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奥运会给主办城市留下的最大物质遗产是奥运基础设施和场馆.后奥运研究文献大多集中在设施和场馆的运营和管理上,而对以它们为基础的后奥运城市开发及其规划则重视不够.撰写此文的目的是为了增加有关后奥运规划和开发的研究成果.我们的方法是案例研究,以悉尼奥林匹克公园为例,分析2000年奥运会之后悉尼所在的新南威尔士州政府如何在新自由主义城市管治理念下继续规划和开发奥林匹克公园.我们的结论是:尽管政府投入巨资修建奥运设施有悖于纯粹新自由主义管治理念,可以看作是新自由主义面对全球化趋势的妥协,但是在后奥运规划和开发上,新自由主义管治所倡导的小政府.公私伙伴关系和政府从土地等资产盈利等却有利于使奥运设施遗产价值最大化.我们希望此文对中国主要城市的有关讨论作出贡献.  相似文献   

为了把2008年北京奥运会办成奥运史上最出色的一届奥运会,北京将兴建世界上最先进的运动场馆和体育设施。为此,《北京奥运行动规划》中提出了“吸取其他奥运会举办城市场馆建设的经验教训,精心规划和建设2008年北京奥运会的场馆及基本设施”的要求,并强调“场馆规划要广泛应用高科技,体现可  相似文献   

<正>持续性利用如何开发体育场馆的多功能性以提高场馆赛后的收入?荷兰阿姆斯特丹竞技场顾问公司总经理本·温布瑞克认为,体育建筑往往没有得到最高效的利用。以奥运会建筑为例,"出租:奥运设施"、"雅典奥运会仅过了半年多一点,很多奥运设施就被空置了"、"雅典没有赛后利用计划"、"奥运遗产"、"澳大利亚TELSTRA场馆的商业重组"上述一些话语都是  相似文献   

胡幼奕 《建材城》2003,(2):10-14
作为2008年奥运会的主办城市,北京已在《奥运行动规划》中明确表示,要以“新北京、新奥运”为主题,突出展示“绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”的理念。伴随着2008年北京奥运筹备工作的大规模展开,奥运场馆建设和城市基础设施建设将始终贯彻“绿色奥运”的建设理念,这对我国建材工业既是机遇,也是挑战。了解和借鉴悉尼奥运场馆在设计和建造中的设计概念和材料的使用情况,将为北京奥运场馆及基础设施的建设提供有益的参考作用。  相似文献   

在北京申奥成功带来的巨大投入中,与建材密切相关的投入包括:900亿元用于修建地铁、轻轨、高速公路、机场等;总投资额达140多亿美元的北京奥运会场馆和设施;借助29项大型奥运设施的建设,彻底改善北京城市面貌和居民生活条件,5年内将完成城区现有900多万m2危旧房改造任务,人均住房面积将提高到18m2。为了将2008年北京奥运会办成奥运历史上最出色的一届奥运会,北京将兴建世界上最先进的运动场馆和设施。北京奥运会的大部分场馆以及奥运村的设计、建设及管理工作将本着公开、公正、公平的原则向海内外招标,以保证这些工程达到国际一流标准。据…  相似文献   

北京奥运场馆——新北京的新地标,新奥运的新丰碑!"鸟巢"、"水立方"、奥运村等已成为享誉世界的标志性工程和体育建筑典范。一个节能环保含量最高的"科技奥运"和由它全方位支撑的"绿色奥运"、"人文奥运"正大踏步并肩向我们走来!北京奥运会将使用37个比赛场馆、56个训练场馆、奥运村等5个相关设施,,这些奥运场馆在规划、设计、施工、验收、运行等各个环  相似文献   

陈靖远 《城市建筑》2014,(28):22-24
作为负责2008年北京奥运会场馆规划设计的奥组委工程部分管领导,本文作者回顾了新建场馆规划设计的全过程,对北京奥运会场馆设计模式的普遍性意义展开分析,并通过与往届奥运会运作模式的异同比较,指出北京奥运场馆建设所走过的曲折道路有其历史的必然性,目前应着力改变奥运软遗产方面研究欠缺的现状,同时提出应利用建筑策划学的理论基础,弥补过去缺失的经济性维度的考量,把奥运软遗产与建筑策划研究推向新的广阔天地.  相似文献   

作为负责2008年北京奥运会场馆规划设计的奥组委工程部分管领导,本文作者回顾了新建场馆规划设计的全过程,对北京奥运会场馆设计模式的普遍性意义展开分析,并通过与往届奥运会运作模式的异同比较,指出北京奥运场馆建设所走过的曲折道路有其历史的必然性,目前应着力改变奥运软遗产方面研究欠缺的现状,同时提出应利用建筑策划学的理论基础,弥补过去缺失的经济性维度的考量,把奥运软遗产与建筑策划研究推向新的广阔天地.  相似文献   

桂琳 《建筑学报》2021,(7):63-68
介绍北京赛区所有场馆的基本情况,并重点描述遗产再利用、首钢园区复兴以及冰上场馆制冷系统的环保性等内容.北京赛区肩负2022年冬奥会赛事总体指挥、统筹调度的重要使命,其场馆建设在2008年奥运会遗产再利用、城市现有设施再利用、工业遗产复兴发展、冰上场馆制冷系统环保可持续、雪上场馆中国文化传承等方面,做出了诸多示范.  相似文献   

2008年8月8日,29届奥运会如期在北京举行。奥运会的举办,对北京乃至整个中国而言,不仅仅是短短的16天比赛,而是包括了前期7年的准备期,也是其后3~5年的“后奥运”期。一般来讲,由于举办城市在举办奥运会时,都要进行大量的投入、进行大规模的场馆建设、城市基础设施建设和城市环境治理,从而刺激举办国和举办地经济在奥运前的高速增长,出现“奥运景气”。但因为奥运场馆的特性及相关产业在奥运结束后的调整,历史上举办过奥运会的国家,也不可避免的出现过不同程度的“奥运低谷”。房地产行业是举办奥运受益最大的行业之一,同时也是奥运后可能出现波动最大的行业之一。申奥成功7年以来,北京房地产市场持续旺盛;  相似文献   


Much of the literature on the urban legacy of the 2012 Olympics Games emerging in recent years has emphasized the form that development has taken and the ways in which this aligns (or not) with specific promises made in terms of regeneration before the Games. Though plenty of discussion of planning procedure has occurred in this context, less emphasis has been placed on how the process, rather than the products, of urban change has been envisioned through legacy planning and urban design, and the significance of this for regeneration. Given that London’s much-heralded ‘regeneration legacy’ was, from the early days of the Olympic bid, portrayed as a long-term process aimed at addressing historical issues of socio-economic disparity in East London, and that planning and urban design would play key roles in anticipating it, this contribution to the literature is timely. The paper focuses on the period from 2008 to 2018, beginning with the launch of the what was called the Legacy Masterplan Framework. Drawing on empirical analysis of documents describing the main stages of legacy planning and design between these years, it then examines how regeneration as a ‘futurescape’ encompassing numerous aspects of timing and temporality has been anticipated, planned and evolved.  相似文献   

生态风景道受国土空间规划的影响因素较多,应结合生态、生活与生产空间发展需求,提出适应国家发展要求的定量评价方法.在梳理风景道内涵与研究进展的基础上,提出三生空间视角下的生态风景道功能适宜性评价体系的思路与方法.应用德尔菲法与层次分析法对张家口市崇礼区冬奥生态风景道进行功能适宜性评价,并提出景观规划策略.研究结果作为冬奥...  相似文献   

The study investigates the legacies of the 2014 Winter Olympics, and, in particular, it focuses on the evaluation of the new public open spaces created after their stage and their sustainability outcomes. Indeed, Sochi was the second city, after London 2012, with a chapter dedicated to legacy in its candidature file. The study develops a post-occupancy evaluation of the Adler Olympic Park, the coastal cluster, and one of the main legacies of the Games. Findings highlight that the Games failed in the achievement of almost all the legacy promises made in the bid book.  相似文献   

Competitiveness appears as a new element in the specific dynamics of the Mediterranean city. This paper explores the process of competitiveness at the local level, and the implications of the re-orientation of spatial planning priorities through case-study research. It looks at Athens, an example of a so-called ’winner’ city, which hosted successfully the 2004 Olympic Games. It examines by means of satellite imagery and GIS the changing patterns of land development in the metropolitan area. Olympics-related infrastructural investments, such as the new ring road and international airport, facilitated the efficient execution of the Games. Olympic development priorities, however, sidestepped stated planning directions on metropolitan growth. Evidence presented in this paper point to a land-use change trend in the urban periphery that takes the form of unordered expansion. Competitiveness agendas exacerbate unsustainable development tendencies, compromising future growth prospects.  相似文献   

基础设施是城市建设正常运行和健康发展的物质基础,近几年来,作为推动经济结构调整和发展方式转变,拉动投资和消费增长的有效手段,受到各级政府的充分重视。2013年9月,第12届全运会在辽宁召开,沈阳作为主会场,将建设迄今为止规模最大、配套最全面的全运村,《十二运·沈阳全运村市政工程综合规划》是指导沈阳市全运村市政工程建设的纲领性文件,是从项目落地到实施的“一体化”全覆盖市政工程综合规划,规划统筹协调了土地、道路、绿化、市政设施及管线的空间关系,实现成本、运营、效益最优化,已取得良好的综合效益,对同类市政工程规划建设具有较好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The rhetoric employed when cities bid for the right to host mega-events like the Olympic Games suggests that benefits will include improved infrastructure, investment in city infrastructure, and regeneration of neglected urban areas. However, the legacy of mega-events has historically been mixed; while some cities have been recognized for their development efforts, many others have been vilified for their subsequent actions, or lack thereof. The term legacy itself is, however, problematic; it presents a one-sided view of positive effects, without adequate consideration of downside risk in bidding. This research draws on interviews from people involved in six different mega-events and illustrates the challenges of addressing legacy with a variety of examples, including a detailed look at the London 2012 Olympic Games’ legacy negotiations regarding the use of the Olympic Stadium to gain insight into how legacy opportunities are developed. Drawing on the concept of uncomfortable knowledge, the dispute over the legacy use of the Olympic Stadium is used to examine the mixed perspectives of the different parties involved in decisions over mega-event legacies. We conclude by suggesting that unacknowledged interests, which remain constructively ambiguous during the bidding phase, create the opportunity for uncomfortable knowledge to arise in the planning process. The use of uncomfortable knowledge as a theoretical lens provides a useful construct to focus on the boundaries and limitations of knowledge in planning mega-events.  相似文献   

本文着重于对国外数个城市在举办奥运会的过程中城市基础设施建设与经济发展状况、奥运场馆设施建设与赛后利用等情况进行调查.同时就奥运会举办城市对生态绿色奥运目标的实现,奥运会给各主办国人民带来的影响等问题进行研究,以此来讨论奥运会对各举办城市所产生的综合影响。  相似文献   

伦敦奥运场馆建设最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖含文 《城市建筑》2009,(11):31-35
2009年7月27日,英国举行了2012年奥运会三周年倒计时的纪念活动。尽管遭遇了严重的经济危机,伦敦奥运场馆建设仍然在顺利进行。本文介绍了伦敦奥运场馆最新的设计和建造情况。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
‘Mega‐events’, such as the Olympic Games, have emerged as an important tool of urban and regional renewal through their ability to justify redevelopment and enhancement, attract inward investment, promote tourism and create new images for host cities. This paper complements previous research into the urban effects of the Summer Games by focusing on the infrastructural legacy of hosting the Winter Games, 1924–2002. The discussion concentrates upon the growing intensity of the intra‐urban competition to host the event and identifies four phases in the changing infrastructural implications of staging the Games. As a component of urban and regional policy, the Winter Olympics present both major risks and clear opportunities for the effective transformation of host centres.  相似文献   

To fulfill its commitment to a successful 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Chinese government made unprecedented efforts to improve the air quality in Beijing. We report findings on air quality and outpatient visits for asthma among adults in Beijing during the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Three study periods were defined: summer baseline (June 1-June 30: before any air pollution controls), pre-Olympics (July 1-August 7: transportation restrictions in effect), and Olympics (August 8-September 20: further restrictions on industrial emissions). Daily data on outpatient asthma visits were obtained from the asthma registry of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital. We used time-series Poisson regression models to estimate the relative risk (RR) for asthma visits associated with pollution levels. The average numbers of outpatient visit for asthma were 12.5 per day at baseline and 7.3 per day during the Olympics. Compared with baseline, the Games were associated with a significant reduction in asthma visits (RR 0.54, 95%CI: 0.39-0.75). Our analysis showed that even in a heavily-polluted city, decreased concentrations of small particles were associated with some reduction in asthma visits in adults.  相似文献   

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