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在我国,住宅社会学的理论已经由社会学中划分出来,并形成独立的社会学分支,也有了比较系统的理论,出版了住宅社会学的论著。但是如何把这些理论应用于实践,并且向其他学科渗透,应用它去解决人们周围的实际问题呢?这是摆在每个从事城市规划、建筑设计工作者面前急待解决的问题。研究这种问题不是停留在以往设计单一住宅、独立的住宅区,而是把这问题扩展到更新、更大、更多的领域。要研究住宅与社会因素(人们的心理需求、环境因素、经济情况、政策变化等等)的相互关系、相互作用,以促进住宅建设更科学、更迅速的发展。  相似文献   

在我国,住宅社会学已由社会学中派生出来逐步形成了独立的分支学科,并有论著出版。但是如何把这种理论应用于实践,并且向其它学科渗透,去解决人们周围的实际问题,这是摆在每个从事城市规划、建筑设计工作者面前急待解决的问题。住宅社会学与建筑、规划的结合不能停留在单一住宅的设计与一个住宅区的规划上,而要把研究扩展到更新、更大、更多的领域。要研究住宅与社会因素,人们的心理需求、环境因素、经济情况、政策调整等的相互关系、相互作用,以促进住宅建设更科学、更迅速的发展本文就住宅社会学理论在居住区规划和建筑设计的渗透方面,谈些应用方法。  相似文献   

尽管“文化”是人类大众创造的,但与人类文化史上所有理论的概念一样,都源于人类的某一个体,“文化”本身的这一概念便也同样是由人类个体提出的. “文化”概念最早是由科学研究工作者们提出的,并认为是人类学家的功劳.当科学家们在作科学视野的研究、且发展到认为“社会学是科学的逻辑锁链上的最后的一个环节,是科学发展的最高阶段”时,便以为“社会学”已是“科学大厦的王冠”,科学“序列”已经可以在“社会学”的出现后宣告完成了;但人类学家却认为“社会学”仅是研究集体心理的问题,其发现“在心理学及大部分社会学之外,存在着另外一类人类形为的决定因素”,并认为这些因素“就是传统的风尚习俗、典章制度、工具、哲学、语言等等”,然后统称这些因素为“文化”.  相似文献   

本文运用住宅社会学和环境心理学的某些理论和研究方法,探讨我国新建居住区中普遍存在的缺乏“领域空间”的问题。作者从居民的交往活动,住宅的安全防卫,以及私密性要求等方面探讨了领域空间的职能,并提出了一些可供规划设计人员参考的领域空间的形成要素及方法。  相似文献   

上海市住宅社会学研究会是群众性学术团体,在上海市社会学学会和上海市房产经济学会领导下,经过几个月的紧张工作,筹备已基本就绪,拟于五月底正式成立。上海市住宅社会学研究会建立的动因是:1.社会学学科的繁荣与发展;2.住宅社会学学科已有初步发展;3.中国住宅研究会成立了住宅社会学学术委员会并决定于今年六月召开第一次研讨会;4.住宅建设的实践证明,需要开展住  相似文献   

小康住宅的根本标志是讲究“住得好”的问题,也就是要讲究“人的居住行为特征”,突出“以人为核心”的设计原则。这和过去单纯追求数量有本质的区别。目前,我国住宅建筑正在向“小康型”住宅发展。实现战略转移,首要就是以住宅科技发展走上新台阶这一目标为出发点,认真研究阻碍发展的各种因素,推进技术基础和管理体系的进步,为大规模小康住宅建设作好准备。  相似文献   

健康住宅--房地产住宅开发的全新理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高志 《山西建筑》2002,28(1):10-11
从绿色生态住宅到健康住宅,反映了人类对住宅建设的全新要求,而对其最高层次的认识理理念,则是人文学、社会学与建筑学的综合。健康住宅是住宅建设“以人为本”的核心,也是住宅建设向国际化迈进的趋势。论述了一切从居住者出发的健康住宅,能满足居住者生理和心理的,体现“健康、安全、舒适、环保”的理念,为住宅建设指明了方向。  相似文献   

1990年,我国以“人居环境”为主题开展世界建筑节的纪念活动。在中国建筑学会召开的学术座谈会上,许多专家就我国住宅发展方向、居住环境、旧城改造等问题进行了深入的探讨,对住宅设计提出了更高的要求。住宅是构成“人居环境”最基本、最直接、最大量的因素。所以,研究“人居环境”问题必  相似文献   

住宅社会学,研究不同社会的不同住宅实践,研究住宅社会学形成部门经济学的应用。住宅聚集是形成社会的基础,社会条件是促进住宅聚集的前提。社会条件,包括生产、生活、文化教育、交通设施和服务行业等等,是吸引住宅发展的凝聚力。这里研究的范畴是,社会条件对住宅建设的决定性意义,人口增长、企业扩展和  相似文献   

住宅社会学是社会学学科体系中一支新兴的应用学科,在我国,已初具规模。但它正面临着诸多问题,如学科理论体系的建设、批判地借鉴国外研究成果、加强与其他学科的联系、交流与合作,以及学科研究队伍的建设等等。推动住宅社会学加快发展,更重要的途径是大力强化它的应用性。住宅社会学本质上是一门应用学科,它只有和社会实践紧密结合,充分发挥其应用功能,才能具有强大的生命力,真正地在社会科学之林中拥有独  相似文献   

夏志伟  杨茜 《住宅科技》2012,32(7):16-20
从重庆公租房建设的实际情况出发,结合社会学的相关理论,分析研究重庆公租房住区建设面临的社会问题,思考规划设计的相关对策,作为公租房发展的理论补充。  相似文献   

This paper presents key findings from a recently completed five year evaluation study of the impact on low income families of a Victorian State Housing Authority home loan scheme. The research was funded by the Department of Planning and Housing, Victoria, and carried out by the Australian Institute of Family Studies. The study was designed to test the feasibility of providing families who were either in public housing or on the waiting list with low start, inflation-adjusted, home loans. This paper examines three outcomes: changes in employment patterns, home repairs and improvements, and estimated capital gain. The findings contribute to larger debates within sociology over the meaning and impact of home ownership and the privatisation of housing.  相似文献   

The home has been a neglected research area in housing studies. This paper represents one preliminary attempt to explore the role of the home in contemporary British society. Key concerns include class and social relations, the sociology of consumption and the home as a locale.  相似文献   

住房问题已经成为中国城市所面临的主要问题。进入新世纪,保障性住房建设大规模展开,保障房社区作为一种独特的新社会空间,受到广泛关注。基于米歇尔·德塞都的日常生活实践理论,本文对广州金沙洲新社区展开实证研究,探讨当前中国城市保障房社区居民的日常生活机制。研究主要采用典型案例、实地观察、半结构式访谈、深度访谈相结合的综合研究方法,从“日常生活实践”的角度探讨地方政府、市场和保障房社区居民的“结构化”互动,梳理和解析居民日常行为规律。研究表明,保障房作为地方政府为推进劳动力再生产而实施的一种空间战略,目的在于解决“集体消费”下的城市问题。在此背景下,保障房社区居民面临着社会、经济和文化上的“边缘化”及“空间锁定”问题。作为应对,社区居民采取各种生活“战术”予以应对:生活回市区、巧妙改造、隐性就业、维护社交网络、积极生活等。本文以此为保障房研究提供新视角,并为相关政策的制定和实施提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

An understanding of the dynamics of the research process and an awareness of the power structure of research can contribute towards heightened awareness of researchers in developing new ways of thinking and breaking down hegemonic perspectives. The task of this discussion is to begin a process of internal dialogue among housing researchers based on moving towards a more explicated awareness of the implicit paradigms and opaque power structures which determine what become and what do not become accepted wisdoms.

When a constructivist perspective taken from the sociology of science is applied to housing studies it is argued that dominant paradigms can be discerned. These can be understood in relation to the organisation of housing research both institutionally and in disciplinary terms, while sustenance of existing paradigms, or the development of new ones, are achieved through pervasive interpersonal micro processes.  相似文献   

A constructionist approach to the study of social problems and housing policy provides a theoretically informed means of analysing the ways in which housing policy is formulated and implemented. Yet despite a strong commitment by housing researchers to policy relevance, constructionist studies of how specific social problems are generated and deployed have so far made only a limited impact on housing research. The paper addresses this lacuna by first discussing important literature and the key conceptual issues in this field of study. This is followed by a discussion of two examples from recent UK housing policy (the shift in the 1980s from defining lone mothers as the victims of housing shortages to a morally questionable group subverting needs-based allocation policies and the re-emergence of anti-social behaviour as a problem on housing estates). The paper's conclusion is that the 'construction of problems' provides a rich source of new material as well as offering significant opportunities to develop a more critically informed housing research agenda.  相似文献   

Housing studies have much to contribute to the debate about sustainable futures and yet there has been a lack of critical engagement with environmentalism. This paper sets out to show how the environmental debate can be enhanced by three traditional perspectives found within housing studies; these are: neo-classical economics, Weberian sociology and Marxism. It is suggested that housing researchers have begun to incorporate environmental issues into housing analysis, but we need to go further and engage in the environmental debate through the development of an eco-sensitive housing concept. The paper is a contribution towards an environmental understanding of the housing process.  相似文献   

This article in applied sociology analyzes some relationships between type of housing and social behavior in the largest Colombian public housing project.' Using results from interviews with residents in apartments and houses, the article compares how families used their dwellings over a period of almost a decade and makes inferences about the impact of the type of dwelling on some behavioral patterns and on the satisfaction with the dwelling and the project.  相似文献   

As the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) shifts its emphasis from project-based subsidies to housing vouchers, a key question is the amount of relocation help that should be provided to voucher recipients. To address these and related issues, this article examines the use of and influence of relocation counseling at four distressed federally subsidized housing developments (in Baltimore, Maryland; Newport News, Virginia; Kansas City, Missouri; and San Francisco, California) where families were provided with vouchers and relocation counseling in order to expedite moves into the private housing market. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques were used to examine the different approaches to relocation counseling provided by four types of providers: 1) community-based non-profit housing agencies; 2) a private company and its subcontractor, an out-of-town consultant specializing in relocation counseling; 3) a state housing agency; and 4) the on-site housing management company. Underutilization of relocation counseling was a problem: only two-fifths of the sample reported using relocation services. Middle-aged tenants and those at the Baltimore site were most likely to take advantage of the services; those living in overcrowded units were least likely. Programs need to be developed to increase participation rates while recognizing that tenant involvement must remain voluntary in nature at such sites. Although there was some evidence that the more intensive relocation counseling provided in Newport News opened up more housing options for residents, in general the counseling had limited impact. Those who used relocation counseling did not consider more housing options than others, nor were they more likely to focus their housing search on distant neighborhoods. Furthermore, residents depended on friends and relatives, rather than relocation counselors, to learn about their new home. Even though many respondents made short-distance moves (especially in Baltimore and Kansas City), they usually were able to improve their housing and neighborhood conditions. These findings suggest that it may be unreasonable to expect families-particularly those relying on public transportation—to relocate to new and unfamiliar neighborhoods without support, or without intensive counseling, encouraging them to do so. Spatial deconcentration may not always be an appropriate goal for all voucher recipients. David P. Varady co-principal investigator, Professor of Planning is Professor of Planning at the University of Cincinnati. Professor Varady has written widely about community conservation and housing policy, both in the United States and the United Kingdom. His most recent book, co-edited with Wolfgang F.E. Preiser and Francis P. Russell,New Directions in Urban Public Housing, was published by the Center for Urban Policy Research, Fall, 1988. Carole C. Walker co-principal investigator, is Assistant Director of the Center for Urban Policy Research at Rutgers University. In her years at the Center, she has studied a broad range of public policy issues, including program evaluation, affordable housing,subdivision regulations, and land use development. She is the author of numerous research studies and co-author with David Listokin ofThe Subdivision and Site Plan Handbook. Kirk McClure investigator, is an Associate Professor with the Graduate Program in Urban Planning at the University of Kansas. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of housing and community development. He has recently completed research evaluating the ten-year performance of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program and is now engaged in an examination of the secondary mortgage market as an aid to affordable housing. Janet Smith-Heimer, investigator, is the founding principal of Bay Area Economics (BAE), a national consulting firm specializing in urban and real estate economics. She has been actively engaged in urban development since 1978 and has developed expertise in affordable housing, economic development, and military base closure. Sherry Larkins research assistant, is a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at Rutgers University. Her areas of interest are race relations, urban sociology, and substance abuse.  相似文献   

This study examines the particular role, services and functions of property agents in the housing markets in mainland China. Since the implementation of housing market reforms, cities on the Chinese mainland have transferred from a centrally-directed, welfare-oriented housing system to a more decentralized, market-based one. Commodification of housing has expanded the opportunity of new market intermediaries to service the growing urban housing markets. Yet there appears to be little research on these agents, which bear similarity in name, but not exactly in operation, to those in a market society. Based upon insights from new institutional economics, this study examines how the existing institutions in China have constrained and facilitated their services in the housing transaction process. This micro-analytical study provides a different means towards understanding the market transformation of a socialist housing system.  相似文献   

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