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提出了一种基于硅桥结构的MEMS磁场传感器结构。其结构由制作在硅桥敏感膜表面的惠斯通电桥和在膜中间沾上铁磁体制成。当传感器处于磁场中时,铁磁体在外磁场中磁化产生磁力,磁力会使硅敏感膜弯曲从而引起压阻改变进而使惠斯通电桥产生电压输出以达到测量磁场的目的。文章通过有限元软件仿真对铁磁体的尺寸进行了优化。实验结果和理论结果较接近。实验测得该传感器最大灵敏度为48mV/T,分辨率为160μT,该传感器可以用来进行强磁场的测量。实验结果结果表明:传感器的重复性和动态响应时间分别约为0.66%和150ms。  相似文献   

报道了一种新型的基于MEMS技术的微型电场传感器。该传感器采用半导体微加工工艺制备 ,具有体积小、重量轻、功耗低等优点。阐述了传感器的工作原理 ,描述了设计方案 ,介绍了计算机模拟仿真结果  相似文献   

A kind of piezoresistive ultrasonic sensor based on MEMS is proposed,which is composed of a membrane and two side beams.A simplified mathematical model has been established to analyze the mechanical properties of the sensor.On the basis of the theoretical analysis,the structural size and layout location of the piezoresistors are determined by simulation analysis.The boron-implanted piezoresistors located on membrane and side beams form a Wheatstone bridge to detect acoustic signal.The membrane-beam microstructure is fabricated integrally by MEMS manufacturing technology.Finally,this paper presents the experimental characterization of the ultrasonic sensor,validating the theoretical model used and the simulated model.The sensitivity reaches -116.2 dB(0 dB reference = 1 V/μbar,31 kHz),resonant frequency is 39.6 kHz,direction angle is 55°.  相似文献   

基于磁流体和无芯光纤的磁场传感器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用无芯光纤(NCF)作为单模-多模-单模(SMS)结构中的多模光波导,并将其浸没在密封于毛细管内的磁流体(MF)中,形成了一种新型的全光纤化磁场传感器。传感器可利用磁场变化时其透射谱中谷值波长的移动或峰值波长处的透射率变化对相应的磁场变化进行测量。完成了传感器的制作并进行了实验研究,在传感器长约9cm时,实验得到的磁场灵敏度分别达到了78pm/Oe和0.129dB/Oe。除了作为磁场传感器,本文装置还可以用来作为磁控可调光衰减器或光调制器。  相似文献   

由于在MEMS隧道磁阻微机械陀螺中需要一个较高磁场变化率的磁场,其检测模块主要是利用磁场的变化率对位移信息进行敏感,需要利用磁场的变化敏感质量块的位移,所以设计一个具有较高磁场变化率的磁场是十分有必要的。通过仿真分析,设计了一个MEMS隧道磁阻陀螺中应用的磁场,尺寸规格为500*500*20um,材料为钕铁硼,相对磁导率为1.18,表面剩磁为1.3T,充磁方向垂直于截面。在此设计规格下,永磁体选用面内方向作为检测方向,磁场的变化率最大可达到0.2 Oe/nm,并且在其他方向上磁场保持一定程度上的匀强,不对检测方向上的磁场产生干扰。  相似文献   

A biomimetic three-dimensional piezoresistive vibration sensor based on MEMS technology is reported.The mechanical properties of the sensor are analyzed and the static and dynamic characteristics of the sensor are simulated by ANSYS Workbench12.0.The structure was made by MEMS processes including lithography,ion implantation,PECVD,etching,etc.Finally,the sensor is tested by using a TV5220 sensor auto calibration system.The results show that the lowest sensitivity of the sensor is 394.7 V/g and can reach up to 460.2 V/g,and the dimension coupling is less than 0.6152%,and the working frequency range is 0–1000 Hz.  相似文献   

高金霞  武继江 《激光与红外》2017,47(12):1531-1534
基于磁流体的折射率对外加变化磁场的敏感特性,提出将磁流体作为缺陷层引入到一维光子晶体中实现磁场传感。由于缺陷的存在,使得光子晶体的透射谱中产生缺陷峰。该传感器可通过测量磁场变化时光子晶体缺陷模波长的移动对相应的磁场进行测量。利用传输矩阵法对不同结构参数下,缺陷模波长随在外加磁场的变化进行了模拟计算,为实际磁场传感器的设计提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

葛益娴  赵伟绩  张鹏 《半导体光电》2017,38(6):788-791,797
提出了一种新型结构的法布里-珀罗(F-P)腔光纤压力传感器.该传感器基于法布里-珀罗多光束干涉,利用压力敏感膜的纵向挠度变化带动位移柱的横向位移运动来改变F-P腔的腔长变化.详细阐述了传感器新结构的设计方法及其工作原理,分析了不同参数对传感器性能的影响.采用ANSYS软件仿真模拟了传感器压力敏感膜在压力作用下的挠度变化.结合现有的MEMS工艺,可制作出工艺简单、温度系数低、灵敏度高,且抗电磁干扰的MEMS光纤压力传感器.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel miniature dual-functional sensor integrating both pressure and temperature sensitive units on a single chip.The device wafer of SOI is used as a pizeoresistive diaphragm which features excellent consistency in thickness.The conventional anisotropic wet etching has been abandoned,while ICP etching has been employed to etch out the reference cave to minimize the area of individual device in the way that the 57.4°slope has been eliminated.As a result,the average cost of the singl...  相似文献   

本文提出一种MEMS传感器,单片集成温度和气压的检测单元。该传感器采用SOI硅片的上层硅作为压阻薄膜,因此各管芯的薄膜厚度有良好的一致性。传统的背面体硅腐蚀方法未被采用,因为碱性溶液腐蚀体硅会在<111>面自停止,形成57.4°的斜坡,从而增大管芯面积,取而代之的是ICP深硅刻蚀。片上集成两个PN结,结区面积呈比例,可以实现温度检测功能。测试表明在-40-100℃之间都有良好的线性度,PN结的离子注入工艺与压阻注入工艺完全兼容,减少了工艺成本。  相似文献   

硅电容压力传感器敏感器件的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研制的硅电容压力传感器芯体采用微机械加工技术,加工精度高,易于批量化生产。结构上采用对称的差动电容形式,并将其封装在专用基座中,适用于中、微压力的高精度测量,可用于目前通用压力传感器的升级产品。  相似文献   

一种基于MEMS技术的新型对称式微波功率传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王德波  廖小平 《半导体学报》2009,30(5):054006-3
A novel symmetrical microwave power sensor based on MEMS technology is presented. In this power sensor, the left section inputs the microwave power, while the fight section inputs the DC power. Because of its symmetrical structure, this power sensor provides more accurate microwave power measurement capability without mismatch uncertainty and temperature drift. The loss caused by the microwave signal is simulated in this power sensor. This power sensor is designed and fabricated using GaAs MMIC technology. And it is measured in the frequency range up to 20 GHz with an input power in the 0-80 mW range. Over the 80 mW dynamic range, the sensitivity can achieve about 0.2 mV/mW. The difference between the input power in the two sections is below 0.1% for an equal output voltage. In short, the key aspect of this power sensor is that the microwave power measurement is replaced with a DC power measurement.  相似文献   

Wang Debo  Liao Xiaoping 《半导体学报》2009,30(5):054006-054006-3
A novel symmetrical microwave power sensor based on MEMS technology is presented. In this power sensor, the left section inputs the microwave power, while the right section inputs the DC power. Because of its symmetrical structure, this power sensor provides more accurate microwave power measurement capability without mismatch uncertainty and temperature drift. The loss caused by the microwave signal is simulated in this power sensor. This power sensor is designed and fabricated using GaAs MMIC technology. And it is measured in the frequency range up to 20 GHz with an input power in the 0-80 mW range. Over the 80 mW dynamic range, the sensitivity can achieve about 0.2 mV/mW. The difference between the input power in the two sections is below 0.1% for an equal output voltage. In short, the key aspect of this power sensor is that the microwave power measurement is replaced with a DC power measurement.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于宇称-时间(parity-time,PT) 对称结构的磁场检测微腔模型,利用水 基Fe3O4磁流体介质层的磁光效应和PT对称结构的光放大效应,当磁场强度发生变化时 ,引 起结构禁带中缺陷模位置的改变。因此,可以通过检测缺陷模位置实现磁场强度的检测。本 文利用传递矩阵法(transfer matrix method,TMM)从理论上分析了结构的透射光谱,在此 基础上对结构周期、介质层厚度、PT对称单元中宏观洛伦兹振荡强度等参数进行了数值优化 。优化后的仿真结果表明,该传感器能够实现有效的磁场磁强检测,磁场强度在0—500Oe 的 范围内,传感器的灵敏度可以达到97.14 nm/RIU,优值和检测极限分 别可以达到104和10-7 RIU。同时, 传感器的分辨率数值最小可以达到0.05 Oe和最 大可以达到2Oe。本文所设计的传感器结构可用于高综合性能磁场强度检测设备的设计。  相似文献   

This paper presents a high performance electric field micro sensor with combined differential structure. The sensor consists of two backward laid micro-machined chips, each packaged by polymer and metal. The novel combined differential structure effectively reduces various environmental affections, such as thermal drift, humidity drift and electrostatic charge accumulation. The sensor is tested in near-ground place as well as balloon-borne sounding. In different weather conditions, the measureinent results showed good agreement with those of the commercial electric field mill.  相似文献   

The design guidelines for micro diaphragm-type pressure sensors have been established by characterization of the relationships among diaphragm thickness, side length, sensitivity, and resonant frequency. According to the study, the thickness need to be thin and the side length need to be small in order to get the sensitive diaphragm with high resonant frequency. A Fabry-Perot based pressure sensor has been designed based on the guidelines, fabricated and characterized. In principle, the sensor is made according to Fabry-Perot interference, which is placed on a micro-machined rectangular silicon membrane as a pressure-sensitive element. A fiber-optic readout scheme has been used to monitor sensor membrane deflection. The experimental results show that the sensor has a very high sensitivity of 28.6 mV/Pa, resolution of 2.8 Pa, and up to 91 kHz dynamic response.  相似文献   

A cycle bridge detection method, which uses a piezoresistive triaxial accelerometer, has been described innovatively. This method just uses eight resistors to form a cycle detection bridge, which can detect the signal of the three directions for real time. It breaks the law of the ordinary independent Wheatstone bridge detection method, which uses at least 12 resistors and each four resistors connected as a Wheatstone bridge to detect the output signal from a specific direction. In order to verify the feasibility of this method, the modeling and simulating of the sensor structure have been conducted by ANSYS, then the dual cycle bridge detection method and independent Wheatstone bridge detection method are compared, the result shows that the former method can improve the sensitivity of the sensor effectively. The sensitivity of the x, y-axis used in the former method is two times that of the sensor used in the latter method, and the sensitivity of the z-axis is four times. At the same time, it can also reduce the cross-axis coupling degree of the sensor used in the dual cycle bridge detection method. In addition, a signal amplifier circuit and adder circuit have been provided, Finally, the test result of the "eight-beams/mass" triaxial accelerometer, which is based on the dual cycle bridge detection method and the related circuits, have been provided. The results of the test and the theoretical analysis are consistent, on the whole.  相似文献   

对基于磁流体的长周期光纤光栅磁场传感方案的温度特性进行了理论研究和数值模拟。仿真结果表明,外界温度的变化会使长周期光纤光栅耦合的谐振波长发生漂移,同时改变磁流体的折射率,进而影响磁场测量的精度,对基于磁流体的长周期光纤光栅磁场传感器的实际应用方面有一定的意义。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型结构压力传感器 ,器件由上下两硅片键合而成 ,上硅片制作半岛型结构氮化硅谐振梁 ,下硅片制作矩形压力膜。应用有限元软件对器件结构及灵敏度进行了计算机模拟分析 ,器件利用MEMS技术研制并采用电热激励压阻拾振方式进行了测试。实验及理论模拟分析结果证实新型结构可以大大提高压力传感器灵敏度  相似文献   

研究了一种采用MEMS技术实现的含有红外发射源和探测单元的片上集成红外气体传感器芯片。通过理论分析证明了探测器和红外发射源可以集成在同一衬底上的可行性,采用正面刻蚀和背面ICP深刻蚀硅工艺实现红外发射元和探测单元的悬空热隔离结构,可以使红外发射源和探测器同时工作在较好的性能状态下。通过对红外气体传感器的红外发射源和探测单元的测试,表明两种单元均可以正常工作,验证了这种集成工艺的可行性。  相似文献   

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