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自然灾害威胁核设施的安全,随着我国核燃料循环工程建设的迅速发展,探讨分析我国核燃料循环设施在设计、选址方面采用标准现状及存在的问题,制定相应的标准、规范以保证这些设施能够抵御自然灾害。  相似文献   

日本福岛核事故后,世界各国更加关注外部事件对核设施的潜在影响,包括洪水对核设施的潜在影响。当前,国内核燃料循环设施缺乏合理的防洪标准,不仅阻碍了核设施防洪工作的开展,也影响了核设施的安全性。本文以核设施潜在风险为基础,借鉴已有的4级核设施危险分类,依据核设施的重要程度,根据洪灾造成的经济损失和环境后果,提出了每一类核设施的洪水设防标准。  相似文献   

当前我国缺乏核燃料循环设施的具体洪水设防要求,使得在防洪设计方面难以找到明确的标准依据。文章总结、分析了当前中、美、国际原子能机构在核设施防洪设计旁面的标准现状,以期为修订或完善我国核燃料循环设施洪水设防标准提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

核燃料循环设施类型多样,分级方法在核燃料循环设施中有较广的应用,标准在指导如何分级中发挥了重要作用。文章以IAEA安全标准第SSR-4《核燃料循环设施安全要求》的要求为参考,结合我国核燃料循环设施的安全相关标准要求,简要分析了分级方法在核燃料循环设施分类、物项安全分级、纵深防御等方面的应用,并提出了分级方法相关标准的建议。  相似文献   

放射性废物管理设施通常包括放射性废物处理、贮存和处置设施,依据法规规定,放射性废物处理、处置设施属于民用核设施范畴,因此,民用放射性废物管理设施应按照《民用核设施安全监督管理条例》申领核设施建造、运行许可证等。我国现有放射性废物管理设施数量多,现状和特点不尽相同。当前,部分民用放射性废物管理设施存在范畴划分不明确、管理模式不统一等问题。结合我国民用放射性废物管理设施实际情况,简要梳理和探讨其许可管理方式。建议:独立场址放射性废物管理设施应统一纳入民用核设施管理范畴并申领民用核设施安全许可证;民用核设施配套建设的放射性废物管理设施,应依据主体设施的差异实施分类许可管理为宜。  相似文献   

结合我国放射性废物管理设施实际情况, 简要梳理和探讨其许可方式。建议独立场址放射性废物管理设施应统一纳入核设施管理范畴并申领核设施安全许可证;核设施配套建设的放射性废物管理设施, 应依据主体核设施的差异实施分类许可管理。  相似文献   

我国目前缺少近地表处置设施定期安全评价的具体要求,在调研与分析国内外核设施定期安全评价有关要求及实践的基础上,充分考虑近地表处置设施固有特点,同时兼顾安全全过程系统分析有关要求,对近地表处置设施定期安全评价的整体思路及策略、安全要素的筛选、安全要素及其评价要点等提出建议,以期为我国近地表处置设施定期安全评价的开展及有关标准/导则的编制提供参考。  相似文献   

正【英国《国际核工程》网站2018年7月11日报道】法国议会的一个委员会于2018年7月5日发布报告称,法国核电厂需要加强安全工作,包括抵御潜在恐怖袭击或飞行器撞击的能力。该委员会成立于2018年1月,目的是检查法国核设施包括58台商业核电机组以及阿格(La Hague)后处理厂等其他核设施的安全及安保情况。报告称:"法国核设施有一个难以弥补的原始缺陷,即它们的设计无法抵御恐怖攻  相似文献   

简述了国内外核燃料循环设施抗震设防相关标准规范要求,以设施存在的潜在风险作为确定抗震设防要求的出发点,在充分考虑核燃料循环设施特点的基础上,探讨了抗震设防的主要考虑因素。结合我国核设施抗震设防实践,提出了典型核燃料循环设施的抗震设防要求建议,并与国外相应抗震设防要求进行对比,旨在形成统一的、较为明确的抗震设防尺度,供核燃料循环设施设计和审评时参考。  相似文献   

【本刊2012年1月综合报道】2012年1月3日,法国核安全局(ASN)公布了一份有关法国核设施压力测试结果的报告。核安全局表示,法国的58台在役核电机组以及其他20座重要的燃料循环设施均"足够安全",因此它们中的任何一台都不需要关闭。但是,如果要继续运行这些设施,则  相似文献   

简单合理的物项安全分级,不仅可以提高设施的安全性,而且还可以减少审评双方的分歧,降低营运单位和设计单位的工作量。在分析国内外核动力装置采用核安全功能进行物项安全分级和乏燃料后处理设施采用剂量准则开展物项安全分级的基础上,研究提出了采用放射性物质包容量开展核燃料循环设施的物项安全分级的方法,并采用“未缓解释放”的事故分析方法,将放化安全一级(250 mSv)和放化安全二级(5 mSv)对应的剂量准则转化为放射性物质包容量限值。  相似文献   

研究建立了基于岗位的工作责任、安全风险和专业技能等特性指标的核燃料循环设施安全关键岗位识别方法,给出了核燃料循环设施安全关键岗位的定义、识别指标体系、识别原则、识别评价流程和后处理设施应用案例。  相似文献   

The system of 100% natural uranium burning with once-through fuel cycle is defined as the Perfect Burning Reactor System (PBRS). This kind of nuclear system can be expected to have some good characteristic such as resource efficiency, radiotoxicity reduction, proliferation and nuclear safety. Therefore, the feasibility of the concept is studied in this paper. The preliminary results show that the system of 100% natural uranium burning with once-through fuel cycle is physically possible with a plenty supply of external neutron, and that the system demands no activities concerning with fuel cycle such as uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, spent fuel reprocessing and radioactive waste treatment. The study also quantitatively clarifies the external neutron source strength, the nuclear criticality safety, the demanded accelerator performance and the energy balance. In addition, the more precise analysis is requested for well understanding and improving the characteristic and economical rationality of the system.  相似文献   

我国核电装机容量逐年稳步扩增,核电厂参与电网调峰愈加频繁,固定的换料周期逐渐难以满足核电厂经济运行的需求。本文基于AP1000核电厂18个月堆芯装载方案,设计了±1个月和±2个月的灵活周期堆芯装载方案,完成方案的安全性限值与燃料经济性评价,开展完整的安全分析。结果表明,堆芯设计满足安全相关验收准则的要求,全面论证了灵活循环燃料管理策略的安全性和可行性。本研究为AP1000核电厂灵活循环周期运行提供了技术支撑,灵活循环周期运行即将在海阳核电厂中工程应用。  相似文献   

Under discussion are such major aspects of the nuclear energy sector as cost effectiveness, nuclear and environmental safety of reactors and nuclear fuel cycle facilities, sustained fuel supply, and proven feasibility of a proliferation-resistant technology. These requirements can be met, for instance, by a two-circuit nuclear facility with an inherently safe fast reactor of the BREST type which is expected to produce electricity at a cost not higher than that at modern LWRs. Fuel supply to such facilities and to a relatively small number of thermal reactors with BR<1, could be provided by fast reactors using depleted uranium as makeup fuel and having a small breeding gain in the core (CBR≈1.05) and bottom blanket (full BR≈1.1). Use of a high-boiling metallic coolant (lead) affords deterministic nuclear, technical and environmental safety of the plants in design-basis and hypothetical accidents. Introduction of a transmutational NFC is viewed as one of the avenues to global environmental safety, when the equivalent activity of long-lived high-level waste is made lower or close to the activity of the source material going into energy production. With such a balance in place, nuclear power could be regarded, in a sense, as waste-free.  相似文献   

The structure of the nuclear fuel cycle, consisting of the technological stages of uranium production, refining, enrichment, fabrication of nuclear fuel, and reprocessing of the spent fuel for reuse of the fissioning materials, is examined. Supplying fuel includes supplying fuel for Russian nuclear power plants, propulsion and research reactors, export of fuel for nuclear power plants and research reactors constructed according to Russian designs, export of low-enriched uranium and fuel for nuclear power plants constructed according to foreign designs. The explored deposits of natural uranium, the estimated stores of uranium in reserve deposits, and warehoused stores will provide nuclear power with uranium up to 2030 and in more distant future with the planned rates of development. The transition of nuclear power plants to a new fuel run will save up to 20% of the natural uranium. The volume of reprocessing of spent fuel and reuse of 235U makes it possible to satisfy up to 30% of the demand for resources required for Russian nuclear power plants. The most efficient measure of the resource safety of Russian nuclear power is implementation of an interconnected strategy at each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle.  相似文献   

核电厂燃料管理的主要任务是在约定的限制条件下,为核电厂一系列的运行循环做出其经济安全运行的全部决策,确定最佳的各循环装料策略。一座核电厂从建成到退役期间要经历初始循环、过渡循环、平衡循环序列,平衡循环在理想情况下是一个无限的循环序列,一般认为平衡循环是性能指标最佳的循环方案,并为燃料管理人员定为目标运行循环。基于华龙一号百万千瓦级核电厂,通过对燃料组件和可燃毒物的合理布置及优化,采用了混合富集度燃料组件的换料策略,进行了平衡循环的燃料管理方案设计。结果表明,燃料管理方案在循环长度、核焓升因子、慢化剂温度系数、停堆裕量和组件卸料燃耗方面均满足预先设定的燃料管理目标。平均批卸料燃耗和燃料组件燃耗限值的比值约为0.92,与AP1000、EPR等三代核电站相当,具有非常好的燃料经济性。  相似文献   

中国核工业三十年辐射环境质量评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要介绍我国核工业三十年环境辐射影响评价的内容、方法及其主要结果。总的来说,我国核工业对环境的辐射影响是很小的。各单位关键居民组所受剂量均小于5mSv/a;且在关键居民组所受剂量中,有77.1%的单位·年低于0.25mSv/a;核工业对其厂址周围半径80km范围内居民所致的集体有效剂量当量低于天然辐射的万分之一。但矿山、水冶厂产生的集体剂量占整个核燃料循环中总集体剂量的比例较高,达91.5%。  相似文献   

The methodology and criteria for safety assessment of nuclear fuel cycle technological processes are proposed, substantiated, and checked in large-scale recycling of plutonium (500 kg). The results of comprehensive investigations of the radiation-ecological conditions during the experimental production of mixed uranium-plutonium fuel and fuel assemblies at the State Science Center of the Russian Federation— Scientific-Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors are presented. A methodology and an experimental data bank can be used for safety assessment of commercial recycling of plutonium and Np, Am, and Cm in the nuclear fuel cycle. 4 figures, 3 tables, and 13 references. State Science Center of the Russian Federation—Scientific-Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 87, No. 4, pp. 266–275, October, 1999.  相似文献   

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