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It is known that an acute postemetic injury may evoke a spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus. This spontaneous rupture may produce an intramural hematoma or a laceration of the oesophagus wall. The intramural hematoma is restricted to the esophageal wall and may produce a fistula into the lumen of the oesophagus (with creation of a double lumen) or into the mediastinum (haematoma of the mediastinum). On the other hand the rupture may extend from the mucosa (lesion of Mallory-Weiss) into the complete wall of the oesophagus (Boerhaave's Syndrome). There are reports on a lesion of the exterior muscular layer of the third distal half of the oesophagus, which had evoked an acute haemorrhage into the mediastinum and has been defined as a variant of Boerhaave's syndrome. We now describe a similar case which is confined to the cervical oesophagus and has been treated without surgical intervention.  相似文献   

In recent years duodenogastric reflux has been recognised as a possible cause of oesophagitis. Alone or in combination, bile salts, trypsin, pepsin, and hydrochloric acid have all been shown to cause oesophagitis. Duodenal content in the oesophagus can be measured by means of a new fibre-optic sensor, Bilitech 2000, a device measuring the occurrence of bilirubin and yielding 24-hour readings from the distal oesophagus. Studies in which the device has been used have shown oesophageal bilirubin to be increased in patients with oesophagitis, especially in the subgroup with such complications as oesophageal stricture or ulceration, or Barrett's oesophagus. The evidence suggests that unsatisfactory response to proton pump inhibitors in reflux patients might be due to an increase in duodenal reflux, and should be treated surgically with fundoplication or biliary diversion. This may also be true of oesophagitis patients with complications, though this remains to be shown in clinical studies.  相似文献   

Caustic ingestion can lead to oesophageal stenosis. We studied 251 patients, 205 of whom were children, in a sixteen-year period. Seventeen patients, of whom one was an adult, acquired deep burns in the oesophagus which had to be treated, to prevent the development of oesophageal strictures. These patients were treated with long-term stenting of the oesophagus with specially designed, silicone rubber stents, impregnated with silicone oil 20 cS, designed by one of us (R.N.P.B.) as the only treatment. Of all models, the twin-tube dilator was the most satisfactory. No corticosteroids were administered. Only one patient developed a mild stenosis. It is therefore our opinion that, when life-saving operations are not indicated, twin-tube stenting of the oesophagus is helpful in treating caustic lesions of the oesophagus and will prevent stricture formation. Corticosteroids were not given in this series, and should be abandoned in the treatment of caustic lesions.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 74-year-old female patient in whom a primary malignant melanoma of the oesophagus was detected at the time of investigation of phlebothrombosis. Therapy of choice for this extremely rare tumour is radical surgical resection of the oesophagus. Even after surgical resection, primary oesophageal melanomas have a very poor prognosis. According to the present state of knowledge, it remains unclear to what extent the prognosis could be improved by adjuvant therapeutic procedures with radiotherapy or chemotherapy and immunostimulation.  相似文献   

There has been a considerable increase in the incidence of adenocarsinoma in the proximal stomach (cancer of the cardia) and distal oesophagus (Barrett's cancer) for the past 20 years. There is probably also a parallel increase in the pathogenetically related conditions reflux oesophagitis and Barrett's oesophagus. In patients with classical Barrett's oesophagus, i.e., metaplastic changes in the mucosa more than 3 cm up from the gastro-oesophageal junction, a follow-up programme with endoscopy and adequate biopsies is recommended in cases where a finding of premalignant changes or malignancy will have therapeutic consequences. In "short segment" Barrett's oesophagus it is still not clear how extensive the biopsy and follow-up programme should be. It is also not clear whether other tests should be performed. Screening for malignancy, possibly by means of cancer-markers, and local treatment modalities of (pre-) malignant changes, are interesting possibilities that are being investigated.  相似文献   

AIMS: An increased risk of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus has been demonstrated in patients with long segments of Barrett's mucosa. The risk of cancer associated with short segments of metaplasia of the oesophagogastric junction is not known. METHODS AND RESULTS: We report a case of early adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus arising on short tongues of Barrett's mucosa associated with an oesophageal cyst. The patient was a 68-year-old man with no previous clinical history of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. The fortuitous discovery of an oesophageal cyst lead to the diagnosis of short tongues of Barrett's mucosa with high-grade dysplasia. On pathological examination of the resected specimen, an early adenocarcinoma had developed in Barrett's mucosa, localized just above the oesophageal cyst. CONCLUSIONS: As oesophageal cysts can cause symptoms suggestive of reflux, we hypothesize that this association may not be fortuitous.  相似文献   

Barrett's oesophagus is the eponym applied to the columnar epithelium-lined lower oesophagus which is acquired as a complication of chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux (GER). Various complications seen in the Barrett's oesophagus, such as peptic ulcer, stricture, adenocarcinoma are named as Barrett's ulcer, Barrett's stricture-and Barrett's carcinoma, respectively. It is now generally accepted that Barrett's oesophagus is an acquired condition resulting from chronic repetitive GER. The frequency of Barrett's oesophagus seems to be higher in Caucasian than in Oriental or Negro populations. There is a tendency towards increasing prevalence rates all over the world, including Taiwan, due to the Westernization of diet, rapid growth in the elderly population, obesity etc. Almost 6% of the patients who manifest heartburn in GI clinics in Taiwan now suffer from GER, which is almost similar to the 7% reported by Nabel, (USA) in 1976. During the last 30 years, the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma has increased rapidly. Patients with Barrett's oesophagus have an increased risk of developing oesophageal adenocarcinoma and should be kept under surveillance. Regular follow-up, at least twice a year or preferably, every 2-3 months, for those patients with SCE using endoscopic surveillance and biopsy for those with severe dysphasia (oesophageal columnar intraepithelial neoplasia) in the surrounding area to detect Barrett's oesophagus cancer, is very important.  相似文献   

In extremely preterm babies with type Vogt III b oesophageal atresia, the primary operative management can be restricted to a gastrostomy and ligation of the fistula. Some of these patients, however, may not even tolerate a thoracotomy or placement on the operating table. We developed a minimally invasive procedure to prepare and ligate the oesophagus thoracoscopically and perform laparoscopic gastrostomy in a rat model. In 15 operations we observed only one complication. This study implies that after adequate practice, thoracoscopic dissection of the oesophagus with ligation of a tracheo-oesophageal fistula could be performed even in every small infants.  相似文献   

Gastroesophageal reflux (GOR) is often a self-limiting condition but nevertheless is a common cause of morbidity in childhood. Studies of adult patients with hiatus hernias and GOR have suggested that there is an increased incidence of dental erosion in these individuals. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between dental erosion and GOR in children. Fifty-three children aged 2 to 16 yr (mean 4.9 yr) with moderate to severe GOR, defined by pH monitoring, were examined for dental erosion. A questionnaire investigating dietary habits, other relevant medical conditions, and erosion risk factors was also completed. Results showed that the prevalence of dental erosion was low, when compared with the UK National Survey, with only 9 (17%) children showing any signs of erosion, and of these only one had erosion involving dentine. These results suggest that dental erosion may not be as great a problem in children with GOR as it is in adults. It may be that refluxing is limited to the oesophagus, and further work is needed to investigate those children that positively reflux into the mouth.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Although rare, the misplacement of nasogastric tubes into the pleural space has been described. The prognosis of such injuries is improved by prompt recognition; therefore, it is important for physicians who practice nasogastric intubation to be aware of this potential complication, and to be familiar with an approach to early diagnosis. CLINICAL FEATURES: We present a case of perforation of the cervical oesophagus by a polyvinylchloride nasogastric tube, following a traumatic attempt at nasotracheal intubation. This resulted in passage of the nasogastric tube into the pleural space. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience with this case and a review of the relevant literature suggest that such trauma may predispose to malplacement of nasogastric tubes. Clinical signs, such as aspiration of fluid from a nasogastric tube, and auscultation of air insufflated into the stomach, are unreliable; however, the presence of subcutaneous air in the neck on chest radiograph, and the presence of cervical crepitance on physical examination, are valuable signs in the early diagnosis of perforation of the cervical oesophagus. Contrast oesophagography remains the diagnostic manoeuvre of choice in confirming the diagnosis, but early diagnosis will depend on a high index of suspicion and prompt viewing of chest x-rays. The management and the prognosis of such injuries depends on the level of the perforation, delays in diagnosis, and the presence of associated mediastinitis.  相似文献   

Prevalence of metaplasia at the gastro-oesophageal junction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Specialised columnar epithelium (SCE), a form of intestinal metaplasia usually found in Barrett's oesophagus, cannot be distinguished endoscopically from normal gastric epithelium. Endoscopists seldom obtain biopsy specimens from a normal-appearing gastro-oesophageal junction, and therefore short segments of SCE in this region may go unrecognised. We studied patients who had short segments of SCE at the gastro-oesophageal junction. All patients scheduled for elective endoscopic examinations in our general endoscopy unit, irrespective of indication, were questioned for symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. At endoscopy, severity of oesophagitis was graded, and biopsy specimens obtained from the squamocolumnar junction, irrespective of its appearance or location in the oesophagus. Among 142 patients without endoscopically apparent Barrett's oesophagus, 26 (18%) were found to have SCE. All patients with SCE were white, and the male/female ratio was 1.9. In contrast, non-whites accounted for 14% of the 114 patients without SCE and the male/female ratio was 0.8. The groups did not differ significantly in the frequency of symptoms and endoscopic signs of gastrooesophageal reflux. We conclude that adults frequently have unrecognised segments of SCE at the gastro-oesophageal junction; this may underlie the rising frequency of cancer of the gastrooesophageal junction in the USA and Europe.  相似文献   

Although endoscopy is the fundamental examination for exploration of the esophagus, imaging study (CT scan, barium swallow) retains numerous indications. It completes the endoscopic study in the assessment of space-occupying lesions and investigates functional disorders of the oesophagus. Barium swallow associated with the administration of glucagon has a therapeutic role in food obstruction. Endoscopic ultrasonography allows direct evaluation of the local extension of oesophageal masses. Percutaneous ultrasonography sometimes facilitates the study of the lower oesophagus in children and the cervical oesophagus.  相似文献   

Oesophageal cancer is the fourth most common tumour in developing countries, comprising mainly squamous cell tumours, although the incidence of adenocarcinoma has increased enormously over the last decades. Surgical resection has long been acknowledged as the mainstay of treatment, and developments in surgical technique are reviewed. The roles of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the management of oesophageal cancer remain unclear, especially as the majority of studies to date have been uncontrolled trials. We present an analysis of 601 patients who underwent resection for carcinoma of the oesophagus between 1970 and 1994 in the Department of Clinical Surgery, St James's Hospital, Dublin. The analysis shows clearly that, while peri-operative mortality continues to improve, conventional surgery offers little prospect of cure in the majority of cases. We have therefore embarked upon a prospective controlled trial of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery versus surgery alone in patients with adenocarcinoma or squamous cell tumours of the oesophagus. Preliminary results indicate that multi-modality treatment may have a valuable role to play in the treatment of carcinoma of the oesophagus.  相似文献   

Fungal infections following liver transplantation are not uncommon and may be life-threatening. Superficial candidal infections of the bronchus, oesophagus and urinary tract are the most common mode of presentation. Invasive cutaneous and subcutaneous candidiasis is, however, very rare. We report two patients with invasive cutaneous and subcutaneous candidiasis after orthotopic liver transplantation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One-lung ventilation in major thoracic surgery is the most commonly accepted technique, not only for surgery on the lung but also in procedures involving the oesophagus, mediastinum and thoracic aorta. Conventional double-lumen tubes may sometimes be difficult to place correctly in patients in whom intubation is difficult. In such cases, the Univent System tube may be of help. It has a curved movable blocker of small calibre, and is designed to slide inside the bronchial tree and occlude all or part of the target lung. CASE REPORT: We describe a new application of the Univent System tube in three cases where intubation was presumed to be difficult, and in another with unexpected difficult intubation. The laryngeal approach was carried out with the distally displaced blocker, inserting it through the sub-epiglottis or the posterior commissure visible orifice. The tube was firmly held and slid through the length of the blocker, rotating slowly until fully introduced. The advantages and criteria for its use are discussed. CONCLUSION: Although the double-lumen tube is the first choice for one-lung ventilation, the Univent tube is a good option for selective bronchial intubation and in patients in whom difficult intubation is predicted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our aim was to determine the frequency, survival and symptomatic local recurrence rate of patients with a positive proximal resection margin in a series of patients having a resection for carcinoma of the oesophagus or stomach. METHODS: A retrospective study of pathology reports and case notes. Survival and data on local recurrence were obtained from the patient or general practitioner. RESULTS: Ten (11.5%) of 87 patients having a gastric or oesophageal resection for carcinoma had a positive proximal resection margin. All 10 patients underwent a palliative resection for late-stage disease. Nine were dead at an average 8.3 months (range 2-20 months) post-resection and one patient remains alive at 9 months. Only one of these 10 patients had evidence of a local recurrence with recurrent dysphagia prior to death at 11 months. CONCLUSION: A high incidence of a positive proximal resection margin was found. This occurred in patients who underwent a palliative resection for late-stage disease, most of whom died before local recurrence became a problem. For patients recognized as having late-stage disease, surgery for symptom palliation need not be aggressive (such as to include a thoracotomy) because achieving microscopic clearance is unlikely to affect the long-term outcome.  相似文献   

An intraluminal balloon was used to study the peristaltic reflex, which is mediated by the intrinsic nerves of the oesophagus. Serial balloon distension was performed in nine asymptomatic volunteers and 133 patients with oesophageal symptoms. Eight of the volunteers had a normal response with proximal stimulation and distal inhibition of motility. Only 42 patients (31.6 per cent) had a normal response. The commonest abnormal response (39.1 per cent) was some form of failure of the distal inhibitory reflex. Other patterns of abnormality were an unresponsive oesophagus (15.8 per cent) with no motility change during balloon inflation, or spasm (13.5 per cent) proximal to the balloon. These alterations of secondary peristaltic activity suggest that there are abnormalities of the intrinsic (enteric) nerves of the oesophagus. Different abnormalities were found in patients with similar symptoms. Awareness of this difference might allow a more rational approach to treatment. This hypothesis was tested in a small pilot study treating functional dysphagia with cisapride. Three of nine patients had marked symptomatic improvement within 4 weeks and all three had an unresponsive oesophagus. The remaining six patients, who had failure of distal inhibition or a normal response, did not improve.  相似文献   

Spontaneous intramural dissection of the oesophagus has been recognized as a separate clinical entity between a transmural oesophageal rupture (Boerhaave syndrome) and an oesophageal mucosal tear (Mallory-Weiss syndrome). It is important to differentiate this condition from myocardiac infarction, dissecting aneurysm and other acute surgical conditions. Conservative management is usually thought to be adequate. We report a case of spontaneous intramural oesophageal dissection, in which the symptom of dysphagia did not improve with the conservative management and an endoscopic incision of the septum between true and false lumens using a needle-type diathermy knife was done safely and effectively.  相似文献   

The principal mechanism leading to gastro-oesophageal reflux is an increased frequency of transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations; other factors are oesophageal hypersensitivity to gastric juice, hiatus hernia, and possible duodenal reflux. Patients with classical symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation may be treated pharmaceutically combined with life style counselling. If the symptoms have not improved after 6 to 12 weeks, endoscopical examination is performed and, if necessary, 24-hour pH monitoring, barium radiographing and manometry. In the case of atypical symptoms such as dysphagia, laryngitis, asthma and chest pain, there is more reason to pursue diagnostic testing. In patients with dysphagia endoscopy is indicated to exclude malignancy. Drug treatment can be subdivided into antacids, H2 receptor antagonists, cytoprotective agents, prokinetics and proton pump inhibitors. In general practice a step-up approach to treatment is preferable, while for specialist treatment a stepdown approach is more (cost-)effective. Drawbacks of medical treatment are considerable frequency of recurrence of oesophagitis, persistence of regurgitation in 'volume refluxers' and controversial data on the possible development of (pre)malignant lesions of oesophagus and stomach. Surgical treatment is a good alternative for patients with persistent severe regurgitation during medical therapy and for young patients who prefer surgery to lifelong medication. Patients with Barrett's oesophagus should undergo regular endoscopic biopsy surveillance.  相似文献   

The purpose of the treatment of Barrett epithelium in the distal oesophagus is to reduce or even eliminate the increased risk of malignant degeneration in it. This can be achieved by removing the Barrett epithelium, whether or not dysplastic, and to have it replaced by normal squamous epithelium. Drug treatment or surgical antireflux treatment of Barrett epithelium has hardly any effect on the length of the Barrett epithelium or on the occurrence of malignancy. Various forms of endoscopic ablative therapy (laser coagulation, multipolar electrocoagulation, photodynamic therapy and argon plasma coagulation), in combination with antireflux treatment enable removal of the Barrett epithelium with regeneration of squamous epithelium. However, islets of Barrett epithelium may be found beneath the regenerated squamous epithelium and there is also the possibility of malignant potential of pluripotent stem cells left behind in the oesophagus. Future studies will have to afford insight into long-term results, the costs, the side effects of the various methods of treatment and the quality of life of patients during and after treatment of the Barrett oesophagus.  相似文献   

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