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酯交换法制备生物柴油的反应动力学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玲艳  张剑  黄智勇  王煊军 《陕西化工》2012,(10):1799-1802
掌握制备生物柴油的反应动力学对优化生物柴油的生产工艺、降低成本有重要作用。主要论述了目前国内酯交换反应制取生物柴油的反应动力学研究的现状,分析并总结了各自的特点。  相似文献   

棕榈油制备生物柴油研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李为民  许汉祥  高琦 《化工时刊》2006,20(12):20-22,36
通过利用浓硫酸作催化剂对酸值较高的棕榈油进行预酯化,采用正交实验的方法来研究预酯化的最优工艺条件,预酯化反应温度为70℃,反应时间为1.0 h,催化剂H2SO4的用量为1.0%(油重),棕榈油的酸值降到2.4 mg KOH/g油。预酯化后的棕榈油与甲醇在氢氧化钾作为催化剂进行酯交换反应得到脂肪酸甲酯,采用正交实验的方法来研究酯交换反应的最优工艺条件,酯交换反应温度为60℃,反应时间为10 h,催化剂KOH的用量为1.0%(油重),酯交换反应的转化率为95.89%,生物柴油总得率为95.6%。以棕榈油为原料制备的生物柴油,其主要性能符合柴油标准,但倾点较高,需与柴油馏分调合或加降凝剂以达到柴油标准。  相似文献   

棕榈油制备生物柴油的工艺条件研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了以甲醇钠为催化剂,精制棕榈油与甲醇进行酯交换反应制备生物柴油的工艺过程.采用正交实验的方法研究得到酯交换反应的最佳工艺条件为:醇油摩尔比6∶1,催化剂甲醇钠的质量分数为0.5%,反应温度60℃,反应时间60min,收率达到96%.该工艺设备简单,工艺成熟,适于中小规模生产.  相似文献   

强碱催化棉籽油酯交换制备生物柴油的动力学   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
陈和  王金福 《化工学报》2005,56(10):1971-1974
脂肪酸甲酯(生物柴油),通常是由植物油与甲醇在催化剂作用下通过酯交换反应而得到的.生物柴油作为潜在的柴油能源替代品,以其可生物降解、可再生、尾气排放中的有毒气体(SOx等)低等诸多优点,近年来得到越来越多的重视.目前,世界各国都在积极发展生物柴油的生产和开展相应研究.  相似文献   

在碳达峰、碳中和的目标背景下,生物柴油被认为是替代化石燃料最有前途的新型能源之一。作为新型的加热方式,微波强化技术克服了传统加热方式下受热不均等缺点,在与不同催化体系偶联的过程中显著促进了酯交换反应的效率,较大幅度地提高了生物柴油的产率。本文归纳了微波技术强化酯交换反应制备生物柴油的优势,介绍了微波强化技术偶联均相催化、非均相催化、离子液体催化以及酶催化技术在生物柴油制备领域的研究进展,阐述了微波强化技术偶联各催化体系的利弊。从催化效率和环保等方面考虑,微波强化偶联非均相催化和酶催化具有更优的研究前景。最后,就该领域的研究方向提出几点展望与建议。  相似文献   

介绍了非负载型和负载型2类固体碱催化剂用于制备生物柴油的研究进展,采用酯交换法因其无需消耗大量能量、操作方法简单,成为制备生物柴油的主要方法,并随着负载型固体碱催化剂载体的纳米化、介孔化,纳米级以及以分子筛作为载体的固体碱催化剂将成为一个主要的研究方向。认为开发更加稳定、耐水、耐酸的固体碱催化将是今后固体碱催化剂的研究重点。  相似文献   

棉籽油间歇式酯交换反应动力学的研究   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
生物柴油(棉籽油甲酯)可以由棉籽油与甲醇在催化剂KOH存在下通过酯交换反应制得。故对棉籽油间歇式酯交换反应动力学进行了研究,并考察了反应温度和催化剂浓度对产物棉籽油甲酯浓度的影响。用液相色谱法分析棉籽油的组成;用气相色谱法分析产物中棉籽油甲酯的含量。由实验数据绘制的动力学曲线得到酯交换反应在开始阶段为准二级反应,以后紧接转为一级反应和零级反应,与文献报导的棕榈油酯交换反应动力学结果一致。由实验数据求出酯交换反应在开始阶段的动力学参数,35℃、45℃时的反应速率常数分别为0.9179Lmol-1min-1和1.049Lmol-1min-1,酯交换反应的活化能为10.88kJmol-1。根据实验结果得到棉籽油酯交换反应的最佳反应温度为45℃,最佳催化剂为1.1%KOH。  相似文献   

酯交换反应制备生物柴油催化剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物柴油是一种环境友好型的可再生资源,本文介绍了生物柴油的制备技术,并综述了采用酯交换反应制备生物柴油所使用的催化剂的研究进展,简述了各种催化剂的优缺点。  相似文献   

马利  洪建兵  甘孟瑜  岳恩  潘登 《化工学报》2008,59(3):708-712
以潲水油(WCO)为原料,探讨了酯化-酯交换两步法制备生物柴油的反应动力学。以活性炭负载硫酸铁[Fe2(SO4)3/AC]为负载型催化剂,通过测定不同反应温度、不同甲醇/脂肪酸(FFA)摩尔比条件下WCO中游离脂肪酸的转化率,以此确定酯化反应的动力学控制步骤及动力学方程中的待定参数,从而建立了在实验温度范围内酯化反应的动力学方程,并根据碱催化酯交换反应机理,在简化的动力学模型基础上,推导出了WCO中甘油三酯(TG)与甲醇发生酯交换反应的宏观动力学方程。结果表明,酯化反应和酯交换反应的动力学方程在实验条件范围内都能较好地描述各自的反应过程。  相似文献   

酯交换法制备生物柴油的催化剂研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在酯交换反应制备生物柴油的工艺过程中,可以选用的催化剂有酸/碱均相催化剂、生物酶催化剂和固体催化剂3大类.本文对这几类催化剂在该工艺过程中的应用情况进行介绍,并就各自的成本、活性、稳定性和可回收性等相关因素进行了对比分析,指出利用固体催化剂是该领域的发展方向,对固体催化剂的研究前景做出了展望.  相似文献   

The kinetics of palm oil and mustard oil transesterification are compared. Transesterification of palm oil and mustard oil using KOH as a catalyst was performed at various reaction temperatures ranging from 40 to 60°C. The reaction steps are reversible and transesterification is favoured at elevated temperatures. The reaction step of triglyceride to diglyceride is the rate determining step (RDS) that controls kinetics of overall transesterification with activation energies of 30.2 and 26.8 kJ/mol for palm oil and mustard oil transesterification, respectively. It is found that percentage of saturated compounds play a vital role on transesterification kinetics. © 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

张方  王璐  李春 《应用化工》2010,39(6):850-853
利用微波强化以棉籽油和甲醇为原料,KOH为催化剂制备生物柴油。考察醇油摩尔比、催化剂用量、反应时间和微波功率对酯交换反应的影响。结果表明,醇油摩尔比为9∶1,催化剂用量为1.0%,反应时间为3 min,微波功率360 W为最优反应条件。在此反应条件下生物柴油产率可达94%。与传统合成方法相比,该方法可缩短反应时间30~35 min。所得生物柴油主要质量指标达到我国和欧洲(EN14214)生物柴油质量标准,通过红外光谱分析表明,棉籽油生物柴油具有生物柴油所含的官能团。  相似文献   

李燕  雷云周 《应用化工》2015,(2):318-320
用氢氧化钾作催化剂,考察了反应温度、催化剂用量、醇油摩尔比、反应时间对棕榈油和甲醇制备生物柴油产率的影响。结果表明,最佳反应条件为:反应温度40℃,催化剂用量0.6%,醇油摩尔比6∶1,反应时间2.0 h。此时,生物柴油产率可达97.82%。  相似文献   

Preparation of biodiesel from waste cooking oil catalyzed by combined lipases in tert‐butanol medium was investigated. Several crucial parameters affecting biodiesel yield were optimized by response surface methodology, such as dosage of combined lipases of Novozym 435 and Lipozyme TLIM, weight ratio of Novozym 435 to Lipozyme TLIM, amount of tert‐butanol, reaction temperature, and molar ratio of oil to methanol. Under the optimized conditions, the highest biodiesel yield was up to 83.5% The proposed model on biodiesel yield had a satisfactory coefficient of R2 (= 94.02%), and was experimentally verified. The combined lipases exhibited high‐operational stability. After 30 cycles (300 h) successively, the activity of combined lipases maintained 85% of its original activity. A reaction kinetic model was proposed to describe the system and deduced to be a pseudo‐first‐order reaction, and the calculated activation energy was 51.71 kJ/mol. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

Continuous transesterification of palm olein oil using supercritical methanol was investigated in the absence of a catalyst. The variables studied were reaction temperature (270–350 °C), pressure (20–40 MPa), and residence time (5–25 min), with a methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 40. Preheating at 245 °C was used to form a homogeneous phase in the absence of thermal decomposition of palm olein oil. The activation energies and reaction activation volumes of the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), and those of the individual components (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, and C18:2 methyl esters), were calculated. The entropies of activation (ΔS) of the transesterification reactions were also obtained. As the transesterification of vegetable oil in supercritical methanol included a strongly negative (−175 J/mol K) entropy of activation, transesterification required harsh conditions.  相似文献   

复合固定化脂肪酶催化麻疯树油生产生物柴油   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对固定化复合脂肪酶催化麻疯树油合成生物柴油进行了研究,利用3因素5水平中心旋转设计的响应曲面法对反应条件进行了优化,研究了复合酶用量、复合酶配比及底物配比对反应的影响。优化结果为复合酶用量为0.27 g,N435占总酶质量的比例为0.15,乙酸甲酯与麻疯树油的摩尔比为10.10,预测生物柴油得率为72.55 %,与实际产率74.34 %吻合较好。并建立了复合酶催化合成生物柴油反应的动力学方程,反应为双底物抑制,符合乒乓机制。  相似文献   

The kinetics of simultaneous transesterification and esterification with a carbon-based solid acid catalyst was studied.Two solid acid catalysts were prepared by the sulfonation of carbonized vegetable oil asphalt and petroleum asphalt.These catalysts were characterized on the basis of elemental analysis,acidity site concentration,the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET)surface area and pore size.The kinetic parameters with the two catalysts were determined,and the reaction system can be described as a pseudo homogeneous catalyzed reaction.All the forward and reverse reactions follow second order kinetics.The calculated concentration values from the kinetic equations are in good agreement with experimental values.  相似文献   

The use of metakaolinite as a catalyst in the transesterification reaction of waste cooking oil with methanol to obtain fatty acid methyl esters (biodiesel) was studied. Kaolinite was thermally activated by dehydroxylation to obtain the metakaolinite phase. Metakaolinite samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption-desorption, simultaneous thermo-gravimetric analyse/differential scanning calorimetry (TGA/DSC) experiments on the thermal decomposition of kaolinite and Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) analysis. Parameters related to the transesterification reaction, including temperature, time, the amount of catalyst and the molar ratio of waste cooking oil to methanol, were also investigated. The transesterification reaction produced biodiesel in a maximum yield of 95% under the following conditions: metakaolinite, 5 wt-% (relative to oil); molar ratio of oil to methanol, 1∶23; reaction temperature, 160°C; reaction time, 4 h. After eight consecutive reaction cycles, the metakaolinite can be recovered and reused after being washed and dried. The biodiesel thus obtained exhibited a viscosity of 5.4?mm2?s–1 and a density of 900.1 kg?m–3. The results showed that metakaolinite is a prominent, inexpensive, reusable and thermally stable catalyst for the transesterification of waste cooking oil.  相似文献   

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