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本文中,通过引入了流体动力学模型对单载流子光探测器的特性进行了模拟,并对模拟结果做了分析和研究。在此基础上,提出了改进器件的方法,进而得到了一个优化的器件,优化后的器件将带宽提高到了原器件的两倍。  相似文献   

提出了一个均匀、阶梯和线性掺杂漂移区SOI高压器件的统一击穿模型.基于分区求解二维Poisson方程,得到了不同漂移区杂质分布的横向电场和击穿电压的统一解析表达式.借此模型并对阶梯数从0到无穷时器件结构参数对临界电场和击穿电压的影响进行了深入研究.从理论上揭示了在厚膜SOI器件中用阶梯掺杂取代线性漂移区,不但可以保持较高的耐压,而且降低了设计和工艺难度.解析结果、MEDICI仿真结果和实验结果符合良好.  相似文献   

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A unified breakdown model of SOI RESURF device with uniform,step,or linear drift region doping profile is firstly proposed.By the model,the electric field distribution and breakdown voltage are researched in detail for the step numbers from 0 to infinity.The critic electric field as the function of the geometry parameters and doping profile is derived.For the thick film device,linear doping profile can be replaced by a single or two steps doping profile in the drift region due to a considerable uniformly lateral electric field,almost ideal breakdown voltage,and simplified design and fabrication.The availability of the proposed model is verified by the good accordance among the analytical results,numerical simulations,and reported experiments.  相似文献   

介绍了光收发器技术在光纤传输系统中的应用现状,重点叙述了光外调制技术(比如电吸收型调制器、LiNbO3调制器等)、单行载流子光电管(UTC-PD)的发展水平,指出高宽带、高速率、高集成化是光收发器件发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

单向运动载流子光二极管(UTC-PD)具有高速和大电流的特点,与RTD相结合可构成一高速光控MOBILE,能够应用于80Gb/s的光纤通信、光信息处理和高速光网络中。在详细介绍UTC-PD的基础上,讨论了RTD/UTC-PD光控MOBILE的工作原理、材料结构和制作工艺、电路性能测量等,并进一步将上述结果推广到交流信号情况下RTD/UTC-PD光控MOBILE的瞬态特性。结果表明,存在三个因素影响该单元电路的工作速度,即交流电流效应、开关延迟时间和UTC-PD器件的带宽。  相似文献   

To overcome short-channel effects(SCEs) in high-performance device applications,a novel structure of CNTFET with a combination of halo and linear doping structure(HL-CNTFET) has been proposed.It has been theoretically investigated by a quantum kinetic model,which is based on two-dimensional non-equilibrium Green’s functions solved self-consistently with Poisson’s equations.We have studied the effect of halo doping and linear doping structure on static and dynamical performances of HL-CNTFET.It is demonstrated that a halo doping structure can decrease the drain leakage current and improve the on/off current ratio,and that linear doping can improve high-frequency and switching performance.  相似文献   

杨学忠 《电子测试》2016,(21):138-139
本文针对水火电力系统节能调度模型与优化方法进行分析研究.  相似文献   

漂移区为线性掺杂的高压薄膜SOI器件的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
给出了漂移区为线性掺杂的高压薄膜SOI器件的设计原理和方法.在Si膜厚度为0.15μm、隐埋氧化层厚度为2μm的SOI硅片上进行了LDMOS晶体管的制作.首次对薄膜SOI功率器件的击穿电压与线性掺杂漂移区的杂质浓度梯度的关系进行了实验研究.通过对漂移区掺杂剂量的优化,所制成的漂移区长度为50μm的LDMOS晶体管呈现了高达612V的击穿电压.  相似文献   

The effects of linear doping profile near the source and drain contacts on the switching and high- frequency characteristics for conventional single-material-gate CNTFET (C-CNTFET) and hetero-material-gate CNTFET (HMG-CNTFET) have been theoretically investigated by using a quantum kinetic model. This model is based on two-dimensional non-equilibrium Green's functions (NEGF) solved self-consistently with Poisson's equations. The simulation results show that at a CNT channel length of 20 nm with chirality (7, 0), the intrinsic cutoff frequency of C-CNTFETs reaches up to a few THz. In addition, a comparison study has been performed between C-and HMG-CNTFETs. For the C-CNTFET, results reveal that a longer linear doping length can improve the cutoff frequency and switching speed. However, it has the reverse effect on on/off current ratios. To improve the on/off current ratios performance of CNTFETs and overcome short-channel effects (SCEs) in high-performance device applications, a novel CNTFET structure with a combination of an HMG and linear doping profile has been proposed. It is demonstrated that the HMG structure design with an optimized linear doping length has improved high-frequency and switching performances as compared to C-CNTFETs. The simulation study may be useful for understanding and optimizing high-performance of CNTFETs and assessing the reliability of CNTFETs for prospective applications.  相似文献   

pnp型SiGe HBT的制备研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从pnp型Si/SiGe HBT的能带结构出发,阐述pnp型Si/SiGe HBT的较大原理,采用MBE方法生长Si/Si1-xGex合金材料,并对Si/Si1-xGex合金材料的物理特性和异质结特性进行表征,在重庆固体电子研究所工艺线上,研制出了pnp型Si/SiGe HBT器件,器件参数为:Vcb0=9V,Vcc0=2.5V,Veb0=5V,β=10。  相似文献   

张宁  沈湘衡 《激光与红外》2008,38(2):154-157
以等效正弦法、等效目标法检测原理为基础,根据光电经纬仪伺服系统动态性能室内检测的需求,设计了能够提供标准正弦和等速直线目标的直线动靶标检测装置.对直线动靶标运动进行了数学建模和靶标速度、加速度最值计算,并对给出的直线动靶标的结构组成和设计进行了可行性探讨.  相似文献   

The Al nonalloyed ohmic contacts were fabricated on MgxZn1−xO (0≤x≤0.2) thin films. HCl surface treatment significantly reduced the specific contact resistances to value around 10−4 Ω cm2. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis revealed that the HCl treatment increased the oxygen vacancy density and introduced chlorine to the semiconductor surface, resulting in a thin conductive layer and thus reduced specific contact resistance. A subsequent oxygen plasma treatment reduced the oxygen vacancy density, and correspondingly increased the specific contact resistance. Al-ZnO contacts were insensitive to the HCl treatment, due to the formation of a highly conductive Al-doped thin interface layer.  相似文献   

LLTV:局部线性全变差滤波方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王爱齐  邱天爽 《电子学报》2012,40(12):2507-2511
 本文提出了一种新颖的滤波方法—局部线性全变差滤波方法(LLTV),可以对数字图像进行有效的滤波处理.该方法采用图像的局部线性近似模型,并结合了全变差规则项,在滤除噪声的同时,能够很好的保持图像的边缘信息,而且其简单的、线性时间算法,可以对各种数据进行快速处理.实验结果表明,在计算机视觉的各种应用中,如去噪、平滑、细节增强和高动态范围(HDR)压缩等方面,该方法都表现出高效的性能.  相似文献   

介绍了一种多功能、低功耗微处理器电源监控芯片的设计方法.此芯片集成了带隙基准电压源、电压比较器、时基振荡、看门狗模块.文中分别对系统中各个模块做了介绍,特别是带隙基准电压源和时基振荡这两个重要模块.其中,带隙基准电压源温度系数只有12 ×10-6,芯片整体功耗电流不超过30 μA.  相似文献   

介绍了一种多功能、低功耗微处理器电源监控芯片的设计方法。此芯片属于微处理器监控器件,集成有众多组件,提供了完整的微处理器的电源监控和看门狗功能,是理想的低成本电池管理方案,非常适用于电源电流为35μA的便携式、电池供电的应用中。文中分别对系统中各个模块做了介绍,特别介绍了带隙基准电压源和看门狗这两个重点模块。  相似文献   

本文用LMTO能带从头计算方法和局域密度泛函理论,计算了闪锌矿和纤锌矿两种不同结构GaN晶体的静态性质:平衡晶格常数a,体模量B,体模量的压强微商B'和结合能Ecoh。在闪锌矿结构和纤锌矿结构的研究中,分别考察了不同d态处理方案和空原子球大小设置方式对计算结果的影响,确定了比较合理的计算方案,获得与实验值比较接近的计算结果。  相似文献   

对于复杂系统尤其是非均衡的复杂系统的演化而言,动态性是其普遍属性.通过引入复杂系统研究中的离散动态系统模型,从纵向层面上提出了建立政府人力资源系统的离散动态系统模型方法,并通过分析教育部门中小学专任教师数量的与人口、GDP的关联,建立了某地教育部门中小学专任教师离散动态预测模型,并用多元线性回归算法进行了求解分析.结果表明,采用该方法可以建立不同层次的人力资源系统预测模型.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors present new and complex configurations involving micro-structured fiber Bragg gratings (MSFBGs) as advanced devices for sensing and communications applications. First, the spectral behaviour of multi-defect MSFBGs is investigated with particular regards to the possibility to carry out multi-parameter sensor by a single sensing element. More defects along the grating permit the formation of more defect states inside the band-gap ruled by the multiple interaction of the signal reflected by the unperturbed grating regions modulated by the phase delays of the perturbations. Here, a practical case based on a two-defect MSFBG is taken into account, revealing the potentiality to perform dual SRI measurements with a single MSFBG device. Finally, a novel configuration has been considered involving a single-defect MSFBG coated with nano-sized coatings with higher refractive index compared to the cladding one. The presence of a high refractive index coating along the thinned region would induce the mode redistribution and the transition from core modes to overlay modes if coating features are properly selected. Here, sensitivity characteristics of the proposed device are analysed and significant improvement in the sensing performances have been obtained, including the possibility to tune the maximum sensitivity in the desired range.  相似文献   

研究了光载无线通信(RoF)链路中掺Er3+光纤放大器(EDFA)对链路噪声系数(NF)和增益的影响,同时采用自制的具有高响应度、高饱和功率特性单载子传输光电探测器(UTC-PD)作为链路光电转换器件,在不以NF为代价的同时使得链路增益性能获得大幅提升。实验表明,对于由LD、马赫-曾德调制器(MZM)、EDFA、光滤波器(OBPF)和UTC-PD组成的RoF光链路,在LD输出功率为17dBm、UTC-PD的输出平均光电流为60mA时得到最低链路NF为30.3dB,相比不含EDFA的基本链路在LD输出光功率同为17dBm时的NF略小0.4dB;同时链路增益高达15.5dB,相比基本链路大幅提升了41.3dB。  相似文献   

计算出与GaAs衬底相匹配的In1-xGaxAsyP1-y组分x和y的约束关系,并加以验证;用约束关系简化带隙与组分x和y函数关系,使之变为单变量y的函数,并给出晶格常数、带隙与组分关系的三维图,并长出材料加以证实.  相似文献   

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