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AlGaN/GaN HEMT多偏置下CV特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
电容电压特性是分析半导体器件性能的一个有效手段,而且是GaN HEMT器件大信号模型建模的重要步骤之一。本文提出一种多偏置电容电压的测试方法,并讨论了Cgs和Cgd的物理意义及其随偏置电压Vgs和Vds的变化规律。提出一种能够反映Cgs和Cgd特性的电容模型,与测试电容数据有很好的拟合效果,并且用器件的功率特性验证了该电容模型在非线性仿真的准确性。  相似文献   

利用内匹配和功率合成技术设计了X波段AlGaN/GaN HEMT功率合成放大器.电路包含有四个AlGaN/GaN HEMT和制作在Al2O3陶瓷基片上的输入输出匹配电路.在偏置条件VDS=30 V,IDS=700 mA时8 GHz测出连续波饱和输出功率达到Pat=40 dBm(10 W),最大PAE=37.44%,线性增益9 dB.  相似文献   

AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件的研制   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6  
介绍了AlGaN/GaNHEMT器件的研制及室温下器件特性的测试.漏源欧姆接触采用Ti/Al/Pt/Au ,肖特基结金属为Pt/Au .器件栅长为1μm ,获得的最大跨导为12 0mS/mm ,最大的漏源饱和电流密度为0 95A/mm .  相似文献   

王东方  刘新宇 《电子器件》2009,32(5):859-863
为了研究适合Ka波段AlGaN/GaN HEMT的栅结构尺寸,借助二维器件仿真软件Silvaco Atlas,在完善仿真模型的基础上研究了Γ型栅各部分对AlGaN/GaN HEMT特性的影响,包括栅长与短沟道效应的关系、栅与沟道距离对短沟道效应和饱和漏电流的影响,以及栅金属厚度对fmax,栅场板对fT、fmax和内部电场的影响。根据典型器件结构和材料参数的仿真表明,为了提高频率并减轻短沟道效应,栅长应取0.15~0.25μm;减小栅与沟道的距离可略微改善短沟道效应,但会明显降低器件的饱和漏电流,综合考虑栅调制能力、饱和漏电流、短沟道效应三个方面,栅与沟道距离应取10~20nm;为了提高fmax,栅金属厚度应大于0.4μm;缩小栅场板长度可有效提高器件的频率,兼顾Ka波段应用和提高击穿电压,栅场板长度应在0.3~0.4μm左右。仿真得出的器件性能随结构参数的变化趋势以及尺寸数据对于Ka波段AlGaN/GaN HEMT的研究具有参考意义。  相似文献   

论述了一个在8 GHz下基于AlGaN/GaN HEMT功率放大器HMIC的设计、制备与测试.该电路包含了1个10×100 μm的AlGaN/GaN HEMT和输入输出匹配电路.在偏置条件为VDS=40 V、IDS=0.16 A时输出连续波饱和功率在8 GHz达到36.5 dBm(4.5 W),PAE为60%,线性增益10 dB;在偏置条件为VDS=30 V、IDS=0.19 A时输出连续波饱和功率在8 GHz达到35.6 dBm(3.6 W),PAE为47%,线性增益9 dB.  相似文献   

Pt/AlGaN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) were fabricated and characterized for hydrogen sensing. Pt and Ti/Al/Ni/Au metals were evaporated to form the Schottky contact and the ohmic contact, respectively. The sensors can be operated in either the field effect transistor (FET) mode or the Schottky diode mode. Current changes and time dependence of the sensors under the FET and diode modes were compared. When the sensor was operated in the FET mode, the sensor can have larger current change of 8 mA, but its sensitivity is only about 0.2. In the diode mode, the current change was very small under the reverse bias but it increased greatly and gradually saturated at 0.8 mA under the forward bias. The sensor had much higher sensitivity when operated in the diode mode than in the FET mode. The oxygen in the air could accelerate the desorption of the hydrogen and the recovery of the sensor.  相似文献   

在EEHEMT1模型的基础上给出一种新的A1GaN/GaN HEMT半经验直流特性模型,考虑了栅源电压对膝点电压的影响,得到描述AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件I-Ⅴ特性的方程.此模型可以应用于蓝宝石和SiC两种不同衬底AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件的I-Ⅴ特性模拟.仿真结果和实验测量结果拟合误差小于3%.  相似文献   

在EEHEMT1模型的基础上给出一种新的A1GaN/GaN HEMT半经验直流特性模型,考虑了栅源电压对膝点电压的影响,得到描述AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件I-Ⅴ特性的方程.此模型可以应用于蓝宝石和SiC两种不同衬底AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件的I-Ⅴ特性模拟.仿真结果和实验测量结果拟合误差小于3%.  相似文献   

The fabrication of AlGaN/GaN double-channel high electron mobility transistors on sapphire substrates is reported. Two carrier channels are formed in an AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN/GaN multilayer structure. The DC performance of the resulting double-channel HEMT shows a wider high transconductance region compared with single-channel HEMT. Simulations provide an explanation for the influence of the double-channel on the high transconductance region. The buffer trap is suggested to be related to the wide region of high transconductance. The RF characteristics are also studied.  相似文献   

利用MOCVD技术研制了国产SiC衬底的GaN HEMT外延材料,方块电阻小于260 Ω/□,迁移率最大值达到2 130 cm2V-1s-1,方块电阻和迁移率不均匀性小于3%,采用新的器件栅结构和高应力SiN钝化技术,降低了大栅宽器件栅泄漏电流,提高了工作电压.研制的总栅宽为25.3 mm的四胞内匹配器件X波段输出功率达到141.25 W,线性增益大于12 dB,PAE达到41.4%.  相似文献   

正The fabrication of AlGaN/GaN double-channel high electron mobility transistors on sapphire substrates is reported.Two carrier channels are formed in an AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN/GaN multilayer structure.The DC performance of the resulting double-channel HEMT shows a wider high transconductance region compared with single-channel HEMT. Simulations provide an explanation for the influence of the double-channel on the high transconductance region.The buffer trap is suggested to be related to the wide region of high transconductance.The RF characteristics are also studied.  相似文献   

常永明  毛维  郝跃 《微电子学》2017,47(3):416-419
对Angelov直流FET模型进行改进,并应用同一遗传算法对改进前后的模型进行全局直流模型参数提取,平均相对误差分别为4.58%和1.8%。将模型计算值与实验数据进行对比,结果表明,改进后的模型能更加准确地描述AlGaN/GaN HEMT源漏电流随栅、漏电压变化的全局直流输出特性,从而为AlGaN/GaN HEMT提供一种准确的全局直流模型和精确的参数提取方法。  相似文献   

余乐  郑英奎  张昇  庞磊  魏珂  马晓华 《半导体学报》2016,37(3):034003-5
本文采用了新型的22元件AlGaN/GaN HEMT小信号等效电路模型,较传统的模型,增加了栅漏电导Ggdf和栅源电导Ggsf来表征GaN HEMT的栅极泄漏电流。同时针对新型的栅场板、源场板结构器件,提出了一种改进的寄生电容参数提取方法,使之适用于提取非对称器件的小信号模型参数。为验证此模型,获得了S参数的测试结果和模型仿真结果,此二者的吻合度较高,表明新型的22元件小信号模型精确、稳定而且物理意义明确。  相似文献   

祃龙  王燕  余志平  田立林 《半导体学报》2004,25(10):1285-1290
在考虑Al Ga N / Ga N异质结中的压电极化和自发极化效应的基础上,自洽求解了垂直于沟道方向的薛定谔方程和泊松方程.通过模拟计算,研究了Al Ga N / Ga N HEMT器件掺杂层Al的组分、厚度、施主掺杂浓度以及栅偏压对二维电子气特性的影响.用准二维物理模型计算了Al Ga N/ Ga N HEMT器件的输出特性,给出了相应的饱和电压和阈值电压,并对计算结果和Al Ga N/ Ga N HEMT器件的结构优化进行了分析.  相似文献   

采用一个AlN缓冲层和两个Al组分阶变的AlGaN过渡层作为中间层,在76.2mm Si衬底上外延生长出1.7μm厚无裂纹AlGaN/GaN异质结材料,利用原子力显微镜、X射线衍射、Hall效应测量和CV测量等手段对材料的结构特性和电学性能进行了表征。材料表面平整光滑,晶体质量和电学性能良好,2DEG面密度为1.12×1013cm-2,迁移率为1 208cm2/(V.s)。由该材料研制的栅长为1μm的AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件,电流增益截止频率fT达到10.4GHz,这些结果表明组分阶变AlGaN过渡层技术可用于实现高性能Si基GaN HEMT。  相似文献   

王勇  冯震  张志国 《半导体技术》2005,30(12):49-51,56
报道了蓝宝石衬底、栅长为0.3 μ m AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件的制备,在未采用散热设备的条件下测得栅宽为100μ m器件的饱和电流为55.9mA,最大源漏电流为92.1mA.对器件的跨导特性进行了对比,得到最大跨导为306mS/mm的器件.同时对器件进行了微波小信号测试,推导出截止频率fT和最高振荡频率fmax分别为18.5GHz和46GHz.  相似文献   

An enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMT with a threshold voltage of 0.35 V was fabricated by fluorine plasma treatment.The enhancement-mode device demonstrates high-performance DC characteristics with a saturation current density of 667 mA/mm at a gate bias of 4 V and a peak transconductance of 201 mS/mm at a gate bias of 0.8 V.The current-gain cut-off frequency and the maximum oscillation frequency of the enhancement-mode device with a gate length of μm are 10.3 GHz and 12.5 GHz,respectively,which is comparable with the depletion-mode device.A numerical simulation supported by SIMS results was employed to give a reasonable explanation that the fluorine ions act as an acceptor trap center in the barrier layer.  相似文献   

当AlGaN/GaN HEMT输出高功率密度时,器件沟道温度的升高将引起电流的下降(自热效应).提出了一种针对AlGaN/GaN HEMT改进的大信号等效电路模型,考虑了HEMT自热效应,建立了一种改进的大信号I-V特性模型,仿真结果与测试结果符合较好,提高了大信号模型的精度.  相似文献   

The accurate extraction of A1GaN/GaN HEMT small-signal models, which is an important step in large-signal modeling, can exactly reflect the microwave performance of the physical structure of the device. A new method of extracting the parasitic elements is presented, and an open dummy structure is introduced to obtain the parasitic capacitances. With a Schottky resistor in the gate, a new method is developed to extract R_g. In order to characterize the changes of the depletion region under various drain voltages, the drain delay factor is involved in the output conductance of the device. Compared to the traditional method, the fitting of S_(11) and S_(22) is improved, and f_T and f_(max) can be better predicted. The validity of the proposed method is verified with excellent correlation between the measured and simulated S-parameters in the range of 0.1 to 26.1 GHz.  相似文献   

利用范德堡Hall方法和汞探针C-V方法,研究了不同Si调制掺杂浓度对AlGaN/GaN HEMT材料电学性质的影响.发现si掺杂可以改善材料电学性能,二维电子气(2DEG)面密度和方块电阻(ns×μ)可以通过si调制掺杂精确控制.当Si掺杂浓度为3×10(18)cm-3时,得到了最低的方块电阻360Ω/□.尽管受到高浓度电子和离化杂质对二维电子气的散射影响,迁移率仍可达1220cm2/(V·s).分析了范德堡Hall方法和汞探针C-V方法的差别,同时测得材料的阈值电压也在合理范围.  相似文献   

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