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Greece has not yet undertaken one of the first and most important tasks required by the Water Framework Directive (WFD: the integrated review of the impact of human activity on the status of surface waters for each river basin – the IMPRESS analysis. Owing to the lack of a national methodology, a preliminary analysis was carried out for the Pinios river basin, applying a combination of different methodologies refined to suit the particularities of the Greek freshwater environment and to accommodate the limited availability of data. Pressures caused by the main pollution sources, point and nonpoint, were quantified in terms of pollution loads with the use of emission factors. The existing limited biological and physicochemical monitoring data were used to assess impacts. Additionally, we identified pressures caused by alterations from land-use data; we carried out a River Habitat Survey (RHS) and estimated the hydromorphological impacts through the calculation of a Habitat Modification Score (HMS). Our results suggest that the probability of the Pinios river basin failing to achieve good ecological quality by 2015 due to pollution is high, and due to hydromorphological pressures is moderate.  相似文献   

Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) requires Member States to expand their collective knowledge of priority pollutants (PPs) within receiving waters. To achieve this objective, information on the occurrence of PPs in surface waters and, more specifically, within densely urbanised areas needs to be collected. This study has therefore been designed to provide information on both PP occurrence and concentration build-up along a heavily urbanised transect of the Seine River in the Paris region (France). A large range of PPs were observed in settleable particles and, to a lesser extent, in the waters surveyed. In surface waters, a total of 18 PPs, including 15 priority hazardous substances?, were indeed detected, yet concentrations rarely exceeded the limit of quantification. In fact, only diuron?, DEHP?, fluoranthene and para-tert-octylphenol? are observed on a frequent basis, with concentrations ranging from < 0.01 to 1.0 µg l− 1. As regards the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), 10 substances or groups of substances were found in surface waters to exhibit concentrations above the annual average value, while only the benzo(a)pyrene? concentration exceed the maximum allowable level. As for the Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines, settleable particles collected in the Seine River appear to be heavily contaminated since most samples contain PP levels above the guideline values (18 PPs) and, in many cases, above the probable effect levels (15 PPs), which underscores that the levels of metals, PAHs and PCBs in settleable particles constitute a potential risk to freshwater organisms.  相似文献   

Many indicators and indices related to a variety of biological, physico-chemical, chemical, and hydromorphological water conditions have been recently developed or adapted by scientists in order to support water managers in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) implementation. In this context, the achievement of a comprehensive and reliable Ecological Status classification of water bodies across Europe is hampered by the lack of harmonised procedures for selecting an appropriate set of indicators and integrating heterogeneous information in a flexible way.To this purpose, an Integrated Risk Assessment (IRA)2 methodology was developed based on the Weight of Evidence approach. This method analyses and combines a set of environmental indicators grouped into five Lines of Evidence (LoE), i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Ecotoxicology, Physico-chemistry and Hydromorphology. The whole IRA methodology has been implemented as a specific module into a freeware GIS (Geographic Information System)-based Decision Support System, named MODELKEY DSS. This paper focuses on the evaluation of the four supporting LoE (i.e. Chemistry, Ecotoxicology, Physico-chemistry and Hydromorphology), and includes a procedure for a comparison of each indicator with proper thresholds and a subsequent integration process to combine the obtained output with the LoE Biology results in order to provide a single score expressing the Ecological Status classification. The approach supports the identification of the most prominent stressors, which are responsible for the observed alterations in the river basin under investigation. The results provided by the preliminary testing of the IRA methodology through application of the MODELKEY DSS to the Llobregat case study are finally reported and discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) concentration and flow data gathered during the 1990s for a range of British rivers were used to determine the relative contributions of point and diffuse inputs to the total P load, using the Load Apportionment Model (LAM). Heavily urbanised catchments were dominated by sewage inputs, but the majority of the study catchments received most of their annual phosphorus load from diffuse sources. Despite this, almost 80% of the study sites were dominated by point source inputs for the majority of the year, particularly during summer periods when eutrophication risk is greatest. This highlights the need to reduce sewage P inputs to improve the ecological status of British rivers. These modelled source apportionment estimates were validated against land-use data and boron load (a chemical marker for sewage).The LAM was applied to river flow data in subsequent years, to give predicted P concentrations (assuming no change in P source inputs), and these estimates were compared with observed concentration data. This showed that there had been significant reductions in P concentration in the River Thames, Aire and Ouse in the period 1999 to 2002, which were attributable to the introduction of P stripping at sewage treatment works (STW). The model was then used to forecast P concentrations resulting from the introduction of P removal at STW to a 2 or 1 mg l− 1 consent limit. For the urbanised rivers in this study, the introduction of phosphorus stripping to a 1 mg l− 1 consent level at all STW in the catchment would not reduce P concentrations in the rivers to potentially limiting concentrations. Therefore, further sewage P stripping will be required to comply with the Water Framework Directive. Diffuse P inputs may also need to be reduced before some of the highly nutrient-enriched rivers achieve good ecological status.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive was implemented in December 2000 and has to be transposed into Scottish legislation by 2003. The Directive provides a major opportunity to enhance the water environment of Scotland and to improve its management through the implementation of river-basin management planning with stakeholder and public engagement and the delivery of a programme of environmental-improvement measures to deliver good ecological status. Whilst the Directive provides unparalleled opportunities, there are significant challenges to its successful implementation in Scotland, where a step-change in managing the water environment will be required. This paper explores some of the challenges which include technical aspects, scale and timing issues, and capacity limitations.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities influence past and present nitrate levels recorded in European stream waters, posing a threat to aquatic biota and human beings. Scarce information on temporal trends of nitrate concentration and its causes is available for Mediterranean catchments. This study presents the evolution of nitrate concentrations over 25 years in stream waters of the Ebro River Basin (Spain), a large Mediterranean catchment involving 85,566 km2. Nitrate concentration increased with time in 46% of the 65 sites involved in the study. Agricultural cover of 30 hydrologically independent sub-catchments was the main land use related to nitrate concentration (R2 = 0.69). Throughout the 25 year-period, the sites showing increased nitrate concentrations with time (trend sites) also presented an enhanced influence of agricultural cover on nitrate concentrations along the time frame of the study. As a result of these temporal changes, at the end of the studied period nitrate concentrations in stream waters responded similarly to agricultural cover in both trend and non-trend sites, showing non significant differences in the slope of the resultant regression models. At this time, agricultural cover explained 82% of the variability found in nitrate levels. If these trends remain unchanged, in 2015 many of the water bodies considered in this study would not comply with the requirements of the European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD). Therefore management decisions, mainly associated to agricultural practices, should be implemented as soon as possible at the catchment level to meet WFD objectives.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale field trial of phytoextraction of PCBs provides insight into the practical application of this technology, using the plant species Cucurbita pepo ssp pepo cv. Howden (pumpkin), Carex normalis (sedge), and Festuca arundinacea (tall fescue). This in situ trial took place at a historically contaminated field site, in soil contaminated with a mean concentration of 46 microg/g (range of 0.6 - 200 microg/g) total PCBs (Aroclor 1254/1260). Shoot bioaccumulation factors (where BAF(shoot)=[PCB(shoot)]/[PCB(soil)]) of up to 0.29 were achieved in sedge. Pumpkin plants produced shoot BAFs of only 0.15. However, PCB concentrations in pumpkin shoots decreased as the distance above the root increased, suggesting that higher overall pumpkin shoot BAFs might be achieved in shorter, more densely planted plants. A model for estimating the overall PCB concentration in large pumpkin shoots with minimal sampling is proposed. Examination of congener data supports the hypothesis that C. pepo ssp pepo plants exhibit a unique biological uptake mechanism that allows for the accumulation of a significant concentration of PCBs in plant shoots. Although this mechanism is not well understood, the co-eluting IUPAC congeners 93/95 and 105/127 appear to be preferentially mobilized. Presently, all three plant species exhibit potential as PCB phytoextractors, however further research is required to elucidate methods for optimizing this technology.  相似文献   

We determined lead concentrations in antlers (n = 132) of roe bucks > or = 2 years of age, killed between 1951 and 1999 in the northern Ruhr area, Germany. The lead content of the antlers ranged between 0.6 and 19.0 mg/kg dry weight of bone, and overall markedly declined over the study period. As a consequence, mean lead levels in younger samples were always significantly (P<0.001) lower than those in older ones (for the periods: 1951-1969, 1970-1979, 1980-1989 and 1990-1999). Annual mean antler lead concentrations were positively correlated (r(s) = 0.74, P<0.001) with annual mean lead concentrations in airborne particulate matter of the Rhine-Ruhr area during the period 1974-1999. The findings of the present study underscore that roe deer antlers are well suited for a monitoring of temporal trends in environmental lead levels in a cost-effective way.  相似文献   

A Water Framework Directive pilot project combines measured data and model approaches to calculate fluxes and mass balance of the pesticide bentazone in an 81 km section of the river Main (Germany). During the study period (six weeks in spring 2004) the observed bentazone inflow and outflow in the river section amounted to 52.8 and 53.1 kg, respectively; the maximum concentrations reached 220 and 290 ng l−1. Based on sampling of seven sewage treatment plants a specific loss of 0.87 g bentazone per farm was calculated. Extrapolation to the entire sub-basin results in 2.6 kg bentazone in total as point source contribution from farms. Diffuse input into the surface water network occurred after an intensive rainfall event on May 7th. Total bentazone load was simulated with the pesticide emission model DRIPS to be 23.2 kg. One third of this load was estimated to be degraded by photolysis before reaching the main waterway, the river Main. The ATV water quality model was applied to predict the concentration profile of bentazone in river Main between Schweinfurt and Würzburg with reasonable results. The difference between total measured and modeled fluxes amounted to 1.5 kg corresponding to 2% of the overall input. The combined approach of monitoring and modeling appears to be a valuable strategy to quantify the relevance of point and non-point sources and to focus effective mitigation measures to the most relevant origins within a river basin.  相似文献   

新陈代谢GM(1,1)模型在河流水质预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马昉 《山西建筑》2008,34(16):169-170
针对常规GM(1,1)模型存在的不足,运用灰色系统理论,建立了灰色新陈代谢GM(1,1)河流水质预测模型,对该模型的精度以及误差进行了分析,并利用该模型对某地区河流的水质进行了预测,预测结果显示:灰色新陈代谢GM(1,1)预测模型能够明显地提高预测精度,增加预测的可信度。  相似文献   

By managing a catchment effectively, the range and amount of contaminants entering waters used for public water supply can be reduced, with resultant benefits for both water companies and consumers. Consequently, catchment management is increasingly being recognised as being at the heart of the water environment. An overview of current and previous catchment management initiatives is given, along with the European Landscape Convention, which could be used as a vehicle for the implementation of a national catchment management strategy. The adoption of the drinking water safety plan approach is strongly advocated by the World Health Organisation, and effective catchment management underpins this approach. Effective management of our catchments will also make a significant contribution to meeting our obligations under the Water Framework Directive, by helping to address the serious issue of diffuse pollution from agriculture.  相似文献   

Faecally impacted surface waters used for drinking water production may encompass risk for norovirus infections. To be able to assess a possible health risk, noroviruses should be quantified and fluctuations identified. In 2001, norovirus concentrations in the river Meuse displayed a seasonal distribution with high peaks during wintertime as determined by RT-PCR on serially diluted RNA. An intensified day-by-day sampling scheme in the winter of 2002/2003 revealed that the winter peak consisted of several peaks of varying duration and magnitude, possibly due to contamination events in the catchment. The highest estimated concentration was 1700 PCR-detectable units per litre (95% CI 250-8000), which if coinciding with failing treatment could lead to significant numbers in drinking water. Adaptive dynamic filtering was shown to adequately predict subsequent sample concentrations. If valid, such analyses could prove to be useful as early warning systems in risk management of water sources.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a model for crisis management in urban water supply systems, able to assist the decision-making process to deal with the urban water crisis (UWC) by those responsible for these systems. The research methodology used for model development consisted of the following steps: (1) development of a decision support model for cases of crises in urban water supply systems (UWC-MODEL); (2) performing the sensitivity analysis of the UWC-MODEL; (3) verifying the UWC-MODEL; and (4) application of the UWC-MODEL. Different levels (socio-economic, management, urban, environmental and cultural) of the UWC problem were considered in the UWC-MODEL. It was based on the similarity between a weak UWC situation (or absence), strong UWC situation (or severe) and the actual case. Results of the application of the UWC-MODEL to the Administrative Region of Brasilia, in the Federal District of Brazil, indicated that actions related to cultural and environmental levels demonstrated a greater contribution for combating UWC. Actions such as environmental education programs, water conservation programs, and use of water saving equipment, were indicated by the UWC-MODEL to solve the UWC problem in this application to the real case.  相似文献   

The Geography-referenced regional exposure assessment tool for European rivers (GREAT-ER) 1.0 was developed in the context of environmental risk assessment of chemicals to calculate the aquatic fate of 'down-the-drain' chemicals in surface waters due to point release. As a follow-up project, the river Rur catchment in Germany was incorporated into the system. This included aspects of data collection, modelling and monitoring. Investigated substances are the four detergent and cleaning agent ingredients boron, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), nitrilotriacetate (NTA) and ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). Results of the catchment's incorporation into the system and a comparison of GREAT-ER simulations with different monitoring results are both given. It is shown that data sets derived from a literature review can be used to calculate concentration profiles that are in the range of measured values. Since the model establishes a causal relationship between emission sites and data on the one hand, and observed concentrations in the receiving surface waters on the other, the simulation results can be used to explain monitoring data.  相似文献   

The water framework Directive is proposed as a mechanism for applying river-basin management across the European Union. Proposals for River-Basin Management Plans might have an impact on the present system of Local Environment Agency Plans and on schemes which are used in the British Isles to provide river management on a catchment basis. For this study, representatives from the Environment Agency, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and European Parliament advisors were interviewed. In addition, Local Environment Agency Plans were assessed for compatibility with the requirements of River-Basin Management Plans.  相似文献   

Recently high‐frequency sudden pollution originated from an explosion of industrial plants, transportation accidents and oil spills was often continuously diffused into downstream water. In this paper, the features of pollution diffusion including the boundary shape, concentration gradients and covered area from the two typical sudden water accidents of river mouth inflow (RMI) and beach uniform inflow (BUI) were investigated and compared by utilizing computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model and lab‐scale experiments. It was found that a circular boundary shape was formed when diffusion velocity was slower than threshold velocity of 0.0016 m/s, however, a long strip of boundary was replaced at the speed of more than 0.0016 m/s from RMI, using CFD simulation under lab‐scale. The coincidence degree of diffusion over time in terms of covered area and boundary shape between CFD simulation and the lab‐scale experiment was reached to 97.6–99.6% both in RMI and BUI. The result indicated that CFD was applied to simulate the pollution diffusion from the two patterns of sudden water accidents under full‐scale. Results showed that a sharp peak was capable of appearing in mainstream and there was a ring current appearing in side wing from RMI. However, the mainstream with a gentle peak and the side wing with symmetrical diffusion were arising in BUI. In addition, a high concentration gradients and a clear concentration contours were both exhibited in RMI and BUI. The results may assist in offering emergency response to control sudden pollution diffusion, further supporting the scope of pollution hazard assessment and ecological remediation to recover pollution region.  相似文献   

Glass-fiber reinforced polyamide 66 is flame retarded with a mixture of melamine-poly(zinc phosphate), (Safire®400) and diethyl aluminium phosphinate. The performance of this synergistic combination of additives is multi-modal and a comprehensive investigation is undertaken to elucidate the underlying flame retardancy mechanism. The strategy was to characterize the different chemical species responsible for flame retardancy that are generated in gas and condensed phases under different fire scenarios. Following heat release rate (HRR) curve of flame retarded polyamide formulations obtained by mass loss calorimeter, samples in different stages of degradation are collected and investigated. Further flame retardants and formulations were degraded in tubular furnace whose temperature protocol relied on thermal degradation profile obtained from thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). In either case, species generated in condensed phase were studied by solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR; 27Al, 31P and 13C), Fourier transform Infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and optical microscopy, whereas TGA coupled FTIR, and pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py/GC/MS) were utilised to investigate species released in gas phase. Flame retardancy mechanism is elaborated based on the identification of the chemical species in both gas and condensed phases and their specific contributing role.  相似文献   

Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) is an organic derivative of manganese (Mn), used since 1976 in Canadian gasoline as an octane enhancer. Its combustion leads to the emission of Mn particles. Several studies carried out by our research group have established a correlation between atmospheric Mn concentrations and automobile traffic density, suggesting that MMT in gasoline could play a significant role. This study aims to measure Mn concentrations in the air of the underground subway in Montreal (Canada) and to examine the relation with nearby surface automobile traffic density and, by extension, with the use of MMT in gasoline. Three subway stations were chosen for their location in different microenvironments with different traffic densities. Respirable (MnR<5 microm) and total Mn (MnT) were sampled over two weeks, 5 days/week, 12 h/day. For the station located in the lower traffic density area, relatively low levels of MnR and MnT were found, with averages of 0.018 and 0.032 microg/m(3), respectively. These concentrations are within the range of the background levels in Montreal. For the other two stations, the average concentrations of MnR were twice as high and exceeded the US EPA reference concentration of 0.05 microg/m(3). Although there may be several sources of Mn from different components of the subway structure and vehicles, no correlation was found between subway traffic and atmospheric Mn in the subway. Since the air in the underground subway is pumped directly from outside without filtration, our findings strongly suggest that the combustion of MMT in automobiles is an important factor.  相似文献   

Suh CW  Lee JW  Hong YS  Shin HS 《Water research》2009,43(1):137-147
We propose an evolutionary process model induction system that is based on the grammar-based genetic programming to automatically discover multivariate dynamic inference models that are able to predict fecal coliform bacteria removals using common process variables instead of directly measuring fecal coliform bacteria concentration in a full-scale municipal activated-sludge wastewater treatment plant. A sequential modeling paradigm is also proposed to derive multivariate dynamic models of fecal coliform removals in the evolutionary process model induction system. It is composed of two parts, the process estimator and the process predictor. The process estimator acts as an intelligent software sensor to achieve a good estimation of fecal coliform bacteria concentration in the influent. Then the process predictor yields sequential prediction of the effluent fecal coliform bacteria concentration based on the estimated fecal coliform bacteria concentration in the influent from the process estimator with other process variables. The results show that the evolutionary process model induction system with a sequential modeling paradigm has successfully evolved multivariate dynamic models of fecal coliform removals in the form of explicit mathematical formulas with high levels of accuracy and good generalization. The evolutionary process model induction system with sequential modeling paradigm proposed here provides a good alternative to develop cost-effective dynamic process models for a full-scale wastewater treatment plant and is readily applicable to a variety of other complex treatment processes.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, various concepts with similar underlying philosophies have evolved within the urban water sector calling for a more integrated, sustainable, and adaptive management approach. Whilst many advocate this idea, the process of transitioning to sustainability-focused water management seems to proceed slowly. There are sector-specific characteristics that generally bring a level of conformity within the sector, but various national and regional drivers and constraints also shape each utility's option space. Business models can be useful catalysts for change by providing a more holistic view of potential options and transition pathways. This paper outlines the concept of business modeling for use in Sustainable Urban Water Management (SUWM). A literature-based comparative assessment was undertaken for two cases: Melbourne, Australia and the Emscher Region, Germany. The practical relevance of the proposed framework is demonstrated for understanding enablers and inhibitors of change and identifying strategies for sustainability within the urban water sector.  相似文献   

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