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The thalamic nuclei at the medial border of the medial geniculate body (i.e. the suprageniculate nucleus, the medial division of the medial geniculate nucleus, the posterior intralaminar nucleus and the peripeduncular nucleus) which relay sensory information to the amygdala are thought to receive convergent input from multiple sites. In order to delineate the organization of these multimodal thalamic nuclei, the locations of superior and inferior collicular neurons projecting to these nuclei were studied by means of retrograde transport methods. Small injections of the tracer Miniruby were made into single paralaminar thalamic nuclei. Injections of Miniruby into the suprageniculate nucleus labelled predominantly neurons in the stratum opticum of the superior colliculus, whereas injections into the medial division of the medial geniculate body, the posterior intralaminar nucleus and the peripeduncular nucleus labelled predominantly neurons in the deep layers of the superior colliculus. These injections also labelled neurons in the inferior colliculus. The majority of retrogradely labelled neurons were found in the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus and here predominantly in layer 2. Injections focused onto the medial division of the medial geniculate body additionally labelled magnocellular neurons in layer 3 of the external nucleus and a few neurons in the central nucleus. More ventrally located injections, focused onto the posterior intralaminar and peripeduncular nucleus, almost exclusively labelled neurons in layer 1 of the external nucleus and the dorsal part of the dorsal nucleus. After injections into the suprageniculate nucleus, only neurons in layer 2 were found. Neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus were only found after injections that involved the medial division of the medial geniculate body. The present results suggest that, despite a considerable degree of convergence in this thalamic region, each of these thalamic nuclei receives a unique pattern of projections from the superior and inferior colliculi. It appears that the thalamic nuclei may be concerned mainly, but not exclusively, with a single sensory modality, and give rise to parallel multimodal and unimodal pathways to the amygdala.  相似文献   

The dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus transmits visual signals from the retina to the cortex. Within the lateral geniculate nucleus, the ascending visual signals are modified by the actions of a number of afferent pathways. One such projection originates in the pretectum and appears to be active in association with oculomotor activity. Much remains unknown about the pretectal-geniculate projection. Our purpose was to examine for the first time individual axon arbors from the pretectum that project to the lateral geniculate nucleus, describing their topography and nuclear and laminar targets. We made injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin into the cat pretectum, targeting the nucleus of the optic tract. Serial 40 microns coronal sections were processed by using immunohistochemistry to reveal labeled axons that were then serially reconstructed using light microscopy. Pretectal-geniculate axons appeared morphologically heterogeneous in terms of swelling size, branching patterns, and laminar target. Most axons innervated the geniculate A laminae. A separate, smaller population innervated the C laminae. All axons exhibited substantially greater spread medial-laterally than rostral-caudally in the lateral geniculate nucleus, displaying a topographical organization for visual field elevation, but not azimuth. Many pretectal axons that projected to the LGN also innervated adjacent structures, including the medial interlaminar nucleus, the perigeniculate nucleus, and/or the pulvinar. These results indicate that the projection from the pretectum to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus is heterogeneous, is semitopographical, and may coordinate neural activity in the lateral geniculate nucleus and in neighboring visual thalamic structures in association with oculomotor events.  相似文献   

The ability to distinguish colour from intensity variations is a difficult computational problem for the visual system because each of the three cone photoreceptor types absorb all wavelengths of light, although their peak sensitivities are at relatively short (S cones), medium (M cones), or long (L cones) wavelengths. The first stage in colour processing is the comparison of the outputs of different cone types by spectrally opponent neurons in the retina and upstream in the lateral geniculate nucleus. Some neurons receive opponent inputs from L and M cones, whereas others receive input from S cones opposed by combined signals from L and M cones. Here we report how the outputs of the L/M- and S-opponent geniculate cell types are combined in time at the next stage of colour processing, in the macaque primary visual cortex (V1). Some V1 neurons respond to a single chromatic region, with either a short (68-95 ms) or a longer (96-135 ms) latency, whereas others respond to two chromatic regions with a difference in latency of 20-30 ms. Across all types, short latency responses are mostly evoked by L/M-opponent inputs whereas longer latency responses are evoked mostly by S-opponent inputs. Furthermore, neurons with late S-cone inputs exhibit dynamic changes in the sharpness of their chromatic tuning over time. We propose that the sparse, S-opponent signal in the lateral geniculate nucleus is amplified in area V1, possibly through recurrent excitatory networks. This results in a delayed, sluggish cortical S-cone signal which is then integrated with L/M-opponent signals to rotate the lateral geniculate nucleus chromatic axes.  相似文献   

Using tract tracing and immunocytochemistry, this study explored the connectivity between lateral geniculate efferents and neurons of the hypothalamus, including those producing dopamine, that have direct access to fenestrated capillaries. It was also determined whether the intergeniculate neurons that give rise to hypothalamic projections are targeted by retinal axons. Within the hypothalamus, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin-labeled, lateral geniculate efferents were observed in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, subparaventricular area, periventricular nuclei, medial preoptic areas, and between the arcuate and ventromedial nuclei. In these sites, intergeniculate efferents contacted populations of neurons that were retrogradely labeled from fenestrated capillaries by the intraperitoneal injection of fluorogold. Hypothalamic dopamine neurons, a population of which was neuroendocrine, were also synaptic targets of lateral geniculate efferents. After injection of the retrograde tracer fluorogold into these hypothalamic projection sites in parallel with bilateral enucleation, retrogradely labeled perikarya were restricted to the intergeniculate leaflet. All of the labeled perikarya contained infolded nuclei, and their distal dendrites were frequently found to be contacted by degenerated, retinal fibers. This study provides morphological evidence for a signaling pathway from the retina through the intergeniculate leaflet to hypothalamic cells that participate in neuroendocrine regulations. These observations raise the possibility that visual signals independent of the circadian clock may also influence the hypothalamo-pituitary axis. In light of the overlapping distribution of intergeniculate and suprachiasmatic efferents in the hypothalamus and their similar relationship with neuroendocrine cells, it is suggested that integration of circadian and visual signals can occur outside of the suprachiasmatic nucleus to regulate endocrine rhythms.  相似文献   

The orientation sensitivity to moving light bars was determined for 113 neurons in laminae A, A1 and C of the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) of kittens 7-42 days old. Forty neurons (35.4%) were biased to contrast orientation (OB neurons), i.e. their response to an optimally oriented bar was 2-10 times stronger than their response to a bar oriented orthogonally to the optimal. The remaining 73 neurons were not sensitive to contrast orientation. Evidence is presented that orientation bias in the LGNd develops prior to visual experience. Orientation biased responses in the LGNd strongly depended on stimulus parameters; preferred stimuli were light bars having a length of 5 degrees or more and moving at velocities slower than 5 degrees/s. Our findings suggest that the OB neurons of the LGNd could be effective in generating the early orientation sensitivity in the visual cortex.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on unanaesthetized cats immobilized with listenon, a study was made ofthe variability and interdependence of evoked responses to photic stimulation in the thalamo-cortical formations of the visual projection and the associative systems: the lateral geniculate body, pulvinar and the visual and parietal associative areas of the cerebral cortex. It has been shown that the variation coefficient of the amplitude from the maximum of the positive to the maximum of the negative oscillations in the parietal cortex statistically significantly exceeds the one in the lateral geniculate body and the projection cortex. Coefficients of paired correlation of evoked potentials' amplitudes to light more frequently reach significant levels for pairs consisting of one level formations, cortical or thalamic, than for pairs including formations of different levels.  相似文献   

Several theories have been proposed to explain the evolution of species differences in brain size, but no consensus has emerged. One unresolved question is whether brain size differences are a result of neural specializations or of biological constraints affecting the whole brain. Here I show that, among primates, brain size variation is associated with visual specialization. Primates with large brains for their body size have relatively expanded visual brain areas, including the primary visual cortex and lateral geniculate nucleus. Within the visual system, it is, in particular, one functionally specialized pathway upon which selection has acted: evolutionary changes in the number of neurons in parvocellular, but not magnocellular, layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus are correlated with changes in both brain size and ecological variables (diet and social group size). Given the known functions of the parvocellular pathway, these results suggest that the relatively large brains of frugivorous species are products of selection on the ability to perceive and select fruits using specific visual cues such as colour. The separate correlation between group size and visual brain evolution, on the other hand, may indicate the visual basis of social information processing in the primate brain.  相似文献   

Higher organisms perceive information about external or internal physical or chemical stimuli with specialized sensors that encode characteristics of that stimulus by a train of action potentials. Usually, the location and modality of the stimulus is represented by the location and specificity of the receptor and the intensity of the stimulus and its temporal modulation is thought to be encoded by the instantaneous firing rate. Recent studies have shown that, primarily in cortical structures, special features of a stimulus also are represented in the temporal pattern of spike activity. Typical attributes of this time structure are oscillatory patterns of activity and synchronous discharges in spatially distributed neurons that respond to inputs evoked by a coherent object. The origin and functional significance of this kind of activity is less clear. Cortical, subcortical and even very peripheral sources seem to be involved. Most of the relevant studies were devoted to the mammalian visual system and cortical findings on temporally structured activity were reviewed recently (Eckhorn, 1994, Progr. Brain Res., Vol. 102, pp. 405-426; Singer and Gray, 1995, Annu. Rev. Neurosci., Vol. 18, pp. 555-586). Therefore, this article is designed to give an overview, especially of those studies concerned with the temporal structure of visual activity in subcortical centers of the primary visual pathway, which are the retina and the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). We discuss the mechanisms that possibly contribute to the generation and modulation of the subcortical activity time structure and we try to relate to each other the subcortical and cortical patterns of sensory activity.  相似文献   

Effects of saccades on individual neurons in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) were examined under two conditions: during spontaneous saccades in the dark and during stimulation by large, uniform flashes delivered at various times during and after rewarded saccades made to small visual targets. In the dark condition, a suppression of activity began 200-300 ms before saccade start, peaked approximately 100 ms before saccade start, and smoothly reversed to a facilitation of activity by saccade end. The facilitation peaked 70-130 ms after saccade end and decayed during the next several hundred milliseconds. The latency of the facilitation was related inversely to saccade velocity, reaching a minimum for saccades with peak velocity >70-80 degrees /s. Effects of saccades on visually evoked activity were remarkably similar: a facilitation began at saccade end and peaked 50-100 ms later. When matched for saccade velocity, the time courses and magnitudes of postsaccadic facilitation for activity in the dark and during visual stimulation were identical. The presaccadic suppression observed in the dark condition was similar for X and Y cells, whereas the postsaccadic facilitation was substantially stronger for X cells, both in the dark and for visually evoked responses. This saccade-related regulation of geniculate transmission appears to be independent of the conditions under which the saccade is evoked or the state of retinal input to the LGN. The change in activity from presaccadic suppression to postsaccadic facilitation amounted to an increase in gain of geniculate transmission of approximately 30%. This may promote rapid central registration of visual inputs by increasing the temporal contrast between activity evoked by an image near the end of a fixation and that evoked by the image immediately after a saccade.  相似文献   

Connections in the developing nervous system are thought to be formed initially by an activity-independent process of axon pathfinding and target selection and subsequently refined by neural activity. Blockade of sodium action potentials by intracranial infusion of tetrodotoxin in cats during the early period when axons from the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) were in the process of selecting visual cortex as their target altered the pattern and precision of this thalamocortical projection. The majority of LGN neurons, rather than projecting to visual cortex, elaborated a significant projection within the subplate of cortical areas normally bypassed. Those axons that did project to their correct target were topographically disorganized. Thus, neural activity is required for initial targeting decisions made by thalamic axons as they traverse the subplate.  相似文献   

It has been shown that enhancing or reducing dopaminergic activity in the retina modifies the balance between center and surround responses of retinal neurons such as ganglion cells. We investigated how these changes are reflected in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) by studying the effects of injections of apomorphine, a mixed D1 and D2 agonist of dopamine, on the visual responses of geniculate cells. Experiments were carried out on anesthetized adult pigmented rabbits. A varnished tungsten microelectrode was used to record single-unit activity in the dLGN. The flash electroretinogram was also recorded to monitor retinal changes and to confirm the success of the injections. Apomorphine was injected intravitreally or intravenously. The results can be summarized as follows. Apomorphine decreased the amplitude of the b-wave of the electroretinogram. For most dLGN cells, apomorphine produced a strong reduction in response amplitude evoked by sine-wave grating stimuli, presented at various spatial frequencies. Responses to flashing spots were also reduced but to a much lesser extent than those to gratings. In addition, the balance between the responses to small and large spots changed in favor of large stimuli. Consequently, after injection of apomorphine, the geniculate cells were preferentially activated by large-sized flashing stimuli. These data suggest that apomorphine can reduce the spatial contrast sensitivity of cells in the dLGN. This effect could be mediated by the reduction of the strength of lateral inhibition at the retinal level.  相似文献   

The intergeniculate leaflet (IGL), a major constituent of the circadian visual system, is one of 12 retinorecipient nuclei forming a "subcortical visual shell" overlying the diencephalic-mesencephalic border. The present investigation evaluated IGL connections with nuclei of the subcortical visual shell and determined the extent of interconnectivity between these nuclei. Male hamsters received stereotaxic, iontophoretic injections of the retrograde tracer, cholera toxin beta fragment, or the anterograde tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutin, into nuclei of the pretectum (medial, commissural, posterior, olivary, anterior, nucleus of the optic tract, posterior limitans), into the superior colliculus, or into the visual thalamic nuclei (lateral posterior, dorsal lateral geniculate, intergeniculate leaflet, ventral lateral geniculate). Retrogradely labeled cell bodies identified nuclei with afferents projecting to the site of injection, whereas the presence of anterogradely labeled fibers with terminals revealed brain nuclei targeted by neurons at the site of injection. The IGL projects bilaterally to all nuclei of the visual shell except the lateral posterior and dorsal lateral geniculate nuclei. The IGL also has afferents from the same set of nuclei, except the nucleus of the optic tract. The extensive bilateral efferent projections distinguish IGL from the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. The superior colliculus, commissural pretectal, olivary pretectal, and posterior pretectal nuclei also project bilaterally to the majority of subcortical visual nuclei. The IGL has a well-established role in circadian rhythm regulation, but there is as yet no known function for it in the larger context of the subcortical visual system, much of which is involved in oculomotor control.  相似文献   

In order to determine the ongoing role of retinal fibers in the development of dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) neurons during postnatal development, the development of dLGN neurons in the postnatal absence of retinal input was studied in pigmented ferrets using the Golgi-Hortega technique. The development of four dLGN cell classes, defined on the basis of somatic and dendritic morphology, was described previously in normal ferrets (Sutton and Brunso-Bechtold, 1991, J. Comp. Neurol. 309:71-85). The present results indicate that the morphological development of dLGN neurons is strikingly similar in normal and experimental ferrets. The exuberant dendritic appendages that appear after eye opening in normal ferrets are overproduced and eliminated in the postnatal absence of retinal input; however, the final reduction of these transient appendages is delayed. Because exuberant appendages develop in the absence of retinal input, their production cannot depend upon visual experience. Differences in cell body size between normal and experimental ferrets are apparent only after neurons can be classified at the end of the first postnatal month. Cell body size is markedly reduced for class 1 neurons; class 2 cells also are reduced in size but to a far lesser extent. As there is a general trend for class 1 neurons to have the functional properties of Y-cells, it is likely that the dLGN neurons most affected by the absence of retinal input also are Y-cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effect of eye position on the activity of neurons of area PO (V6), a cortical region located in the most posterior part of the superior parietal lobule. Experiments were carried out on three awake macaque monkeys. Animals sat in a primate chair in front of a large screen, and fixated a small spot of light projected in different screen locations while the activity of single neurons was extracellularly recorded. Both visual and non-visual neurons were found. About 48% of visual and 32% of non-visual neurons showed eye position-related activity in total darkness, while in approximately 61% of visual response was modulated by eye position in the orbit. Eye position fields and/or gain fields were different from cell to cell, going from large and quite planar fields up to peak-shaped fields localized in more or less restricted regions of the animal's field of view. The spatial distribution of fixation point locations evoking peak activity in the eye position-sensitive population did not show any evident laterality effect, or significant top/bottom asymmetry. Moreover, the cortical distribution of eye position-sensitive neurons was quite uniform all over the cortical region studied, suggesting the absence of segregation for this property within area PO (V6). In the great majority of visual neurons, the receptive field 'moved' with gaze according to eye displacements, remaining at the same retinotopic coordinates, as is usual for visual neurons. In some cases, the receptive field did not move with gaze, remaining anchored to the same spatial location regardless of eye movements ('real-position cells'). A model is proposed suggesting how eye position-sensitive visual neurons might build up real-position cells in local networks within area PO (V6). The presence in area PO (V6) of real-position cells together with a high percentage of eye position-sensitive neurons, most of them visual in nature, suggests that this cortical area is engaged in the spatial encoding of extrapersonal visual space. Since lesions of the superior parietal lobule in humans produce deficits in visual localization of targets as well as in arm-reaching for them, and taking into account that the monkey's area PO (V6) is reported to be connected with the premotor area 6, we suggest that area PO (V6) supplies the premotor cortex with the visuo-spatial information required for the visual control of arm-reaching movements.  相似文献   

The lateral geniculate nucleus of the rat was injected with the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) to see if geniculo-cortical axons terminate on vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactive (VIP-IR) neurons of the primary visual cortex. PHA-L-labelled boutons attached to VIP-IR perikarya and dendrites were identified as presynaptic parts of asymmetrical synapses. This geniculo-cortical projection to VIP-IR cells in the visual cortex and comparable findings in the somatosensory cortex suggest that sensory input from specific thalamic nuclei may influence local circuit inhibition and the metabolic state within the cortical domain via VIP-IR neurons.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of retrograde neurodegeneration following axotomy and target deprivation in the adult central nervous system remain poorly understood. We used a unilateral occipital cortex ablation model in adult rats to test the hypothesis that retrograde neurodegeneration in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus resembles apoptosis. Using the retrograde tracer Fluorogold, combined with nuclear dyes or the terminal transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate-biotin nick end labeling method for detecting nuclear DNA fragmentation, apoptotic geniculocortical projection neurons were identified at approximately. six to seven days postlesion. Degeneration of dorsal lateral geniculate neurons was characterized by aberrant accumulation of perikaryal non-phosphorylated neurofilaments and, ultrastructurally, by early vacuolation and subsequent swelling of dendrites. Ultrastructural alterations in the perikaryon of dying dorsal lateral geniculate neurons included the classic chromatolytic response, with redistribution of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and dispersion of free ribosomes followed by fragmentation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, as well as dilatation and vesiculation of the Golgi, and accumulation of intact mitochondria. Subcellular alterations evolved into classic apoptotic changes, including progressive cytoplasmic and nuclear condensation with chromatin compaction into uniformly large round clumps, while the morphological integrity of mitochondria was preserved until late in the progression of neuronal death. Cytoplasmic and then nuclear fragments budded into the surrounding neuropil and were engulfed by oligodendrocytes. We conclude that the retrograde neurodegeneration of geniculocortical neurons in adult brain results in neuronal death which has a phenotype that closely resembles apoptosis. The morphological changes that occur during this process progress from chromatolysis through consecutive stages associated with apoptosis.  相似文献   

In mammalian visual cortex, local connections are ubiquitous, extensively linking adjacent neurons of all types. In this study, optical maps of intrinsic signals and responses from single neurons were obtained from the same region of cat visual cortex while the effectiveness of the local cortical circuitry was altered by focally disinhibiting neurons within a column of known orientation preference. Maps of intrinsic signals indicated that local connections provide strong and functional subthreshold inputs to neighboring columns of other orientation preferences, altering the observed orientation preference to that of the disinhibited column. However, measuring the suprathreshold response using single-cell recordings revealed only mild changes of preferred orientation over the affected region. Because strongly tuned subthreshold inputs from cortex only marginally affect the tuning of a cortical cell's output, it is concluded that local cortical inputs are integrated weakly compared to geniculate inputs. Such circuitry potentially allows for the normalization of responses across a wide range of input activity through local averaging.  相似文献   

In many neural systems studied in vitro, the timing of afferent impulses affects the strength of postsynaptic potentials. The influence of afferent timing on postsynaptic firing in vivo has received less attention. Here we study the importance of afferent spike timing in vivo by recording simultaneously from ganglion cells in the retina and their targets in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus. When two spikes from a single ganglion-cell axon arrive within 30 milliseconds of each other, the second spike is much more likely than the first to produce a geniculate spike, an effect we call paired-spike enhancement. Furthermore, simultaneous recordings from a ganglion cell and two thalamic targets indicate that paired-spike enhancement increases the frequency of synchronous thalamic activity. We propose that information encoded in the high firing rate of an individual retinal ganglion cell becomes distributed among several geniculate neurons that fire synchronously. Because synchronous geniculate action potentials are highly effective in driving cortical neurons, it is likely that information encoded by this strategy is transmitted to the next level of processing.  相似文献   

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