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ERW焊管辊弯成型过程的动态仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ERW焊管辊弯成型过程复杂,规律难以把握。为了获得高质量的ERW焊管,减少成型缺陷,降低开发成本,文章采用动力显式有限元法和实验获得材料模型,建立ERW焊管辊弯成型过程的弹塑性有限元模型,实现了对ERW焊管连续成型过程的全流程仿真,分析了带钢在成型过程中的应力、应变变化规律与形状变化规律以及带钢厚度对成型质量的影响。研究结果表明,整个辊弯成型过程应力变化较为平缓,在精成型段有较大变形量,产生较大应力;边部纤维纵向应变高于中部纤维,导致边部有少量"皱曲"产生;随着厚度的增加,纵向应变相应增大。  相似文献   

Cage roll forming is an advanced process for producing electric resistance welded (ERW) pipes. It is designed to improve the strip deformation and to increase the flexibility of production lines compared with the conventional roll forming of ERW pipes. One of the most important parameters of this process is the initial strip width. Accurate prediction of the initial strip width is vital for producing sound pipes with desired dimensional and geometrical tolerances. In this paper, cage roll forming process is simulated with the explicit elastic–plastic finite element method in the MSC Marc Mentat software. Simulation results show that by increasing the initial strip width, more circumferential length reduction is induced to the deformed strip in the fin-pass stands. This effect increases the difference of longitudinal strains at the edge and center of the deformed strip and consequently leads to a high longitudinal compression at the strip edge. Therefore, edge buckling will be unavoidable if the initial width is selected bigger than a specific limit. In order to predict the maximum initial width in cage forming process, an edge buckling criterion was introduced. The circumferential length and the horizontal distance between two deformed strip edges were obtained from the simulation and were compared with the experimental data from a production line. The comparison showed a good agreement and confirmed the finite element simulations.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of cold roll-forming processes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
3D finite element analysis is employed to simulate a cold roll-forming process. Numerical results of longitudinal strains and displacement trajectories are compared with experimental results available in the literature. Through a parametrical study, significant impacts of the yield limit and the work-hardening exponent on the product quality are observed, whereas forming speed and friction at roll-sheet interface appear to play a minor role.  相似文献   

排辊成形已经被广泛的应用于直缝钢管生产中,由于其成形过程涉及明显的非线性,为研究带钢排辊成形精成形过程,建立了排辊成形机组的大变形弹塑性有限元模型,通过显式动力算法仿真,获得了精成形段带钢的等效塑性应变分布、几何变形规律、边缘纵向应变分布,并进行了实验验证。研究表明,排辊成形精成形段的较大塑性变形发生在带钢中心和边缘;从Fp1至Fp3,PEEQ曲线大致从W状分布向U状分布过渡;边部纵向应变在0.6%以内,未导致边部成形缺陷;几何形状从类U形向顶部开口的规则圆形过渡。  相似文献   

The roll forming industry has many difficulties in product development and process set-up. The design and development of rolls and processes are mainly based on trial-and-error and past experiences. Recent industrial trends demand products having high quality and tight tolerances. This requires more precise and cost-effective roll-forming processes than the ones employed in the traditional product development methods.

SHAPE is a reliable FE based solution provider, which covers a wide range of roll forming and rotary forming simulations including ring rolling, tube spinning, flow forming, and thread rolling. It also provides powerful analysis tools for heat transfer, roll stress and microstructure analyses. In this chapter the technical capability of SHAPE for roll forming is assessed by studying an industrial problem. The accuracy and robustness of the software is evaluated using machine shop results.  相似文献   

建立了圆坯鼓肚变形的微条数学模型 ,并以此模型为基础推导出计算鼓肚变形的公式。  相似文献   

Due to the new mass forming process “linear flow splitting” forming of branched profiles in integral style out of sheet metal without joining, lamination of material or heating of the semi-finished part becomes feasible. Since the resulting flanges provide extra stiffness without increasing the weight of the semi-finished product, split profiles are suitable especially for lightweight applications. The combination of the linear flow splitting process with a following roll-forming process enables the continuous production of one- or multi-chambered profiles with free flanges. In this paper phenomena occurring during roll forming of branched profiles are described and discussed.  相似文献   

辊弯成型技术理论及应用研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辊弯成型是一种高效、节材、节能、环保的板金属成型工艺技术,在建筑、汽车、机械制造等许多领域得到了广泛的应用。该文简述了辊弯成型技术理论在国内外的研究现状;辊弯成型CAD/CAM/CAE技术在国内外的发展及其应用;并介绍了辊弯成型的前沿领域—柔性辊弯成型技术;展望了辊弯成型技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

复合弯曲成形是一种高柔性的板料成形工艺。运用有限元方法分析了模切板刀片的复合弯曲成形,对成形过程中的回弹进行了研究。建立了外环转角与弯曲回弹角的度的关系。分析了内环圆角半径与对回弹的影响,对模切刀片的成形具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

辊锻三维变形过程的数值模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用商品化软件Deform3D建立了辊锻变形过程的刚粘塑性有限元系统模型 ,对圆 -椭圆 -圆型槽系中的辊锻变形过程进行了三维数值模拟 ,研究了辊锻三维变形过程中材料的流动速度场、应力应变场的特征及其动态演化过程 ,讨论了不同变形参数对应力应变的影响。  相似文献   

板坯质量和工艺对热轧板卷冷弯性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡恒法 《轧钢》2000,17(2):20-22
导致热轧板卷冷弯开裂的原因很多。针对梅山热轧板厂轧机的现状和特点 ,对采用的不同钢厂的板坯进行了对比试验。得出严格控制化学成分及优化轧制和冷却工艺 ,可提高热轧板卷的冷弯性能。  相似文献   

韧性断裂准则在超高强钢辊弯成形工艺中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对某牌号的超高强钢进行拉伸、弯曲、V型件辊弯成形试验,对比常用的6种韧性断裂准则,得出这6种韧性断裂准则均不能给出一个适用于板料各种工艺下断裂的固定临界值。根据辊弯成形工艺特点,采用Brozzo韧性断裂准则,预测相对弯曲半径R/T=2下的超高强钢辊弯成形的破裂现象。预测结果与实验结果表明,Brozzo韧性断裂准则可以应用于超高强钢辊弯成形中。  相似文献   

针对目前板料成形过程中应变测量的实际问题,提出了一种新的测量方案,通过采用近景工业摄影测量与坐标网格分析法相结合的方法,可以高效地实现板料成形后表面全场应变的精确测量。基于以上方法设计并开发出了可以应用于实际的板料应变检测系统XJTUSM。通过对某些型号的钣金零件表面应变的测量,验证了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于有限元分析的汽车覆盖件模具设计及优化   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
介绍了静力隐式弹塑性有限元板料成形软件AutoForm的基本理论和关键技术。利用AutoForm软件实现了汽车覆盖件模具设计,包括模具压料面、工艺补充面以及拉延筋设计,完成了覆盖件成形过程模拟及优化,改变了传统的在有限元模拟后依靠CAD软件频繁进行模具修改的方法。在有限元软件内部实现了模具的参数化设计,既缩短了模具设计时间,又提高了模具设计可靠性。  相似文献   

基于理想形变理论,研究了金属板料成形的有限元逆算法,并开发了计算程序.采用线性三角形膜单元和厚向异性的刚塑性材料模型,计算了一个带凸缘的方盒形件,并与Dvnaform的一步逆向法和增量法的计算结果进行了比较.实例分析结果表明,在工程允许精度范围内,本文方法能够有效分析零件的成形性能.由于该方法计算速度快,所以可用于零件...  相似文献   

Skin-pass rolling (or temper rolling) is the final forming step in the production of cold rolled steel sheets. Although a large roll radius compared to the contact length is one of the characteristics of skin-pass rolling conditions, numerous studies have been conducted thus far using laboratory mills with small radius rolls. In this paper, the influence of roll radius on the contact condition and material deformation in skin-pass rolling is examined and clarified by numerical analysis by an elastic–plastic FEM analysis as well as experimental rolling tests, which were performed to verify the result of the analysis. Some characteristics of skin-pass rolling related to pressure distribution, contact condition and material deformation are not properly simulated using small radius rolls. Considering characteristic skin-pass rolling conditions, two cases using simplified models, i.e., vertical compression and rolling with a circular, rigid roll, were analyzed.  相似文献   

动力显式有限元法辊弯成形全流程仿真技术研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
辊弯成形是大位移、大转动、有限应变的过程,具有复杂的非线性特征,成形规律难以通过传统“试错法”把握。为避免成形缺陷,降低开发成本,采用有限元法对辊弯成形进行全流程仿真,可以准确预测辊弯成形过程中应力-应变分布与变化规律,辅助工艺设计与产品开发。采用动力显式算法,可以缩减计算规模,避免隐式算法的迭代收敛问题等限制,容易实现大规模并行计算,减少计算时间。通过对槽型件的辊弯成形进行全流程仿真实例,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

对大落差前轴的精细制坯辊锻成形工艺进行研究,设计出3种精细制坯辊锻件,模拟出最优精细制坯辊锻件,然后用逆推的方法设计出第二道次和第一道次制坯辊锻件,根据辊锻件的截面和长度,使用UG软件对三道次辊锻模进行三维造型。通过Deform 3D有限元软件的模拟,对各道次辊锻件的温度场、等效应变场进行分析,结果表明各道次辊锻件成形良好。  相似文献   

针对单机架四辊光整机生产薄宽镀锌板过程中的边浪、复合浪问题,进行了现场试验和理论研究。以二维变厚度有限元程序为辊型设计的工作平台,建立了四辊光整机辊系弹性变形有限元模型,提出了变接触支撑辊(VCL辊型)技术,并与不同工作辊辊型配套使用进行仿真计算。结果表明,VCL支撑辊辊型可以增加光整机板形控制能力,消除边浪并改善支撑辊轴向不均匀的磨损状态。  相似文献   

The amorphous/crystalline composite comprising amorphous particles of Cu54Ni6Zr22Ti18 embedded in the crystalline nickel matrix was produced and its temperature dependence of the plastic deformation behavior was studied in the supercooled liquid region (SLR) of the amorphous alloy. The flow stress of the amorphous alloy was quite sensitive to the testing temperature in the SLR. The deformation of the composites was dominated by the flow stress of the amorphous alloy. The deformation behavior of the composite was analyzed by finite element method (FEM) calculations.  相似文献   

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