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F A Memon A Fidar K Littlewood D Butler C Makropoulos S Liu 《Water science and technology》2007,55(4):85-91
This paper describes a full-scale physical model and its application to investigate the effectiveness/performance of small-bore sewers for a range of operational and design parameters. The implementation methodology involves observing the movement of synthetic gross solids in three small bore sewers (150, 100 and 75 mm diameter) for different volumes of simulated flush waves and gradients. The simulated flush waves were generated, using an automated wave sequencer, for three different flush volumes (3, 4.5 and 6 litres). To investigate the impact of solid shape factor, a number of tests were carried out using synthetic solids in combination with toilet tissue paper. In total, more than 1,000 tests were performed for different operational and design parameter combinations. Results obtained to date have confirmed earlier studies, particularly with respect to the role of flush volume in solids transport, and identified the impact of gradient variation and its significance particularly in small-bore sewers receiving low flush volume. Results from the physical model application exercise will be used to propose new design guidelines for wastewater collection systems with specific consideration to new developments and inform the decision support system, currently being developed as part of a research project on water cycle management for new developments (WaND). 相似文献
Exfiltration from sewers is widespread and emerging legislation may require water service providers to identify, and rectify, its sources in sewerage systems. This paper describes exfiltration test apparatus and a series of experiments undertaken using sewage to gain a better understanding of the influence of sewage solids and sediments on leakage rates. An overview of the results obtained is given, which demonstrates that most previous estimates of exfiltration leakage rates were too high due to a lack of appreciation of the "self-repairing" action of sewage and sewage associated solids. Exfiltration rates of 0.1% of the sewer flow or 0.001 I/s have been recorded for defects up to 6 mm wide. 相似文献
An experimental and modelling study has been carried out to investigate the movement mechanisms and behaviour of large sanitary solids in small sewers. The overall performance of the model has already been verified in terms of limiting solids transport distance, but in this paper the wave profile across the solid is also shown to fit model predictions well when compared visually. Further insight into how solids behave is also explored in this paper by plotting the interplay of the main horizontal and vertical forces acting on the solid. These results illustrate the dynamics of movement initiation, transport and deposition and indicate the most important forces. Model predictions of movement 'time per hop' have also been experimentally verified, giving further credence to the model. Experimental verification of the magnitude of the forces involved is planned. 相似文献
In this paper, 60 tracer experiments in 37 different sewer reaches have been analyzed for longitudinal dispersion under dry weather flow conditions. It was found that dispersion coefficients of sewers are two to three orders of magnitude smaller than those measured in rivers and do not differ much from system to system. Suitable equations were identified to predict reasonable dispersion coefficients in sewer reaches with uniform geometry and stable flow conditions. For engineering applications that require a high degree of accuracy the performance of tracer measurements is recommended. 相似文献
TEMPEST is a new interactive simulation program for the estimation of the wastewater temperature in sewers. Intuitive graphical user interfaces assist the user in managing data, performing calculations and plotting results. The program calculates the dynamics and longitudinal spatial profiles of the wastewater temperature in sewer lines. Interactions between wastewater, sewer air and surrounding soil are modeled in TEMPEST by mass balance equations, rate expressions found in the literature and a new empirical model of the airflow in the sewer. TEMPEST was developed as a tool which can be applied in practice, i.e., it requires as few input data as possible. These data include the upstream wastewater discharge and temperature, geometric and hydraulic parameters of the sewer, material properties of the sewer pipe and surrounding soil, ambient conditions, and estimates of the capacity of openings for air exchange between sewer and environment. Based on a case study it is shown how TEMPEST can be applied to estimate the decrease of the downstream wastewater temperature caused by heat recovery from the sewer. Because the efficiency of nitrification strongly depends on the wastewater temperature, this application is of practical relevance for situations in which the sewer ends at a nitrifying wastewater treatment plant. 相似文献
S Zgheib M C Gromaire C Lorgeoux M Saad G Chebbo 《Water science and technology》2008,57(11):1705-1712
The important organic pollution of combined wet weather flows (WWF), its acute impact on receiving waters have been widely demonstrated. The main three possibly origins for this organic pollution are: runoff water (streets and roofs), wastewater and erosion of sewer sediments in combined sewer system. This work, for tracing the origin of organic particles bound in combined sewer system, has been focused on the innovative use of sterols. So, eight sterols have been selected and analysed for each kind of sample. Results are represented in contents of sterols (microg g(-1)) and in sterol profiles (%).The comparison of contents and profiles leads the separation between two groups: runoff water, characterized by the total absence of coprostanol, epicoprostanol and coprostanone, and the group of sewer deposits (gross bed sediment (GBS), organic layer (OL), biofilms) and wastewater. Moreover, sewer deposits and wastewater can be distinguished by their sterol contents and profiles. To evaluate their contribution to WWF a comparison between sterol signatures is done which shows that these effluents have a strong similarity in profiles and in contents of sterols to the organic layer. 相似文献
Sorption and high dynamics of micropollutants in sewers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Down-the-drain household chemicals are mostly discharged intermittently (i.e. with water pulses, e.g. pharmaceuticals from toilet flushing) and well soluble micropollutants can, therefore, be subject to significantly high short-term fluctuations. It is not known how these fluctuations are attenuated by sorption to sewer sediments or biofilm. First, we investigated in this paper the effect of sorption for substances with high, medium and low affinity to particulate matter based on computational experiments. For substances with high K(oc) we found that the additional attenuation of a load pattern due to sorption is in the same order of magnitude as caused by dispersion in a typical main sewer. The mass flux between wastewater and the first biofilm layer was identified as the most sensitive parameter. Furthermore, the interplay of systematic, slow diurnal variations does not affect short-term fluctuations. Second, during rain events partial erosion of the biofilm can lead to increased micropollutant loads for substances with high K(oc). This increase is in the same order of magnitude as diurnal variations of the loads in the liquid phase and the TSS. 相似文献
An extensive series of experiments has been carried out to investigate the movement mechanisms and behaviour of large solids in small sewers. This paper describes the development, calibration and verification of a model (SOLID) based on data obtained from the experimental rig. It is used to predict solid movement with respect to 'limiting solid transport distance'. Key model parameters are the coefficients of static and dynamic friction, the shape factor of amorphous solids and the flow bypass coefficient. The model is shown to successfully represent the movement of a large solid down a small pipe, where the solid is moving as a sliding, leaking dam, particularly the first 'hop'. Limitations of the model include a limited facility to well represent multiple hops and the need for closely spaced computational nodes leading to small time steps, and long run times. 相似文献
For more than a decade, research carried out in Scotland has investigated the movement of sediment in sewers and the associated pollutant release. Pollution by discharges from combined sewer overflows can adversely affect watercourses, particularly those in urban areas. Solids and dissolved contaminants, many derived from in-sewer deposits during a storm event, can be especially significant. This phenomenon can occur during events known as 'foul flushes'. In combined sewers these typically occur in the initial period of storm flows, when the concentration of suspended sediments and other pollutants is significantly higher than at other times. It has become apparent that much of the suspended load originates from solids eroded from the bed. The 'near bed solids' which are re-entrained into the flow, together with solids eroded from the bulk bed, account for large changes in the suspended sediment concentration under time varying flow conditions. This paper describes some of the methods employed to investigate the solids eroding in combined sewers during peak flow events. The work examined the potential for sediment re-suspension under high flow conditions both in the laboratory and in the field. 相似文献
The exfiltration of wastewater from sewer systems in urban areas causes a deterioration of soil and possibly groundwater quality. Beside the simulation of transport and degradation processes in the unsaturated zone and in the aquifer the analysis of the potential impact requires the estimation of quantity and temporal variation of wastewater exfiltration. Exfiltration can be assessed by the application of a leakage model. The hydrological approach was originally developed to simulate the interactions between the groundwater and surface water, it was adapted to allow for modelling of interactions between groundwater and sewer system. In order to approximate the exfiltration specific model parameters infiltration specific parameters were used as a basis. Scenario analysis of the exfiltration in the City of Dresden from 1997 to 1999 and during the flood event in August 2002 shows the variation and the extent of exfiltration rates. 相似文献
T Frehmann T Mietzel R Kutzner B Spengler W F Geiger 《Water science and technology》2004,50(11):89-96
A special structure of combined sewer overflow tanks is the inline storage sewer with downstream discharge (SKU). This layout has the advantage that besides the sewer system, no other structures are required for storm water treatment. Consequently only very little space is required and compared to combined sewer overflow tanks, there is an enormous potential in reducing costs during construction. To investigate the efficiency of an inline storage sewer, a monitoring station was established in Dortmund-Scharnhorst, Germany. The monitoring station was in operation for a period of 2.5 years. Within this period water samples were taken during a total of 20 discharge events. Besides the complete hydraulic data collection, seven water samplers took more than 5,000 water samples during dry and wet weather. This adds up to a total of more than 20,000 individual lab analyses. The average of the total efficiency for the SKU-West is 86%. 29% of this efficiency can be attributed to the throttle flow. The remaining 57% can be divided into a part of 48% that can be attributed to the process storage and 9% that can be attributed to sedimentation and erosion process. 相似文献
Estimating the level of uncertainty in urban stormwater quality models is vital for their utilization. This paper presents the results of application of a Monte Carlo Markov Chain method based on the Bayesian theory for the calibration and uncertainty analysis of a storm water quality model commonly used in available software. The tested model uses a hydrologic/hydrodynamic scheme to estimate the accumulation, the erosion and the transport of pollutants on surfaces and in sewers. It was calibrated for four different initial conditions of in-sewer deposits. Calibration results showed large variability in the model's responses in function of the initial conditions. They demonstrated that the model's predictive capacity is very low. 相似文献
T Frehmann C Flores F Luekewille T Mietzel B Spengler W F Geiger 《Water science and technology》2005,52(5):151-158
A special arrangement of combined sewer overflow tanks is the in-line storage sewer with downstream discharge (ISS-down). This layout has the advantage that, besides the sewer system, no other structures are required for stormwater treatment. The verification of the efficiency with respect to the processes of sedimentation and remobilization of sediment within the in-line storage sewer with downstream discharge is carried out in a combination of a field and a pilot plant study. The model study was carried out using a pilot plant model scaled 1:13. The following is intended to present some results of the pilot plant study and the mathematical empirical modelling of the sedimentation and remobilization process. 相似文献
In Paris, the OPUR research programme created an experimental on-site observatory of urban pollutant loads in combined sewer systems in order to characterise the dry and wet weather flows at different spatial scales. This article presents the first results on the spatial variability of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) load during wet weather flow (WWF). At the scale of a rain event, investigations revealed that (i) PAH concentrations were relatively homogenous whatever the spatial scale and were greater than those of the dry weather flow (DWF), (ii) PAH distributions between dissolved and particulate phases were constant, and (iii) PAH fingerprints exhibited a similar pattern for all catchments. Moreover, an evaluation of the contribution of DWF, runoff and erosion of sewer deposits to WWF load was established. According to the hypothesis on the runoff concentration, the contributions were evaluated at 14, 8 and 78%, respectively, at the scale of the Marais catchment. For all the catchments, the runoff contribution was found quite constant and evaluated at approximately 10%. The DWF contribution seems to increase with the catchment area, contrary to the sewer erosion contribution, which seems to decrease. However, this latter still remains an important source of pollution. These first trends should be confirmed and completed by more investigations of rain events. 相似文献
We introduce the concepts of a novel approach that allows for the quantification of infiltrating non-polluted waters by a combined analysis of time series of pollutant concentrations and discharged wastewater volume. The methodology is based on the use of automated sensors for the recording of the pollutant concentrations. This provides time series in a high temporal resolution that are suitable for a detailed data analysis and discussion on the underlying assumptions. The procedure is demonstrated on two examples from recent measurement campaigns in Switzerland. 相似文献
An experimental on-site observatory of urban pollutant loads in combined sewers was created in the centre of Paris to quantify and characterise the dry and wet weather flow in relation to spatial scale. Eight rainfall events were studied from April 2003 to May 2004. Samples were analysed for suspended solids, organic matter, nitrogen and heavy metals. Results confirm the extent of wet weather pollution. They have shown the relative homogeneity of SS and organic matter characteristics from one urban catchment area to another. Two groups of heavy metals were identified. The first one concerns Cu, which has a higher concentration in wet weather flow (WWF) than in dry weather flow (DWF), and runoff. The second includes Cd, Pb and Zn, where higher concentrations were measured in urban runoff than in WWF and DWF. A first evaluation of contribution of wastewater, urban runoff and sewer deposit erosion sources to wet weather pollution was established and has highlighted the contribution of wastewater and sewer deposits to this pollution. However, it has shown that sewer deposit erosion remains an important source of wet weather pollution at different spatial scales. 相似文献
The paper is focussed on the concept of defining the "predictability" of sediment transport. Engineers are faced with a number of sediment transport formulas derived from different tests and described as suitable for application in sewers. Bed and suspended load formulas vary in form and performance, generally depending on the data sets that were used to calibrated them. As different sediment types have been tested no single, generally valid formula has been established so far. Formulas are distributed in the scientific literature and are often reported without the information necessary to define their range of potential applicability. Therefore, this paper along with analysing the formulas available, will also comment on the assumptions used in their development as well as the reliability of their underlying data to aid engineers in the selection of the most appropriate sediment transport formulae to correspond with the environment in which they are working. 相似文献
The cost-oriented and sustainable operation of sewer systems requires a comprehensive knowledge about the infiltration situation in the catchment. Owing to the high expenditures for infiltration measurements a reliable transfer of measurement results to other sewer sections would be highly beneficial. Assuming a functional relationship between sewer characteristics and infiltration rates can be identified, such a transfer can be realised by means of classification techniques. In this paper a method is introduced which is based on discriminant analysis and which allows for a transfer of measurement results to similar sub-catchments. The method was applied using two data sets with measured or virtual infiltration rates. It yields acceptable results as a total fraction of 50% to 75% of the investigated sub-catchments was assigned correctly. Furthermore, additional information to assess the results was provided. The quality of the transfer results depends strongly on the homogeneity of the considered sub-catchments. Due to this restriction the practical applicability of the method is restricted. Nevertheless, it might be used as a screening procedure for planning of effective detailed infiltration investigations. 相似文献
城市雨水管渠设计理论与标准问题的探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
使用水力模型进行雨水管渠设计能够克服推理法设计的缺陷,精度较高,但需要细致划分管渠的设计水力状况指标,区分设计暴雨频率和洪灾频率等概念.在介绍发达国家雨水管渠设计思想的基础上,探讨了与我国雨水管渠设计标准相关的若干问题. 相似文献
TSS concentration in sewers estimated from turbidity measurements by means of linear regression accounting for uncertainties in both variables. 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
J L Bertrand-Krajewski 《Water science and technology》2004,50(11):81-88
In order to replace traditional sampling and analysis techniques, turbidimeters can be used to estimate TSS concentration in sewers, by means of sensor and site specific empirical equations established by linear regression of on-site turbidity Tvalues with TSS concentrations C measured in corresponding samples. As the ordinary least-squares method is not able to account for measurement uncertainties in both T and C variables, an appropriate regression method is used to solve this difficulty and to evaluate correctly the uncertainty in TSS concentrations estimated from measured turbidity. The regression method is described, including detailed calculations of variances and covariance in the regression parameters. An example of application is given for a calibrated turbidimeter used in a combined sewer system, with data collected during three dry weather days. In order to show how the established regression could be used, an independent 24 hours long dry weather turbidity data series recorded at 2 min time interval is used, transformed into estimated TSS concentrations, and compared to TSS concentrations measured in samples. The comparison appears as satisfactory and suggests that turbidity measurements could replace traditional samples. Further developments, including wet weather periods and other types of sensors, are suggested. 相似文献