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基于散焦图像特征的微装配机器人深度运动显微视觉伺服   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕遐东  黄心汉  王敏 《机器人》2007,29(4):357-362
为了描述微操作手深度运动,采用灰度方差聚焦评价算子计算机械手散焦图像特征.散焦特征曲线理论上为单峰分布,峰值点对应显微光学焦平面深度位置.实际提取的散焦特征含有大量随机噪声,利用非线性跟踪微分器抑制噪声实现对机械手散焦图像特征及其微分信号的无颤振光滑逼近.依据散焦微分信号设计粗—精两级自寻优视觉控制器,完成微操作手对装配平面深度的精确定位.微装配深度运动实验验证了本文方法的有效性,机械手深度伺服误差为75 μm.  相似文献   

机器人视觉伺服系统的研究   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
机器人伺觉伺服系统及到多学科内容。针对机器人视觉伺服系统主要的三方面内容;系统的结构方式,图象处理,控制方法,介绍了该领域的研究现状及所取得的成就。最后分析了今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

具有力觉与视觉反馈的交互式纳米操作系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了交互式纳米操作的实现方法,搭建了一个具有力觉与视觉反馈的交互式纳米操作系统.操作者通过该系统不仅可以实时感受到作用在原子力显微镜(AFM)探针上的力,而且可以实时观察到纳米环境在AFM操作下的变化过程,使得对微观世界的纳米操作如同在宏观世界搬运物体一样直观、灵活.实验结果证实了本系统的高效性及先进性.  相似文献   

徐璠  王贺升 《自动化学报》2023,49(4):744-753
水下仿生软体机器人在水底环境勘测, 水下生物观测等方面具有极高的应用价值. 为进一步提升仿章鱼臂软体机器人在特殊水下环境中控制效果, 提出一种自适应鲁棒视觉伺服控制方法, 实现其在干扰无标定环境中的高精度镇定控制. 基于水底动力学模型, 设计保证动力学稳定的控制器; 针对柔性材料离线标定过程繁琐、成本高, 提出材料参数自适应估计算法; 针对水下特殊工作条件, 设计自适应鲁棒视觉伺服控制器, 实现折射效应的在线补偿, 并通过自适应未知环境干扰上界, 避免先验环境信息的求解. 所提算法在软体机器人样机中验证其镇定控制性能, 为仿生软体机器人的实际应用提供理论基础.  相似文献   

未知环境下的机器人视觉/力觉混合控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李二超 《控制与决策》2010,25(3):430-432
在实际的接触型作业任务中,需要在控制位置的同时控制末端执行器与环境之间的接触力.针对这一问题,通过力反馈信息对未知环境中的法线方向进行估计,并采用最小二乘方法估计图像雅可比矩阵.提出一种基于视觉/力觉的混合控制算法,给出了视觉/力觉混合控制的约束条件,对视觉采用变结构控制器,力控制采用PI控制器.实验结果表明,该策略具有较高的力控制精度和曲线跟踪能力.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach for image‐based visual servoing (IBVS) of a robotic system by considering the constraints in the case when the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters are uncalibrated and the position parameters of the features in 3‐D space are unknown. Based on the model predictive control method, the robotic system's input and output constraints, such as visibility constraints and actuators limitations, can be explicitly taken into account. Most of the constrained IBVS controllers use the traditional image Jacobian matrix, the proposed IBVS scheme is developed by using the depth‐independent interaction matrix. The unknown parameters can appear linearly in the prediction model and they can be estimated by the identification algorithm effectively. In addition, the model predictive control determines the optimal control input and updates the estimated parameters together with the prediction model. The proposed approach can simultaneously handle system constraints, unknown camera parameters and depth parameters. Both the visual positioning and tracking tasks can be achieved desired performances. Simulation results based on a 2‐DOF planar robot manipulator for both the eye‐in‐hand and eye‐to‐hand camera configurations are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

单目视觉伺服研究综述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
徐德 《自动化学报》2018,44(10):1729-1746
视觉伺服是机器人视觉领域的研究热点之一,具有十分广泛的应用前景.本文针对单目视觉系统,从视觉伺服的运动映射关系、误差表征、控制律设计、关键影响因素等多个层面,对视觉伺服的研究现状进行了论述,并分析了不同视觉伺服方法的特点,给出了视觉伺服在不同领域的典型应用.最后,指出了视觉伺服未来的主要发展方向.  相似文献   

We present an approach for controlling robotic interactions with objects, using synthetic images generated by morphing shapes. In particular, we attempt the problem of positioning an eye-in-hand robotic system with respect to objects in the workspace for grasping and manipulation. In our formulation, the grasp position (and consequently the approach trajectory of the manipulator), varies with each object. The proposed solution to the problem consists of two parts. First, based on a model-based object recognition framework, images of the objects taken at the desired grasp pose are stored in a database. The recognition and identification of the grasp position for an unknown input object (selected from the family of recognizable objects) occurs by morphing its contour to the templates in the database and using the virtual energy spent during the morph as a dissimilarity measure. In the second step, the images synthesized during the morph are used to guide the eye-in-hand system and execute the grasp. The proposed method requires minimal calibration of the system. Furthermore, it conjoins techniques from shape recognition, computer graphics, and vision-based robot control in a unified engineering amework. Potential applications range from recognition and positioning with respect to partially-occluded or deformable objects to planning robotic grasping based on human demonstration.  相似文献   

基于图像的视觉伺服方法,图像的变化直接解释为摄像机的运动,而不是直接对机械手末端实现笛卡尔速度控制,导致机械手的运动轨迹迂回,产生摄像机回退现象.针对这一问题,提出了将旋转和平移分离并先实现旋转的视觉伺服方案.该方案计算量小,系统响应时间短,解决了图像旋转和平移间的干扰,克服了传统基于图像视觉伺服产生的摄像机回退现象,实现了时间和路径的最优控制.并用传统IBVS的控制律和摄像机成像模型解释了回退现象的产生原因.二维运动仿真说明了提出方案的有效性.  相似文献   

杨芳  王朝立 《自动化学报》2011,37(7):857-864
研究了带有固定在天花板上的摄像机系统的非完整动态移动机器人的镇定问题. 首先, 利用针孔摄像机模型引入了基于摄像机目标的视觉伺服运动学模型,并针对该运动学模型给出了一个运动学镇定控制器. 然后,在摄像机参数不确定的情形下设计了一个自适应滑模控制器实现了不确定动态移动机器人的镇定. 提出的控制器不仅对结构不确定性如质量变化, 而且对无结构不确定性如外部扰动都具有鲁棒性. 通过Lyapunov方法严格证明了提出的控制系统的稳定性和估计参数的有界性. 仿真结果证实了控制律的有效性.  相似文献   

针对移动机器人视觉伺服跟踪控制问题, 提出一种基于自适应动态规划(Adaptive dynamic programming, ADP) 的控制方法. 通过移动机器人上的相机拍摄共面特征点的当前图像、期望图像以及参考图像, 利用单应性技术得到移动机器人当前的位姿信息与期望的位姿信息(即平移量与旋转角度), 从而通过当前与期望的平移旋转之间差值得到系统的开环误差模型. 进而, 针对此系统设计最优控制器, 同时做合适的控制输入变换. 在此基础上设计一个基于ADP的视觉伺服控制方法以保证移动机器人完成轨迹跟踪任务. 为求出最优控制输入, 采用一个评价神经网络近似值函数, 通过不断学习逼近哈密顿−雅可比−贝尔曼(Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman, HJB)方程的解. 与以往不同的是, 由于系统存在时变项, 导致HJB方程也含有时变项, 因此需要设计具有时变权值结构的神经网络近似值函数. 最终证明在所设计的控制方法作用下, 闭环系统是一致最终有界的.  相似文献   

There are two main trends in the development of unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)technologies:miniaturization and intellectualization,in which realizing object tracking capabilities for a nano-scale UAV is one of the most challenging problems.In this paper,we present a visual object tracking and servoing control system utilizing a tailor-made 38 g nano-scale quadrotor.A lightweight visual module is integrated to enable object tracking capabilities,and a micro positioning deck is mounted to provide accurate pose estimation.In order to be robust against object appearance variations,a novel object tracking algorithm,denoted by RMCTer,is proposed,which integrates a powerful short-term tracking module and an efficient long-term processing module.In particular,the long-term processing module can provide additional object information and modify the short-term tracking model in a timely manner.Furthermore,a positionbased visual servoing control method is proposed for the quadrotor,where an adaptive tracking controller is designed by leveraging backstepping and adaptive techniques.Stable and accurate object tracking is achieved even under disturbances.Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the high accuracy and stability of the whole tracking system.  相似文献   

首先分析了空间机械臂/机械手系统在轨旋拧螺钉任务的尺寸链误差.为修正微重力环境和机械臂、模拟维修单机在轨安装导致的位姿偏差,特别是消除机械手抓取电动工具导致的随机误差影响,提出了航天员在轨标定电动工具位姿/全局相机测量电动工具位姿并引入机械臂进行视觉伺服的控制策略.设计了视觉伺服控制器,给出了该控制算法的收敛证明和稳定性分析.通过在轨实施,该策略实现了机械臂/机械手系统拧松螺钉时位姿误差不超过3 mm/2°的任务要求.  相似文献   

一种带力传感的微夹持器设计及试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
设计制作一种带力传感的微夹持器,通过压电陶瓷堆驱动和柔性铰链放大来实现夹持动作,由粘贴于悬臂应变梁的半导体应变片构成惠斯通电桥测量微夹持力.优化设计了柔性铰链的结构,对悬臂式应变梁进行了仿真分析.最后,制作并组装成微夹持器,进行了力传感标定试验和微夹持操作试验.制作和试验结果验证了这种带力传感的微夹持器的可行性和实用性.  相似文献   

Classical visual servoing techniques need a strong a priori knowledge of the shape and the dimensions of the observed objects. In this paper, we present how the 2 1/2 D visual servoing scheme we have recently developed, can be used with unknown objects characterized by a set of points. Our scheme is based on the estimation of the camera displacement from two views, given by the current and desired images. Since vision-based robotics tasks generally necessitate to be performed at video rate, we focus only on linear algorithms. Classical linear methods are based on the computation of the essential matrix. In this paper, we propose a different method, based on the estimation of the homography matrix related to a virtual plane attached to the object. We show that our method provides a more stable estimation when the epipolar geometry degenerates. This is particularly important in visual servoing to obtain a stable control law, especially near the convergence of the system. Finally, experimental results confirm the improvement in the stability, robustness, and behaviour of our scheme with respect to classical methods.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a modular scheme for designing and evaluating different control systems for position based dynamic look and move visual servoing systems. This scheme is particularly applied to a 6 DOF industrial manipulator equipped with a camera mounted on its end effector. The manipulator with its actuators and its current feedback loops can be modeled as a Cartesian device commanded through a serial line. In this case the manipulator can be considered as a decoupled system with 6 independent loops. The use of computer vision as feedback transducer strongly affects the closed loop dynamics of the overall system, so that a visual controller is required for achieving fast response and high control accuracy. Due to the long delay in generating the control signal, it is necessary to carefully select the visual controller. In this paper we present a framework that allows the study of some conventional and new techniques to design this visual controller. Besides an experimental setup has been built and used to evaluate and compare the performance of the position based dynamic look and move system with different controllers. Some criterions for selecting the best strategy for each task are established. Quite a lot of results relative to different trajectory tracking control strategies are presented, showing both simulation and real platform responses.  相似文献   

辛菁  刘丁  杨延西  徐庆坤 《机器人》2007,29(1):35-40
在研究基于自抗扰控制器的机器人无标定视觉伺服方法的基础上,提出了一种新的双环结构机器人无标定自抗扰视觉伺服控制方法.内环采用Kalman滤波算法进行图像雅可比矩阵的在线辨识,可较好地逼近真实模型;外环采用自抗扰控制器,利用非线性观测器实时估计系统相对于当前估计模型的总扰动,并在控制中加以动态补偿.针对六自由度工业机器人进行了二维运动目标的跟踪实验,实验结果表明了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

曲线焊缝跟踪的视觉伺服协调控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王麟琨  徐德  李原  谭民 《控制与决策》2006,21(4):405-409
为实现工业机器人自动跟踪曲线焊缝,提出了协调焊枪运动和视觉跟踪的视觉伺服控制方法.建立了特征点的数学模型,并在此基础上确定机器人运动的旋转轴.设计了一种双层结构的模糊视觉伺服控制器,通过动态确定控制量有效范围来保证图像特征存在于视场中.为准确确定有效范围,设计了带模型动态补偿的Kalman滤波器.曲线焊缝的自动跟踪实验验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

提出了一种水下机器人手爪力感知系统的组成结构,该力感知系统由一个六维力/力矩传感器和三指夹持器指端的三个指力传感器组成,本文介绍了上述两种传感器的设计和标定,并对利用该手爪系统抓取物体进行了实际测试和分析,实验结果表明;所设计的力感知系统能够实时地感知腕力和夹持力信息,可以满足机械手力控制的需要.  相似文献   

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