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针对深沟槽内结构制作困难的问题,基于单晶硅各向异性腐蚀原理,推导了[100]单晶硅在KOH溶液中无掩模腐蚀过程台阶宽度与无掩模腐蚀深度之间的解析表达式,通过工艺实验确定了单晶硅[311]面与[100]面的腐蚀速率比;采用适合于三明治微加速度传感器硅芯片制作的无掩模腐蚀成型工艺流程,实现了深沟槽内悬臂梁的准确成型,研制出一种±100gn量程的微加速度传感器.样品测试表明:运用无掩模腐蚀技术制作的微加速度传感器相对精度优于6 ×10-5,灵敏度为17.78 mV/gn.  相似文献   

用<111>硅的自停止腐蚀方法制作硅膜   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用各向异性腐蚀和键合工艺,提出了一种新的自停止腐蚀方法,该方法可以得到大于1μm厚的均匀硅膜,可用于微传感器研制。  相似文献   

阳极键合工艺进展及其在微传感器中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了阳极键合技术的原理和当前阳极键合技术的研究进展,综述了微传感器对阳极键合的新需求,展望了阳极键合技术在传感器领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

研究了一种具有广泛适应性的微机械制造方法,该方法可用于制备各种不同的器件,包括硅微陀螺仪、加速度计、剪切应力传感器以及光开关等.利用该方法,制备了硅微陀螺仪,并给出了所制备的硅微陀螺仪的性能测试结果,同时分析了利用该制备方法制备各种不同器件时,工艺流程对器件性能的影响,重点讨论了硅-玻璃阳极键合、减薄工艺以及深刻蚀所形成的侧壁质量,包括侧壁垂直度、侧壁杂质等因素对器件性能的影响.  相似文献   

利用IntelliSuite软件对热膨胀驱动微阀进行结构分析设计,讨论了微加热器结构等因素对于微阀的影响。利用SU—8胶成型工艺制备了聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)微阀所需要的模具。热膨胀驱动微阀的制备过程分为:薄膜微加热器的金属淀积、阀腔的制备、弹性薄膜的制备和流体通道的制备四部分,详细阐述了各部分的制备工艺流程和各层之间的改性键合工艺等。通过微加工工艺提高了微阀的性能。利用蠕动泵作为流体驱动源,对微阀的性能进行验证,当阀腔驱动电压达到9 V时,实现了微阀关闭。  相似文献   

本文介绍传感器微机械加工中使用的各向异性腐蚀的计算机模拟。  相似文献   

两电极多层阳极键合实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用2个电极通过一次电极反接的方式实现多层样片之间阳极键合的操作工艺和键合机理,并以玻璃-硅-玻璃三层结构为例对其进行了实验研究。结果显示:多余的玻璃对第一次键合过程的电流特性影响不大,而第一次键合的玻璃对第二次键合电流产生显著的影响,电流出现不规则的突变。而且,在第二次键合过程中,第一次键合的玻璃在键合面上会出现由于钠元素积聚而产生的黄褐色斑点。拉伸强度实验的结果表明:第二次键合过程中在第一次键合面形成的反向电压会减弱键合的强度;通过合理选择键合参数可以得到满足MEMS封装要求的键合强度。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于体硅微机电系统(MEMS)工艺制作的扭摆式硅微机械加速度传感器,对制作过程的一些工艺问题进行探讨,并提出相应的解决办法,主要涉及到硅-玻璃阳极键合、结构释放等关键工艺。对测试结果进行了初步分析,分辨力可以达到1mgn,测试±1gn范围内线性度可以达到99.99%。  相似文献   

为了得到微机电系统(MEMS)加速度计硅-玻璃阳极键合的键合强度,进行了剪切破坏测试,并结合材料力学相关理论,得到键合强度表征方法.通过对实验数据的分析,制定键合强度的失效判据,提出了一种评价硅玻璃键合工艺质量的有效方法,在工程实际中具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

This study presents a bulk micromachining fabrication platform on the (100) single crystal silicon substrate. The fabrication platform has employed the concept of vertical corner compensation structure and protecting structure to integrate the wet anisotropic etching and DRIE processes. Based on the characteristics of wet anisotropic etching and DRIE, various MEMS components are demonstrated using the bulk micromachining platform. For instance, the free suspended thin film structures and inclined structures formed by the {111} crystal planes are fabricated by the wet etching. On the other hand, the mesas and cavities with arbitrary shapes and the structures with different leve l heights (or depths) are realized by the characteristics of DRIE. Since the aforementioned structures can be fabricated and integrated using the presented fabrication platform, the applications of the bulk micromachining processes will significantly increase.This research is based on the work supported by WALSIN LIHWA Corporation and the National Science Council of Taiwan under grant of NSC-91–2218-E-007–034. The authors would like to thank the Central Regional MEMS Research Center of National Science Council, Semiconductor Research Center of National Chiao Tung University and National Nano Device Laboratory for providing the fabrication facilities.  相似文献   

本文介绍一种以玻璃作绝缘介质膜的SOG压力传感器,探讨了实现SOG材料良好键合的关键工艺,研究了以腐蚀自致停技术为核心的减薄成膜方法.结果表明,SOG传感器在高温、大压力方面颇具潜力.  相似文献   

This paper describes the realization of Pt-tip microelectrodes by using microfabrication technology. The total height of these microelectrodes is 47 μm, of which the upper 20 or 2 μm, respectively, are exposed Pt tips with a curvature of 0.5 μm. In order to verify the tip opening, an electrochemical plating of thin-film Pt was used. This improves the visualisation of the tips in an SEM and allows us to ascertain the absence of any residual layer. The manufacturing process was assessed by SEM imaging and, in the case of large Pt-tip electrodes, also by an electrochemical evaluation.  相似文献   

各向异性腐蚀技术研究与分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文详细分析了用各向异性腐蚀技术形成的压阻式压力传感器硅杯的几种腐蚀方法,根据实验提出了它们的优缺点,介绍了几种向异性蚀的自致停止法和腐蚀中削角的补偿方法,对制造微量程、高灵敏度的压力传感器有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Silicon fusion bonding is studied as an enabling technology for the fabrication of microrobotic mechanisms. The effects of both surface activation technique and annealing temperature on bond strength are considered using a crack-opening technique. As part of the study, the relationship between patterned silicon feature size and the resulting bond strength is explored. Based on the experimental results, recommendations for an optimal silicon fusion bonding process for micromechanism fabrication are presented. The experimental results indicate that bulk silicon bonding strength can be achieved independent of feature size at temperatures as low as 300°C, with positive implications for micromechanism fabrication.  相似文献   

硅KOH腐蚀<100>晶向凸角补偿技术及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在(100)硅上制作边沿<100>晶向的长方形掩模,用KOH各向异性腐蚀液腐蚀可制得竖直微镜,这种微镜存在凸角削角问题.研究了边沿<100>晶向掩模的凸角补偿技术,提出了2种凸角补偿图形,并应用于竖直微镜制作.实验表明:"工" 形补偿可获得方正的反射面;"Y"形补偿的微镜,反射面呈底角为75.96°的梯形.经补偿后的微镜,可提高光开关切换光束效率.讨论了(100)硅的<100>晶向掩模凸角补偿技术应用于微机械加速度计质量块制作的可能性.  相似文献   

In this paper the process of silicon anisotropic etching in KOH solutions containing isopropyl alcohol in a wide concentration range is extensively studied. Though the alcohol does not take part in the etching process itself, it strongly affects the etching results. Both etch rates and the roughness of etched surfaces depend on the alcohol concentration in the etching solution, which is connected with the adsorption phenomena on the etched surface. The surface coverage with alcohol depends on the level of saturation of the etching solution and crystallographic orientation of an etched surface. It was observed that the best morphology of (1 1 0) surface was achieved just below saturation level with IPA whereas the (1 0 0) surfaces were improving above the saturation. A model, which explains these phenomena, was proposed. Based on this model, a simple way of selection of the composition of KOH solutions with alcohol additives, assuring optimization of etching results was suggested. The method is restricted to surface tension measurements and allows one to avoid elaborated etching experiments.  相似文献   

设计与制造了一种高灵敏度的硅微机械陀螺。陀螺用静电来驱动,用连接成惠斯顿电桥的压阻式力敏电阻应变计来检测。主梁、微梁 质量块结构实现了高灵敏度。比较硬的主梁提供了一定的机械强度,并且提供了高共振频率。微梁很细,检测时微梁沿轴向直拉直压。力敏电阻应变计就扩散在微梁上,质量块很小的挠动就能在微梁上产生很大的应力,输出很大的信号。5V条件下,陀螺检测部分的理论灵敏度达到27.45mV/gn。压阻式四端器件用来监测驱动振幅,可以反馈补偿压阻的温度系数。检测模态的Q值达260使陀螺能在大气下工作。陀螺利用普通的n型硅片制造,为了刻蚀高深宽比的结构,使用了深反应离子刻蚀(DRIE)工艺。  相似文献   

A new method for fabrication nano-porous aluminum grating array   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fabrication technique of highly ordered anodic porous alumina membrane by anodization of Al and the obtained membrane as a mask to the fabrication of 100 nm period antireflection grating hole are described. The two-step anodizing process improves the quality of the nanohole because the periodic seeds are generated by the first anodization. Antireflection grating structures are fabricated by using ordered anodic porous alumina mask and etched by SF6 fast atom beam on silicon wafer. The reflectivity of the antireflection grating structures is measured and compared with that of the calculated value and the polished silicon surface.A part of this work was performed in Venture Business Laboratory in Tohoku University, Japan.  相似文献   

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