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The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the tensile bond strength of one type of impression material adhesive to three different custom tray materials: one autopolymerizing (Fastray) and two light-polymerizing (Triad and Extoral). The effect of different surface treatments was evaluated for each of the materials. No significant difference in impression material adhesive mean tensile bond strengths was exhibited for any of the materials as the result of variations in the surface treatment. It was observed that the Triad tray material groups, with different surface treatments, exhibited significantly higher impression material adhesive mean tensile bond strengths than the autopolymerizing tray resin and the Extoral light-polymerizing material.  相似文献   

1. The rat hypothalamus (containing the supra-optic nuclei, paraventricular nuclei, median eminence and proximal pituitary stalk) has been incubated in vitro and shown to be capable of releasing the neurohypophysial hormones, oxytocin and arginine vasopressin, at a steady basal rate about one twentieth that of the rat neural lobe superfused in vitro. 2. The hypothalamus and neural lobe in vitro released both hormones in a similar arginine vasopressin/oxytocin ratio of about 1-2:1. However, when release was expressed relative to tissue hormone content, the hypothalamus was shown to release about three times as much arginine vasopressin and six times as much oxytocin as the neural lobe. 3. Dopamine in a concentration range of 10(-3)-10(-9)M caused graded increases in hormone release from the hypothalamus in vitro to a maximum fivefold increase over preceding basal levels. The demonstration that apomorphine also stimulated hormone release whereas noradrenaline was relatively ineffective suggested that a specific dopamine receptor was involved. A separate cholinergic component in the release process was indicated by the finding that acetylcholine stimulated release to a maximum fivefold increase in concentrations of 10(-3)-10(-9)M. 4. The fact that the isolated hypothalamus can be stimulated by dopamine and acetylcholine to release increased amount of oxytocin and arginine vasopressin raises the question of the origin and fate of the hormones released in this way. The possibility that they could be released into the hypophysial portal circulation from median eminence to affect the anterior lobe of the pituitary is discussed. 5. In similar doses, both dopamine and noradrenaline injected into the lateral cerebral ventricles of the brain of the anaesthetized, hydrated, lactating rat caused the release of arginine vasopressin and oxytocin. Apomorphine release both hormones but at a higher dose level and to less effect than the catecholamines. 6. The hormone release induced in vivo by dopamine could be prevented by the prior administration of haloperidol or phentolamine and these antagonists were equally effective in blocking the hormone release due to noradrenaline. The involvement of a specific dopamine receptor was more clearly implicated by the use of pimozide which completely inhibited the hormone release due to dopamine and apomorphine but not that due to noradrenaline. 7. It is suggested that the release of neurohypophysial hormones can be stimulated via a dopaminergic nervous pathway in addition to a cholinergic one. The possibility that the osmoreceptor mechanism for the release of antidiuretic hormone from the neural lobe of the pituitary may involve such a dopaminergic pathway is discussed.  相似文献   

This study applied a social-genetic perspective to examine hypotheses concerning displays of cooperation. The sample included children from 14 monozygotic and 16 dizygotic twin pairs, organized into 30 unfamiliar partnerships. Two puzzle completion sessions were videotaped and evaluated on five dimensions of cooperation. Repeated measures of analysis of variance indicated significantly higher ratings among female than male pairs on Overall Cooperation, Mutuality of Goal and Accommodation. Contrary to expectation, social-interactional differences between unfamiliar MZ and DZ dyads were not detected. Findings are discussed with reference to new research perspectives on cooperative behavior.  相似文献   

About 8600 complete or nearly complete sequences are now available from the Antwerp database on small ribosomal subunit RNA. All these sequences are aligned with one another on the basis of the adopted secondary structure model, which is corroborated by the observation of compensating substitutions in the alignment. Literature references, accession numbers and detailed taxonomic information are also compiled. The database can be consulted via the World Wide Web at URL http://rrna.uia.ac.be/ssu/  相似文献   

1. We examined the regulatory actions of bradykinin on norepinephrine release in the hypothalamus of rats. 2. Bradykinin increased the stimulation-evoked [3H]-norepinephrine release from hypothalamic slices of Sprague-Dawley rats in a dose-dependent manner (1 Hz: S2/S1 ratio, mean +/- s.e.m., control 0.868 +/- 0.016, n = 6; bradykinin 1 x 10(-6) mol/L 1.039 +/- 0.018, n = 6, P < 0.05; bradykinin 3.3 x 10(-6) mol/L 1.130 +/- 0.064, n = 6, P < 0.05). The basal release of [3H]-norepinephrine was not affected by the peptide. 3. Bay K 8644, a dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel agonist, significantly potentiated the facilitatory effect of bradykinin on norepinephrine release, although Bay K 8644 by itself had no significant effect. By contrast, nicardipine, a dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel blocker, reversed the increase in norepinephrine release induced by bradykinin and Bay K 8644. 4. These results indicate that bradykinin may increase norepinephrine release in rat hypothalamus, partially mediated by interactions with dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels.  相似文献   

With age, the morphological changes which occur in renal glomeruli in the absence of any added pathology are an expansion of the extracellular matrices (ECM)--glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and mesangial matrix--and lesions of focal and segmental glomerular hyalinosis (FSGH). Although the mechanisms involved in these glomerular changes are still unknown, an inflammatory step seems to precede the expansion of the extracellular matrices, but the nature of the cytokines and adhesion molecules has yet to be explored. In order to understand the cellular and molecular events of the FSGH, we used the genetically obese Zucker rat (fa/fa) which develops several early FSGH lesions. We observed that FSGH is the result of a modification of the podocyte: 1) bulging of the podocyte with endocytotic vesicles rich in albumin; 2) detachment from the GBM, collapsing of the capillary loops with a progressive disappearance of capillary cells and formation of hyalin and lipid deposits, synthesis of new ECM components; 3) focal adherence of the GBM and the basement lamina of Bowman's capsule and synthesis of new matrix. The detachment of the podocytes from the GBM appeared to be linked to the disappearance of the alpha 3 beta 1 integrin, major molecule which anchors the epithelial cells to the GBM. By immuno-gold techniques, we showed that the density of alpha 3 moieties significantly diminished when podocytes are spreaded over the GBM. This integrin is probably bound to the laminin in the GBM.  相似文献   

Galanin (GAL), a 29 aminoacid peptide, is widely distributed in the central nervous system and especially in the hypothalamus. It strongly stimulates food intake when it is injected in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of normal rats. The obese Zucker rat with a well-established hyperphagia is characterized by a general dysregulation of some important neuropeptides involved in the regulation of feeding behavior e.g. neurotensin, NPY or CCK and the aim of this study was to measure GAL in different microdissected brain areas in lean (Fa/Fa) and obese (fa/fa) male Zucker rats. As feeding status may modulate the central peptide concentrations, it was measured in ad libitum fed rats and in 48-h fasted rats of both genotypes. GAL was measured by a specific radioimmunoassay in the arcuate nuclei (ARC) and parvocellular (PVNp) and magnocellular (PVNm) parts of the PVN as well as in the median eminence (ME), median preoptic area (MPOA), supraoptic (SON) and dorsomedian (DMN) nuclei. Two-way analysis of variance revealed a very significant effect of genotype in the PVNp (P < 0.001), SON (P < 0.001) and in the ME (P < 0.02). No significant variations at all were noted in the ARC, PVNm, MPOA and DMN. GAL concentrations were more than doubled in the PVNp and SON of ad lib obese rats when compared to the ad lib lean rats (P < 0.005). On the other hand, in the ME where GAL concentration was about 4-fold greater than in the other areas, there was a 20 to 30% decrease in GAL concentrations in the obese rat (P < 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The effects of magnolol, isolated and purified from the cortex of Magnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils, on thermoregulation and hypothalamic release of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) by in vivo microdialysis were assessed in normothermic rats and in febrile rats treated with interleukin-1 beta. 2. Intraperitoneal administration of magnolol (25-100 mg/kg) produced a decrease in colon temperature, an increase in foot skin temperature, a decrease in metabolic rate and a decrease in the endogenous release of 5-HT in the rat hypothalamus. 3. Depletion of rat brain 5-HT, produced by intracerebroventricular pretreatment with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, attenuated the magnolol-induced hypothermia, cutaneous vasodilation and decreased metabolism. 4. Intracerebroventricular administration of (+/-)-2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (a 5-HT2 receptor agonist; 5-10 micrograms/5 microL) increased basal colon temperature and reversed the magnolol-induced hypothermia. 5. The increases in both colon temperature and hypothalamic 5-HT release produced by interleukin-1 beta injection were attenuated by treatment with magnolol. 6. The data suggest that magnolol decreases body temperature (due to increased heat loss and decreased heat production) by reducing 5-HT release in rat hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The effect of age on hepatocyte mensuration and mitotic activity 48 h after partial hepatectomy was investigated in rats. Both age and partial hepatectomy had significant effects upon hepatocyte counts per microscopic field. The number of hepatocytes per microscopic field declined with age in the control groups of different advancing ages and in the experimental groups of advancing ages. There was essentially no mitotic activity in the livers of the control groups. However, mitotic counts were greatly increased in livers from those animals that were partially Hepatectomized; the increase in mitotic activity in the 13-month-old animals was double over that observed in both the very young and the very old.  相似文献   

A phase II study of flutamide was conducted in 24 patients with stage III and IV ovarian cancer who failed chemotherapy and who had measurable disease. Flutamide was administered at a dose of 100 mg three times daily continuously until evidence of progression. Partial response observed in 1 of the 23 evaluable patients (4.3%) lasted 3 months. Two patients had stable disease (8.7%) for 7 and 8 months. The remaining 20 patients had progression of disease within 3 months. Toxicity was mild.  相似文献   

A possible sex difference in the mean sagittal area of the anterior commissure (AC) was investigated in normal, newborn-castrated, and perinatally-androgenized rats. A second experiment included castrated adult rats from each sex exposed to testosterone twelve days before sacrifice. In normal rats, as well as in those exposed to testosterone as adults, no quantitative difference was found in the AC. However, perinatal exposure to testosterone induced a 20-25% increase in the mean area of the AC of rats from each sex. It is proposed that gonadal sex steroids may have a reciprocal influence upon the structure of central olfactory pathways, due to the influences of the main olfactory system upon gonadotropin secretion.  相似文献   

Comparative investigations were performed to study the effect of endogenous and exogenous N-nitrosodiethylamine on the dynamics of content variations of oxidized cytochrome P-450 and its isoforms in the monooxygenase system of rat liver. The variations of cytochrome P-450 contents in both cases were demonstrated to be of the same character correlating with hepatocarcinogenesis stages. Higher quantities of oxidized cytochrome P-450 and its isoforms with MM 52, 53, and 56 kDa in the rat liver when acted upon by NDEA precursors are seen as the precondition of enhancing the monooxygenase reaction of NDEA bioactivation and, as a result, of the carcinogenic effects. Ascorbic acid is assumed to block the synthesis of NDEA from its precursors giving use to a compound whose metabolism does not influence the activity of the monooxygenase system of liver cells.  相似文献   

The chronotropic effect of angiotensin II (Ang II) was studied in cultured neurons from rat hypothalamus and brain stem with the use of the patch-clamp technique. Ang II (100 nM) increased the neuronal spontaneous firing rate from 0.8 +/- 0.3 (SE) Hz in control to 1.3 +/- 0.4 Hz (n = 7, P < 0.05). The amplitude of threshold stimulation was decreased by Ang II (100 nM) from 82 +/- 4 pA to 62 +/- 5 pA (n = 4, P < 0.05). These actions of Ang II were reversed by the angiotensin type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist losartan (1 microM). In the presence of tetrodotoxin, Ang II (100 nM) significantly increased the frequency and the amplitude of the Cd2+-sensitive subthreshold activity of the cultured neurons. Ang II also stimulated the subthreshold early afterdepolarizations (EADs) to become fully developed action potentials. Similar to the action of Ang II, the protein kinase C (PKC) activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA, 100 nM) increased the firing rate from 0.76 +/- 0.3 Hz to 2.3 +/- 0.5 Hz (n = 6, P < 0.05) and increased the neuronal subthreshold activity. After neurons were intracellularly dialyzed with PKC inhibitory peptide (PKCIP, 5 microM), PMA alone, Ang II alone, or PMA plus Ang II no longer increased the action potential firing initiated from the resting membrane potential level. However, superfusion of PMA plus Ang II or Ang II alone increased the number of EADs that reached threshold and produced action potentials even in the presence of PKCIP (5 microM, n = 4). The actions of Ang II could also be mimicked by depolarizing pulse and K+ channel blockers (tetraethylammonium chloride or 4-aminopyridine). These results indicate that Ang II by activation of AT1 receptors increases neuronal excitability and firing frequency, and that this may involve both PKC dependent and -independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The behavioral thermoregulatory capability of lean (Fa/?) and obese (fa/fa) Zucker rats was investigated in an operant conditioning apparatus. Obese rats exposed to –9°C leverpressed for heat significantly more than lean rats, and consequently received more exogenous heat. Despite this increased heat intake, obese and lean animals demonstrated equivalent increases in core temperature. These results suggest that the obese (fa/fa) Zucker rat is not acting on a lowered thermoregulatory set point and is capable of behaviorally thermoregulating to compensate for poor heat absorption and/or a defect in metabolic heat production. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Zucker fat rat inherits obesity and hyperinsulinemia, exhibits insulin resistance, and is, therefore, a model of adult onset, or type II, diabetes. The purpose of this study was to determine if excision of fat depots from the infant Zucker (fa+/fa+) rat would affect growth, fat cell number, hyperinsulinism, and hyperlipidemia. In the experimental design, 10 percent of the total body weight (inguinal and interscapular depots) was excised at 6 weeks of age from 18 fat and 18 lean (fa+/fa-) litter mates, with 18 fat and 18 lean rats serving as nonoperated controls. At intervals, serum glucose, insulin, cholesterol, and triglycerides were measured. Initially, the operated fat group was significantly (p < 0.01) lighter than the nonoperated group. By 9 weeks postoperatively, the operated fat rat group had regained weight and continued to grow at the same rate as the nonoperated fat rats because of intra-abdominal fat depots. Lipectomy had no effect on growth rate of the lean rat group. Although lipectomy caused no consistent change in serum glucose or insulin levels, it caused a significant decrease in lipid levels. For example, the operated fat rats had a reduction in cholesterol from 876 to 171 mg/dl by 15 weeks postoperatively, and serum cholesterol persisted at about 50 percent of the nonoperated group throughout the rest of the study (38 weeks postoperatively). Even a greater reduction in triglyceride levels occurred, for example, from 7415 to 1082 mg/dl at 24 weeks postoperatively. Lipectomy did not cause a change in lipid levels in the lean group. It is concluded that the lipectomy in the Zucker fat group is an excellent model to evaluate the effects of changes in fat cell number on lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Exogenously administered monoamines may elicit variable thermoregulatory responses dependent on dosage, species, site of administration, ambient temperature, etc. In an attempt to reconcile several inconsistencies, we have undertaken a series of studies related to monoaminergic control of temperature regulation. Thus, intraventricular administration of serotonin (2.64-26.4 mug) and norepinephrine (3.3-32.8 mug) in rats evoked acute (15-60 min) dose-dependent hypothermic responses (delta Tre = 2 degrees C) that were gradually superseded by significant, more persistent hyperthermia (delta Tre = 1 degreee C). Administration of chlorimipramine or imipramine (total dose 40 mug), even in monoamine-depleted animals, caused long-lasting hyperthermic responses, presumably by the prevention of reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine at nerve terminals involved in thermoregulation. Pretreatment with the serotonin inhibitor cyproheptadine (4o mug) attenuated the hyperthermia achieved by central administration of chlorimipramine alone. We conclude that both monoamines can act as thermogenic agents under the conditions of these experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of breast feeding on serum FSH and LH concentrations was studied in 13 puerperal women. Despite the collateral increase in serum prolactin levels, nursing was not followed by significant changes in serum FSH or LH levels during a 30-min observation period. Our data indicate that nursing has no significant effect on pituitary FSH and LH release.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), Na+,K(+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase activities were estimated in homogenised rat pituitary and hypothalamus of 4- and 22-month-old rats. AChE activity was not altered in the pituitary of aged compared to adult rats, while it was found decreased by about 40% in the hypothalamus. Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity remained stable in the hypothalamus, while it was decreased by about 38% in the pituitary. Mg(2+)-ATPase activity remained unchanged in the hypothalamus, but was increased by about 83% in the pituitary. This pituitary Na+,K(+)-ATPase inactivation may result in pathological mood and decreased neural excitability and metabolic energy production in aged animals. The age-related alterations of AChE, Na+,K(+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase activities may reflect changes in secretion and responses of some hormones of pituitary and hypothalamus.  相似文献   

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