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朱培志  刘秉义  孔晓娟  杨倩 《红外与激光工程》2021,50(2):20200164-1-20200164-9
为了评估和分析星载海洋激光雷达探测全球海洋光学参数的性能,依据激光雷达方程和蒙特卡罗模型结果模拟计算激光传输信号,开发了星载海洋激光雷达仿真模拟系统。仿真模拟系统由正向模拟、数据反演与误差分析三部分组成,能够模拟激光发射、传输和探测的全过程。根据给定的激光雷达参数,模拟了443 nm、486.1 nm和532 nm波长在地中海、印度洋、南大洋与太平洋四个典型海区的探测信号。研究结果表明,443 nm和486 nm波长的探测深度在各个海区均比较接近,并且均比532 nm更深。在给定的激光雷达参数情况下,486.1 nm波长在太平洋和南大洋的探测深度分别为120 m和70 m,在地中海和印度洋的探测深度均为约100 m。叶绿素a浓度在以上海区的探测深度分别约为80 m、50 m和70 m。  相似文献   

The limitations of the currently used continuous-wave-pulse (CW-pulse) spaceborne scatterometers for wind-vector retrieval are reviewed. The disadvantages due to purely time-domain or frequency-domain (Doppler filtering) approaches are described. To overcome the limitations of these methods, a modified scheme is proposed wherein the pulse transmitted is linearly frequency modulated (LFM) and the processing is carried out in the time domain. This method is described and compared with other techniques to highlight the improved results obtainable with this LFM technique  相似文献   

A reliability capability assessment process can assist OEMs and system integrators in assessing prospective suppliers for their ability to design and manufacture reliable products before they are delivered for use, and on an ongoing basis, help a company in identifying shortcomings in its reliability program, which can be rectified by subsequent improvement actions. The assessment can also help to establish reliability management practices for use by designers, suppliers, customers, and independent authorities. The assessment method may be used to evaluate the reliability capability of all types of electronics-related industries that perform activities influencing the reliability of a product. It can produce increased customer satisfaction, provide competitive opportunities, and shorten the product development cycle. In summary, a reliability capability assessment can be used for: 1) specifying or planning reliability practices if product development is implemented internally; 2) evaluating reliability practices to determine the extent to which a supplier is capable of providing a product that meets the reliability requirements/needs; and 3) improving reliability practices if the current reliability practices have been evaluated and improvement is desired or required.  相似文献   

蓝绿光星载海洋激光雷达全球探测深度估算   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘秉义  李瑞琦  杨倩  孔晓娟 《红外与激光工程》2019,48(1):106006-0106006(6)
为了评估和分析激光雷达探测全球海洋光学参数的性能,根据激光雷达方程和给定的激光雷达参数,使用MODIS Level 3全球年平均的海水吸收系数a()和后向散射系数bb()数据作为海水光学参数的参考值,对蓝绿光星载海洋激光雷达在全球海洋的探测深度进行了估算和分析。研究结果表明:星载海洋激光雷达探测深度的分布主要依赖于探测波长和水体光学性质,清洁大洋水的最优探测波长在460 nm左右,白天和夜间的最大探测深度分别为~110 m和~120 m;沿岸浑浊水的最优探测波长多在500 nm以上,最大探测深度只能达到20 m或更浅。探测波长为470~480 nm时,星载海洋激光雷达在全球范围内的平均探测能力最佳。  相似文献   

The Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) is one of the instruments proposed by the European Space Agency (ESA) for use on the Polar Platform POEM-1. This phased-array radar comprises 320 transmit/receive (T/R) modules and therefore represents a high volume requirement for spaceborne applications. Each T/R module is required to meet stringent specifications in terms of size, mass, power consumption and overall electrical performance. This has been achieved through the widespread use of custom-designed, GaAs MMIC technologies within the module. Where high efficiency or low noise is required, discrete component circuits were used but methods of miniaturisation providing volumes comparable to that of packaged MMICs were necessary. The project has also pioneered the use of lightweight packaging and substrate technologies for space applications  相似文献   

魏杰  周荫清  陈后金 《电波科学学报》2014,29(1):165-168+200
针对星载波束扫描合成孔径雷达(Scanning Synthetic Aperture Radar,ScanSAR)图像具有的波束边界条带现象,研究了这种不均匀现象的产生机理和校正技术,分析了卫星姿态误差对校正技术的影响,推导并建立了图像距离向增益的数学模型,提出了星载ScanSAR精确波束边界条带现象校正对横滚角估计精度的要求,为合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)卫星总体分析与设计提供了理论依据. 计算机仿真验证了理论分析的正确性和实现方法的可行性.  相似文献   

星载激光雷达探测能力的数值模拟分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘厚通  王珍珠  李超  黄威  周军 《激光技术》2008,32(6):614-617
为了研究星载大气探测激光雷达的技术参量对其探测性能的影响,采用合适的大气模式和星载大气探测激光雷达设计参量,对其接收的大气后向散射回波信号和探测回波信号的信噪比进行了数值模拟计算;同时模拟分析了星载大气探测激光雷达对沙尘和卷云的探测能力。结果表明,星载大气探测激光雷达对气溶胶的探测水平分辨率应设置为75km,且仅夜晚的探测能力能够达到信噪比大于10的要求;对卷云和沙尘探测水平分辨率应设为7.5km。该结果为该星载大气探测激光雷达的研制提供参量设置的基本依据。  相似文献   

Processing of multiple-receiver spaceborne arrays for wide-area SAR   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The instantaneous area illuminated by a single-aperture synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is fundamentally limited by the minimum SAR antenna area constraint. This limitation is due to the fact that the number of illuminated resolution cells cannot exceed the number of collected data samples. However, if spatial sampling is added through the use of multiple-receiver arrays, then the maximum unambiguous illumination area is increased because multiple beams can be formed to reject range-Doppler ambiguities. Furthermore, the maximum unambiguous illumination area increases with the number of receivers in the array. One spaceborne implementation of multiple-aperture SAR that has been proposed is a constellation of formation-flying satellites. In this implementation, several satellites fly in a cluster and work together as a single coherent system. There are many advantages to the constellation implementation including cost benefits, graceful performance degradation, and the possibility of performing in multiple modes. The disadvantage is that the spatial samples provided by such a constellation will be sparse and irregularly spaced; consequently, traditional matched filtering produces unsatisfactory results. We investigate SAR performance and processing of sparse, multiple-aperture arrays. Three filters are evaluated: the matched filter, maximum-likelihood filter, and minimum mean-square error filter  相似文献   

星载合成孔径激光雷达对卫星成像面临相对运动复杂、目标搜索困难、成像时机难把握等问题。以对静止轨道卫星成像为例,初步设计了一种适于对同步轨道卫星成像的载星轨道。推导了载星与目标间相对运动关系式;绘制并分析了两星相对运动曲线;分析了两星距离最近期间距离、径向速度、加速度变化规律。提出了基于径向速度门限的成像时机判定方法,研究了成像期间光束指向偏移和成像时机判决速度门限。研究结果表明:轨道高度低于目标星轨道,并与之有一定偏角的载星轨道适于对目标进行成像;两星相距最近的时间附近是较佳成像时机,可降低相位误差补偿难度,提高系统工作效率;在对目标进行搜索跟踪和判决成像时机时,系统需根据两星轨道特性进行动态调整。  相似文献   

A technique of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image simulation is proposed. The method is based upon embedding of simulated man-made targets in a real background taken among the scenes captured by a spaceborne SAR. Scenes observed at 30 and 3 cm wavelength are used and the target dimensions are large enough with respect to the wavelength in order to compute the radar cross section from high frequency approximation techniques. Once the simulated image of the target is computed, the embedding process is performed bearing in mind the problems involved with this particular process. Although the simulation possibilities are restricted due to the simplifying assumptions, the results are sufficiently realistic to allow for the study of the detectability of a particular man-made target in a SAR environment  相似文献   

国外空间激光的发展现状   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
随着激光技术的不断发展和进步,星载激光系统成为空间信息获取的重要手段,在地形测绘、高分辨率观测、空间遥感、环境监测等领域具有重要的应用前景。回顾了NASA已经发射的空间应用激光系统在火星、水星、地球和月球地形测量上的应用,分析了激光器载荷的性能指标,阐述了正在发展的空间激光应用计划,指出当前的技术难以满足未来的空间激光任务需要,新的任务要求需要新的激光器技术,激光技术未来将会成为空间行星探测的关键技术。最后总结了空间应用固体激光器面临的关键问题及发展趋势。  相似文献   

An antenna pattern design technique for spaceborne synthetic aperture radars (SARs) that optimizes the signal-to-disturbance ratio is presented. It takes into account the ground reflectivity (relative to the transmitted frequency) and the viewing geometry (altitude and off-nadir angle). The technique makes use of the theory of adaptive arrays and takes advantage of a priori knowledge of the ambiguous echo power as a function of the geometry and average ground reflectivity. The optimized antenna weighting turns out to be complex, and asymmetrical patterns are generally obtained for a spaceborne SAR. The technique allows the achievement of better performance compared to the current design values, especially at large off-nadir angles  相似文献   

对地观测星载激光测高系统高程误差分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
星载激光测高系统通过接收卫星平台激光器发出的激光脉冲经地表反射的微弱回波,计算卫星与地表的距离;结合卫星轨道和姿态数据,生成激光脚点精确地理位置和高程结果.其高程误差主要受器件、环境和目标参数影响,目前还没有完整描述对地观测星载激光测高系统平面和高程误差的数学模型.简化并完善了针对固体地表的激光测距误差模型,建立了完整的激光脚点平面和高程误差模型.利用高程精度和空间分辨率更高的机载Lidar数据评估了星载激光测高系统GLAS实测数据的高程偏差,评估结果符合所建误差模型.在较平坦的冰盖表面,GLAS系统高程精度可以达到设计值约15 cm.研究内容对测高系统高程误差评估和系统参数设计具有参考意义.  相似文献   

考虑到以往装备体系的研究方法忽略了装备之间的配合关系,基于网络科学思想,建立反导作战网络模型。阐明了反导作战能力生成机制,并基于此提出了反导装备体系作战网络能力评估方法,最后通过示例对所提出的建模和评估方法进行展示,证明了该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

It is shown that, subject to certain restrictions, the optimum tilt angle can be calculated as a function of only the highest beam elevation angle. The term optimum means the condition that the antenna gain at the horizon is maximum. The restrictions are that the antenna be operated outside the grating-lobe regime for all required scan angles and that scan angles greater than 60° off broadside by avoided to allow useful operation of the radar system (considering antenna impedance match, sidelobes, gain, and beam width). It is assumed that the antenna, in principle, can be impedance matched to any elevation angle, leaving the match at broadside as a special case, without particular advantages. The results indicate that for most practical requirements (high-beam elevation between 45° and 70 °) the optimum tilt angle should be around 20° to 30°  相似文献   

An increasing number of medical devices, including implantable prosthetics and body-worn instrumentation, are incorporating sense systems within and around the body. One such sensor is the inclinometer (or tilt sensor), which senses its orientation with respect to gravity. Tilt sensors have typically been implemented using hybrid structures incorporating a stationary reference and movable mass. Traditionally these have been realised using electrolytic fluid-filled cavities. More recently a breed of modern silicon-based inclinometers have emerged implemented in various MEMS technologies [1?3]. It has also been shown how to derive inclination using an unmodified accelerometer [4].  相似文献   

A spaceborne radar for atmospheric observation must be able to detect atmospheric backscatter in the presence of clutter from the surface, due to antenna sidelobes. Such clutter can come from the same pulse as that observing the atmosphere if the radar antenna is pointed off-nadir. However pulses both prior and subsequent to the pulse observing the atmosphere can also contribute to clutter, and surface clutter can be a problem even for nadir-looking radars. Here, the problem is analyzed by deriving a method for computing clutter which includes effects of all contributing transmit pulses, Doppler shifting, finite receiver bandwidth, and curved Earth's surface. The results are applied to analysis of existing radars and design of future radar systems  相似文献   

星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)用电磁波获取地球表面的电子图像。由于是侧视成像,SAR图像固有地含有定位误差,这些误差来源于SAR成像几何、成像模式、散射特性以及图像形成过程。因此,在SAR图像使用中必须考虑这些误差并予以校正。利用先验控制点信息可提高星载SAR图像定位精确度,校正几何畸变。分析了星载SAR图像定位的系统误差传递规律,通过将误差传递特性相似的系统误差源进行等效合并,提出了一种改进的系统误差校正模型,蒙特卡洛(Monte-Carlo)仿真实验验证了新模型具有更高的系统误差校正精确度。  相似文献   

GPS接收机在低轨卫星上有广泛的应用。事先预测可见GPS卫星有助于接收机快速捕获。地面接收机直接取仰角大于的GPS卫星为可见卫星,这一判决方法不适用于星载GPS接收机。根据GPS卫星天线覆盖范围,提出了一种对轨道高度分段讨论的基于仰角的可见卫星判决方法。通过MATLAB和STK仿真得到这一方法的平均预测正确率和召回率都大于93%。因此,这种方法适用于不同低轨轨道高度、不同航天任务的星载GPS接收机。  相似文献   

介绍了航天光纤数据总线(SFODB)的基本结构、工作方式,重点强调了此种技术非常适合于对通信实时性、可靠性要求高的航天电子系统的使用.通过和其它的数据总线比较,还可得出此种技术的信号传输速率非常高,比目前应用较为广泛的军用标准-MIL-STD_1553B提高了3个量级(1553B的传输速率只有1Mb/s),基本解决了当前航天数据总线低速传输特性的问题,为大容量实时信号的传输提供了一种行之有效的方案.  相似文献   

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