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The memorability, clinical impact, and possible epistemic and motivational functions of therapists' intentional use of therapeutic metaphor were examined in 4 dyads of experiential psychotherapy. Clients tended to recall therapists' intentional metaphors approximately two-thirds of the time, especially when these metaphors were developed collaboratively and repetitively. Clients rated therapy sessions in which they recalled therapists' intentional use of metaphors as more helpful than sessions in which they recalled therapeutic events other than therapists' intentional metaphors. Four distinctive epistemic and motivational functions of therapeutic metaphor were observed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The focus of this review is the relationship between the three-dimensional structure of ligands of the various members of the growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase superfamily and their interaction with the cognate receptor. Particular attention is given to the transforming growth factor-alpha, epidermal growth factor (EGF); nerve growth factor, neurotrophin; and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), insulin systems since these have been extensively studied in recent years. The three receptor types, which bind these ligands, are the epidermal growth factor receptor family (erb B receptors), the neurotrophin or Trk receptor family, and IGF-1/insulin receptors, respectively, and represent three distinct members of the tyrosine kinase superfamily. For each of these, formation of the ligand-receptor complex initiates the signal transduction cascade through autophosphorylation by the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain. The extracellular portion of the receptor that contains the ligand binding domain in these systems varies significantly in organization in each case. For the EGF receptor system, ligand binding induces homo- and heterodimerization of the receptor leading to activation of the intracellular kinase. For the Trk receptor system, homodimerization of receptors has been shown to occur, although a second receptor, p75, is also required for high affinity binding of neurotrophins and for enhanced sensitivity of tyrosine kinase activation at low ligand concentrations. The IGF-1 and insulin receptors exist as covalent cross-linked dimers where each monomer is composed of two subunits. The aim of this review is also to discuss the mechanism of ligand-receptor interaction for each of these cases; however, since no structural information is yet available for the ligand-receptor complex, the discussion will largely be centered on the molecular requirements of ligand binding. As these receptors are activated through the ligand binding site on the extracellular domain, this represents a possible target for pharmacological intervention by inhibition or stimulation of this portion of the receptor. Thus from a drug design perspective, the focus of this review is to discuss progress in the development of agonists or antagonists of the ligand for these receptors.  相似文献   

Correction of uremic platelet serotonin (5-HT) storage pool deficiency is one of the very early hemostatic effects of erythropoietin (Epo) therapy. In this work, platelet 5-HT with relation to primary hemostasis was studied in 15 hemodialysis patients treated with Epo for 8 months. Moreover, effects of ketanserin, a blocker of platelet and vascular smooth muscle cell 5-HT2A receptors, in these patients were followed. The parameters studied were compared with relevant values in healthy controls and in hemodialysis patients not treated with Epo, and remeasured in the long-term Epo patients after a 14-day oral ketanserin trial. Platelet 5-HT content in the eighth month of Epo therapy was not different from the one in untreated patients. Ristocetin- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation were enhanced in comparison with both control groups, as opposed to unaltered response to ADP and arachidonic acid. Fibrinogen concentration was lower than in the untreated group. An inverse correlation between ADP-induced platelet aggregation and the skin bleeding time (r=-0.536, p<0.05) and a positive one between the former and platelet 5-HT (r=0.644, p<0.01) were found. Platelet count correlated positively with both platelet 5-HT (r=0.823, p<0.0002) and ADP-induced platelet aggregation (r=0.596, p<0.02). Ketanserin produced a decrease in ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation, fibrinogen, and prolongation of the bleeding time. The first two of the changes correlated positively with their pre-ketanserin values (r=0.923, p<0.00001 and r=0.839, p< 0.0001, respectively). Post-ketanserin, positive correlations between depressed ristocetin- and arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation (r=0.760, p<0.005), and between collagen- and corresponding values of arachidonic acid- (r=0.622, p<0.02), ADP-induced platelet aggregation (r=0.396, p<0.01), and platelet 5-HT (r=0.654, p<0.05) were found. Efficient hemostasis in hemodialysis patients on protracted Epo therapy is, in part, dependent on enhanced platelet aggregability. Correction of platelet 5-HT storage pool deficiency is not evident in this stage but 5-HT still influences complex mechanisms of primary hemostasis. Ketanserin is of anticoagulant value in these patients but its effects must be weighted against possible exacerbation of the anemia.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the trainability of anticipation in intermediate tennis players. In particular, the study examined whether video presentations could improve on-court tennis serve returns. A series of separate A-B designs across 6 participants was implemented, with baseline and intervention scores for on-court serve-return performance being recorded. Intervention consisted of 2 phases: a training phase and an on-court testing phase. The training phase, which employed a changing criterion design, consisted of a series of tennis-serve video presentations that were replayed with gradually increasing speed. All serves were occluded on racquet/ball contact, and participants were asked to predict the type, depth, and width of the serve. Following completion of the training phase, participants were again tested on their ability to return tennis serves on the tennis court. On-court results suggested that anticipation ability and performance did improve as a result of the intervention.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) play a crucial role in many cell regulatory processes. It is therefore not surprising to see that functional perturbation of PTKs results in many diseases. Despite the diverse primary structure organization of various PTKs, the catalytic or kinase domains of various PTKs as well as that of Ser/Thr kinases are generally conserved. The high resolution crystal structure of a few PTKs has been solved in the last few years. In contrast to the well-defined linear peptide substrate motifs recognized by specific Ser/Thr kinases, the identification of specific substrate motifs for PTK has been slow. It is not until recently that through the use of combinatorial peptide library methods that specific recognition motifs for specific PTKs have begun to emerge. Efficient and specific peptide substrates for some PTKs with Km at the mid microM range have been identified. Based on these peptide substrates, relatively potent (IC50 at the low microM range) and highly selective pseudosubstrate-based peptide inhibitors have been developed. There has been enormous effort in the development of PTK inhibitors for diseases such as cancer, psoriasis, and osteoporosis. Several new high-throughput PTK assay technologies have recently been described. Small molecules against specific PTK have been developed. Most of them are competitive inhibitors at the ATP binding site. Some of these inhibitors have already been in clinical trial.  相似文献   

The occurrence of independent contributions by 2 or more scientists can be interpreted in terms of zeitgeist, genius, or chance. The relative adequacy of these 3 theories was examined by examining the general and intradisciplinary probability distribution of multiples and the relationship of individual eminence with multiple production and priority. An analysis of 579 multiples and of 789 scientists and inventors gave the most support to the chance theory, followed by the zeitgeist theory. Results are integrated into a single probabilistic perspective that incorporates some of the major features of all 3 theories. A small group of highly productive individuals is most likely to participate in multiples, including independent rediscoveries. These same persons are also unusually intimate with the "technoscientific" zeitgeist and perhaps equally gifted with an inordinate amount of good luck. (62 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is still an unresolved issue in numerous healthcare institutions worldwide. Guidelines for the control of MRSA in hospitals focus on measures to control cross-transmission and prevent colonization, but rarely specifically mention the control of antimicrobial use. We reviewed the different types of evidence for a causal relationship between MRSA and antimicrobial use by classifying them in four categories: consistent associations, dose-effect relationships, concomitant variations, and arguments to support a plausible biological model to explain this relationship. Although the relative participation of cross-transmission and antimicrobial selection pressure in the level of MRSA observed in a healthcare setting remains to be determined, we found lines of evidence to support the existence of a relationship between MRSA and antimicrobial use in each of the four categories. This review points out the relative lack of studies specifically designed to investigate this aspect of MRSA epidemiology and the need to implement such studies quickly. In the meantime, the results presented here should encourage the implementation of antimicrobial-use improvement programs in hospitals in addition to existing infection control measures, which are still a priority in countries with high MRSA prevalence.  相似文献   

Isoprene monomer is derived from petroleum cracking and is used in the manufacturing of polyisoprene, butyl rubber and a variety of copolymers. It is also the monomeric unit of naturally occurring terpenes (e.g. lycopenes, the pigmentation in tomatoes). Isoprene occurs in tobacco smoke and it is released by a wide range of plants and mammals (including man). Portion of the isoprene present in the atmosphere is therefore from natural origin. Isoprene is chemically closely related to butadiene. Both substances are being used in similar industrial processes and because of the structural analogy, it is often speculated that the toxicological properties of isoprene must resemble those of butadiene. In fact, the acute toxicity of isoprene is very similar and also the biotransformation to mono- and diepoxides is qualitatively alike. There is however a difference; isoprene is asymmetric and therefore more metabolic enantiomers are possible. Pharmacokinetic studies have demonstrated species differences (as with butadiene) in the maximum metabolic elimination rate: in mice this was determined to be at least three times higher than in rats which implies a species sensitivity in isoprene metabolism in the mouse. Both isoprene and its major metabolites were tested for mutagenic activity in Salmonella strains. Only the diepoxide was found to be positive in TA100. In in vivo cytogenetic tests in mice, no chromosomal aberrations were observed but an increase in SCEs and micronuclei was evident. As is the case with butadiene there are clear indications from long-term rat/mice inhalational studies with isoprene of a species difference in tumour response. Based on cytogenetic findings and tumorigenicity data it is clear that isoprene is less potent than butadiene. Such observations are important and useful to reduce uncertainties in risk-characterisation procedures (e.g. occupational exposure standard setting; EU existing chemicals regulations).  相似文献   

An interrelationship between primary and secondary metabolites of a toxigenic mould (Aspergillus parasiticus var. globosus IMI 120920) was obtained in liquid broth containing various concentrations of dithane Z-78 and propoxur. The results show that a stimulatory response was recorded in gibberellin, protein, sterol and aflatoxin yield in cultures treated with 15, 30, 50 and 100 ppm a.i. of dithane Z-78. On the other hand, propoxur reduced the yield of gibberellin, amino acids, protein, sterol and aflatoxin. In comparison to its effect on the mycelial growth, gibberellin and aflatoxin activity is inhibited more severely than dry weight increase, thus leading to the assumption that there is a specific effect of the inhibitor on both gibberellin and aflatoxin synthesis.  相似文献   

Examined hypothesis-testing strategy by using the paradigm of rule discovery introduced by P. C. Wason (see record 1961-01737-001). Ss were given an example of a triple (a set of 3 items) produced by a particular generating rule. Their goal was to determine the rule. To do this, they proposed a new triple and were told whether the triple fit the rule. Ss completed 18 such trials, each time indicating their current best guess about the rule. After the 18th triple, Ss were told whether their guess was correct. Each S received 1 of 18 problems using triples of numbers or cities. Task structure was varied across problems by varying relations between the correct rule and Ss' initial hypotheses. Performance was a function of task structure, task content, and hypothesis-testing strategy. However, results indicate the overall predominance of a positive test strategy, which often leads to hypotheses that are too narrow. In this strategy, Ss look for possible errors by testing instances they believed should fit the rule, with relatively few tests of instances they believe should not. Successful and unsuccessful Ss showed the same predominant strategy. However, successful problem solvers were much more likely to direct their tests toward distinguishing explicit alternative hypotheses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper provides a brief review of syndromes associated with activity dysregulation, inattention and motor control problems, usually referred to as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, developmental coordination disorder and deficits in attention, motor control and perception. Several percent of school age children are affected by such problems. Disorders tend to overlap and show significant comorbidities. Familial and brain-damaging factors are involved in the pathogenesis and appear to impinge on specific attentional brain systems. Outcome is variable but restricted if appropriate diagnosis/intervention is not accomplished. Effective interventions are available. Given the high prevalence of these disorders and their relatively poor outcome, such interventions could constitute effective prevention in a general population health perspective.  相似文献   

Consideration of religiosity as a factor in behavior change research requires a reliable measure of religious behavior. Such a measure may be particularly helpful in research on substance misuse given the negative association between religiosity and substance use and the role of religiosity and spirituality often reported in the process of recovery from substance use disorders. In this regard, this article describes the development and evaluation of the Religious Background and Behavior (RBB) questionnaire as a brief measure of religious practices. The results suggest the RBB is made up of two factors, labeled God Consciousness and Formal Practices , and that the RBB possesses excellent test-retest reliability and satisfactory internal consistency. It is concluded that the RBB can serve as a reliable instrument for assessing religious behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To determine whether profiles of predictor variables provide incremental prediction of college student outcomes, the authors 1st applied an empirical clustering method to profiles based on the scores of 2,771 entering college students on a battery of biographical data and situational judgment measures, along with SAT and American College Test scores and high school grade point average, which resulted in 5 student groups. Performance of the students in these clusters was meaningfully different on a set of external variables, including college grade point average, self-rated performance, class absenteeism, organizational citizenship behavior, intent to quit their university, and satisfaction with college. The 14 variables in the profile were all significantly correlated with 1 or more of the outcome measures; however, nonlinear prediction of these outcomes on the basis of cluster membership did not add incrementally to a linear-regression-based combination of these 14 variables as predictors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research on the prevalence, patterns, and course of substance use disorders in severe mental illness gives key insights into the complex interaction of substance use and mental disorder. Understanding the literature on comorbidity has implications for the design of clinical services and for the direction of future research in the field.  相似文献   

The effects of prior domestic violence may significantly affect older women who seek mental health services. In two community mental health centers, older women frequently presented with depressive and anxious symptoms, poor family relationships, multiple health problems, alcohol dependence (in themselves, their former spouses, and their children), and economic difficulties. Increased media attention to domestic violence often preceded first-time disclosure of abuse within their marriages, which often had occurred years ago. Peers and family members rarely provided adequate support. Practitioners should assess for prior abuse, and treatment must address the full spectrum of these clients' needs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A high risk of developing sludge or gallstones has been associated with pregnancy. The aim of this study was to relate the prevalence of sludge and gallstones during and shortly after pregnancy to fasting gallbladder volume as an indicator of gallbladder motility. METHODS: The population included 114 apparently healthy pregnant women from the Outpatient Clinic of Obstetrics of a large regional hospital and from the practices of regional midwives. Ultrasonography of the gallbladder was performed at weeks 15, 25, and 35 of gestation and at week 3 and month 6 postpartum. RESULTS: At gestational week 15, 3 women had gallstones and 10 had sludge (mean volume, 33.8 ml), and 99 women had a normal gallbladder (mean volume, 30.5 ml). At week 25, 1 woman with a normal gallbladder formed gallstones and underwent cholecystectomy shortly after, and 22 women had sludge, of whom 13 had a normal gallbladder at first examination (mean volume, 33.2 ml). In 88 women with normal gallbladders (of whom 2 had sludge at week 15) mean volume was 31.9 ml. At week 35, 2 women had gallstones, and 21 had sludge (mean volume, 30.5 ml). In the remaining 79 women the gallbladders were clear (mean volume, 29.5 ml). Eight women developed sludge and two women gallstones in normal gallbladders at week 25. Seven women with sludge at week 25 had a normal gallbladder at week 35. Three weeks postpartum only 10 of 100 women had sludge (mean volume, 29.1 ml). Of these 10, 9 women had a normal gallbladder at week 35. Twenty of 21 women with sludge at week 35 had normal gallbladders week 3 postpartum. Gallstones found at week 35 had disappeared. In the women with a normal gallbladder the mean volume was decreased to 19.7 ml (P < 0.0001). Six months postpartum, sludge was found in 6 (mean volume, 18.4 ml) of 93 women (mean volume, 20.3 ml), of whom 5 had a normal gallbladder at week 3 postpartum. Only 61 women showed a normal gallbladder at each examination of the study. No differences in patient characteristics were found between women with normal gallbladders and those with sludge or gallstones. CONCLUSIONS: Fasting gallbladder volume was increased in all pregnant women. This could not explain the formation of sludge or gallstones during gestation. Decrement of gallbladder volumes after delivery was faster in normal, clear gallbladders. More than a prerequisite, increased fasting gallbladder volume seemed to be a permissive factor of pregnancy-associated gallstone formation.  相似文献   

Presented 8 20-picture lists to 40 2nd and 40 4th graders, and each list followed by 3 test pairs, each pair repeating 2 list items. Ss were required to pick the item they had seen more recently on the list. Background color cues were provided, and half the Ss were instructed in using the cues to simplify the task. Difficulty of the recency judgments was also varied by increasing the separation between the 1st presentation of the tested items from 3 to 9 items. The wider the separation, the better the judgment of relative recency. On cue problems, training improved the performance of 2nd graders but not 4th graders. The developmental implications of the study are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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