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Fast and exact out-of-core and distributed k-means clustering   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Clustering has been one of the most widely studied topics in data mining and k-means clustering has been one of the popular clustering algorithms. K-means requires several passes on the entire dataset, which can make it very expensive for large disk-resident datasets. In view of this, a lot of work has been done on various approximate versions of k-means, which require only one or a small number of passes on the entire dataset.In this paper, we present a new algorithm, called fast and exact k-means clustering (FEKM), which typically requires only one or a small number of passes on the entire dataset and provably produces the same cluster centres as reported by the original k-means algorithm. The algorithm uses sampling to create initial cluster centres and then takes one or more passes over the entire dataset to adjust these cluster centres. We provide theoretical analysis to show that the cluster centres thus reported are the same as the ones computed by the original k-means algorithm. Experimental results from a number of real and synthetic datasets show speedup between a factor of 2 and 4.5, as compared with k-means.This paper also describes and evaluates a distributed version of FEKM, which we refer to as DFEKM. This algorithm is suitable for analysing data that is distributed across loosely coupled machines. Unlike the previous work in this area, DFEKM provably produces the same results as the original k-means algorithm. Our experimental results show that DFEKM is clearly better than two other possible options for exact clustering on distributed data, which are down loading all data and running sequential k-means or running parallel k-means on a loosely coupled configuration. Moreover, even in a tightly coupled environment, DFEKM can outperform parallel k-means if there is a significant load imbalance. Ruoming Jin is currently an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Kent State University. He received a BE and a ME degree in computer engineering from Beihang University (BUAA), China in 1996 and 1999, respectively. He earned his MS degree in computer science from University of Delaware in 2001, and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Ohio State University in 2005. His research interests include data mining, databases, processing of streaming data, bioinformatics, and high performance computing. He has published more than 30 papers in these areas. He is a member of ACM and SIGKDD. Anjan Goswami studied robotics at the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur. While working with IBM, he was interested in studying computer science. He then obtained a masters degree from the University of South Florida, where he worked on computer vision problems. He then transferred to the PhD program in computer science at OSU, where he did a Masters thesis on efficient clustering algorithms for massive, distributed and streaming data. On successful completion of this, he decided to join a web-service-provider company to do research in designing and developing high-performance search solutions for very large structured data. Anjan' favourite recreations are studying and predicting technology trends, nature photography, hiking, literature and soccer. Gagan Agrawal is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University. He received his B.Tech degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 1991, and M.S. and Ph.D degrees from University of Maryland, College Park, in 1994 and 1996, respectively. His research interests include parallel and distributed computing, compilers, data mining, grid computing, and data integration. He has published more than 110 refereed papers in these areas. He is a member of ACM and IEEE Computer Society. He received a National Science Foundation CAREER award in 1998.  相似文献   

Clustering is a popular data analysis and data mining technique. A popular technique for clustering is based on k-means such that the data is partitioned into K clusters. However, the k-means algorithm highly depends on the initial state and converges to local optimum solution. This paper presents a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm to solve nonlinear partitional clustering problem. The proposed hybrid evolutionary algorithm is the combination of FAPSO (fuzzy adaptive particle swarm optimization), ACO (ant colony optimization) and k-means algorithms, called FAPSO-ACO–K, which can find better cluster partition. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated through several benchmark data sets. The simulation results show that the performance of the proposed algorithm is better than other algorithms such as PSO, ACO, simulated annealing (SA), combination of PSO and SA (PSO–SA), combination of ACO and SA (ACO–SA), combination of PSO and ACO (PSO–ACO), genetic algorithm (GA), Tabu search (TS), honey bee mating optimization (HBMO) and k-means for partitional clustering problem.  相似文献   

We propose a parallelization scheme for an existing algorithm for constructing a web‐directory, that contains categories of web documents organized hierarchically. The clustering algorithm automatically infers the number of clusters using a quality function based on graph cuts. A parallel implementation of the algorithm has been developed to run on a cluster of multi‐core processors interconnected by an intranet. The effect of the well‐known Latent Semantic Indexing on the performance of the clustering algorithm is also considered. The parallelized graph‐cut based clustering algorithm achieves an F‐measure in the range [0.69,0.91] for the generated leaf‐level clusters while yielding a precision‐recall performance in the range [0.66,0.84] for the entire hierarchy of the generated clusters. As measured via empirical observations, the parallel algorithm achieves an average speedup of 7.38 over its sequential variant, at the same time yielding a better clustering performance than the sequential algorithm in terms of F‐measure. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As a classic NP-hard problem in machine learning and computational geometry, the k-means problem aims to partition the given points into k sets to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares. The k-means problem with penalties (k-MPWP), as a generalizing problem of the k-means problem, allows a point that can be either clustered or penalized with some positive cost. In this paper, we mainly apply the parallel seeding algorithm to the k-MPWP, and show sufficient analysis to bound the expected solution quality in the case where both the number of iterations and the number of points sampled in each iteration can be given arbitrarily. The approximate guarantee can be obtained as , where is a polynomial function involving the maximal ratio M between the penalties. On one hand, this result can be viewed as a further improvement on the parallel algorithm for k-MPWP given by Li et al., where the number of iterations depends on other factors. On the other hand, our result also generalizes the one solving the k-means problem presented by Bachem et al., because k-MPWP is a variant of the k-means problem. Moreover, we present a numerical experiment to show the effectiveness of the parallel algorithm for k-means with penalties.  相似文献   

Adapting k-means for supervised clustering   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
k-means is traditionally viewed as an algorithm for the unsupervised clustering of a heterogeneous population into a number of more homogeneous groups of objects. However, it is not necessarily guaranteed to group the same types (classes) of objects together. In such cases, some supervision is needed to partition objects which have the same label into one cluster. This paper demonstrates how the popular k-means clustering algorithm can be profitably modified to be used as a classifier algorithm. The output field itself cannot be used in the clustering but it is used in developing a suitable metric defined on other fields. The proposed algorithm combines Simulated Annealing with the modified k-means algorithm. We apply the proposed algorithm to real data sets, and compare the output of the resultant classifier to that of C4.5.  相似文献   

A Note on Parallel Selection on Coarse-Grained Multicomputers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consider the selection problem of determining the k th smallest element of a set of n elements. Under the CGM (coarse-grained multicomputer) model with p processors and O(n/p) local memory, we present a deterministic parallel algorithm for the selection problem that requires O( log p) communication rounds. Besides requiring a low number of communication rounds, the algorithm also attempts to minimize the total amount of data transmitted in each round (only O(p) except in the last round). In addition to showing theoretical complexities, we present very promising experimental results obtained on a parallel machine that show almost linear speedup, indicating the efficiency and scalability of the proposed algorithm. Received June 1, 1997; revised March 10, 1998.  相似文献   

High-dimensional problems arising from robot motion planning, biology, data mining, and geographic information systems often require the computation of k nearest neighbor (knn) graphs. The knn graph of a data set is obtained by connecting each point to its k closest points. As the research in the above-mentioned fields progressively addresses problems of unprecedented complexity, the demand for computing knn graphs based on arbitrary distance metrics and large high-dimensional data sets increases, exceeding resources available to a single machine. In this work we efficiently distribute the computation of knn graphs for clusters of processors with message passing. Extensions to our distributed framework include the computation of graphs based on other proximity queries, such as approximate knn or range queries. Our experiments show nearly linear speedup with over 100 processors and indicate that similar speedup can be obtained with several hundred processors.  相似文献   

We show how computations such as those involved in American or European-style option price valuations with the explicit finite difference method can be performed in parallel. Towards this we introduce a latency tolerant parallel algorithm for performing such computations efficiently that achieves optimal theoretical speedup p, where p is the number of processor of the parallel system. An implementation of the parallel algorithm has been undertaken, and an evaluation of its performance is carried out by performing an experimental study on a high-latency PC cluster, and at a smaller scale, on a multi-core processor using in addition the SWARM parallel computing framework for multi-core processors. Our implementation of the parallel algorithm is not only architecture but also communication library independent: the same code works under LAM-MPI and Open MPI and also BSPlib, two sets of library frameworks that facilitate parallel programming. The suitability of our approach to multi-core processors is also established.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a fast global k-means clustering algorithm by making use of the cluster membership and geometrical information of a data point. This algorithm is referred to as MFGKM. The algorithm uses a set of inequalities developed in this paper to determine a starting point for the jth cluster center of global k-means clustering. Adopting multiple cluster center selection (MCS) for MFGKM, we also develop another clustering algorithm called MFGKM+MCS. MCS determines more than one starting point for each step of cluster split; while the available fast and modified global k-means clustering algorithms select one starting point for each cluster split. Our proposed method MFGKM can obtain the least distortion; while MFGKM+MCS may give the least computing time. Compared to the modified global k-means clustering algorithm, our method MFGKM can reduce the computing time and number of distance calculations by a factor of 3.78-5.55 and 21.13-31.41, respectively, with the average distortion reduction of 5,487 for the Statlog data set. Compared to the fast global k-means clustering algorithm, our method MFGKM+MCS can reduce the computing time by a factor of 5.78-8.70 with the average reduction of distortion of 30,564 using the same data set. The performances of our proposed methods are more remarkable when a data set with higher dimension is divided into more clusters.  相似文献   

Clustering is a very powerful data mining technique for topic discovery from text documents. The partitional clustering algorithms, such as the family of k-means, are reported performing well on document clustering. They treat the clustering problem as an optimization process of grouping documents into k clusters so that a particular criterion function is minimized or maximized. Usually, the cosine function is used to measure the similarity between two documents in the criterion function, but it may not work well when the clusters are not well separated. To solve this problem, we applied the concepts of neighbors and link, introduced in [S. Guha, R. Rastogi, K. Shim, ROCK: a robust clustering algorithm for categorical attributes, Information Systems 25 (5) (2000) 345–366], to document clustering. If two documents are similar enough, they are considered as neighbors of each other. And the link between two documents represents the number of their common neighbors. Instead of just considering the pairwise similarity, the neighbors and link involve the global information into the measurement of the closeness of two documents. In this paper, we propose to use the neighbors and link for the family of k-means algorithms in three aspects: a new method to select initial cluster centroids based on the ranks of candidate documents; a new similarity measure which uses a combination of the cosine and link functions; and a new heuristic function for selecting a cluster to split based on the neighbors of the cluster centroids. Our experimental results on real-life data sets demonstrated that our proposed methods can significantly improve the performance of document clustering in terms of accuracy without increasing the execution time much.  相似文献   

Rough k-means clustering algorithm and its extensions are introduced and successfully applied to real-life data where clusters do not necessarily have crisp boundaries. Experiments with the rough k-means clustering algorithm have shown that it provides a reasonable set of lower and upper bounds for a given dataset. However, the same weight was used for all the data objects in a lower or upper approximate set when computing the new centre for each cluster while the different impacts of the objects in a same approximation were ignored. An improved rough k-means clustering based on weighted distance measure with Gaussian function is proposed in this paper. The validity of this algorithm is demonstrated by simulation and experimental analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop load balancing strategies for scalable high-performance parallel A* algorithms suitable for distributed-memory machines. In parallel A* search, inefficiencies such as processor starvation and search of nonessential spaces (search spaces not explored by the sequential algorithm) grow with the number of processors P used, thus restricting its scalability. To alleviate this effect, we propose a novel parallel startup phase and an efficient dynamic load balancing strategy called the quality equalizing (QE) strategy. Our new parallel startup scheme executes optimally in Θ(log P) time and, in addition, achieves good initial load balance. The QE strategy prossess certain unique quantitative and qualitative load balancing properties that enable it to significantly reduce starvation and nonessential work. Consequently, we obtain a highly scalable parallel A* algorithm with an almost-linear speedup. The startup and load balancing schemes were employed in parallel A* algorithms to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem on an nCUBE2 hypercube multicomputer. The QE strategy yields average speedup improvements of about 20-185% and 15-120% at low and intermediate work densities (the ratio of the problem size to P), respectively, over three well-known load balancing methods-the round-robin (RR), the random communication (RC), and the neighborhood averaging (NA) strategies. The average speedup observed on 1024 processors is about 985, representing a very high efficiency of 0.96. Finally, we analyze and empirically evaluate the scalability of parallel A* algorithms in terms of the isoefficiency metric. Our analysis gives (1) a Θ(P log P) lower bound on the isoefficiency function of any parallel A* algorithm, and (2) a general expression for the upper bound on the isoefficiency function of our parallel A* algorithm using the QE strategy on any topology-for the hypercube and 2-D mesh architectures the upper bounds on the isoefficiency function are found to be Θ(P log2P) and Θ(P[formula]), respectively. Experimental results validate our analysis, and also show that parallel A* search has better scalability using the QE load balancing strategy than using the RR, RC, or NA strategies.  相似文献   

贾洪杰  丁世飞  史忠植 《软件学报》2015,26(11):2836-2846
谱聚类将聚类问题转化成图划分问题,是一种基于代数图论的聚类方法.在求解图划分目标函数时,一般利用Rayleigh熵的性质,通过计算Laplacian矩阵的特征向量将原始数据点映射到一个低维的特征空间中,再进行聚类.然而在谱聚类过程中,存储相似矩阵的空间复杂度是O(n2),对Laplacian矩阵特征分解的时间复杂度一般为O(n3),这样的复杂度在处理大规模数据时是无法接受的.理论证明,Normalized Cut图聚类与加权核k-means都等价于矩阵迹的最大化问题.因此,可以用加权核k-means算法来优化Normalized Cut的目标函数,这就避免了对Laplacian矩阵特征分解.不过,加权核k-means算法需要计算核矩阵,其空间复杂度依然是O(n2).为了应对这一挑战,提出近似加权核k-means算法,仅使用核矩阵的一部分来求解大数据的谱聚类问题.理论分析和实验对比表明,近似加权核k-means的聚类表现与加权核k-means算法是相似的,但是极大地减小了时间和空间复杂性.  相似文献   

通过对k-平均算法存在不足的分析,提出了一种基于Ward’s方法的k-平均优化算法。算法首先在用Ward’s方法对样本数据初步聚类的基础上,确定合适的簇数目、初始聚类中心等k-平均算法的初始参数,并进行孤立点检测、删除;基于上述处理再采用传统k-平均算法进行聚类。将优化的k-平均算法应用到罪犯人格类型分析中,实验结果表明,该算法的效率、聚类效果均明显优于传统k-平均算法。  相似文献   

This paper presents the expectation–maximization (EM) variant of probabilistic neural network (PNN) as a step toward creating an autonomous and deterministic PNN. In the real world, faulty reading sensors can happen and will create input vectors with missing features yet they should not be discarded. To overcome this, regularized EM is put in place as a preprocessing step to impute the missing values. The problem faced by users when using random initialization is that they have to define the number of clusters through trial and error, which makes it stochastic in nature. Global k-means is used to autonomously find the number of clusters using a selection criterion and deterministically provide the number of clusters needed to train the model. In addition, fast Global k-means will be tested as an alternative to Global k-means to help reduce computational time. Tests are conducted on both homoscedastic and heteroscedastic PNNs. Benchmark medical datasets and also vibration data collected from a US Navy CH-46E helicopter aft gearbox known as Westland were used. The tests’ results fully support the usage of fast Global k-means and regularized EM as preprocessing steps to aid the EM-trained PNN.  相似文献   

Rough k-means clustering describes uncertainty by assigning some objects to more than one cluster. Rough cluster quality index based on decision theory is applicable to the evaluation of rough clustering. In this paper we analyze rough k-means clustering with respect to the selection of the threshold, the value of risk for assigning an object and uncertainty of objects. According to the analysis, clusters presented as interval sets with lower and upper approximations in rough k-means clustering are not adequate to describe clusters. This paper proposes an interval set clustering based on decision theory. Lower and upper approximations in the proposed algorithm are hierarchical and constructed as outer-level approximations and inner-level ones. Uncertainty of objects in out-level upper approximation is described by the assignment of objects among different clusters. Accordingly, ambiguity of objects in inner-level upper approximation is represented by local uniform factors of objects. In addition, interval set clustering can be improved to obtain a satisfactory clustering result with the optimal number of clusters, as well as optimal values of parameters, by taking advantage of the usefulness of rough cluster quality index in the evaluation of clustering. The experimental results on synthetic and standard data demonstrate how to construct clusters with satisfactory lower and upper approximations in the proposed algorithm. The experiments with a promotional campaign for the retail data illustrates the usefulness of interval set clustering for improving rough k-means clustering results.  相似文献   

Almost all subspace clustering algorithms proposed so far are designed for numeric datasets. In this paper, we present a k-means type clustering algorithm that finds clusters in data subspaces in mixed numeric and categorical datasets. In this method, we compute attributes contribution to different clusters. We propose a new cost function for a k-means type algorithm. One of the advantages of this algorithm is its complexity which is linear with respect to the number of the data points. This algorithm is also useful in describing the cluster formation in terms of attributes contribution to different clusters. The algorithm is tested on various synthetic and real datasets to show its effectiveness. The clustering results are explained by using attributes weights in the clusters. The clustering results are also compared with published results.  相似文献   

目的 高光谱图像波段数目巨大,导致在解译及分类过程中出现“维数灾难”的现象。针对该问题,在K-means聚类算法基础上,考虑各个波段对不同聚类的重要程度,同时顾及类间信息,提出一种基于熵加权K-means全局信息聚类的高光谱图像分类算法。方法 首先,引入波段权重,用来刻画各个波段对不同聚类的重要程度,并定义熵信息测度表达该权重。其次,为避免局部最优聚类,引入类间距离测度实现全局最优聚类。最后,将上述两类测度引入K-means聚类目标函数,通过最小化目标函数得到最优分类结果。结果 为了验证提出的高光谱图像分类方法的有效性,对Salinas高光谱图像和Pavia University高光谱图像标准图中的地物类别根据其光谱反射率差异程度进行合并,将合并后的标准图作为新的标准分类图。分别采用本文算法和传统K-means算法对Salinas高光谱图像和Pavia University高光谱图像进行实验,并定性、定量地评价和分析了实验结果。对于图像中合并后的地物类别,光谱反射率差异程度大,从视觉上看,本文算法较传统K-means算法有更好的分类结果;从分类精度看,本文算法的总精度分别为92.20%和82.96%, K-means算法的总精度分别为83.39%和67.06%,较K-means算法增长8.81%和15.9%。结论 提出一种基于熵加权K-means全局信息聚类的高光谱图像分类算法,实验结果表明,本文算法对高光谱图像中具有不同光谱反射率差异程度的各类地物目标均能取得很好的分类结果。  相似文献   

To cluster web documents, all of which have the same name entities, we attempted to use existing clustering algorithms such as K-means and spectral clustering. Unexpectedly, it turned out that these algorithms are not effective to cluster web documents. According to our intensive investigation, we found that clustering such web pages is more complicated because (1) the number of clusters (known as ground truth) is larger than two or three clusters as in general clustering problems and (2) clusters in the data set have extremely skewed distributions of cluster sizes. To overcome the aforementioned problem, in this paper, we propose an effective clustering algorithm to boost up the accuracy of K-means and spectral clustering algorithms. In particular, to deal with skewed distributions of cluster sizes, our algorithm performs both bisection and merge steps based on normalized cuts of the similarity graph G to correctly cluster web documents. Our experimental results show that our algorithm improves the performance by approximately 56% compared to spectral bisection and 36% compared to K-means.  相似文献   

The problem of computing the triangular factors of a square, real, symmetric, and positive definite matrix by using the facilities of a multiprocessor MIMD-type computer is considered. The parallel algorithms based on Cholesky decomposition and Gaussian elimination are derived and analyzed in terms of their speedup and efficiency, when the available number of processors is O(n), where n is the size of the matrix. It is shown that the parallel elimination method can achieve the same speedup as the parallel Cholesky method while using only half the number of processors required by the Cholesky method.  相似文献   

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