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通过对不同细度生料的易烧性及粉磨功指数进行试验研究后,得出当生料的80 μm细度小于17%时,f-CaO与生料细度呈指数关系,随着细度的变粗,f-CaO增加。生料细度每增减1%,f-CaO升高或降低0.1%。但是当80 μm细度大于17%时,f-CaO与细度的关系比较复杂,呈多项式分布。随着生料80 μm细度的减小,生料的粉磨功耗逐渐升高,物料难磨。当生料细度每降低1%时,生料粉磨功耗将增加0.1~0.2 kWh/t。生料中位径D50与粉磨功耗的关系式为:D50×Wi11.5=1.48×1015。 相似文献
采用了化学分析、激光粒度分析、扫描电镜等手段,对冀东水泥股份有限公司球磨和立磨制备的生料特性及生料易烧性进行了研究。研究表明,生料颗粒的粒径对生料易烧性有影响,特别是>200μm的颗粒对生料的易烧性影响显著;不同粉磨系统的生料其微观结构有差异,易烧性也有差别。 相似文献
本试验研究采用了化学分析、X-射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜、差热分析等现代测试方法,对几家水泥厂所用主要原料石灰石质原料进行分析研究,进而研究石灰石特性对生料易烧性的影响. 相似文献
国投海南水泥有限公司2 000 t/d熟料生产线生料制备采用集粉磨、烘干、选粉、输送功能功于一体的ATOX立磨系统(设计能力160 t/h)。经多年的生产运行,该公司对这一系统的操作要点和相关工艺参数进行了不断的探索,使其生产逐步正常稳定,实际生产能力达170 t/h,系统运转率>85%;系统电耗<14 kWh/t。另外,文章还对该系统在生产调试过程中出现的问题及其处理作了详细介绍。 相似文献
不同磨型在大型水泥生料粉磨系统中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从粉磨能力、烘干能力、喂料粒度和能耗方面入手,对球磨、立磨和辊压机粉磨系统这三种生料磨系统进行了对比分析。分析认为:在大中型水泥生产线工程建设中,生料粉磨方案设计时可优先考虑烘干能力强、能耗低、系统投资低的立磨粉磨系统。 相似文献
研究原料的SO2含量和生料的细度及率值对水泥生料易烧性的影响。结果表明:细度对易烧性影响最小,SO2含量次之,而率值对易烧性影响最大,当Fe2O3含量及铝率控制适当时可提高熟料的KH值和硅率控制值,从而提高熟料的产质量。 相似文献
水泥生料的易烧性的研究,对于原料的选择,配料,煅烧工艺和设备的选择及操作是十分重要的,本文对中东某水泥厂原料的易烧性进行了研究,得出该厂的原料适合生产硅酸盐水泥。 相似文献
The influence of grinding technique on the liberation of clinker minerals and cement properties 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper describes a study of the relationship between the physical, chemical and mineralogical parameters of cement products obtained by different grinding mechanisms namely high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) and ball milling, and their effects upon the properties of cements prepared from the ground clinker. Samples were prepared as narrow size fractions and also as distribution samples. Characterization parameters were ascertained by using XRF, laser sizing, Blaine and BET surface area and image analysis methods. HPGR grinding resulted in higher degrees of liberation of clinker phases arising from the intergranular breakage along the grain boundaries compared to ball mill grinding. As for service properties, water demand of HPGR products was higher than ball mill products resulting from high micro fissured structure. Despite high liberation of particularly alite mineral in HPGR grinding, the compressive strength of ball mill products was slightly higher than HPGR products for narrow size samples. Finally, particle size distribution effect on strength was more obvious for distribution samples; generally ball milling gave higher strength values. 相似文献
This study deals with the characterization of narrowly sized fractions of clinker ground by ball mill and high-pressure grinding rolls. Chemical, physical and mineralogical characterizations were made by using XRF, laser sizing, Blaine, BET, SEM, and image analysis techniques. The emphasis was given to the preferential liberation of the constituent clinker phases. High-pressure grinding rolls gave higher degrees of liberation of mineral phases arising from the intergranular breakage along the grain boundaries compared to ball mill grinding. This is expected to influence the downstream service properties of cement. 相似文献
为探讨煅烧煤矸石在水泥生产中的应用,按KH=0.88~0.92,SM=2.1~2.5,肼=1.2~1.9的熟料率值控制,分别掺入4%,6%和8%的煅烧煤矸石代江砂配料,进行了煤矸石对生料易烧性影响的试验;同时进行煤矸石掺量对熟料烧成制度(烧成温度和烧成时间)影响的研究。在此基础上,进行了煅烧煤矸石对水泥熟料矿物形成过程、组成及质量的影响和作用机理分析探讨。结果表明:(1)掺入4%-8%的煅烧煤矸石,可明显改善生料的易烧性,减少f-CaO含量并能降低烧成温度50~100℃;(2)对掺入6%的煅烧煤矸石并经1250℃,1300℃和1400℃烧成物料的XRD分析可知,在1300℃其烧成反应已较充分,C3S结晶程度高.其熟料烧成范围为1300~1400℃;(3)煤矸石与矿化剂复掺可进一步改善生料的易烧性,其中复掺萤石效果最好。 相似文献
利用石煤烧制水泥熟料时,会带入少量V_2O_5本文研究了V_2O_5对多种配料方案的熟料煅烧和质量的影响,得出以高饱和(低硅)方案为最好。对降低f-CaO而言,V_2O_5在熟料中含量可达1.0%,对熟料强度而言,其最佳含量为0.45%。 相似文献
工业废渣-阴离子团多元复合掺杂对高C3S水泥熟料烧成及性能的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
利用某些工业废渣并复合一些阴离子(团),以一定比例配入生料中,采用高饱和比、高硅率、高铝率配料,在实验室于正常烧成温度下烧成了3d和28d抗压强度分别达42MPa和84MPa、其它性能正常的高C3S水泥熟料(ARPC),实现了熟料的高胶凝性。废渣-阴离子多元复合掺杂通过改善C3S形成的动力学过程改善了生料的易烧性。熟料的高胶凝性一方面是由于熟料中C3S的含量高,另一方面是由于不同的离子以一定量固溶到C3S晶格,会稳定不同的晶型,杂质离子还会改变液相性质,调整CS晶貌,使得水泥熟料具有良好的微观结构。 相似文献
在相同的熟料设计率值、相同的烧成制度下,对不掺加和掺加铅锌尾矿的生料分别进行了生料易烧性的对比实验。研究结果表明:铅锌尾矿可以部分替代铁矿石进行配料生产硅酸盐水泥熟料并起到矿化作用,能够显著改善生料易烧性。 相似文献
Portland cement clinkers from two production units were investigated; Plant 1: ordinary clinker (P1) and clinker mineralised with CaF2+CaSO4 (P1m); Plant 2: ordinary clinker (P2) and two clinkers mineralised with CaF2+CaSO4 (P2m, low SO3 and P2m′, high SO3). The chemical composition of the clinkers was determined by X-ray fluorescence, ICP analysis, titration (free lime) and ion selective electrode measurements (F). Observed clinker parameters (LSF, SR, AR, R, wt.% MgO, F, SO3, free lime): P1 (0.96, 2.72, 1.27, 1.04, 0.78, 0.06, 0.64, 0.71); P1m (1.03, 2.21, 1.58, 2.18, 0.87, 0.23, 1.95, 0.69); P2 (1.00, 2.66, 1.72, 0.75, 4.06, 0.20, 1.38, 1.51); P2m (1.01, 2.91, 1.96, 0.90, 3.21, 0.39, 1.72, 2.06); P2m′ (0.97, 2.70, 1.84, 1.15, 3.86, 0.42, 2.48, 0.89). The qualitative and quantitative phase compositions were characterised using X-ray powder diffraction, backscattered electron imaging, X-ray microanalysis and elemental mapping, plus optical reflection microscopy. Phases observed in all clinkers were: alite, β-belite, cubic aluminate, ferrite and free lime. Additional phases observed were: aphthitalite (P1, P2, P2m, P2m′), calcium langbeinite (P1m) and periclase (P2, P2m, P2m′). The clinker composition and texture differ more between the two plants, than between ordinary and mineralised clinker from the same production unit. Laboratory cements were prepared by mixing ground clinker with CaSO4·2H2O. The cements were hydrated in an isothermal calorimeter at 20 °C (water/cement weight ratio=0.5) during 33 h. After 12 h, the laboratory cement based on P1m reached a higher level of reaction than the one based on P1. The P2m and P2m′ laboratory cements had a slower reaction than the P2 cement. 相似文献