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由于弯头开孔结构无法按常规设计方法进行开孔补强计算,故对弯头接管开孔区域建立了三维有限元力学分析模型。利用三维实体模型,真实地模拟了特殊结构的形状、载荷分布、边界条件,计算出最接近真实状况的应力分布情况;根据有限元分析结果,按JB4732-1995《钢制压力容器——分析设计标准》进行了应力强度评定,为详细工程设计提供了弯头开孔补强计算方法。 相似文献
由于筒体切向矩形开孔结构无法按照常规的设计方法进行开孔补强计算,故以旋风分离器为例,对筒体切向开孔区域进行了三维有限元分析;根据有限元分析结果,按照JB4732-1995《钢制压力容器——分析设计标准》(2005年确认版)的规定进行了强度评定,为进行详细工程设计提供了理论依据。 相似文献
徐亚玲 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》2014,(7):47
通过Ansys分析与探讨压力容器开孔接管区有限元应力,找出压力容器开孔接管区应力分布规律与受力特性,并系统性对压力容器开孔接管区有限元应力强度进行分析与探讨。 相似文献
内压容器壳体上矩形大开孔接管三维有限元分析与强度计算 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
运用三维有限元分析方法 ,对内压容器壳体上有内伸矩形大开孔接管和无内伸矩形大开孔接管结构进行应力分析 ,得到了接管部位的应力分布规律。对比两种结构的分析结果 ,并按照分析设计原理对两种结构进行了强度评定。结果表明 ,带有内伸接管结构的容器强度基本能满足安全要求 ,且比无内伸接管容器更安全 相似文献
通过三通的有限元分析,获得了内压作用下三通的应力分布特性;依据ASME Ⅷ-Ⅱ《美国压力容器规范分析》进行应力强度评定,工程应用表明,采用有限元分析软件能很好地解决设备开孔产生的应力问题,特别是当管口承受复杂外载荷情况下的应力计算. 相似文献
VCM回收液分离器大开孔结构的应力分析和强度评定 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7
采用有限元方法对一台VCM回收液分离器大开孔结构进行了计算,得到了接管部位的应力分布,并对应力结果进行了分类处理,最后按照分析设计原理进行了强度评定,为该结构的安全服役提供了必要的依据。 相似文献
介绍了设备局部凹坑缺陷的有限元应力分析方法及结果,并以应力分析设计为准则,对凹坑缺陷进行了安全性评估。 相似文献
Lijuan LiaoToshiyuki Sawa 《International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives》2011,31(5):322-330
The stress wave propagations and stress distributions in epoxy-steel cylinders in which the outside surface of a solid cylinder (steel) is adhered to the inside surface of a hollow cylinder (epoxy resin) subjected to impact push-off loads were analyzed using the finite element method (FEM). The impact push-off loads were applied to epoxy-steel cylinders on a solid cylinder by dropping a weight. The FEM code employed was ANSYS/LS-DYNA. It was found that the maximum principal stress occurs at the upper edge of the interface, where the rupture initiates in epoxy-steel cylinders under the impact push-off loads. Besides, it was also found that the normal stress near the upper edge of the interface increases as the rigidity and the initial impact velocity increase; meanwhile it decreases as the diameter and the height of the solid cylinder increase. The strength of epoxy-steel cylinders increases as the rigidity of the solid cylinder increases, and the diameter and the height of the solid cylinder decrease. In addition, it was observed that the characteristics of the joints subjected to the impact push-off loads are opposite to those of the joints subjected to the static push-off loads. Furthermore, experiments were carried out to measure the strain response of epoxy-steel cylinders subjected to impact and static push-off loads. Fairly good agreements were observed between the numerical and the measured results. 相似文献
采用ANSYS软件对特定三瓣式卡箍快开压力容器的卡箍进行了有限元模拟,并进行了应力强度评定,结果表明开环与卡箍连接处和卡箍凸耳与卡箍连接处为高应力区域,应力强度最大点出现在卡箍凸耳与卡箍连接的断面上;在卡箍中部的内部环面与卡箍唇部的内部面上的应力也比较大,并对有限元模拟结果进行了实验验证,验证结果表明有限元分析结果是可靠的,可为三瓣式卡箍压力容器的设计提供参考和依据。 相似文献
应用ANSYS软件对一大型厚壁(φ356mm×55mm)等径焊接三通在受内压作用下的应力进行了计算和分析,得到该三通模型的应力分布规律,并结合相应的试验数据进行对比,验证了有限元分析结果的可靠性。 相似文献
运用有限元法对工业中的大型搅拌反应器悬挂式支座处应力进行了计算,得到了应力分布场,并采用应力分类的分析设计原理,对反应器的局部应力进行了强度评定。分析结果表明,该反应器支座区域的强度足够,可满足安全要求。 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2023,43(2):648-660
The Ball-on-Three-Balls-test has proven to be an accurate and easy-to-use option for strength testing. However, the maximum stress must be calculated based on Finite-Element-Analysis results. For this purpose, a fitted function was already provided. This function is based on results which were generated under the assumption of punctiform load introduction. Deviations from these conditions occur through an increase in contact-area between the loading ball and the specimen, large specimen deformations, friction, or plastic deformation of the balls. These non-linear effects are investigated by Finite-Element-Analysis for a wide range of specimens. It is shown that the maximum stress is sensitive to the area of contact between the loading ball and the specimen. Furthermore, thin specimens are subject to large deformations, which significantly decrease the maximum stress. Therefore, a revised fitted function is derived. For specimens with exceptional geometries, non-linear effects are considered with correction factors added to the new fitted function. 相似文献
采用三维弹塑性有限元方法对内压圆筒大开孔率接管结构进行了应力分析,得到了不同尺寸参数影响下接管连接处的轴向与环向应力集中系数分布规律,并按JB4732-95《钢制压力容器———分析设计标准》进行了强度校核。确认在应力分析条件下,结构的强度满足安全要求。 相似文献