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用电解铝液配料,采用低液位铸造技术生产高精度铝板带用的优质扁锭,首先要针对电解铝液温度高、夹杂物多、气体含量高的特点,采取严格的熔体净化工艺,为铸造提供洁净的铝熔体;其次要针对低液位及组合结晶器全自动铸造技术的特点,根据合金特性、扁锭规格和铸造条件,设定最佳铸造工艺参数。 相似文献
生产高光亮度纯铝板(Al99.85)时,成品出现的所谓条状组织会造成废品,从而影响经济效果。这种缺陷是锭坯断面上不规则的组织形态引起的,迄今在传统的连续铸造中还不能可靠地加以避免。本文介绍立式连续铸造的新型结晶器,用它可以有目标地控制凝固条件,从而在锭坯靠近表面区域决不会出现不均匀的组织。 相似文献
对低液位铸造原理和现场试验进行了简要介绍,探索了现有条件下2024铝合金扁锭的铸造工艺,并将普通模与低液位铸造的铸锭质量进行了对比分析。 相似文献
介绍了铝及铝合金圆锭铸造过程中所需结晶器的结构种类,对比了分体式结晶器和一体式结晶器的优缺点,同时分别阐述了分体式结晶器和一体式结晶器的生产工艺;通过实际生产得出,分体式结晶器更适合于直径300 mm以下圆锭的生产。最后,研究了结晶器内部的石墨环材质性能和尺寸要求,生产实践表明矮结晶更有利提升圆锭质量,石墨环内径尺寸为圆锭直径的1.025倍。 相似文献
Effect of mould material on aluminum alloy ingot quality under low frequency electromagnetic casting
F or a semi-continuous aluminum casting process, it is essential to supply high quality aluminum alloy ingot without internal and outside defects. The use of electromagnetic fields to control the size and shape of grains has become one of the most promising methods [1-5] in many engineering applications and tends to be widespread in industries. The application of electromagnetic casting (EMC) technique for improving products quality has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years, and… 相似文献
The relationships between the surface quality of a single crystal copper ingot and the process parameters of heated mould continuous casting method were studied experimentally using our own design of horizontal heated mould continuous casting apparatus, and the mechanism by which process parameters affect the surface quality of a single crystal copper ingot is analyzed in the present paper. The results show that the process parameters affect the surface quality of a pure copper ingot by affecting the position of the liquid-solid interface in the mould. The position of the liquid-solid interface in the mould must be controlled carefully within an appropriate range, which is determined through a series of experiments,in order to gain a single crystal copper ingot with good surface quality. 相似文献
Qingfeng ZHU Zhihao ZHAO Jianzhong CUI Xiangjie WANG Ke QIN Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials Ministry of Education Northeastern University Shenyang China 《金属学报(英文版)》2011,(5):399-404
7075 aluminum alloy ingot with the diameter of 100 mm has been produced by hor-izontal direct chill casting in different casting speed. The effect of the casting speed on the ingot surface and subsurface layer was studied by surface observation and subsurface structure analysis. It was found that increasing the casting speed results in the adding of segregation knots in the ingot surface. The thickness of the dendrite microstructure layer in the subsurface reduces with increasing the casting speed. And the ... 相似文献
用电解原铝液生产高精6063铝合金圆铸锭的工艺研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
针对国外客户对高精6063铝合金圆铸锭的质量要求,主要在电解原铝液熔体处理、炉内精炼、晶粒细化、炉外在线净化、均匀化处理和生产设备等方面进行了试验研究.现在我公司利用电解原铝液能够稳定生产出高精6063铝合金圆铸锭,满足了客户的需求. 相似文献
5182 Al alloy ingots with the diameters of 100 mm are produced by conventional and combined electromagnetic fields (CEMF) horizontal direction chill (HDC) casting process.The effect of CEMF on the ingot surface quality and floating grains is investigated.The results show that the CEMF is effective in reducing the segregation layer in both top and bottom sub-surfaces.Big floating grains with coarse dendrite arms mainly distribute in the crescent-shaped area near the bottom in the conventional HDC casting ingot.With the application of the CEMF,they disappear in the whole cross section of the HDC casting ingot and the equiaxed grains are significantly refined. 相似文献
德阳深捷科技采用独特的补镀镍基多元合金系列膜层技术,将报废的结晶器修复到原尺寸,修复后结晶器过钢量可以同进口新品相比,并远超出常规镀膜产品。该结晶器修复技术已经在多家钢厂使用,相对镀硬铬结晶器新品,修复的结晶器过钢量可提高50%~100%以上。符合减排节能、资源循环利用的时代要求。 相似文献
重庆钢铁股份有限公司炼钢厂的3台大型板坯连铸机,主要生产表面裂纹敏感的亚包晶钢和铸坯表面及皮下易产生卷渣缺陷的低碳低硅钢。热试车生产一段时间后,相继使用中等碱度的结晶器保护渣浇注亚包晶钢,裂纹和黏结长期不能得到有效控制;低碳低硅钢采用低黏度的碱度低于1.0的结晶器保护渣,钩状振痕突出,卷材表面条状缺陷较多。2013年后研制了亚包晶钢用高碱度结晶器保护渣、低碳低硅用中等黏度结晶器保护渣,基本满足铸坯生产质量控制要求。2017年前的一段时间企业因经营原因减产,后又在2017年恢复性提高生产规模一段时间后,保护渣出现质量波动,完全不能够满足生产表面裂纹敏感性极强的亚包晶钢的铸坯要求,低碳低硅钢也出现漏钢预报温度曲线异常的现象。对此,从质量保证体系健全和完善方面对保护渣供货和使用双方存在的问题进行探讨,分析这方面存在的问题,有利于双方加强合作和联系,供应质量稳定且能够更好地满足连铸生产需要的保护渣。 相似文献