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In vertebrates, the dorsoventral patterning of somitic mesoderm is controlled by factors expressed in adjacent tissues. The ventral neural tube and the notochord function to promote the formation of the sclerotome, a ventral somite derivative, while the dorsal neural tube and the surface ectoderm have been shown to direct somite cells to a dorsal dermomyotomal fate. A number of signaling molecules are expressed in these inducing tissues during times of active cell fate specification, including members of the Hedgehog, Wnt, and BMP families. However, with the exception of the ventral determinant Sonic hedgehog (Shh), the functions of these signaling molecules with respect to dorsoventral somite patterning have not been determined. Here we investigate the role of Wnt-1, a candidate dorsalizing factor, in the regulation of sclerotome and dermomyotome formation. When ectopically expressed in the presomitic mesoderm of chick embryos in ovo, Wnt-1 differentially affects the expression of dorsal and ventral markers. Specifically, ectopic Wnt-1 is able to completely repress ventral (sclerotomal) markers and to enhance and expand the expression of dorsal (dermomyotomal) markers. However, Wnt-1 appears to be unable to convert all somitic mesoderm to a dermomyotomal fate. Delivery of an activated form of beta-catenin to somitic mesoderm mimics the effects of Wnt-1, demonstrating that Wnt-1 likely acts directly on somitic mesoderm, and not through adjacent tissues via an indirect signal relay mechanism. Taken together, our results support a model for somite patterning where sclerotome formation is controlled by the antagonistic activities of Shh and Wnt signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Previous work has indicated that signals from the floor plate and notochord promote chondrogenesis of the somitic mesoderm. These tissues, acting through the secreted signaling molecule Sonic hedgehog (Shh), appear to be critical for the formation of the sclerotome. Later steps in the differentiation of sclerotome into cartilage may be independent of the influence of these axial tissues. Although the signals involved in these later steps have not yet been pinpointed, there is substantial evidence that the analogous stages of limb bud chondrogenesis require bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. We show here that presomitic mesoderm (psm) cultured in the presence of Shh will differentiate into cartilage, and that the later stages of this differentiation process specifically depend on BMP signaling. We find that Shh not only acts in collaboration with BMPs to induce cartilage, but that it changes the competence of target cells to respond to BMPs. In the absence of Shh, BMP administration induces lateral plate gene expression in cultured psm. After exposure to Shh, BMP signaling no longer induces expression of lateral plate markers but now induces robust chondrogenesis in cultured psm. Shh signals are required only transiently for somitic chondrogenesis in vitro, and act to provide a window of competence during which time BMP signals can induce chondrogenic differentiation. Our findings suggest that chondrogenesis of somitic tissues can be divided into two separate phases: Shh-mediated generation of precursor cells, which are competent to initiate chondrogenesis in response to BMP signaling, and later exposure to BMPs, which act to trigger chondrogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

In normal embryos, mRNA encoding platelet-derived growth factor A (PDGF A) and the platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFR alpha) are found within and adjacent to the site of vertebral development, the sclerotome. These patterns of expression are consistent with PDGF action on the developing sclerotome and dermis. Homozygous Patch (Ph) mutant mouse embryos lack the receptor gene (Pdgfra) due to an extensive deletion at that locus. Consistent with the spatial pattern of Pdgfra expression, striking deformities are found in the spine and ribcage of Ph/Ph embryos. In particular, we show that late-gestation Ph/Ph embryos have occult spina bifida involving the entire spinal column. We have analyzed the progression of the axial defects in homozygous Patch embryos in detail. By late gestation it appears that the components of the vertebrae are present, yet the neural arches of the spine are misshapen. We propose that PDGF A is required for proper positioning of the neural arch condensation at all axial levels. Furthermore, since the neural tube appears to close normally, we suggest that spina bifida in the Ph homozygote is caused primarily by a somitic mesoderm abnormality rather than a neural tube defect.  相似文献   

Notochord induction of zebrafish slow muscle mediated by Sonic hedgehog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The patterning of vertebrate somitic muscle is regulated by signals from neighboring tissues. We examined the generation of slow and fast muscle in zebrafish embryos and show that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) secreted from the notochord can induce slow muscle from medial cells of the somite. Slow muscle derives from medial adaxial myoblasts that differentiate early, whereas fast muscle arises later from a separate myoblast pool. Mutant fish lacking shh expression fail to form slow muscle but do form fast muscle. Ectopic expression of shh, either in wild-type or mutant embryos, leads to ectopic slow muscle at the expense of fast. We suggest that Shh acts to induce myoblasts committed to slow muscle differentiation from uncommitted presomitic mesoderm.  相似文献   

The somitic mesoderm of the wing level was replaced in a two-day chick embryo by quail somitic mesoderm obtained from the level of the wing, the leg or the neck. The musculature of the host's wing on the operated side was exclusively or almost exclusively constituted by quail cells, whereas the skeleton, the dermis, the tendons and the muscular envelopes were formed by chick cells. This result demonstrates that, under the present experimental conditions, the wing musculature is originated from the somitic mesoderm of any level of the cephalocaudal axis.  相似文献   

Segmentation of the vertebrate embryo begins when the paraxial mesoderm is subdivided into somites, through a process that remains poorly understood. To study this process, we have characterized X-Delta-2, which encodes the second Xenopus homolog of Drosophila Delta. Strikingly, X-Delta-2 is expressed within the presomitic mesoderm in a set of stripes that corresponds to prospective somitic boundaries, suggesting that Notch signaling within this region establishes a segmental prepattern prior to somitogenesis. To test this idea, we introduced antimorphic forms of X-Delta-2 and Xenopus Suppressor of Hairless (X-Su(H)) into embryos, and assayed the effects of these antimorphs on somite formation. In embryos expressing these antimorphs, the paraxial mesoderm differentiated normally into somitic tissue, but failed to segment properly. Both antimorphs also disrupted the segmental expression of X-Delta-2 and Hairy2A, a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) gene, within the presomitic mesoderm. These observations suggest that X-Delta-2, via X-Notch-1, plays a role in segmentation, by mediating cell-cell interactions that underlie the formation of a segmental prepattern prior to somitogenesis.  相似文献   

After gastrulation, progenitor cells of the cardiac, visceral and body wall musculature arise at defined positions within the mesodermal layer of the Drosophila embryo. The regulatory mechanisms underlying this process of pattern formation are largely unknown, although ablation experiments carried out in other insects indicate that inductive influences from ectodermal cells have major roles in embryonic mesoderm differentiation. An early and important event in the regional subdivision of the mesoderm is the restriction of tinman expression to dorsal mesodermal cells. Genetic analysis has shown that this homeobox gene controls the formation of the visceral musculature and the heart from dorsal portions of the mesoderm. We now show that an inductive signal from dorsal ectodermal cells is required for activation of tinman in the underlying mesoderm and present evidence that Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a member of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, serves as a signalling molecule in this process. This demonstrates that the spatial expression of dpp in the ectoderm determines which cells of the mesoderm become competent to develop into visceral mesoderm and the heart.  相似文献   

Cortical neurons communicate with various cortical and subcortical targets by way of stereotyped axon projections through the white matter. Slice overlay experiments indicate that the initial growth of cortical axons toward the white matter is regulated by a diffusible chemorepulsive signal localized near the marginal zone. Semaphorin III is a major component of this diffusible signal, and cortical neurons transduce this signal by way of the neuropilin-1 receptor. These observations indicate that semaphorin-neuropilin interactions play a critical role in the initial patterning of projections in the developing cortex.  相似文献   

Ventral midline cells in the neural tube have distinct properties at different rostrocaudal levels, apparently in response to differential signalling by axial mesoderm. Floor plate cells are induced by sonic hedgehog (SHH) secreted from the notochord whereas ventral midline cells of the rostral diencephalon (RDVM cells) appear to be induced by the dual actions of SHH and bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP7) from prechordal mesoderm. We have examined the cellular and molecular events that govern the program of differentiation of RDVM cells under the influence of the axial mesoderm. By fate mapping, we show that prospective RDVM cells migrate rostrally within the neural plate, passing over rostral notochord before establishing register with prechordal mesoderm at stage 7. Despite the co-expression of SHH and BMP7 by rostral notochord, prospective RDVM cells appear to be specified initially as caudal ventral midline neurectodermal cells and to acquire RDVM properties only at stage 7. We provide evidence that the signalling properties of axial mesoderm over this period are regulated by the BMP antagonist, chordin. Chordin is expressed throughout the axial mesoderm as it extends, but is downregulated in prechordal mesoderm coincident with the onset of RDVM cell differentiation. Addition of chordin to conjugate explant cultures of prechordal mesoderm and neural tissue prevents the rostralization of ventral midline cells by prechordal mesoderm. Chordin may thus act to refine the patterning of the ventral midline along the rostrocaudal axis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the trunk of avian embryos, neural crest migration through the somites is segmental, with neural crest cells entering the rostral half of each somitic sclerotome but avoiding the caudal half. Little is known about the molecular nature of the cues-intrinsic to the somites-that are responsible for this segmental migration of neural crest cells. RESULTS: We demonstrate that Eph-related receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands are essential for the segmental migration of avian trunk neural crest cells through the somites. EphB3 localizes to the rostral half-sclerotome, including the neural crest, and the ligand ephrin-B1 has a complementary pattern of expression in the caudal half-sclerotome. To test the functional significance of this striking asymmetry, soluble ligand ephrin-B1 was added to interfere with receptor function in either whole trunk explants or neural crest cells cultured on alternating stripes of ephrin-B1 versus fibronection. Neural crest cells in vitro avoided migrating on lanes of immobilized ephrin-B1; the addition of soluble ephrin-B1 blocked this inhibition. Similarly, in whole trunk explants, the metameric pattern of neural crest migration was disrupted by addition of soluble ephrin-B1, allowing entry of neural crest cells into caudal portions of the sclerotome. CONCLUSIONS: Both in vivo and in vitro, the addition of soluble ephrin-B1 results in a loss of the metameric migratory pattern and a disorganization of neural crest cell movement. These results demonstrate that Eph-family receptor tyrosine kinases and their transmembrane ligands are involved in interactions between neural crest and sclerotomal cells, mediating an inhibitory activity necessary to constrain neural precursors to specific territories in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

The axial structures, the notochord and the neural tube, play an essential role in the dorsoventral patterning of somites and in the differentiation of their many cell lineages. Here, we investigated the role of the axial structures in the mediolateral patterning of the somite by using a newly identified murine homeobox gene, Nkx-3.1, as a medial somitic marker in explant in vitro assays. Nkx-3.1 is dynamically expressed during somitogenesis only in the youngest, most newly-formed somites at the caudal end of the embryo. We found that the expression of Nkx-3.1 in pre-somitic tissue explants is induced by the notochord and maintained in newly-differentiated somites by the notochord and both ventral and dorsal parts of the neural tube. We showed that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is one of the signaling molecules that can reproduce the effect of the axial structures by exposing explants to either COS cells transfected with a Shh expression construct or to recombinant SHH. Shh could induce and maintain Nkx-3.1 expression in pre-somitic mesoderm and young somites but not in more mature, differentiated ones. The effects of Shh on Nkr-3.1 expression were antagonized by a forskolin-induced increase in the activity of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase A. Additionally, we confirmed that the expression of the earliest expressed murine myogenic marker, myf 5, is also regulated by the axial structures but that Shh by itself is not capable of inducing or maintaining it. We suggest that the establishment of somitic medial and lateral compartments and the early events in myogenesis are governed by a combination of positive and inhibitory signals derived from the neighboring structures, as has previously been proposed for the dorsoventral patterning of somites.  相似文献   

Mesoderm formation is critical for the establishment of the animal body plan and in Drosophila requires the snail gene. This report concerns the cloning and expression pattern of the structurally similar gene snail1 from zebrafish. In situ hybridization shows that the quantity of snail1 RNA increases at the margin of the blastoderm in cells that involute during gastrulation. As gastrulation begins, snail1 RNA disappears from the dorsal axial mesoderm and becomes restricted to the paraxial mesoderm and the tail bud. snail1 RNA increases in cells that define the posterior border of each somite and then disappears when somitic cells differentiate. Later in development, expression appears in cephalic neural crest derivatives. Many snail1-expressing cells were missing from mutant spadetail embryos and the quantity of snail1 RNA was greatly reduced in mutant no tail embryos. The work presented here suggests that snail1 is involved in morphogenetic events during gastrulation, somitogenesis and development of the cephalic neural crest, and that no tail may act as a positive regulator of snail1.  相似文献   

The anteroposterior axis of the developing embryo becomes morphologically apparent at the onset of gastrulation with the formation of the primitive streak. This structure, where the first mesodermal cells arise, marks the posterior aspect of the embryo. To examine the potential role of non-mesodermal signals in specifying posterior (hematopoietic and endothelial) cell fates in the mouse embryo, we have devised a transgenic explant culture system. We show that interactions between primitive endoderm and adjacent embryonic ectoderm or nascent mesoderm are required early in gastrulation for initiation of hematopoiesis and vasculogenesis. Surprisingly, primitive endoderm signals can respecify anterior (prospective neural) ectoderm to a posterior mesodermal fate, resulting in formation of blood and activation of endothelial markers. Reprogramming of anterior ectoderm does not require cell contact and is effected by stage-dependent, short-range, diffusible signal(s). Therefore, primitive endoderm signaling is a critical early determinant of hematopoietic and vascular development and plays a decisive role in anterior-posterior patterning during mouse embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The effects produced in vivo and in organ culture on the differentiation of the somitic mesenchyme by the thymidine analog, 5-bromodeoxyuridine, are dependant on the experimental conditions. The analog can give rise to irreversible or reversible blockade of cell differentiation or to inhibitory effects of the biosynthesis of several macromolecules normally secreted by the somitic cells. In vivo, the analog causes skeletal malformations affecting particularly the lumbo-sacral area and the hind limbs.  相似文献   

The ability of anterior lateral plate mesoderm cells in the heart-forming region (HFR) of stage 6 chicken embryos to respond to cardiogenic stimuli from cells in adjacent germ layers has been investigated using explants cultured under defined conditions. Two types of explantation were evaluated: those in which two germ layers were explanted in contiguity, and those in which germ layers were isolated and co-cultured. Two parameters--contractility and expression of sarcomeric alpha-actin--were monitored to evaluate the terminal differentiation of cardiac myocytes. Contiguously explanted anterior endoderm/mesoderm became multilayered and underwent terminal differentiation within 2 days. By contrast, although contiguous anterior ectoderm/mesoderm or posterior endoderm/mesoderm co-explants also became multilayered, these explants did not differentiate, up to 5 days. To ascertain the cardiogenic potential of cells from different regions of the embryo, individual germ layers were isolated and co-cultured by placing the explants in separate areas of the culture chamber. These determinations demonstrated that anterior, but not posterior, endoderm effected differentiation of anterior mesoderm. As before, mesoderm in both types of co-culture survived and became multilayered; by contrast, mesoderm did not survive when cultured in isolation. These experiments provide evidence that anterior endoderm regulates the terminal differentiation, as opposed to growth, of presumptive cardiac myocytes in mesoderm cells from the anterior lateral plate. Finally, anterior endoderm was co-cultured with mesoderm from the posterior half of the embryo, which does not contain an HFR. The failure of these co-cultured explants to differentiate infers that pre-cardiac myoblasts in stage 6 anterior mesoderm are previously specified to respond to the terminal cardiogenic effects of endoderm.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is activated by MAPK kinase (MAPKK) in a variety of signaling pathways. This kinase cascade has been shown to function in cell proliferation and differentiation, but its role in early vertebrate development remains to be investigated. During early vertebrate embryogenesis, the induction and patterning of mesoderm are thought to be determined by signals from intercellular factors such as members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family and members of the transforming growth factor-beta family. Here we show that the microinjection of either mRNA encoding a constitutively active mutant of MAPKK or mRNA encoding a constitutively active form of STE11, a MAPKK kinase, leads to the induction of mesoderm in ectodermal explants from Xenopus embryos. Moreover, the expression of MAPK phosphatase-1 (MKP-1, also called CL100) blocks the growth factor-stimulated mesoderm induction. Furthermore, injection of CL100 mRNA into two-cell stage embryos causes severe defects in gastrulation and posterior development. The effects induced by CL100 can be rescued by co-injection of wild-type MAPK mRNA. Thus, the MAPK cascade may play a crucial role in early vertebrate embryogenesis, especially during mesoderm induction.  相似文献   

The development of the vertebrate gut requires signaling between the endoderm and mesoderm for establishing its normal anteroposterior (AP) axis and for tissue-specific differentiation. Factors implicated in positional specification of the AP regions of the gut include endodermally expressed Sonic hedgehog (Shh), mesodermally expressed Bmp4 and members of the Hox gene family. We have investigated the roles of these factors during AP regional specification of the chick embryonic gut. Early in gut development, the endoderm sends inductive signals to the mesoderm. Shh has been implicated as one of these signals. We find a differential response to exposure of the inductive influence of Shh along the AP axis of the gut. Virally mediated misexpression of Shh results in ectopic upregulation of its receptor Ptc and a cellular proliferation throughout the gut mesoderm. Although ectopic Shh can induce Bmp4 in the mesoderm of the midgut and hindgut, Bmp4 is not induced in the stomach region of the foregut. The stomach region has a thicker layer of mesoderm than the rest of the gut suggesting that the normal function of Bmp4 could be to limit mesodermal growth in the non-stomach regions of the gut. Ectopic Bmp4 expression in the stomach results in a reduction of the mesodermal component consistent with this hypothesis. In addition to the regional restriction on Bmp4 induction, Shh can only induce Hoxd-13 in the mesoderm of the hindgut. These findings suggest that a prepattern exists in the primitive gut mesoderm prior to expression of Shh in the endoderm. The gut mesoderm is subsequently responsible for inducing region-specific differentiation of its overlying endoderm. We tested the role of Hoxd-13, normally restricted in its mesodermal expression to the most posterior region of the hindgut (cloaca), in controlling adjacent endodermal differentiation. When virally mediated Hoxd-13 is misexpressed in the primitive midgut mesoderm, there is a transformation of the endoderm to the morphology and mucin content of the hindgut. Thus, the positionally restricted expression of a Hox gene in the gut mesoderm influences the inductive signaling that leads to regionally specific differentiation of gut endoderm.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the endothelial and hemopoietic lineages have a common ontogenic origin is currently being revived. We have shown previously by means of quail/chick transplantations that two subsets of the mesoderm give rise to endothelial precursors: a dorsal one, the somite, produces pure angioblasts (angiopoietic potential), while a ventral one, the splanchnopleural mesoderm, gives rise to progenitors with a dual endothelial and hemopoietic potential (hemangiopoietic potential). To investigate the cellular and molecular controls of the angiopoietic/hemangiopoietic potential, we devised an in vivo assay based on the polarized homing of hemopoietic cell precursors to the floor of the aorta detectable in the quail/chick model. In the present work, quail mesoderm was grafted, after various pretreatments, onto the splanchnopleure of a chick host; the homing pattern and nature of graft-derived QH1(+) cells were analyzed thereafter. We report that transient contact with endoderm or ectoderm could change the behavior of cells derived from treated mesoderm, and that the effect of these germ layers could be mimicked by treatment with several growth factors VEGF, bFGF, TGFbeta1, EGF and TGF(&agr;), known to be involved in endothelial commitment and proliferation, and/or hemopoietic processes. The endoderm induced a hemangiopoietic potential in the associated mesoderm. Indeed, the association of somatopleural mesoderm with endoderm promoted the 'ventral homing' and the production of hemopoietic cells from mesoderm not normally endowed with this potential. The hemangiopoietic induction by endoderm could be mimicked by VEGF, bFGF and TGFbeta1. In contrast, contact with ectoderm or EGF/TGF(&agr;) treatments totally abrogated the hemangiopoietic capacity of the splanchnopleural mesoderm, which produced pure angioblasts with no 'ventral homing' behaviour. We postulate that two gradients, one positive and one negative, modulate the angiopoietic/hemangiopoietic potential of the mesoderm.  相似文献   

In gastrulating embryos, various types of cells are generated before differentiation into specific lineages. The mesoderm of the gastrulating mouse embryo represents a group of such intermediate cells. PDGF receptor alpha (PDGFRalpha), c-Kit and fetal liver kinase 1 (Flk1) are expressed in distinctive mesodermal derivatives of post-gastrulation embryos. Their expressions during gastrulation were examined by whole mount immunostaining with monoclonal antibodies against these three receptors. The antibodies stained different mesodermal subsets in gastrulating embryos. Flow cytometry of head fold stage embryos revealed that Flk1+ mesodermal cells could be further classified by the level of c-Kit expression. To examine the possibility that hematopoietic cell differentiation is initiated from the Flk1+ mesoderm, embryonic stem (ES) cells were cultured on the OP9 or PA6 stromal cell layer; the former but not the latter supported in vitro hematopoiesis from ES cells. Flk1+ cells were detected only on the OP9 cell layer from day 3 of differentiation before the appearance of hematopoietic cells. Thus, Flk1+ cells will be required for in vitro ES cell differentiation into hematopoietic cells. The results suggest that these three receptor tyrosine kinases will be useful for defining and sorting subsets of mesodermal cells from embryos or in vitro cultured ES cells.  相似文献   

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