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In Exp I, 56 preterm Ss born at less than 1,500 g were assessed at 6 wks; at 3, 6, and 9 mo; and at 1 yr for avoidant, secure, and ambivalent attachment patterns. In Exp II, 109 Ss (aged 2–4.5 yrs) with delayed development due to Down's syndrome, diagnosed neurological disorders, and undiagnosed disorders were assessed in a strange-situation setting. In Exp III, 15 Ss with cystic fibrosis and 15 normal Ss (aged 12–18 mo) were assessed for attachment patterns. Data indicate that none of the medical problems had a significant impact on the child–mother relationship. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined similarities and differences in infant–mother and infant–father interaction. Previously published data (Belsky, Garduque, & Hrncir, 1984) on infants observed in the Strange Situation with their mothers (N?=?60) and fathers (N?=?50) at 12 and 13 months were reanalyzed using a component process approach to investigate (a) whether the organization of social interactive behavior is relationally based, (b) the factor-analytic structure of social interaction with the two caregivers, (c) the predictive power of crying and social interactive behavior with each caregiver to subsequent behavior with a stranger, and (d) the relative cross-caregiver consistency of crying versus social interaction. Results indicated (a) that the organization of infant social interaction depends on the interactive partner and on the affective context, (b) that infant behavior with the father is more predictive of infant–stranger interaction than is infant–mother interaction, and (c) that crying is more consistent than social interaction across caregivers. Results are interpreted as being consistent with a view of attachment relationships as relationally based and as evidence for the usefulness of the finer-grained analysis provided by the component process approach. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study assessed the association between aspects of mother's employment and security of infant-mother attachment, in combination with proximal (maternal sensitivity) and distal (demographic, maternal, child, child-care) factors. Participants were 145 Australian mothers and their firstborn children. Attachment security was assessed with the Strange Situation at 12 months. Results showed that mothers' prenatal attitudes to work and timing of the return to work made significant, independent contributions to attachment outcomes over and above the effects of proximal and distal predictors. Mothers who expressed more commitment to work and less anxiety about using nonfamily child care, and who returned to work earlier, were more likely to have secure infants. These findings are considered in relation to contemporary expectations about mothers' participation in paid work and other predictors of secure attachment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In considering Bowlby's (1969/1982) conceptualization of attachment as a "biobehavioral safety-regulating system," Goldberg, Grusec, & Jenkins (1999) proposed that maternal sensitivity to infant distress may be particularly relevant to the formation of a secure attachment relationship. Data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care provided a unique opportunity to address this question as maternal sensitivity to nondistress and distress were each coded for 357 mother-infant dyads at 6 months and 230 dyads at 15 months from videotaped observations of mother-infant play sessions. Attachment security was assessed in the Strange Situation at 15 months. Logistic regression analyses indicated that greater sensitivity to distress (but not greater sensitivity to nondistress) at 6 months was associated with increased odds of being classified as secure. The 15-month sensitivity measures were nonsignificant predictors of security. The results support the notion that the protective function of the child-mother attachment relationship may be especially salient during early infancy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Observed 1-, 3-, and 9-month infant–mother interaction to examine antecedents of 1-year attachment quality. Frequency data were recoded using theory-guided measure of interactional synchrony; chi-square and prediction analyses tested hypothesis that development of secure attachments is predictable from synchronous, and insecure attachments from asynchronous interactions across first year. Findings from 30 dyads (10 secure, 10 avoidant, 10 resistant) supported hypothesis at 1 and 3 months, with synchronous interaction observed at significantly, disproportionately frequent rate for securely attached dyads. Also identified theoretically consistent aspects of interaction (e.g., responsiveness) that differentiated mothers of secure, avoidant, and resistant babies. Authors discuss findings as they support major tenets of attachment theory and suggest usefulness of a priori methodological approach. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review recent work concerning the psychobiological substrates of social bonding, focusing on the literature attributed to opioids, oxytocin and norepinephrine in rats. Existing evidence and thinking about the biological foundations of attachment in young mammalian species and the neurobiology of several other affiliative behaviors including maternal behavior, sexual behavior and social memory is reviewed. We postulate the existence of social motivation circuitry which is common to all mammals and consistent across development. Oxytocin, vasopressin, endogenous opioids and catecholamines appear to participate in a wide variety of affiliative behaviors and are likely to be important components in this circuitry. It is proposed that these same neurochemical and neuroanatomical patterns will emerge as key substrates in the neurobiology of infant attachments to their caregivers.  相似文献   

Results from adoption studies suggest that adoptive families may experience special impediments with respect to the developmental progress and outcome of their children. Based on attachment theory, two early intervention programs were designed to support families in the Netherlands with an internationally adopted child. The intervention aimed at promoting maternal sensitive responsiveness, secure infant-mother attachment relationships, and infant exploratory competence. Ninety families with an interracially adopted infant (71 from Sri Lanka and 19 from Korea) were assigned to either a control group or one of two intervention groups. All of the children, 44 boys and 46 girls, were placed for adoption under the age of 5 months (M = 8 weeks). The first intervention group (N = 30) received a personal book, which focused on sensitive parenting. The second intervention group (N = 30) was provided with the same book as well as with three video-feedback sessions at their home. The control group (N = 30) did not receive intervention. In the control group sensitive responsiveness and security of attachment were comparable to outcomes from normative samples. The least intensive program, the personal book, did not bring about change in mothers or infants. In contrast, intervention effects were established upon maternal sensitive responsiveness, infant competence, and infant-mother attachment in the group that received both the book and video feedback.  相似文献   

Although important research in the area of the infant-mother relationship has been increasing, research appears to be guided by an empirical orientation—a comprehensive theory is lacking. The literature is reviewed and theoretically interpreted. 2 hypotheses are proposed; in all mammals and birds: (1) novel stimuli elicit fear responses in both young and adult organisms, and (2) certain stimuli elicit a pleasant feeling in the offspring and lead to permanent reduction of fear of novel stimuli, and that these stimuli are always found in the person of the natural mother. The nature of a basic survival problem that all mammals and birds face is indicated, and it is demonstrated how the 2 hypothesized phenomena constitute a very efficient solution of the problem. (42 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationships among attachment classification, psychopathology, and personality traits were examined in a group of 60 psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents. The concordance of attachment classification was examined in 27 adolescent-mother pairs. Both adolescent and maternal attachment status were overwhelmingly insecure and were highly concordant. Adolescents showing a dismissing attachment organization were more likely to have a conduct or substance abuse disorder, narcissistic or antisocial personality disorder, and self-reported narcissistic, antisocial, and paranoid personality traits. Adolescents showing a preoccupied attachment organization were more likely to have an affective disorder, obsessive-compulsive, histrionic, borderline or schizotypal personality disorder, and self-reported avoidant, anxious, and dysthymic personality traits. The results support a model of development of psychopathology based partially on relational experiences with parents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the six articles contained in the special issue of the American Psychologist (January 2007) devoted to leadership, written by W. Bennis (see record 2006-23492-002); S. J. Zaccaro (see record 2006-23492-003); V. H. Vroom and A. G. Yago (see record 2006-23492-004); B. J. Avolio (see record 2006-23492-005); R. J. Sternberg (see record 2006-23492-006); and R. J. Hackman and R. Wageman (see record 2006-23492-007). The current authors opine that the inclusion of attachment theory in the study of leadership could strengthen leadership theories as a whole. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the article by F. Rothbaum et al (see record 2000-02781-001), which highlighted evidence of cultural variations in, and noted ways in which attachment theory is laden with Western values and meaning in comparisons of the US and Japan. According to the present author, culture must be defined before considering attachment in cultural contexts, and the Rothbaum et al article compared the Western middle class with the whole Japanese population, with all of its various social groups. Such a cavalier attitude on the part of Rothbaum et al shows a naive enthusiasm for cultural varieties and specifics that, without being balanced with generality, kills theorization. Lack of a proper definition in context combined with naive enthusiasm is reason, according to the present author, for theoretical disaster. Following discussion of the particular disasters of the Rothbaum et al article, the present author proposes a more proper direction for intercultural psychology to take. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Contrasts attachment as a relationship approach for understanding development with relevant psychoanalytic perspectives. Current theoretical and research concepts focusing on affect development and the evolution of the parent–infant relationship are discussed. A broader understanding of attachment is presented, which includes 2 ideas. The 1st is that internal representations build on internal working models of development. The 2nd is that the attachment concept, combined with systems theory, is a way to conceptualize aspects of family theory and therapy. Clinical implications of attachment theory and research are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replies to comments by 7 authors (see records 2001-18772-008, 2001-18772-009, 2001-18772-010, 2001-18772-011, and 2001-18772-012) in reference to the F. Rothbaum et al's original article (see record 2000-02781-001), which highlighted evidence of cultural variations in, and noted ways in which attachment theory is laden with Western values and meaning in comparisons of the US and Japan. Here, Rothbaum et al defend their central thesis and note areas of their agreement and disagreement with the aforementioned comments and criticisms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of J. Bowlby's framework of attachment (e.g., 1990) for conceptualizing adult psychopathology and its application to clinical practice. The theory proposes that psychological disorders reflect an internalization of adverse attachment experiences, both current and past, and in particular those that undermine self-reliance and feelings of security. Clinical syndromes indicate intensification of anxiety, depression, and/or anger to a degree which interferes with adaptive functioning and interactions with others. The secure base of therapy provides a new model of what close relationships can be like, as well as a setting for exploring and possibly modifying the meaning given to separation and loss experiences. Issues of prevention and social policy are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper unites two sets of research findings on attachment to provide some guiding ideas for the monitoring and alteration of insecure therapeutic relationships. Only individual therapy with adults is considered. The aim is to explain how empirical findings can produce a guiding theoretical understanding of what can be the changing momentary dynamics between client and therapist. It is assumed that therapists enable change from insecure to more secure types of relating. The paper does not claim that attending to attachment dynamics in therapy will promote psychological change by itself. However, what is suggested is recognizing the major forces within intimate meaningful relationships. It is possible to relate the empirical findings to the terms resistance and misempathy (a restatement of transference) via the details of the dynamics of relating. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

From 1,092 children in the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, the authors identified 3 trajectory patterns of social withdrawal from teacher reports in Grades 1-6: a normative consistently low group (86%), a decreasing group (5%) with initially high withdrawal that decreased, and an increasing group (9%) with initially low withdrawal that increased. Prediction models supported the role of early dysregulated temperament, insensitive parenting, and attachment. Preschool shy temperament was a specific pathway to decreasing withdrawal, and poor inhibitory control was a specific pathway to increasing withdrawal. Children on the increasing pathway were more lonely, solitary, and were excluded by peers. Results suggest differentiated pathways to varying trajectories of social withdrawal and highlight the importance of identification of longitudinal patterns in relation to risk. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Videotaped 7 mother–infant pairs to examine the impact of reunion episodes on the 10–12 mo old infant's expression of emotion and attention. Through pursuit of the mother, the infant regulated high and low levels of arousal before reunion to a more organized attentional and affective state after reunion. Four patterns of intentional reciprocity observed were vitalizing, soothing, mutual attunement, and protective. That an infant can use emerging cognitive awareness and locomotor capacities to cope with the difficulties of its experience reflects a new level of ego organization with implications for the development of internalization, defense, and psychological adaptation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Argues that, in adult relationships, insecure attachments reflect strategies for managing a greater level of narcissistic vulnerability than exists in secure attachment. Attachment theory (AT) has traditionally emphasized adaptive responses in the child–parent relationship. However, researchers have applied AT to adult love relationships. Both the child literature and the adult literature have explored individual differences in attachment behavior and have identified stylistic categories of secure and insecure attachments. Although the insecure categories are characterized by overt behavior that appears quite different (i.e., clinging vs distance), in adult relationships where attachment is reciprocal, these stylistic patterns may achieve a similar function. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research examined differences between types of perfectionists and whether perfectionism related to attachment, academic integration, and depression. University students completed the same attachment and perfectionism measures in two studies. In the 2nd study, measures of academic integration and depression were also used. Replicated cluster analyses revealed 3 groups of perfectionists: adaptive, maladaptive, and nonperfectionists. Attachment predicted type of perfectionist, with adaptive perfectionists reporting more secure attachments than did maladaptive perfectionists. Adaptive perfectionists also had better academic integration than maladaptive perfectionists. Maladaptive perfectionists, on average, reported depression in the clinically significant range. Results revealed academic and emotional benefits of adaptive perfectionism, contrasted with the adverse emotional effects and no academic advantages of maladaptive perfectionism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research investigated (a) the relationship between the quality of attachment and symbolic play development and (b) differences in the ways mothers of secure and anxious children involved themselves in play. Fifteen mother–child dyads (7 secure, 8 anxious) were filmed at regular intervals in free play from 20–28 months. Results indicated that secure children had longer episodes of symbolic play overall and that at 26 and 28 months they spent more time in the highest level of symbolic play than their anxious peers. When symbolic play variables were contrasted across maternal involvement conditions, secure children were found to have longer episodes and higher level play when mothers were actively engaged in play with them. Thus, mother's involvement appeared to serve a facilitating function for secure, but not anxious, children. When engaged in conversation with an experimenter, mothers of secure children were more involved in their children's play and appeared to favor play in which they actively interacted with the child; in contrast, mothers of anxious children favored passive participation in their children's play. (43 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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