC concentration ranged from 14 to 2274 μg/m3 (mean = 150 μg/m3; median = 91 μg/m3); 56 VOCs were quantified; and d‐limonene, toluene, p, m‐xylene, and ethyl acetate had the highest concentrations. Based on the potential for adverse health effects, priority VOCs included naphthalene, benzene, 1,4‐dichlorobenzene, isopropylbenzene, ethylbenzene, styrene, chloroform, 1,2‐dichloroethane, tetrachloroethene, and trichloroethylene. Concentrations varied mostly due to between‐residence and seasonal variation. Identified emission sources included cigarette smoking, solvent‐related emissions, renovations, household products, and pesticides. The effect of nearby traffic on indoor VOC levels was not distinguished. While concentrations in the Detroit homes were lower than levels found in other North American studies, many homes had elevated VOC levels, including compounds that are known health hazards. Thus, the identification and control of VOC sources are important and prudent, especially for vulnerable individuals. Actions and policies to reduce VOC exposures, for example, sales restrictions, improved product labeling, and consumer education, are recommended.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to try to develop statistically and chemically rational models for bromate formation by ozonation of clarified surface waters. The results presented here show that bromate formation by ozonation of natural waters in drinking water treatment is directly proportional to the "Ct" value ("Ctau" in this study). Moreover, this proportionality strongly depends on many parameters: increasing of pH, temperature and bromide level leading to an increase of bromate formation; ammonia and dissolved organic carbon concentrations causing a reverse effect. Taking into account limitation of theoretical modeling, we proposed to predict bromate formation by stochastic simulations (multi-linear regression and artificial neural networks methods) from 40 experiments (BrO(3)(-) vs. "Ctau") carried out with three sand filtered waters sampled on three different waterworks. With seven selected variables we used a simple architecture of neural networks, optimized by "neural connection" of SPSS Inc./Recognition Inc. The bromate modeling by artificial neural networks gives better result than multi-linear regression. The artificial neural networks model allowed us classifying variables by decreasing order of influence (for the studied cases in our variables scale): "Ctau", [N-NH(4)(+)], [Br(-)], pH, temperature, DOC, alkalinity.  相似文献   

Zhu C  Bai G  Liu X  Li Y 《Water research》2006,40(16):3015-3022
The objectives of this study were to screen high-fluoride and high-arsenic drinking waters, to evaluate the effectiveness of fluoride-reducing projects and to assess the present condition of endemic fluorosis and arsenism in Shaanxi province in western China. For screening high-fluoride drinking waters, five water samples were collected from each selected village where dental fluorosis patients were detected in 8-12 year-old children. For evaluating the effectiveness of fluoride-reducing projects, four water samples were collected from each project at end-user level. Fluoride concentrations in water samples were measured by fluoride-selective electrode method or spectrophotometry. Dental fluorosis in children aging 8-12 years was examined according to Horowitz's Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis. Skeletal fluorosis in adults was detected clinically and radiologically according to Chinese Criteria of Clinical Diagnosis of Skeletal Fluorosis. For screening high-arsenic waters, 20 water samples were collected from each village which was selected from areas characterized by the geographic features to induce high-arsenic underground water, i.e., alluvial plains, ore mining or smelting areas, geothermal artesians, and thermal springs. Arsenic concentrations in water samples were determined by spectrophotometry or arsine generation atomic fluorospectrophotometry. Arsenism in adults aging 40-89 years was examined in villages with arsenic concentrations in drinking water above 0.05 mg/l according to Chinese Criteria for Classification of Endemic Arsenism Areas and Clinical Diagnoses of Endemic Arsenism. The results showed that the fluoride level of 7144 water samples was 1.17 +/- 0.93 mg/l. There were 3396 (47.6%) high-fluoride waters (fluoride level was above 1.0 mg/l) distributing in 786 (45.1%) villages, where about 0.8 million (50.0%) people inhabited. Additionally, the 1315 fluoride-reducing projects were studied. The fluoride level of the projects was 2.79 +/- 1.09 and 0.98 +/- 0.47 mg/l before and after building the projects, which remained at relatively lower level (1.03 +/- 0.47 mg/l). But there were still 58.0% of the projects providing drinking waters with fluoride concentrations beyond 1.0mg/l. The rates of dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis were 38.2% and 11.8%, respectively. The arsenic level of 1732 water samples was 0.010 +/- 0.082 mg/l. There were 174 (14.9%) high-arsenic waters (arsenic level was above 0.010 mg/l) being detected, distributing in 41 (38.7%) villages. The arsenic level in 53 (4.5%) water samples was beyond 0.025 mg/l. There were 3 villages with arsenic level in drinking water beyond Chinese National Permissible Limits (0.050 mg/l), and the prevalence rate of arsenism reached 37.0% in these three villages, 3.7%, 22.2%, and 11.1% of subjects suffering from mild, moderate, and severe arsenism, respectively. Conclusively, the wide distribution of high-fluoride drinking waters contributes to the prevalence of dental and skeletal fluorosis in Shaanxi province and the quality of fluoride-reducing projects should be further improved. Ore mining and smelting induces high-arsenic drinking waters, resulting in arsenism prevalence in Shang-luo city. Proper measures should be taken to deal with water pollution in the ore mining and smelting areas in order to solve the high-arsenic water problem in Shaanxi province.  相似文献   

In the year 2010, effluents from 90 European wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were analyzed for 156 polar organic chemical contaminants. The analyses were complemented by effect-based monitoring approaches aiming at estrogenicity and dioxin-like toxicity analyzed by in vitro reporter gene bioassays, and yeast and diatom culture acute toxicity optical bioassays. Analyses of organic substances were performed by solid-phase extraction (SPE) or liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) followed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) or gas chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-HRMS). Target microcontaminants were pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), veterinary (antibiotic) drugs, perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), organophosphate ester flame retardants, pesticides (and some metabolites), industrial chemicals such as benzotriazoles (corrosion inhibitors), iodinated x-ray contrast agents, and gadolinium magnetic resonance imaging agents; in addition biological endpoints were measured. The obtained results show the presence of 125 substances (80% of the target compounds) in European wastewater effluents, in concentrations ranging from low nanograms to milligrams per liter. These results allow for an estimation to be made of a European median level for the chemicals investigated in WWTP effluents. The most relevant compounds in the effluent waters with the highest median concentration levels were the artificial sweeteners acesulfame and sucralose, benzotriazoles (corrosion inhibitors), several organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers (e.g. tris(2-chloroisopropyl)phosphate; TCPP), pharmaceutical compounds such as carbamazepine, tramadol, telmisartan, venlafaxine, irbesartan, fluconazole, oxazepam, fexofenadine, diclofenac, citalopram, codeine, bisoprolol, eprosartan, the antibiotics trimethoprim, ciprofloxacine, sulfamethoxazole, and clindamycine, the insect repellent N,N′-diethyltoluamide (DEET), the pesticides MCPA and mecoprop, perfluoroalkyl substances (such as PFOS and PFOA), caffeine, and gadolinium.  相似文献   

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