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Our study was performed to investigate the mechanism underlying the phypotensive effect of kinin B1-receptor activation with des-Arg9-bradykinin (des-Arg9-BK), in comparison with B2-receptor activation with bradykinin (BK), in anesthetized dogs. Bolus intravenous and intraarterial injections of both kinins were compared. BK (0.6 microgram/kg) produced a transient hypotension of the same magnitude, regardless of the route of administration (from 110 +/- 6 mm Hg to 66 +/- 6 mm Hg, or -41 +/- 5%). In contrast, intraarterial injection of des-Arg9-BK (0.6 microgram/kg) induced a weaker hypotension compared with its intravenous injection (-27 +/- 2% vs. -39 +/- 3%, p < 0.05). The hypotension induced by both kinins was accompanied by increases in heart rate, maximum left ventricular dP/dt, and aortic blood flow, suggesting a reduction in peripheral resistance. The positive inotropic and chronotropic effects of BK and des-Arg9-BK were found to be mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, because they were abolished by propranolol. The hypotension induced by intravenous and intraarterial injections of BK and intravenous injections of des-Arg9-BK was only slightly reduced after nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibition with NG-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA). In contrast, the hypotensive effect of intraarterial injection of des-Arg9-BK was reduced by half after treatment with L-NNA (p < 0.05). Neither bilateral vagotomy nor ganglionic blockade with pentolinium reduced the hypotension induced by both kinins. In conclusion, the hypotensive effect of des-Arg9-BK and BK results from a peripheral vasodilation. The contribution of NO in this vasodilation is substantial for des-Arg9-BK when administered intraarterial but limited for BK and intravenous des-Arg9-BK.  相似文献   

The modulatory effects of IL-1beta and TNF alpha on the rat paw edema induced by B1 agonists have been analyzed. In naive rats, i.d. injection of B1 agonists, des-Arg9-bradykinin and des-Arg10-kallidin (up to 300 nmol), causes a minimal increase in paw volume, while the B2 agonist tyrosine8-bradykinin (0.3-10 nmol) induces graded paw edema. The injection of des-Arg9-bradykinin (10-100) nmol or des-Arg10-kallidin (1-100 nmol), in paws pre-treated with IL-1beta or TNF alpha (both 5 ng/paw; 60 and 30 min prior, respectively), caused a graded edema formation. The edemas induced by des-Arg9-bradykinin (100 nmol) were evident at 15 min, reaching the maximum 60 and 30 min after treatment with IL-1beta (0.64 +/- 0.06 ml) or TNF alpha (0.47 +/- 0.05 ml), respectively, being reduced at 360 min. The B1 antagonist des-Arg9-NPC 17731 (1-30 nmol), but not the B2 antagonist Hoe 140 (10 nmol), produced marked inhibition of des-Arg9-bradykinin-induced paw edema. Dexamethasone (0.5 mg/kg, s.c., 4 h) or cycloheximide (1.5 mg/kg, s.c., 6 h) significantly prevented the edema caused by des-Arg9-bradykinin (100 nmol) in rats treated with IL-1beta (81 +/- 5% and 59 +/- 3%) or TNF alpha (78 +/- 4% and 43 +/- 2%). Indomethacin (2 mg/kg, i.p.) or meloxicam (3 mg/kg, i.p.), 1 h prior, significantly reduced the edema induced by des-Arg9-bradykinin (100 nmol) in IL-1beta (40 +/- 6% and 69 +/- 8%) or TNF alpha (43 +/- 3% and 53 +/- 9%) treated rats. It is suggested that i.d. injection of the IL-1beta or TNF alpha, produced up-regulation of B1 receptor-mediated paw edema, being this effect sensitive to dexamethasone and cycloheximide and to cyclo-oxygenase pathway.  相似文献   

Of the four G protein coupled adenosine receptor (AR) subtypes, the A1 is best suited for studies of reconstitution with G proteins. Recombinant A1 receptors extended with hexahistidine and FLAG have been purified to near homogeneity. In reconstitution assays using pure recombinant G protein subunits, the composition of the gamma subunit influences coupling to purified A1ARs. The least well characterized AR is the A2B. New data indicate that A(2B)ARs can trigger the degranulation of canine and human mast cell lines. Recombinant human A(2B)ARs are blocked by the anti-asthma drugs theophylline and enprofylline at concentrations that are used therapeutically to treat asthma. Although A(2B)ARs have long been known to stimulate adenylyl cyclase, they also can activate phospholipase C and mobilize Ca2+ by signaling through Gq/11. There is great potential for new therapies based on compounds that selectively target individual AR subtypes.  相似文献   

1. Following induction of acute inflammation by intraarticular injection of kaolin and carrageenan into the knee joint in rats, there was a significant decrease in the withdrawal latency to radiant heat applied to the paw (i.e. heat hyperalgesia), an increased joint circumference and increased joint temperature. 2. A neurokinin1 (NK1) receptor antagonist (CP-99,994, 10 mM) had no effect on the paw withdrawal latency when it was administered spinally through a microdialysis fibre before the induction of inflammation. Pretreatment with a NK2 receptor antagonist (SR48968, 1 mM) administered spinally through the microdialysis fibre prevented the heat hyperalgesia from developing in the early stages of the inflammation. 3. Post-treatment through the microdialysis fibre with the NK1 receptor antagonist (0.01-10 mM) was effective in reversing the heat hyperalgesia. In contrast, post-treatment spinally with the NK2 receptor antagonist (0.01-1 mM) had no effect on the heat hyperalgesia. The inactive stereoisomers of the NK1 receptor antagonist, CP100,263, or the NK2 receptor antagonist, SR48965, administered at the same doses, had no effect on the joint inflammation or the heat hyperalgesia. 4. Pretreatment systemically with the NK1 receptor antagonist (30 mg kg-1) had no effect on the heat hyperalgesia or pain-related behaviour ratings where 0 is none and 5 is non weight bearing and complete avoidance of limb contact. Pretreatment with a NK2 receptor antagonist (10 mg kg-1) systemically prevented the heat hyperalgesia and pain-related behaviour ratings from developing in the early stages of the inflammation. The inactive stereoisomers of NK1 receptor antagonist, CP100,263, or the NK2 receptor antagonist, SR48965, administered at the same doses, had no effect on the joint inflammation or the heat hyperalgesia. 5. Post-treatment systemically with either the NK1 (0.1-30 mg kg-1) or the NK2 (0.1-10 mg kg-1) receptor antagonist resulted in a dose-dependent reversal of the heat hyperalgesia. Pain-related behaviour ratings were reduced by post-treatment only with the NK1 receptor antagonist. The inactive stereoisomers of the NK1 receptor antagonist, CP100,263, or the NK2 receptor antagonist, SR48965, administered at the same doses, had no effect on the behavioural responses. 6. Direct pretreatment of the knee joint with either the NK1 (30 mg) or the NK2 (10 mg) receptor antagonist prevented the heat hyperalgesia from developing without affecting joint swelling. The inactive stereoisomers of the NK1 receptor antagonist, CP100,263, or the NK2 receptor antagonist, SR48965, administered at the same doses, had no effect on the joint inflammation or the heat hyperalgesia. 7. There appears to be a differential role for the spinal tachykinin receptors in the development and maintenance of the heat hyperalgesia associated with acute joint inflammation. The NK2 receptors appear to be activated early in the development of the heat hyperalgesia and NK1 receptors are involved in the maintenance of the heat hyperalgesia. 8. Peripherally, both NK1 and NK2 receptors are involved in the development of heat hyperalgesia and pain-related behaviour ratings induced by acute inflammation.  相似文献   

We describe a patient, RM, who suddenly became amnesic for premorbid autobiographic events in the absence of any known precipitating event. Learning abilities as well as semantic knowledge were normal. Knowledge of famous facts and persons was good, although not perfect. Whether RM suffered from organic or psychogenic isolated retrograde amnesia (IRA) could not be established on the basis of available clinical and neuropsychological elements. Regardless of its aetiology, RM's case respects the boundaries between semantic and episodic memory and so gives further support to the distinction between these two memory systems.  相似文献   

Four previously reported kinin receptor peptide antagonists, including the B1 receptor-selective peptides desArg10-HOE 140 (H-D-Arg-Arg-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Thi-Ser-D-Tic-Oic-OH) and B-9858 (H-Lys-Lys-Arg-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Igl-Ser-D-Igl-Oic-OH), have been modified by replacement of the central tetrapeptide Pro-Hyp-Gly-Xaa with linear alkyl spacers of variable length. The analogue of desArg10-HOE 140 containing the 11-aminoundecanoic acid as spacer, MEN 11575 [H-D-Arg-Arg-NH-(CH2)10-CO-Ser-D-Tic-Oic-OH], was found to be slightly more potent than the unmodified peptide (pA2 = 7.1) as a kinin B1 receptor antagonist in the rat ileum longitudinal smooth muscle assay. Moreover, MEN 11575 is devoid of residual agonist activity at the kinin B1 receptor (rat ileum) and antagonist activity at the kinin B2 receptor (guinea pig ileum longitudinal smooth muscle). Both these activities are displayed by the parent peptide desArg10-HOE 140. Therefore, despite its greatly simplified chemical structure, MEN 11575 shows an improved pharmacological profile in terms of both potency and selectivity, and it represents a good template for the development of new peptidomimetic kinin B1 receptor antagonists. We also report an attempt to investigate the conformational role of the flexible, linear spacer of MEN 11575 and to design more constrained analogues, possibly locked in the bioactive conformation, using semirigid spacers based on Calpha-tetrasubstituted alpha-amino acids of the family of 1-aminocycloalkane-1-carboxylic acids (Acnc).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Under physiological conditions, the effects of kinins in the kidney are mainly mediated by the bradykinin B2-receptor, whereas the kinin B1-receptor is strongly induced under inflammatory conditions in a variety of tissues. Knowledge of the distribution of the B1-receptor along the nephron is of importance since the B1-receptor might replace B2-receptors under these conditions. METHODS: Using a RT-PCR/Southern blot approach allowing relative quantification of mRNA levels, ten different microdissected rat nephron segments were analyzed for the presence of the B1- and B2-receptor before and after endotoxin treatment to induce experimental inflammation. The functionality of the expressed receptors was assessed by kinin-induced intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) mobilization in microdissected nephron segments. RESULTS: While under physiological conditions no B1-receptor mRNA could be detected, after 18 hours of treatment with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) the expression of B1-receptor mRNA was strongly induced in the efferent arteriole, the medullary and inner medullary thin limb, and in the distal tubule. Moderate expression was found in the glomerulus, proximal convoluted and straight tubules, and in the medullary thick ascending limb. Small but detectable expression was observed in the cortical collecting duct. The induction of B1-receptor mRNA expression resulted in functional receptor expression, since increases in [Ca2+]i were observed upon B1-agonist stimulation. LPS treatment also increased the expression of B2-receptor mRNA in all nephron segments except in the glomerulus, the inner medullary thin limb and the outer medullary collecting duct. However, no related changes in B2-agonist induced rises in [Ca2+]i were found. CONCLUSIONS: These studies show a functional induction of the B1-kinin receptor along the rat nephron, which should be taken in account to address the effects of kinins under inflammatory conditions in the kidney.  相似文献   

During nuclear assembly, vesicles derived from the mitotic disassembly of the nuclear membranes reform the nuclear envelope. The vesicles first bind to chromosomes, specifically recognize other nuclear vesicles and then fuse to enclose the chromosomes. The proteins that mediate these events are largely unknown. Using reconstituted extracts of Xenopus eggs, we found that nuclear vesicle fusion required elevated (microM) concentrations of free Ca2+ [Sullivan KMC. Busa WB. Wilson KL. (1993) Cell, 73, 1411-1422]. Our data suggest that Ca2+ is released from the vesicle lumen by the activation of IP3 receptors (ligand-gated Ca2+ channels). We propose that the role of IP3 receptors during nuclear assembly may be analogous to that of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels during regulated secretion: to provide a microdomain of high cytosolic Ca2+ that triggers fusion. In this article, we will briefly describe current ideas about nuclear assembly and disassembly, and summarize the evidence that IP3 receptors are required for nuclear vesicle fusion. We will discuss parallels between our results and the role of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and Ca2+, in regulated exocytosis. Finally, we will address the question of how IP3 receptors are activated during nuclear vesicle fusion: is there a signal that stimulates IP3 production, or is the channel activated directly?  相似文献   

Early in development, murine B-lineage progenitor cells express two classes of IgG Fc receptors (FcgammaR) designated as FcgammaRII (CD32) and FcgammaRIII (CD16), but mature B lymphocytes only express FcgammaRII (CD32), which functions as an inhibitor of B-cell activation when it is induced to associate with mIgM. The functions of CD16 and CD32 on B-lineage precursor cells have not previously been investigated. To search for FcgammaR functions on developing B-lineage cells, normal murine bone marrow cells were cultured in the presence of 2.4G2, a rat monoclonal antibody that binds to CD16 and CD32, or in the presence of control normal rat IgG, and then the B-lineage compartment was analyzed for effects. Cultures that contained 2.4G2 showed enhanced growth and differentiation of B-lineage cells compared with control cultures. The enhancing effect of 2.4G2 also occurred when fluorescence-activated cell-sorted B-cell precursors (B220(+), sIgM-, HSAhigh, FcgammaR+) from normal bone marrow were cocultured with BMS2, a bone marrow stromal cell line, but not when they were cultured in BMS2-conditioned media. The enhancement of B-lineage development induced by 2.4G2 was CD16-dependent and CD32-dependent, because 2.4G2 did not effect B-lineage growth or differentiation in cultures of bone marrow from mice in which either the gene encoding CD16 or CD32 had been disrupted. Analysis of fresh bone marrow from the CD16 gene-disrupted mice showed normal numbers and distribution of cells within the B-cell compartment, but in CD32 gene-disrupted mice, the B-cell compartment was significantly enlarged. These experiments provide several lines of evidence that the FcgammaR expressed on murine B-cell precursors can influence their growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells are an attractive target for gene therapy because they are intimately involved in disease processes associated with inflammation and angiogenesis and because endothelial cells are readily accessible to gene therapy vectors via the circulation. Furthermore, specific receptors are up-regulated during angiogenesis or during inflammation. Therefore it should be possible to target the specific populations of endothelial cells involved in each of these disease processes. We have utilized two bispecific antibodies to target entry of an adenovirus vector into endothelial cells expressing a receptor up-regulated during angiogenesis (alpha v integrins) and a receptor up-regulated during inflammation (E-selectin). Both bispecific antibodies contain the anti-FLAG M2 mAb, which binds to a FLAG epitope genetically incorporated into the penton base protein of the vector, AdFLAG. The anti-alpha v-integrin x anti-FLAG bsAb was able to direct binding and entry of AdFLAG into endothelial cells via alpha v integrins. Likewise, the anti-E-selectin x anti-FLAG bsAb was able to direct binding and entry of AdFLAG into tumor-necrosis-factor(TNF)-activated endothelial cells via E-selectin. Endothelial cells not activated with TNF were not efficiently transduced by the AdFLAG/E-selectin bsAb complex. These results demonstrate that bispecific antibodies can be successfully used to target adenovirus to endothelially expressed receptors that are up-regulated during angiogenesis or inflammation.  相似文献   

T helper 1 responses are typically proinflammatory, while Th2 responses have been considered regulatory. Interestingly, Th2 responses characterize a number of pulmonary diseases, many of which terminate in tissue remodeling and fibrosis. We developed a mouse model using Schistosoma mansoni eggs and cytokine-deficient mice to induce highly polarized Th1- or Th2-type inflammation in the lung. In this study, we examined the pathology and cytokine profiles in Th1- and Th2-polarized environments and used oligonucleotide microarray analysis to decipher the genes responsible for these effects. We further elaborated on the results using IL-10- and IL-13-deficient mice because these cytokines are believed to be the central regulators of Th2-associated pathology. We found that the Th1-polarized mice developed small granulomas with less fibrosis while expressing genes characteristic of tissue damage. Th2-polarized mice, in contrast, formed large granulomas with massive collagen deposition and up-regulated genes associated with wound healing, specifically, arginase, collagens, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and tissue inhibitors of MMP. In addition, several members of the chitinase-like family were up-regulated in the lung following egg challenge. We also developed a method of defining the net collagen deposition using the expression profiles of several collagen, MMP, and tissue inhibitors of MMP genes. We found that Th1-polarized mice did not elaborate collagens or MMPs and therefore did not have a significant capacity for repair in this model. Thus, Th1-mediated inflammation is characterized by tissue damage, while Th2 directs wound healing and fibrosis.  相似文献   

The antagonistic interactions between adenosine A1 and dopamine D1 receptors were studied in a mouse Ltk- cell line stably cotransfected with human adenosine A1 receptor and dopamine D1 receptor cDNAs. In membrane preparations, both the adenosine A1 receptor agonist N6-cyclopentyladenosine and the GTP analogue guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphospate induced a decrease in the proportion of dopamine D1 receptors in a high affinity state. In the cotransfected cells, the adenosine A1 agonist induced a concentration-dependent inhibition of dopamine-induced cAMP accumulation. Blockade of adenosine A1 receptor signal transduction with the adenosine A1 receptor antagonist 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine or with pertussis toxin pretreatment increased both basal and dopamine-stimulated cAMP levels, indicating the existence of tonic adenosine A1 receptor activation. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin also counteracted the effects of low concentrations of the A1 agonist on D1 receptor-agonist binding. The results suggest that adenosine A1 receptors antagonistically modulate dopamine D1 receptors at the level of receptor binding and the generation of second messengers.  相似文献   

1. Migration of blood-derived leukocytes to tissue sites of inflammation is a hallmark of the response that the host organizes to counteract an insult or a trauma or an infection. A cascade of events is then activated to allow interaction between the leukocyte and the endothelium of postcapillary venule, and this cascade is finely regulated such that mechanisms of negative control are operating side by side with pathways that promote and sustain the extravasation process. Examples of both these positive and negative regulatory systems are discussed here. 2. In vivo accumulation of specific subtypes of leukocytes in response to application of selective chemokines operates through an indirect mechanism that includes the perivenular mast cell and, in particular, the mast cell-derived amines, such as histamine and serotonin. In fact, treatments of animals with (1) histamine H1 or serotonin antagonists or with (2) the mast cell stabilizer cromolyn or with (3) prior depletion of intact mast cells are maneuvers that successfully reduce eosinophil, neutrophil and monocyte extravasation in response to eotaxin, interleukin-8 or monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, respectively. A model in which histamine provides a P-selectin-dependent rolling phenomenon is then postulated. 3. The discovery that neutrophil-derived lipocortin 1 acts as an autocrine mediator with an inhibitory action on the emigration (diapedesis) process confirms the growing body of experimental data that showed that exogenously administered lipocortin 1 and lipocortin 1 mimetics (peptide Ac2-26) potently inhibit neutrophil extravasation in response to different stimuli. Externalization of lipocortin 1 on the plasma membrane of adherent neutrophils reduces their rate of passage through the endothelial gaps. Because cell-associated lipocortin 1 levels are under the partial control of corticosterone (endogenous circulating glucocorticoid hormone in rodents) and dexamethasone (a synthetic glucocorticoid hormone with a potent anti-inflammatory profile), a model is proposed in which a balance between anti-inflammatory (lipocortin 1, etc.) and pro-inflammatory (adhesion molecules, cytokines and chemokines) mediators explains the difference in the rate of leukocyte accumulation during the different stages of the host inflammatory response. 4. In conclusion, this review emphasizes the importance of in vivo experimental systems as a valid way of obtaining pertinent observations and reiterates the importance of negative regulatory mechanisms on the leukocyte extravasation process operating within the host.  相似文献   

The role of B7-1 and B7-2 costimulatory molecules in the generation of Ag-specific CD8+ CTLs is not well understood. In this paper, we analyze the role of both B7-1 and B7-2 in the generation of CTLs to nonliving, exogenous Ag and to live virus. To analyze the role of B7 costimulation in the induction of CTLs, we blocked B7-1 and/or B7-2 in vivo by injecting C57BL/6 mice with anti-B7-1 and/or anti-B7-2 mAbs; the mice were subsequently immunized with either chicken OVA that had been cross-linked to beads as a model of exogenous Ags or with wild-type and recombinant vaccinia virus expressing different forms of chicken OVA as models of viral Ags. Our results indicate that B7 costimulation is necessary in the generation of CTLs for all of these Ags. Since the B7 molecules could be costimulating CD8+ and/or CD4+ T cells in wild-type animals, we also examined the role of costimulation in the generation of CTLs to exogenous and viral Ag in MHC class II-deficient mice lacking most CD4+ T cells. In these animals, a combination of both mAbs also blocked all CTL responses, indicating that the Th cell-independent activation of CTLs is dependent upon the B7-costimulatory signals supplied to the CD8+ cell. These findings contribute to the understanding of the role of costimulation for the generation of CTLs. We also discuss the implications of these findings on the role of professional APCs in the initiation of CTL responses.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are modulated by extracellular spermine and protons and are blocked in a voltage-dependent manner by spermine and polyamine derivatives such as N1-dansyl-spermine (N1-DnsSpm). The effects of mutations in the first and third transmembrane domains (M1 and M3) and the pore-forming loop (M2) of NMDA receptor subunits were studied. Surprisingly, some mutations in M2 and M3 of the NR1 subunit, including mutations at W608 and N616 in M2, reduced spermine stimulation and proton inhibition. These mutations may have long-range allosteric effects or may change spermine- and pH-dependent gating processes rather than directly affecting the binding sites for these modulators because spermine stimulation and proton inhibition are not voltage dependent and are thought to involve binding sites outside the pore-forming regions of the receptor. A number of mutations in M1-M3, including mutations at tryptophan and tyrosine residues near the extracellular sides of M1 and M3, reduced block by spermine and N1-DnsSpm. The effects of these mutants on channel block were characterized in detail by using N1-DnsSpm, which produces block but not stimulation of NMDA receptors. Block by N1-DnsSpm was studied by using voltage ramps analyzed with the Woodhull model of channel block. Mutations at W563 (in M1) and E621 (immediately after M2) in the NR1A subunit and at Y646 (in M3) and N616 (in the M2 loop) in the NR2B subunit reduced the affinity for N1-DnsSpm without affecting the voltage dependence of block. These residues may form part of a binding site for N1-DnsSpm. Mutation of a tryptophan residue at position W607 in the M2 region of NR2B greatly reduced block by N1-DnsSpm, and N1-DnsSpm could easily permeate channels containing this mutation. The results suggest that at least parts of the M1 and M3 segments contribute to the pore or vestibule of the NMDA channel and that a tryptophan in M2 (W607 in NR2B) may contribute to the narrow constriction of the pore.  相似文献   

Production of nitric oxide by macrophages is believed to be an important microbicidal mechanism for a variety of intracellular pathogens, including Toxoplasma gondii. Mice with a targeted disruption of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene (iNOS) were infected orally with T. gondii tissue cysts. Time to death was prolonged compared with parental controls. Histologic analysis of tissue from infected mice showed scattered small foci of inflammation with parasites in various tissues of iNOS-/- mice, whereas tissue from the parental C57BL/6 mice had more extensive tissue inflammation with few visible parasites. In particular, extensive ulceration and necrosis of distal small intestine and fatty degeneration of the liver was seen in the parental mice at day 7 postinfection, as compared with the iNOS-/- mice where these tissues appeared normal. Serum interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha levels postinfection were equally elevated in both mouse strains. Treatment of the parental mice with a NO synthase inhibitor, aminoguanidine, prevented early death in these mice as well as the hepatic degeneration and small bowel necrosis seen in acutely infected control parentals. These findings indicate that NO production during acute infection with T. gondii can kill intracellular parasites but can be detrimental, even lethal, to the host.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which mitogenic G-protein-coupled receptors activate the MAP kinase signalling pathway are poorly understood. Candidate protein tyrosine kinases that link G-protein-coupled receptors with MAP kinase include Src family kinases, the epidermal growth factor receptor, Lyn and Syk. Here we show that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and bradykinin induce tyrosine phosphorylation of Pyk2 and complex formation between Pyk2 and activated Src. Moreover, tyrosine phosphorylation of Pyk2 leads to binding of the SH2 domain of Src to tyrosine 402 of Pyk2 and activation of Src. Transient overexpression of a dominant interfering mutant of Pyk2 or the protein tyrosine kinase Csk reduces LPA- or bradykinin-induced activation of MAP kinase. LPA- or bradykinin-induced MAP kinase activation was also inhibited by overexpression of dominant interfering mutants of Grb2 and Sos. We propose that Pyk2 acts with Src to link Gi- and Gq-coupled receptors with Grb2 and Sos to activate the MAP kinase signalling pathway in PC12 cells.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors mediate increases in intracellular calcium that can be modulated by protein kinase C (PKC). As PKC modulation of NMDA receptors in neurons is complex, we studied the effects of PKC activation on recombinant NMDA receptor-mediated calcium rises in a nonneuronal mammalian cell line, human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK-293). Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) pretreatment of HEK-293 cells enhanced or suppressed NMDA receptor-mediated calcium rises based on the NMDA receptor subunit composition. NR2A or NR2B, in combination with NR1(011), conveyed enhancement whereas NR2C and NR2D conveyed suppression. The PKC inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide blocked each of these effects. The region on NR2A that conveyed enhancement localized to a discrete segment of the C terminus distal to the portion of NR2C that is homologous to NR2A. Calcium-45 accumulation, but not intracellular calcium store depletion, matched PMA effects on NMDA receptor-mediated calcium changes, suggesting that these effects were not due to effects on intracellular calcium stores. The suppression of intracellular calcium transients seen with NR2C was eliminated when combined with NR1 splice variants lacking C-terminal cassette 1. Thus, the intracellular calcium effects of PMA were distinguishable based on both the NR1 splice variant and the NR2 subunit type that were expressed. Such differential effects resemble the diversity of PKC effects on NMDA receptors in neurons.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to press a bar for hypothalamic stimulation, and a frequency-response function was plotted. Quinpirole (a selective D2 agonist) facilitated self-stimulation when injected alone but failed to show the facilitatory effect when injected either 1 hr before or 1 hr after injection of SCH 23390 (a D1 antagonist). Injection of reserpine followed by α-methyl-p-tyrosine virtually eliminated self-stimulation. Subsequent injection of either SKF 38393 (a D1 agonist) alone or quinpirole alone did not restore self-stimulation, but a combination of quinpirole and SKF 38393 did. Results suggest that a D2 dopamine agonist facilitates the reinforcing effect of brain stimulation only if D1 receptors are activated by endogenous dopamine or by an exogenous agonist. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

B2相广泛存在于铁基、钴基和镍基合金中.B2相的析出对于合金组织和性能具有重要影响.本文指出了合理描述B2相的热力学模型,并就如何简单有效地描述多元合金系中的B2相,以及如何处理在此过程中可能出现的各种问题,进行了深入的探讨和研究.  相似文献   

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