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Winemakers are interested in wines with low bitterness and astringency, and therefore, there is a preference for a higher presence of skin proanthocyanidins in wines. However, the information regarding the effect of reducing or eliminating seed proanthocyanidins from the must or fermenting wine on the characteristics of finished wines is scarce. For this reason, we elaborated a wine using Monastrell grapes from which the seeds had been removed and compared it with a control wine (CW) made from intact grapes. The anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin concentration and profile, and the chromatic and sensory characteristics were studied. The absence of seed proanthocyanidins did not affect anthocyanin concentration, although the proanthocyanidin concentration was 40% lower than in the CW. The copigmentation (CA) study showed that both wines had a similar extent of CA phenomena although colour intensity was higher when seed proanthocyanidins were present. The panellist evaluated the wines elaborated without seeds as being fruitier, less astringent and with an overall higher quality.  相似文献   


将葡萄籽粉碎添加到太谷饼中,采用气相色谱-离子迁移谱(Gas Chromatography-Ion Mobility Spectroscopy,GC-IMS)联用技术结合感官评价,重点研究添加葡萄籽粉对太谷饼风味的影响。结果表明:三种太谷饼中共检测出已定性的挥发性有机物18种,其中醛类6种,酮类3种,醇类5种,酯类3种,呋喃类1种;添加葡萄籽粉的太谷饼中风味物质种类未改变,但各种风味物质含量发生变化,葡萄籽粉添加10%时,太谷饼中乙酸乙酯和2-甲基丁醇的相对含量由对照组的1.67%和0.65%增加到8.62%和7.25%,但3-甲基丁醛和己醛降低了1.65%和5.03%;结合感官评价结果,虽然对照组得分最高,但三种太谷饼无显著性差异(P>0.05),说明葡萄籽粉添加量小于10%时,消费者均可以接受。本研究为太谷饼风味物质的研究提供一定科学依据,为葡萄籽的开发利用提供一些思路。


Phenolic compounds are important constituents of red wine, contributing to its sensory properties and antioxidant activity. Owing to the diversity and structural complexity, study of these compounds was mainly limited, during the last three decades, on their low-molecular-mass compounds or simple phenolic compounds. Only in recent years, much attention has been paid to highly polymerized polyphenols in grape and red wines. The reason for this is largely due to the development of analytical techniques, especially those of HPLC-ESI-MS, permitting the structural characterization of highly polymerized polyphenols. Furthermore, the knowledge on the biological properties of polymeric polyphenols of red wine is very limited. Grape polyphenols mainly consist of proanthocyanidins (oligomers and polymers) and anthocyanins, and low amount of other phenolics. Red wine polyphenols include both grape polyphenols and new phenolic products formed from them during winemaking process. This leads to a great diversity of new polyphenols and makes wine polyphenol composition more complex. The present paper summarizes the advances in the research of polymeric polyphenols in grape and red wine and their important role in Enology. Scientific results indicate that polymeric polyphenols, as the major polyphenols in grape and red wine, play a major role in red wine sensory properties, color stability and antioxidant activities.  相似文献   

将葡萄籽进行处理后添加到传统食品太谷饼中,研制功能性葡萄籽太谷饼,以太谷饼感官评价结果为考核指标,分析不同葡萄籽添加方式对太谷饼品质的影响,采用正交试验优化生产工艺.结果表明:葡萄籽的最佳添加方式为普通粉碎葡萄籽粉,过60目筛;最佳配方工艺为:葡萄籽粉添加量50 g,蔗糖添加量100 g,亚麻油添加量150 g,烘焙条...  相似文献   

三种红色酿酒葡萄品种果实酚类物质比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了综合评价酿酒葡萄品种特性,以酿酒葡萄美乐、品丽珠、赤霞珠为研究对象,采用比色法测定果实不同部位酚类物质含量,并对结果进行主成分分析。结果表明,赤霞珠葡萄果皮中总酚、单宁、黄烷醇、花色苷含量分别为28.82 mg/g、23.15 mg/g、41.19 mg/g、9.25 mg/g,均显著高于美乐和品丽珠(P<0.05);赤霞珠葡萄种子中总酚、单宁、总类黄酮分别为14.56 mg/g、5.74 mg/g、2.32 mg/g,显著高于品丽珠(P<0.05)。主成分分析结果表明,赤霞珠葡萄酚类物质在第一主成分和第二主成分综合得分为82.27分,为酚类物质含量丰富的品种。  相似文献   

葡萄籽含有丰富的多酚类物质,具有很强的抗氧化活性和抵抗多种疾病的能力。本研究建立了适宜的焙烤工艺,将葡萄籽超微粉以5%、10%、15%三种不同浓度添加到蛋糕中,最终通过感官品评和抗氧化活性确定了最佳的葡萄籽超微粉添加量。结果表明:霞多丽葡萄籽超微粉有一定的清除ABTS+·能力和Fe3+还原能力,其值分别为12.83、10.80 mmol TE/g脱脂干重;强化葡萄籽超微粉蛋糕也表现出较强的抗氧化能力,且随着葡萄籽超微粉添加量的增加,强化蛋糕的ABTS+·清除能力和Fe3+还原力显著(p<0.05)增强;葡萄籽超微粉的添加对于储藏期内蛋糕油脂的氧化酸败同样有较强的抑制作用。三个浓度的葡萄籽超微粉添加量对于蛋糕的感官品质和整体接受度无显著影响,但结合抗氧化结果,以10%和15%的添加量最为适宜。   相似文献   

The large quantity of grape pomace (seeds, skin, and peduncle) produced during the winemaking process can be a problem and the search for procedures which could permit their valorisation is considered an important issue. This study investigates the use of purified grape pomace as a fining agent for reducing the level of some wine phenolic compounds, especially tannins. For this, purified grape pomace was applied to three young red wines of different phenolic composition and the results were compared with the effect of some common commercial fining agents. The results demonstrated that grape pomace can be used to decrease the wine tannin content with similar results to those obtained with casein, while also reducing anthocyanin content although to a similar extent to when bentonite is used. The effect of purified Monastrell grapes pomace is similar in the three different studied wines although it affected the most to wines with high monomeric anthocyanin content.  相似文献   

以高筋面粉和葡萄叶粉为原料,采用单因素试验,测试葡萄叶面条的断条率和吸水率,同时进行感官评分,分析葡萄叶粉、水、盐、谷朊粉添加量对葡萄叶面条品质的影响。通过正交试验得出制作葡萄叶面条的最佳工艺参数。结果表明,葡萄叶面条最佳配方为:葡萄叶粉添加量4%、高筋粉添加量96%、水用量52%、盐添加量2%、谷朊粉添加量2%,在此工艺条件下葡萄叶面条断条率低,吸水率高,感官品质良好。  相似文献   

The quality of red wine depends on the absence of compounds which may affect its safety and/or stability such as ochratoxin A, biogenic amines and some metals and trace compounds. The presence of ochratoxin A in musts and wines is due to fungal contamination of the grapes and has been classified as a possible human carcinogen. Biogenic amines are formed by the microbiological decarboxylation of the corresponding amino acid precursors during the fermentation or ageing and storage, and, at high concentrations, they may induce adverse reactions in sensitive people. Trace elements may have both a nutritional and a toxic effect on health, but also can cause turbidity and stability problems. Their presence is affected mainly by natural factors such as soil mineral content and direct contact with tank surfaces and metallic tubing during winemaking. One of the best options to remove these compounds when present in excess in wine is fining. However, some fining agents commonly used may themselves present problems related with their allergenic properties or with their propensity to increase the protein content, which can cause turbidity problems. In an attempt to avoid such these problems, purified grape pomace was tested as a fining alternative since it has been seen to have a high capacity to reduce the astringency, turbidity and also the ochratoxin A content. The main aim of this work, therefore, was to study if this material can limit the presence of ochratoxin A, biogenic amines and metals and some trace elements in a Monastrell red wine, thus increasing the value and safety of this product.  相似文献   

Grape seed extract (GSE) is reported to have antibacterial properties with few current studies on antiviral activity. Recently, we reported the effects of GSE against foodborne viral surrogates in vitro. This study evaluated the application of GSE (commercial Gravinol-S) against hepatitis A virus (HAV) and human norovirus surrogates, feline calicivirus (FCV-F9) and murine norovirus (MNV-1), on model produce. Washed and air-dried lettuce (3 × 3 cm2) and jalapeno peppers (25–30 g) were inoculated with FCV-F9, MNV-1, or HAV at high (∼7 log10 PFU/ml) or low (∼5 log10 PFU/ml) titers, and treated with 0.25, 0.5, 1 mg/ml GSE or water for 30 s to 5 min. Treatments were stopped/diluted with cell-culture media containing 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and evaluated using plaque assays. At high titers, FCV-F9 was reduced by 2.33, 2.58, and 2.71 log10 PFU on lettuce; and 2.20, 2.74, and 3.05 log10 PFU on peppers after 1 min using 0.25, 0.50, and 1 mg/ml GSE, respectively. Low FCV-F9 titers could not be detected after 1 min at all three GSE concentrations. Low titer MNV-1 was reduced by 0.2–0.3 log10 PFU on lettuce and 0.8 log10 PFU on peppers, without reduction of high titer. GSE at 0.25–1 mg/ml after 1 min caused 0.7–1.1 and 1–1.3 log10 PFU reduction for high and low HAV titers, respectively on both commodities. Instrumental color analysis showed no significant differences between treated and untreated produce. GSE shows potential for foodborne viral reduction on produce as part of hurdle technologies.  相似文献   

葡萄籽成分与营养评价   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
葡萄籽作为葡萄酒行业的副产物,它不仅营养丰富,而且具有很高的保健功能。葡萄籽中含有丰富的蛋白质、纤维素、脂肪、矿物质和维生素等营养成分,此外还含有强抗氧化剂——原花青素,以及抗癌物质——白藜芦醇。将葡萄籽进行合理开发利用,将会增加葡萄酒行业的附加值,提高其经济效益。  相似文献   

制备高质量的蛋白质样品是进行蛋白免疫印迹(Western blot)分析的前提.酿酒葡萄果实中含有大量的多酚和多糖等物质,给蛋白质的提取带来了因难.本研究比较了不同聚乙烯聚吡咯烷酮(PVPP)浓度和料液比对赤霞珠葡萄果实、果皮和种子中粗蛋白提取的影响.结果表明,采用10%PVPP及1:2料液比对果实、5%PVPP及1:3料液比对果皮或10%PVPP及1:3料液比对种子的蛋白进行提取,可获得较好的SDS-PAGE图谱;对花色素还原酶(ANR)的蛋白免疫印迹分析显示,ANR在果实、果皮和种子中均有表达,分子量约为43kDa.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱-质谱联用法和感官分析排序法,研究橡木桶陈酿前添加葡萄籽单宁(200 mg/L)对陈酿12 个月后‘赤霞珠’和‘马瑟兰’干红葡萄酒香气组分和感官特征的影响。结果表明:添加葡萄籽单宁对2 个品种葡萄酒香气的影响各异。葡萄籽单宁添加促进了橡木桶陈酿期间‘赤霞珠’葡萄酒中香草酸、香草醛、香草酸乙酯、糠醛、乙酰呋喃和糠醇等橡木来源香气物质的浸出,而抑制‘马瑟兰’干红葡萄酒中糠醛、乙酰呋喃、糠醇、5-甲基糠醛和5-羟甲基糠醛等橡木来源香气物质的浸出。添加葡萄籽单宁后,‘赤霞珠’葡萄酒的生青味和浆果香降低,烘烤味增强,‘马瑟兰’葡萄酒的生青味和花香略有增强,对陈酿型干红葡萄酒的生产具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   

向马铃薯馒头中添加不同比例的葡萄籽原花色素(Grape seed proanthocyanidins,GSP),研究GSP对马铃薯馒头的外观、组成、质构、比容、孔隙度和感官品质的影响。结果表明:GSP不会改变马铃薯馒头的成分组成。但是,GSP会使马铃薯馒头的亮度降低,红度升高,黄度降低,并且会显著增加馒头的硬度,降低馒头的弹性、内聚性和回复性。随着GSP添加量的增加,马铃薯馒头的气孔数量和平均大小显著降低,马铃薯馒头的比容显著降低,内部结构变得紧致,这导致了馒头感官品质的降低。模糊感官评价表明,当GSP添加量大于2%时,马铃薯馒头的感官品质急剧下降。在马铃薯馒头中,GSP的添加量应小于2%。  相似文献   

在常用的商业酵母中筛选一株酵母,应用于摩尔多瓦葡萄酒酿造,从而实现鲜食摩尔多瓦葡萄的增值。以摩尔多瓦葡萄为材料,选用VL1、F15、NS-D、P、HXD29、LE28、LD1015 7种酵母进行葡萄酒酿造试验,以自然发酵作为对照,对不同酵母发酵酒的总酸、总酚等理化性质进行检测和感官评价,比较不同酵母对摩尔多瓦葡萄酒理化性质及品质的影响。结果表明,酵母LD1015发酵的摩尔多瓦酒干浸物含量最高,为17.96 g/L;总糖含量为3.54 g/L,总酚含量为1.17 g/L,略低于酵母VL1、HXD29、LE28,感官评分最高,为91分。综合判定酵母LD1015具有较强的糖转化和干物质浸提的能力,有利于产出口感醇厚、香气馥郁的葡萄酒,是7种酵母中最适合鲜食葡萄摩尔多瓦酿酒的酵母菌种。  相似文献   

以葡萄为主要原料,黑米花青素、白砂糖、柠檬酸和水晶葡萄香精为辅料,研发一款复合型功能饮料。通过单因素实验确定了果胶酶处理葡萄汁的最佳工艺参数,并在此基础上,通过单因素实验和正交试验,得出复合果汁的最佳工艺配方。结果表明,果胶酶提取的最佳提取工艺条件为pH4、温度45℃、果胶酶用量为1.35g/L,处理时间为40min;复合果汁的最佳工艺配方为葡萄汁15%、黑米花青素0.003%、白砂糖7%、柠檬酸0.1%、水晶葡萄香精0.015%。本实验结果将为系列花青素饮料的工业化生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The use of plant-derived proteins as wine fining agent has gained increased interest owing to the potential allergenicity of animal proteins in susceptible subjects. Patatin P is the name of a family of glycoproteins that can be recovered from potato aqueous by-product. In this study, a comparative fining trial simulating industrial procedures with 10, 20 and 30?g/hL of commercial preparations of patatin, potassium caseinate, gelatin and egg albumin on an Aglianico (Vitis vinifera L.) red wine was performed. Color indexes and phenolics were analyzed by spectrophotometric methods and HPLC. The potential astringency has been evaluated by an index based on the ability of wine to precipitate salivary proteins (SPI, Saliva Precipitation Index). Patatin is a suitable alternative to animal proteins used as fining agent because: (i) a decrease in total phenolics and tannins after the treatments with 10, 20 and 30 g/hL of commercial preparation containing P was detected; (ii) Patatin, as well as all the fining agents used in this experiment, is able to diminish astringency and the content of red wine phenolics able to react with salivary proteins. Considering all concentrations tested, the effectiveness in reducing proteins reactive towards wine polyphenols was patatin?=?gelatine > egg albumin > casein (p?<?0.05); (iii) at each concentration considered, the treatment with patatin causes no depletion of chromatic characteristics of red wine although a significant slight loss of individual anthocyanins was observed.  相似文献   

利用HPLC法和Folin酚比色法分别对经闪蒸工艺和传统工艺进行酒精发酵和苹果酸-乳酸发酵酿造的赤霞珠干红葡萄酒中进行了研究。结果表明,通过闪蒸工艺酿造的赤霞珠干红葡萄酒多数单体酚类物质和总酚要高于传统工艺。与传统工艺酿造的赤霞珠干红葡萄酒相比,其中闪蒸工艺酿造的赤霞珠干红葡萄酒咖啡酸、丁香酸、阿魏酸大幅度提高,没食子酸含量基本未发生变化。感官品评结果也显示,闪蒸处理的葡萄酒的综合感官质量显著高于传统方法处理的葡萄酒。与传统工艺相比,闪蒸工艺酿造的葡萄酒更适合多酚物质的转化,进一步改善酒的风味,实现口感的平衡。  相似文献   

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