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随着电力系统中电力电子设备的渗透率大幅提升,在扰动下系统发生低频振荡失稳问题日益凸显。为此,结合压缩空气储能良好的有功调节能力,提出了抑制电网低频振荡的压缩空气储能附加阻尼控制方法。首先,建立了压缩空气储能的数学模型,分析了质量流量对其输出功率的影响。其次,分析压缩空气储能抑制低频振荡的可行性,提出了基于调节阀的附加阻尼控制器,调整质量流量,进而控制压缩空气储能的输出功率,抑制电网的低频振荡。最后,搭建含压缩空气储能的4机2区域电力系统仿真模型,验证所提方法的有效性。仿真结果显示所提方法能够为电网提供正阻尼,可较快抑制电网的低频振荡,有效提高电力系统的稳定性。 相似文献
为深入分析储能装置抑制系统低频振荡的作用机理,建立了含储能的单机无穷大系统线性化数学模型,利用阻尼转矩分析法和特征值分析法,分析了有功功率调制的储能稳定控制(P-control)和无功功率调制的储能稳定控制(Q-control)的作用路径及作用机理,并与常规电力系统稳定器(PSS)进行对比。分析结果表明,在改变励磁增益、发电机功角以及线路阻抗变化等情况下,P-control的机电模式阻尼比均保持在较高水平;相比Q-control和传统的PSS,P-control具有更大的稳定运行区间。通过MATLAB/Simulink时域仿真,验证了分析结论的准确性。 相似文献
以低频功率振荡为特征的电力系统小干扰功角稳定性问题在半个多世纪以来得到了系统、深入的研究,大力推进了现代电力系统的发展。以时间为主线,对五十多年来电力系统低频振荡问题研究的历史进行了简单的回顾。首先介绍了早期同步发电机转子运动摆动现象的发现和解决过程,并总结了单机无穷大系统低频振荡问题的理论和实验研究。其次,围绕电力系统低频振荡阻尼控制分析的理论和方法,对模式分析和阻尼转矩分析在低频振荡研究领域的应用做了讨论与回顾。最后,介绍了近年来对大规模风电接入影响电网小干扰功角稳定性研究的进展。 相似文献
高渗透光储并网发电系统功率振荡将因缺乏阻尼能力而威胁系统的动态稳定。首先分析通过调节光储系统的有功、无功增加系统阻尼的原理,并在光储联合系统并网功率控制的基础上,提出光储系统基于有功、无功控制的附加阻尼控制策略。该控制策略通过检测光伏侧直流电压变化,实现功率振荡过程中光伏并网逆变器和蓄电池储能系统的控制模式切换,使联合系统具备持续调节注入系统有功、无功功率的能力,并改善电网的阻尼特性。最后,基于渗透率约为30%的光储并网发电仿真系统,验证在系统出现振荡后,光储系统在所提控制策略下,具备通过快速功率调节抑制功率振荡的能力,从而实现多电源协调改善发电系统阻尼的控制目标。 相似文献
In this paper, a new application of superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) for diagnosis of power systems is proposed. Basic experiments for measurement of damping coefficient of power systems by use of SMES are carried out in an experimental system with a small generator, artificial transmission lines, and a small SMES. The SMES produces small power disturbances in the power system without affecting its operating conditions. The small power oscillations in the power system due to continuous power disturbances generated by SMES are observed. The relations among the damping coefficient, the power disturbances, and the power change of SMES are discussed for a one-machine infinite-bus system. The damping coefficients of the power system are obtained by investigating the oscillations due to the sinusoidal power changes of the SMES. The possibility of estimation of the steady-state power system stability by monitoring the damping coefficients of an operating power system by the use of SMES can be shown experimentally. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 119(3): 40–48, 1997 相似文献
Kazuhiko Ogimoto Tatsuo Masuda Hiroto Inabe Toshihiko Komukai Syunichi Tsuruta Toyofumi Momotake 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1994,114(1):54-64
With the increase in the size and capacity of electric power systems and the growth of widespread interconnections, the problem of power oscillations due to the reduced system damping has become increasingly serious. Since a Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) unit with a self-commutated converter is capable of controlling both the active (P) and reactive (Q) power simultaneously and quickly, increasing attention has been focused recently on power system stabilization by SMES control. This paper describes the effects of SMES control on the damping of power oscillations. By examining the case of a single generator connected to an infinite bus through both theoretical analyses and experimental tests (performed with a SMES unit with maximum stored energy of 16 kJ and an artificial model system), the difference in the effects between P and Q control of SMES is clarified as follows:
- 1 In the case of P control, as the SMES unit is placed closer to the terminal of the generator, the power oscillations will decay more rapidly.
- 2 In the case of Q control, it is most effective to install the SMES unit near the midpoint of the system.
- 3 By comparing the P control with Q control, the former is more effective than the latter based on the conditions that the SMES unit location and the control gain are the same.
Accurate wind power forecast is an important tool for wind farm to participate in day-ahead or hours-ahead energy markets. However, forecast errors with any methodology are so large that they cannot be neglected. The forecast error needs to be analyzed individually for single wind farm to estimate the impact of this error on trading wind energy in electricity market. Although forecast error is always assumed as normal distribution, it can be demonstrated that it is not proper with a simple statistical analysis. In this paper, a mixed distribution is proposed based on laplace and normal distribution to model forecast errors associated with persistence forecast for single wind farm over multiple timescales. Then the proposed distribution is used to estimate the penalties for prediction errors in the electricity market. Energy storage system (ESS) can smooth the wind power output and make wind power more “dispatchable”. A probabilistic method is proposed to determine optimal size of ESS for wind farm in electricity markets. The results indicate that the proposed distribution and probabilistic method is efficient to find optimal size of ESS. 相似文献
储能技术在电力系统中具有削峰填谷、一次调频、提高电网稳定性、改善电能质量、提高电网利用率、提高可再生能源利用率等重要作用.对此,介绍了中国电力系统建设对储能技术的迫切要求,并阐述了电池储能、电磁储能和机械储能等储能技术的发展现状.对电池储能、超级电容器与蓄电池混合储能和飞轮储能在电网中的应用分别作了说明,最后展望了储能技术未来的发展方向. 相似文献
随着可再生能源渗透率的不断提升,区域电网惯性逐步降低,暂态支撑能力严重不足,给电网带来了一系列安全稳定问题。本文提出了一种储能与开绕组同步发电机级联供电的新型分布式并网发电拓扑,在保证可再生能源消纳的前提下,重新利用原有柴油机,为电网提供功率后备以及惯量支撑。通过对开绕组同步电机进行建模以及系统功率流矢量分析,设计了基于源网相位闭环控制的功率传输策略,实现了发电机的稳定同步运行。基于该策略,拓扑中的储能变流器可具备同步电机特性,实现了电网惯性和暂态支撑能力的进一步提升。仿真结果验证了所提控制策略的有效性。 相似文献
为了探索电力系统阻尼特性规律,给出了电力系统小干扰稳定模型的一般形式,推导了考虑发电机励磁控制作用、定子侧电阻及线路电阻等情况下单机-无穷大系统小干扰分析线性化数学模型.利用特征分析法,分析了定子侧电阻对振荡模式阻尼的影响,振荡模式总阻尼的守恒现象,阻尼守恒成立的基本条件,阻尼在不同振荡模式之间的传递规律.结果表明:随着励磁放大倍数的增加,系统机电模式阻尼减少,系统阻尼由机电模式流向非机电模式;系统引入电力系统稳定器(PSS)后,系统机电模式总阻尼随着PSS放大倍数的增加而增加,系统阻尼从非机电模式流向机电模式. 相似文献