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Asynchronous online discussions are broadly used to support social learning. This paper reports on an undergraduate class's online discussion activities over one semester. Applying social network analysis, this study revealed a participation gap among students reflected by their varied levels of network prestige. The low‐prestige group initiated equivalent volumes of interactions but were less reciprocated. In‐depth analysis found the high‐prestige group also advantageous in other network measures such as closeness centrality and eigenvector centrality, as well as the strength, persistence, and reciprocity of their ties. To probe potential explanations of the revealed gap, we further contrasted post content and posting behaviours between two groups. Results did not identify any significant differences in post content but found low‐prestige students' participation less timely and more temporally compressed. This paper calls for attention to the participation gap in online discussions, microlevel temporal patterns of student activities, and practical means to scaffold student participation in asynchronous online discussions.  相似文献   

Recently,virtual environment (VE) based design and planning,which is a kind of interaction intensive computing,has shown great potential.Most users of such systems are specialists or technicians and their 3D interactions with the system embed a great deal of knowledge and skills.Thus,how to integrate human knowledge and skills into VE is a great challenge to researchers in the human computer interaction field.This paper proposes a method for acquiring user knowledge from VE.The main ideas and work include,abstracting the interactive process and formalizing the interactive semantics,as well as providing a semantic model of an interactive information repository,from which user interactive processes can be retrieved and all kinds of application logics can be established.A virtual assembly planning system is introduced as an example of a practical application of this method.Experiments show that the related models can well capture user knowledge and retrieve the interaction process.  相似文献   

This research examines selected online comments from open courses available on Chinese websites. These courses were created by universities in the West as an effort to build open educational resources (OER) and were recently translated into Chinese and were relocated to some popular Chinese websites. This research aimed to understand why the Chinese viewers value open courses offered by foreign institutions. A statistical cluster analysis was applied to identify patterns of viewers' behaviour. OER were analysed in a social context and the significance of cross‐cultural communication in information sharing and knowledge delivery was explored. It finds that subject, rather than provider, of a course has a positive impact on the number of meaningful comments.  相似文献   

Web-based technology has a dramatic impact on learning and teaching. A framework that delineates the relationships between learner control and learning effectiveness is absent. This study aims to fill this void. Our work focuses on the effectiveness of a technology-mediated virtual learning environment (TVLE) in the context of basic information technology skills training. Grounded in the technology-mediated learning literature, this study presents a framework that addresses the relationship between the learner control and learning effectiveness, which contains four categories: learning achievement, self-efficacy, satisfaction, and learning climate. In order to compare the learning effectiveness under traditional classroom and TVLE, we conducted a field experiment. Data were collected from a junior high school of Taiwan. A total of 210 usable responses were analysed. We identified four results from this study. (1) Students in the TVLE environment achieve better learning performance than their counterparts in the traditional environment; (2) Students in the TVLE environment report higher levels of computer self-efficacy than their counterparts in the traditional environment; (3) Students in the TVLE environment report higher levels of satisfaction than students in the traditional environment; and (4) Students in the TVLE environment report higher levels of learning climate than their counterparts in the traditional environment. The implications of this study are discussed, and further research directions are proposed.  相似文献   

To be believable, virtual entities must be equipped with the ability to anticipate, that is, to predict the behavior of other entities and the subsequent consequences on the environment. For that purpose, we propose an original approach where the entity possesses an autonomous world of simulation within simulation, in which it can simulate itself (with its own model of behavior) and simulate the environment (with the representation of the behaviors of the other entities). This principle is illustrated by the development of an artificial juggler in 3D. In this application, the juggler predicts the motion of the balls in the air and uses its predictions to coordinate its own behavior to continue to juggle.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mobile‐based micro‐learning has gained a lot of attention lately, especially for work‐based and corporate training. It combines features of mobile learning and micro‐learning to deliver small learning units and short‐term learning activities. The current study uses the lens of the Self‐Determination Theory of motivation and proposes a series of Mobile‐Based micro‐Learning and Assessment (MBmLA) homework activities to improve high school students' motivation and learning performance in science. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. One hundred and eight students of a senior‐level high school in Europe were randomly assigned into either a control condition (conventional paper‐based homework approach) or an experimental (MBmLA approach) condition. The study carried out for a period of 5 weeks. From the experimental results, it was found that, in comparison to the conventional paper‐based approach, the proposed MBmLA approach enhanced students' basic psychological needs of self‐perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness and improved students' exam performance in terms of factual knowledge. Moreover, students self‐reported greater learning satisfaction with the mobile‐based microassessment and micro‐learning homework tasks. Implications on educational practices as well as future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Given that communication network bandwidth remains at a premium, the design of multiparty mediated systems is a problem of conveying the least redundant information first. We investigated the redundancy of gaze direction in relation to typical full-motion visual cues in performing a triadic abstract office communication task. The results of the experiment indicate that the use of still-video does not necessarily have a negative impact on task performance. Gaze directional cues may provide extra regulative information, but with regard to task performance in small, well-organized groups this information seems to be largely redundant.  相似文献   

虚拟拆卸中多方式交互技术的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析虚拟环境下不同人-机交互方式的特点,结合对产品装配体进行人工拆卸的操作活动,提出面向虚拟拆卸的人-机-零件间的多方式交互操作方法,在虚拟环境下研究和利用手抓取操作、手势操作、语音命令和3D虚拟菜单等多种交互方式对产品零部件进行自然、直观的人工拆卸,人机结合进行产品的装配/拆卸序列规划。  相似文献   

With the increased affordances of synchronous communication tools, more opportunities for online learning to resemble face‐to‐face settings have recently become available. However, synchronous communication does not afford as much time for reflection as asynchronous communication. Therefore, a combination of synchronous and asynchronous communication in e‐learning would seem desirable to optimally support learner engagement and the quality of student learning. It is still an open question though, how to best design online learning with a blend of synchronous and asynchronous communication opportunities over time. Few studies have investigated the relationship between learners' actual use of synchronous and asynchronous communication over time. Therefore, this study addressed that relationship in an online course (N = 110), taking into account student motivation, and employing a dynamic inter‐temporal perspective. In line with our assumptions, we found some support for the expected association between autonomous motivation and engagement in asynchronous and synchronous communication, be it restricted primarily to the first course period. Also, positive relations between engagement in synchronous and asynchronous communication were found, with the strongest influence from using asynchronous to synchronous communication. This study adds to the knowledge base needed to develop guidelines on how synchronous communication can be combined with asynchronous learning.  相似文献   


The concept of digital game-based learning (DGBL) evolves rapidly together with technological enhancements of virtual reality (VR) and smart phones. However, the mental workload (MWL) that VR-training applications demand and motivational qualities originating from user experience (UX) should be identified in order to create effective and enjoyable training/learning challenges that fit with individual users’ capabilities. This study examined the effects of reality-based interaction (RBI) and VR on measures of student motivation and MWL, in a mental arithmetic game for secondary school pupils. In a randomised controlled trial with sixty school children, a mental arithmetic game was tested with three different interaction and two different presentation methods – VR RBI, VR head-mounted-display tapping and tablet flick-gesture. Results found a significant effect of RBI on MWL but no differences in enjoyment of training were found between VR-experience and tablet training-experience. In fact, adding the gaming-context to the mental arithmetic task created an enjoyable, motivating experience regardless of presentation or interaction-style.  相似文献   

The assumption that social skills are necessary ingredients of collaborative learning is well established but rarely empirically tested. In addition, most theories on collaborative learning focus on social skills only at the personal level, while the social skill configurations within a learning group might be of equal importance. Using the integrative framework, this study investigates which social skills at the personal level and at the group level are predictive of task‐related e‐mail communication, satisfaction with performance and perceived quality of collaboration. Data collection took place in a technology‐enhanced long‐term project‐based learning setting for pre‐service teachers. For data collection, two questionnaires were used, one at the beginning and one at the end of the learning cycle which lasted 3 months. During the project phase, the e‐mail communication between group members was captured as well. The investigation of 60 project groups (N = 155 for the questionnaires; group size: two or three students) and 33 groups for the e‐mail communication (N = 83) revealed that personal social skills played only a minor role compared to group level configurations of social skills in predicting satisfaction with performance, perceived quality of collaboration and communication behaviour. Members from groups that showed a high and/or homogeneous configuration of specific social skills (e.g., cooperation/compromising, leadership) usually were more satisfied and saw their group as more efficient than members from groups with a low and/or heterogeneous configuration of skills.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of learners’ attributes (gender and ethnicity) on their choice of a pedagogical agent and the impact of the attributes and choice on their perceptions of agent affability, task-specific attitudes, task-specific self-efficacy, and learning gains. Participants were 210 high-school male and female, Caucasian and Hispanic students who worked at computer-based algebra integrated with pedagogical agents. The results indicated, first, that students preferentially chose a same-gender agent and a same-ethnicity agent. Second, males who chose an agent showed more positive attitudes toward working at the learning environment than did males who were assigned to an agent whereas females who were assigned to an agent showed more positive attitudes than did females who chose an agent. Third, Hispanic students showed more positive attitudes toward working at the learning environment than Caucasians. Fourth, females perceived the agent as significantly more affable than did males; Hispanics perceived the agent as significantly more affable than did Caucasians. Last, learner attributes and choice did not affect learning gains in the agent-based environment; rather, the participants overall significantly increased their performances after the intervention.  相似文献   

There is scientific evidence confirming the effectiveness of e-learning within resuscitation, however, there is not enough research on modern examination techniques within the scope. The aim of the pilot research is to compare the exam results in the field of Advanced Life Support in a traditional (paper) and interactive (computer) form as well as to evaluate satisfaction of the participants. A survey was conducted which meant to evaluate satisfaction of exam participants. Statistical analysis of the collected data was conducted at a significance level of α?=?0.05 using STATISTICS v. 12. Final results of the traditional exam (67.5%?±?15.8%) differed significantly (p?<?0.001) from the results of the interactive exam (53.3%?±?13.7%). However, comparing the number of students who did not pass the exam (passing point at 51%), no significant differences (p?=?0.13) were observed between the two types exams. The feedback accuracy as well as the presence of well-prepared interactive questions could influence the evaluation of satisfaction of taking part in the electronic test. Significant differences between the results of a traditional test and the one supported by Computer Based Learning system showed the possibility of achieving a more detailed competence verification in the field of resuscitation thanks to interactive solutions.  相似文献   

Research has shown that computer games and other virtual environments can support significant learning gains because they allow young people to explore complex concepts in simulated form. However, in complex problem‐solving domains, complex thinking is learned not only by taking action, but also with the aid of mentors who provide guidance in the form of questions, instructions, advice, feedback and encouragement. In this study, we examine one context of such mentoring to understand the impact of replacing face‐to‐face interactions between mentors and students with virtual, chat‐based interactions. We use pre‐ and post‐measures of learning and a post‐measure of engagement, as well as epistemic network analysis (ENA), a novel quantitative method, to examine student and mentor discourse. Our results suggest that mentoring via online chat can be as effective as mentoring face‐to‐face in appropriately structured contexts more generally – and that ENA may be a useful tool for assessing student and mentor discourse in the context of learning interactions.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术是通过三维交互式计算机的制作而创造一些虚拟的环境,从而对现实的事物进行虚拟规划和分析的过程,其主要的特征表现在虚拟现实技术的构想性、沉浸感、和全息性、交互性.该文通过虚拟现实技术的概念和特征出发,对计算机通信中虚拟显示技术的应用现状进行具体的分析.  相似文献   

几何建模技术在虚拟校园漫游系统开发中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟漫游系统的开发是虚拟现实技术的一个重要应用.以华北电力大学保定二校区为虚拟仿真环境,使用3DSMAX建模工具对校园中的各种模型进行建模,使用多种基于几何建模的场景优化措施,并基于Google Earth卫星截图进行场景的精确布局设计.结合Virtools虚拟现实开发平台,设计了虚拟校园漫游系统的开发流程,并在微机平台上实现了一个场景复杂的校园实时漫游系统.该校园漫游系统不但为用户提供了友好的Web界面,而且设计并实现了基于导航图控制的人机交互机制,便于综合使用多种漫游方式快速漫游校园的场景.  相似文献   

Research and commercial interest toward 3D virtual worlds are recently growing because they probably represent the new direction for the next generation of web applications. Although these environments present several features that are useful for informal collaboration, structured collaboration is required to effectively use them in a working or in a didactical setting. This paper presents a system supporting synchronous collaborative learning by naturally enriching Learning Management System services with meeting management and multimedia features. Monitoring and moderation of discussions are also managed at a single group and at the teaching level. The Second Life (SL) environment has been integrated with two ad hoc developed Moodle plug‐ins and SL objects have been designed, modeled, and programmed to support synchronous role‐based collaborative activities. We also enriched SL with tools to support the capturing and displaying of textual information during collaborative sessions for successive retrieval. In addition, the multimedia support has been enhanced with functionalities for navigating multimedia contents. We also report on an empirical study aiming at evaluating the use of the proposed SL collaborative learning as compared with face‐to‐face group collaboration. Results show that the two approaches are statistically undistinguishable in terms of performance, comfort with communication, and overall satisfaction. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The success of a virtual learning environment (VLE) depends to a considerable extent on student acceptance and use of such an e-learning system. After critically assessing models of technology adoption, including the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), TAM2, and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT), we build a conceptual model to explain the differences between individual students in the level of acceptance and use of a VLE. This model extends TAM2 and includes subjective norm, personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology, and computer anxiety. Data were collected from 45 Chinese participants in an Executive MBA program. After performing satisfactory reliability and validity checks, the structural model was tested with the use of PLS. Results indicate that perceived usefulness has a direct effect on VLE use. Perceived ease of use and subjective norm have only indirect effects via perceived usefulness. Both personal innovativeness and computer anxiety have direct effects on perceived ease of use only. Implications are that program managers in education should not only concern themselves with basic system design but also explicitly address individual differences between VLE users.  相似文献   

This study presents and examines SamEx, a mobile learning system used by 305 students in formal and informal learning in a primary school in Singapore. Students use SamEx in situ to capture media such as pictures, video clips and audio recordings, comment on them, and share them with their peers. In this paper we report on the experiences of students in using the application throughout a one-year period with a focus on self-directedness, quality of contributions, and answers to contextual question prompts. We examine how the usage of tools such as SamEx predicts students' science examination results, discuss the role of badges as an extrinsic motivational tool, and explore how individual and collaborative learning emerge. Our research shows that the quantity and quality of contributions provided by the students in SamEx predict the end-year assessment score. With respect to specific system features, contextual answers given by the students and the overall likes received by students are also correlated with the end-year assessment score.  相似文献   

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