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研究政府奖惩机制下闭环供应链的成本共担-利润共享契约,分别建立集中式决策情形和分散式决策情形下的奖惩机制下有无成本共担-利润共享契约的闭环供应链决策模型.研究表明:随着政府奖惩力度的提高,产品的零售价降低,回购价、回收率和回收商的利润均提高,但制造商的利润与目标回收率有关;随着回收商成本共担比例和分享利润比例的提高,零售价提高,但总小于无契约的情形,回收率降低,但总大于无契约的情形;回购价随着回收商成本共担比例的提高而提高,随着其利润分享比例的提高而降低;制造商总能从成本共担-利润共享契约中获益,而当成本共担比例适中、利润共享比例较大时,回收商才愿意接受该契约,此时,成本共担-利润共享契约生效且能够协调闭环供应链.  相似文献   

This paper deals a closed-loop supply chain with two dual channels – forward dual-channel where a manufacturer sells a product to customers through traditional retail channel and e-tail (internet) channel, and reverse dual-channel where the used items are collected for remanufacturing through the traditional third party logistics and e-tail channel. We derive analytically the pricing and return product collection decisions for the supply chain under five different scenarios viz. centralized, decentralized (Nash game), and manufacturer-led, retailer-led and third party-led decentralized scenarios. We also demonstrate the proposed model through a series of data sets. It is observed from the numerical study that the retailer-led decentralized scenario provides more profit than other decentralized scenarios.  相似文献   

为了减少环境污染和提高资源的利用效率,产品再制造闭环供应链系统的稳定有序运行非常重要。为探索使系统达到稳定的方法,以供应链参与主体均为风险中性的两阶闭环供应链系统为背景,研究了收益共享控制模型对闭环供应链协调性和稳定性的影响,证明了收益共享控制能够使产品再制造闭环供应链稳定,提升供应链的绩效。最后,通过算例研究和收益共享控制模型的灵敏度分析,验证了该模型的有效性及实用性。  相似文献   

研究具有企业社会责任的闭环供应链回收渠道选择及定价决策问题.在3种不同回收渠道结构下,探讨主导制造商的企业社会责任行为对新产品定价及废旧产品回收的影响.研究表明,无论在何种回收渠道结构下,制造商的企业社会责任行为均有利于扩大新产品市场需求、提高废旧产品回收率.制造商的企业社会责任行为虽然会导致自身纯利润的减少,但有利于增加其他成员企业及系统整体的利润,实现社会福利最大化.当制造商承担较少企业社会责任时,其利润较之其他成员总是最大的;反之,零售商的利润可能会超过制造商.从扩大新产品市场需求及提高废旧产品回收率的角度,制造商在零售商负责回收时实施企业社会责任的效果最好.  相似文献   

混合回收渠道下的闭环供应链市场结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了一个制造商领导市场、一个零售商和一个第三方回收商共同负责回收且跟随决策的再制造闭环供应链系统。对制造商领导博弈时的四种不同市场结构下(M→R+T、M→R→T、M→T→R和M→C)的闭环供应链的各方决策变量值以及利润值进行计算及分析,最后采用重复博弈方法对避免劣市场结构(M→C)成立的条件进行了讨论。研究表明,基于以上条件,M→C市场结构下的回收价最低,在M→R+T市场结构下最高;M→C市场结构下,制造商的利润与供应链利润最低;M→R+T市场结构下的制造商利润最高且供应链利润也最高。M→R→T和M→T→R市场结构的供应链总利润结果完全相同。集团C中的利润分配参数α具有不稳定性,使效率最低的M→C市场结构无法长期存在。  相似文献   

This paper studies the competition between two closed-loop supply chains including manufacturers, retailers and recyclers in an uncertain environment. The competition factors are the retail prices of new products and incentives paid to consumers for taking back the used products. Market demands are price sensitive and also the amount of returned products is sensitive to incentives. The primary goal of this paper is to investigate the impact of simultaneous and Stackelberg competitions between two closed-loop supply chains on their profits, demands and returns. A game theoretic approach which is empowered by possibility theory is applied to obtain the optimal solutions under uncertain condition. Finally the theoretical results are analyzed using sample data inspired by a real industrial case.  相似文献   

This study optimizes the design of a closed-loop supply chain network, which contains forward and reverse directions and is subject to uncertainty in demands for new & returned products. To address uncertainty in decision-making, we formulate a two-stage stochastic mixed-integer non-linear programming model to determine the distribution center locations and their corresponding capacity, and new & returned product flows in the supply chain network to minimize total design and expected operating costs. We convert our model to a conic quadratic programming model given the complexity of our problem. Then, the conic model is added with certain valid inequalities, such as polymatroid inequalities, and extended with respect to its cover cuts so as to improve computational efficiency. Furthermore, a tabu search algorithm is developed for large-scale problem instances. We also study the impact of inventory weight, transportation weight, and marginal value of time of returned products by the sensitivity analysis. Several computational experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed model and valid inequalities.  相似文献   

研究不同权力结构下具有企业社会责任(CSR)的闭环供应链定价决策问题.探讨Stackelberg博弈及Nash非合作博弈下各成员企业的CSR最优分摊机制及定价策略,分析CSR行为对新产品定价及废旧产品回收的影响.研究表明,无论在何种权力结构下,闭环供应链成员企业的CSR行为都有利于降低新产品零售价格、扩大新产品市场需求以及提高废旧产品回收率, 同时也有利于实现零售商、制造商以及闭环供应链系统整体追求社会福利的最大化.通过比较3种权力结构下的均衡结果发现:在零售商主导下的废旧产品回收效果最好, 而在Nash非合作博弈下的新产品零售价格最低并且市场需求量最高;零售商和制造商在追求社会福利最大化时获取的总效益在自身主导的权力结构下均是最大的.  相似文献   

逆向物流流量不确定闭环供应链鲁棒运作策略设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考虑一类同时具有再分销、再制造和再利用的闭环供应链在逆向物流流量不确定环境下的运作问题.采用具有已知概率的离散情景描述逆向物流流量的不确定性,利用基于情景分析的鲁棒线性优化方法建立该闭环供应链的多目标运作模型.设计了一个数值算例,其结果验证了运作策略的鲁棒性.在该算例基础上,分析了逆向物流流量的大小对闭环供应链系统运作性能的影响.  相似文献   

针对干扰事件下由单个制造商和单个零售商组成的闭环供应链系统, 建立制造商为主导的Stackelberg博弈模型, 首先分析了数量折扣契约对闭环供应链的协调作用, 然后分析了数量折扣契约应对干扰事件的协调作用。结果表明, 当干扰事件引起市场规模、再制造成本、回收努力同时扰动时, 原契约具有一定鲁棒性; 当扰动超出一定范围时, 原有的协调被打破; 为此, 给出改进的数量折扣契约具有抗干扰事件性, 并讨论闭环供应链成员的最优利润分配策略, 最后通过数值实验来验证结论的有效性。  相似文献   

随着线上线下融合的全渠道零售兴起,线上购买线下自提(buy online and pickup in store, BOPS)模式成为供应链管理领域的热点问题.针对由制造商与具有销售努力行为的线下零售商构成的提供BOPS服务的全渠道供应链,构建BOPS销量计入线上渠道和BOPS销量计入线下渠道整合模型,探讨不同BOPS销量整合模式下供应链的定价及销售努力策略,进一步分析基于销售努力成本共担机制实现全渠道供应链的协调问题.研究结果表明:基准情形下的集中决策有助于提高销售努力水平并提升供应链整体绩效;分散决策中BOPS销量计入线上渠道能让供应链系统获利更多.在满足参与约束的前提下,不同BOPS销量整合模型中成本共担契约的实施均能够缓解双重边际化效应,激励零售商提高销售努力水平,实现供应链系统收益的帕累托改进.  相似文献   

The optimal pricing decision problem of a fuzzy closed-loop supply chain with retail competition is considered in this paper. The fuzziness is associated with the customer demands, the remanufacturing cost and the collecting cost. By using game theory and fuzzy theory, the optimal decision on wholesale price, retail prices and remanufacturing rate are explored respectively under the centralized and the decentralized decision scenarios, and the expressions for them are also established. Some insights into the economic behavior of firms are given, which can serve as the basis for further study in the future.  相似文献   

张克勇 《控制与决策》2015,30(9):1717-1722

研究制造商和零售商互惠偏好行为下的最优定价策略和利润, 以及这种互惠偏好对决策行为和渠道效率的影响. 研究发现, 双方的互惠偏好程度对制造商废旧品回收比例呈正面影响; 零售商互惠偏好程度对制造商产品批发价格呈负面影响; 双方互惠偏好程度增加会导致零售商产品售价降低, 从而产品市场需求量增加; 系统成员的互惠偏好程度增加会导致自身收益减少和对方收益增加; 互惠偏好行为有利于闭环供应链系统收益和渠道效率的提高.


王银河  王旭 《计算机应用研究》2013,30(10):2927-2931
研究新产品和再制造产品需求均为不确定下的闭环供应链系统。通过比较两种产品的消费者WTP(willing to pay)差异性,构建三种政府奖惩机制条件下的闭环供应链模型。深入分析不同制造商主导的博弈模型及其数值实验。结果表明:无论是基于回收率还是回收量的政府奖惩机制,第三方回收模式下回收率最高,制造商利润最高,制造商回收模式下零售商利润最高;消费者对再制造产品WTP差异增加时,制造商利润、零售商利润及渠道总利润先减少后增加;政府奖惩机制变化时,第三方回收模式的回收率随政府奖惩的增加而增幅最大。  相似文献   

针对MRCRM模式下的闭环供应链,在考虑随机性基础上,分析了价格折扣契约对闭环供应链的协调作用,对于突发事件可能造成闭环供应链协调被打破的问题,提出了具有抗突发事件性的价格折扣契约,使之能实现对突发事件的协调应对,最后应用一个算例对比加以说明。  相似文献   

针对突发事件影响产品的销售价格和再制造品的回收价格、新产品的制造成本和再制造品的再制造成本等发生扰动的情况,本文引入条件风险值(conditional value at risk-CVaR)刻画随机需求下单一风险厌恶型的零售商和单一风险中性的制造商组成的闭环供应链模型,探讨了突发事件发生前后基于订货量与实际回收量的回馈与惩罚 (orders rebate and penalty- recycles rebate and penalty, ORP-RRP)契约能否实现风险厌恶闭环供应链的协调问题。计算机仿真分析表明:突发事件造成新产品和再制造产品的价格与成本同时发生扰动时,新的ORP-RRP契约能够实现突发事件发生后风险厌恶闭环供应链的协调。最后通过数值算例验证了相关结论和契约的有效性。  相似文献   

In this article, we first propose a closed-loop supply chain network design that integrates network design decisions in both forward and reverse supply chain networks into a unified structure as well as incorporates the tactical decisions with strategic ones (e.g., facility location and supplier selection) at each period. To do so, various conflicting objectives and constraints are simultaneously taken into account in the presence of some uncertain parameters, such as cost coefficients and customer demands. Then, we propose a novel interactive possibilistic approach based on the well-known STEP method to solve the multi-objective mixed-integer linear programming model. To validate the presented model and solution method, a numerical test is accomplished through the application of the proposed possibilistic-STEM algorithm. The computational results demonstrate suitability of the presented model and solution method.  相似文献   

张盟  郭健全 《计算机应用》2021,41(7):2100-2107
针对闭环供应链中销售渠道结构的最优选择问题,考虑市场需求和回收品质量水平的不确定性,以总利润最大化为目标,构建了政府差别权重补贴下四种销售渠道结构闭环供应链系统的四个平均总利润模型.首先运用模糊机会约束规划(FCCP)法将模糊约束等价变换为清晰对应式,然后采用粒子群优化(PSO)算法和遗传算法(GA)对模型算例进行对比...  相似文献   

Reverse logistics or closed-loop supply chains where product returns are integrated with traditional forward supply chains have been one of the major topics of research since about the last one and a half decades. In this paper, we address the inventory management issue in closed-loop supply chains, and develop deterministic and stochastic models for a two-echelon system with correlated demands and returns under generalized cost structures. In particular, we address the following questions – Do closed-loop supply chains cost more than traditional forward supply chains? Does a higher rate of return always translate into lower demand variability and hence lower expected costs? What is the relationship between expected costs and correlations between demands and returns? Models developed and numerical examples shown in the paper reveal that although a higher rate of return and a higher correlation between demand and return reduce the variability of net demand, it may not necessarily lead to cost savings; rather the movement of costs will depend on the values of system parameters. We also quantify the cost savings in case the actual demand and return information is available at the time of decision-making. We conclude the paper by providing managerial implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

In a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) network, there are both forward and reverse supply chains. In this research, a tire remanufacturing CLSC network is designed and optimized based on tire recovery options. The objective of the optimization model is to maximize the total profit. The optimization model includes multiple products, suppliers, plants, retailers, demand markets, and drop-off depots. The application of the model is discussed based on a realistic network in Toronto, Canada using map. In addition, a new decision tree-based methodology is provided to calculate the net present value of the problem in multiple periods under different sources of uncertainty such as demand and returns. Furthermore, the discount cash flow is considered in the methodology as a novel innovative approach. This methodology can be applied in comparing the profitability of different design options for CLSCs.  相似文献   

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