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Within the lattice approach to analysis and synthesis problems recently developed in Quadrat (Signal Syst, to appear), we obtain a general parametrization of all stabilizing controllers for internally stabilizable multi input multi output (MIMO) plants which do not necessarily admit doubly coprime factorizations. This parametrization is a linear fractional transformation of free parameters and the set of arbitrary parameters is characterized. This parametrization generalizes for MIMO plants the parametrization obtained in Quadrat (Syst Control Lett 50:135–148, 2003) for single input single output plants. It is named general Q-parametrization of all stabilizing controllers as we show that some ideas developed in this paper can be traced back to the pioneering work of Zames and Francis (IEEE Trans Automat control 28:585-601, 1983) on H -control. Finally, if the plant admits a doubly coprime factorization, we then prove that the general Q-parametrization becomes the well-known Youla-Kučera parametrization of all stabilizing controllers (Desoer et al. IEEE Trans Automat control 25:399–412, 1980; Vidyasagar, Control system synthesis: a factorization approach MIT Press, Cambridge 1985).  相似文献   

We present a theoretical framework for an asymptotically converging, scaled genetic algorithm which uses an arbitrary-size alphabet and common scaled genetic operators. The alphabet can be interpreted as a set of equidistant real numbers and multiple-spot mutation performs a scalable compromise between pure random search and neighborhood-based change on the alphabet level. We discuss several versions of the crossover operator and their interplay with mutation. In particular, we consider uniform crossover and gene-lottery crossover which does not commute with mutation. The Vose–Liepins version of mutation-crossover is also integrated in our approach. In order to achieve convergence to global optima, the mutation rate and the crossover rate have to be annealed to zero in proper fashion, and unbounded, power-law scaled proportional fitness selection is used with logarithmic growth in the exponent. Our analysis shows that using certain types of crossover operators and large population size allows for particularly slow annealing schedules for the crossover rate. In our discussion, we focus on the following three major aspects based upon contraction properties of the mutation and fitness selection operators: (i) the drive towards uniform populations in a genetic algorithm using standard operations, (ii) weak ergodicity of the inhomogeneous Markov chain describing the probabilistic model for the scaled algorithm, (iii) convergence to globally optimal solutions. In particular, we remove two restrictions imposed in Theorem 8.6 and Remark 8.7 of (Theoret. Comput. Sci. 259 (2001) 1) where a similar type of algorithm is considered as described here: mutation need not commute with crossover and the fitness function (which may come from a coevolutionary single species setting) need not have a single maximum.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of ground-based canopy reflectance measurements to detect changes in physiology and structure of vegetation in response to experimental warming and drought treatment at six European shrublands located along a North-South climatic gradient. We measured canopy reflectance, effective green leaf area index (green LAIe) and chlorophyll fluorescence of dominant species. The treatment effects on green LAIe varied among sites. We calculated three reflectance indices: photochemical reflectance index PRI [531 nm; 570 nm], normalized difference vegetation index NDVI680 [780 nm; 680 nm] using red spectral region, and NDVI570 [780 nm; 570 nm] using the same green spectral region as PRI. All three reflectance indices were significantly related to green LAIe and were able to detect changes in shrubland vegetation among treatments. In general warming treatment increased PRI and drought treatment reduced NDVI values. The significant treatment effect on photochemical efficiency of plants detected with PRI could not be detected by fluorescence measurements. However, we found canopy level measured PRI to be very sensitive to soil reflectance properties especially in vegetation areas with low green LAIe. As both soil reflectance and LAI varied between northern and southern sites it is problematic to draw universal conclusions of climate-derived changes in all vegetation types based merely on PRI measurements. We propose that canopy level PRI measurements can be more useful in areas of dense vegetation and dark soils.  相似文献   

Risk management is becoming increasingly important for railway companies in order to safeguard their passengers and employees while improving safety and reducing maintenance costs. However, in many circumstances, the application of probabilistic risk analysis tools may not give satisfactory results because the risk data are incomplete or there is a high level of uncertainty involved in the risk data. This article presents the development of a risk management system for railway risk analysis using fuzzy reasoning approach and fuzzy analytical hierarchy decision making process. In the system, fuzzy reasoning approach (FRA) is employed to estimate the risk level of each hazardous event in terms of failure frequency, consequence severity and consequence probability. This allows imprecision or approximate information in the risk analysis process. Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (fuzzy-AHP) technique is then incorporated into the risk model to use its advantage in determining the relative importance of the risk contributions so that the risk assessment can be progressed from hazardous event level to hazard group level and finally to railway system level. This risk assessment system can evaluate both qualitative and quantitative risk data and information associated with a railway system effectively and efficiently, which will provide railway risk analysts, managers and engineers with a method and tool to improve their safety management of railway systems and set safety standards. A case study on risk assessment of shunting at Hammersmith depot is used to illustrate the application of the proposed risk assessment system.  相似文献   

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