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Records on growth traits were obtained from five Midwestern agricultural experiment stations as part of a beef cattle crossbreeding project (NC-196). Records on birth weight (BWT, n =3,490), weaning weight (WWT, n = 3,237), and yearling weight (YWT, n = 1,372) were analyzed within locations and pooled across locations to obtain estimates of breed of sire differences. Solutions for breed of sire differences were adjusted to the common base year of 1993. Then, factors to use with within-breed expected progeny differences (EPD) to obtain across-breed EPD were calculated. These factors were compared with factors obtained from similar analyses of records from the U. S. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC). Progeny of Brahman sires mated to Bos taurus cows were heaviest at birth and among the lightest at weaning. Simmental and Gelbvieh sires produced the heaviest progeny at weaning. Estimates of heritability pooled across locations were .34, .19, and .07 for BWT, WWT, and YWT, respectively. Regression coefficients of progeny performance on EPD of sire were 1.25+/-.09, .98+/-.13, and .62+/-.18 for BWT, WWT, and YWT, respectively. Rankings of breeds of sire generally did not change when adjusted for sire sampling. Rankings were generally similar to those previously reported for MARC data, except for Limousin and Charolais sires, which ranked lower for BWT and WWT at NC-196 locations than at MARC. Adjustment factors used to obtain across-breed EPD were largest for Brahman for BWT and for Gelbvieh for WWT. The data for YWT allow only comparison of Angus with Simmental and of Gelbvieh with Limousin.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to compare the effects of belt grill and Open Hearth electric broiler cookery on palatability and cooking traits of longissimus steaks. The longissimus thoracis from carcasses of grain-fed steers or heifers was used. Duplicate measurements were made for Warner-Bratzler shear force at 3 and at 14 d after slaughter (n = 180) and trained sensory evaluation at 14 d after slaughter (n = 91) using both cooking methods. Belt grill-cooked samples had lower (P<.01) percentage of cooking losses (21.5 vs 25.8%) and higher (P<.01) shear force values (4.6 vs 4.3 kg) than electric broiler-cooked samples. Repeatability of duplicate measurements was higher for cooking losses (.58 vs .23) and shear force values (.85 vs .64) for belt grill than for electric broiler cooked samples. Belt grilled steaks had lower (P<.01) cooking losses (20.2 vs 29.8%); higher (P<.01) tenderness (7.0 vs 6.7) and juiciness (6.0 vs 5.1); and lower (P<.02) connective tissue amount (7.7 vs 7.8), beef flavor intensity (5.0 vs 5.1), and off-flavor (3.2 vs 3.3) ratings than steaks cooked with the electric broiler. Belt grill cooking increased the repeatability of duplicate sensory measurements for tenderness (.87 vs .71), connective tissue amount (.66 vs .30), and juiciness (.51 vs .08) ratings, and cooking losses (.63 vs .18) compared with cooking with the electric broiler. Belt grill cooking increased the precision for measurements of cooking, Warner-Bratzler shear force, and palatability traits of beef longissimus thoracis.  相似文献   

Evolving ethical, legal, and financial demands require a plan before treatment begins. The authors argue that individual differences research requires the inclusion of personality trait assessment for the construction and implementation of any treatment plan that would lay claim to scientific status. A primer of personality individual differences for treatment planning is presented, including an introduction to constructive realism and major research findings from trait psychology and behavior genetics bearing on treatment planning. The authors present 4 important gains for treatment planning that can be realized from the science of individual differences in personality: (a) knowing where to focus change efforts, (b) realistic expectations, (c) matching treatment to personality, and (d) development of the self. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Data from 3,593 beef heifers and 4,079 of their steer paternal half-sibs were used to estimate genetic parameters of and among female growth and reproductive traits and male carcass traits. Estimates of heritability for adjusted 205-d weight, adjusted 365-d weight, age at puberty, calving rate, and calving difficulty measured on females were .16, .38, .47, .19, and .18, respectively; estimates for calving rate and calving difficulty were expressed on a normal scale. Estimates of heritability for hot carcass weight; retail product percentage; fat percentage; bone percentage; rib eye area; kidney, pelvic, and heart fat percentage; adjusted fat thickness; marbling score; Warner-Bratzler shear force; taste panel tenderness; taste panel juiciness; and taste panel flavor that were measured on steers at an average age of 447 d (weaning age = 185, days on feed = 262) were .50, .66, .58, .54, .61, .48, .66, .71, .26, .31, .00, and .04, respectively. Genetic correlations were positive for heifer weights with hot carcass weight, fat percentage, rib eye area, adjusted fat thickness, marbling score, and Warner-Bratzler shear force, and they were negative with retail product percentage and kidney, pelvic, and heart fat percentage of steers. Age at puberty was genetically correlated with taste panel tenderness but not with other carcass traits. Calving rate had positive genetic correlations with fat percentage, rib eye area, adjusted fat thickness, and taste panel flavor, and it had negative genetic correlations with retail product percentage; bone percentage; and kidney, pelvic, and heart fat percentage. Calving difficulty had favorable genetic correlations with hot carcass weight, retail product percentage, and measures of carcass tenderness, but it was unfavorably correlated with traits that involve carcass fatness. These results indicate that selection for some traits expressed in one sex of beef cattle may result in undesirable responses in traits expressed in the opposite sex.  相似文献   

Comments on Evolutionary psychology: Controversies, questions, prospects, and limitations (see record 2010-02208-001) by Confer et al. We applaud Confer et al.’s (February–March 2010) clarifications of the many misconceptions surrounding the use of evolutionary analyses in psychology. As they noted, such misunderstandings are common and result in a curious tendency of some of our colleagues to criticize evolutionary psychology without a firm understanding of evolution itself. Confer et al. also did an admirable job acknowledging current unresolved issues among evolutionary psychologists (e.g., the relative importance of group selection on humans). The above said, we disagree with their view that a current limitation of evolutionary psychology is its inability to explain phenomena “that appear to reduce an individual’s reproductive success, and cannot be explained by mismatches with, or hijacking of, our psychological mechanisms by modern-day novel inputs” (Confer et al., 2010, p. 122). Mismatches between modern environments and environments of evolutionary adaptedness are only one set of explanations for seemingly maladaptive traits (Nesse, 2005). Another set involves evolutionary trade-offs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Gestation length, unassisted calving percentage, perinatal mortality, calf crop weaned (survival from birth to weaning), birth weight, and 200-d weaning weight of 2,597 calves born and 2,433 calves weaned are reported for F1 crosses resulting from matings of Angus, Hereford, Charolais, Gelbvieh, Pinzgauer, Shorthorn, Galloway, Longhorn, Nellore, Piedmontese, and Salers sires to Angus and Hereford dams (> or = 3 yr of age) in Cycle IV of the Germplasm Evaluation (GPE) Program at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. Hereford and Angus sires included 1) reference sires born from 1963 to 1971 used in previous cycles of the GPE Program, 2) sires born from 1982 to 1985 (1980s), and 3) sires born from 1983 to 1985 used in natural service clean-up matings. Effects of sire breed of calf were significant for gestation length, unassisted calving percentage, birth weight, and 200-d weaning weight. Gestation length was significantly longer for Nellore than for Charolais, Galloway, Longhorn, Piedmontese, and Salers, which were in turn longer than for Hereford-Angus and Shorthorn. Rankings for birth weight tended to be inversely related to those for calving ease, except for Shorthorn and Salers sires, which required low assistance relative to their heavy birth weights. Rankings for 200-d weight among AI-sired progeny were as follows: Charolais (231.3), Nellore (229.7), Salers (225.5), Shorthorn (223.8), 1980s Hereford-Angus (223.1), Piedmontese (220.0), Galloway (209.5), reference Hereford-Angus (210.1), and Longhorn (199.0); differences > or = 6.5 kg were significant.  相似文献   

Examined whether self-perceptions of Type A (coronary prone) behavior changed during adulthood in 211 Ss from 4 age groups (30–39, 40–49, 50–59, and 60–69 yrs) who completed a Type A scale derived from the Adjective Checklist. Ss were asked to provide both concurrent and retrospective self-assessments of Type A behaviors. It was found that age and self-rated Type A traits were not significantly related. However, changes in self-perceptions of Type A traits did appear to be age-related: Ss aged 30–39 yrs perceived themselves as becoming more Type A, while Ss aged 40+ yrs perceived themselves as becoming less Type A. This shift in Type A self-perception was most prominent in Ss aged 60+ yrs. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Secondary analyses of Revised NEO Personality inventory data from 26 cultures (N =23,031) suggest that gender differences are small relative to individual variation within genders; differences are replicated across cultures for both college-age and adult samples, and differences are broadly consistent with gender stereotypes: Women reported themselves to be higher in Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Warmth, and Openness to Feelings, whereas men were higher in Assertiveness and Openness to Ideas. Contrary to predictions from evolutionary theory, the magnitude of gender differences varied across cultures. Contrary to predictions from the social role model, gender differences were most pronounced in European and American cultures in which traditional sex roles are minimized. Possible explanations for this surprising finding are discussed, including the attribution of masculine and feminine behaviors to roles rather than traits in traditional cultures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Twenty academic knowledge tests were developed to locate domain knowledge within a nomological network of traits. Spatial, numerical, and verbal aptitude measures and personality and interest measures were administered to 141 undergraduates. Domain knowledge factored along curricular lines; a general knowledge factor accounted for about half of knowledge variance. Domain knowledge exhibited positive relations with general intelligence (g), verbal abilities after g was removed, Openness, Typical Intellectual engagement, and specific vocational interests. Spatial and numerical abilities were unrelated to knowledge beyond g. Extraversion related negatively to all knowledge domains. Results provide broad support for R. B. Cattell's (1971/1987) crystallized intelligence as something more than verbal abilities and specific support for P. L. Ackerman's (1996) intelligence-as-process, personality, interests, and intelligence-as-knowledge theory of adult intelligence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adhering to the view that emotional reactivity is organized in part by underlying motivational states--defensive and appetitive--we investigated sex differences in motivational activation. Men's and women's affective reactions were measured while participants viewed pictures with varied emotional and neutral content. As expected, highly arousing contents of threat, mutilation, and erotica prompted the largest affective reactions in both men and women. Nonetheless, women showed a broad disposition to respond with greater defensive reactivity to aversive pictures, regardless of specific content, whereas increased appetitive activation was apparent for men only when viewing erotica. Biological and sociocultural factors in shaping sex differences in emotional reactivity are considered as possible mediators of sex differences in emotional response. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The influence of 13 anticancer alkylating agents on cell proliferation, cell cycle parameters, and morphonuclear characteristics was monitored in vitro on three neoplastic cell lines. This monitoring was carried out by means of the digital cell image analysis of Feulgen-stained nuclei. This computer-assisted microscope analysis of chromatin texture made it possible to assess 15 morphonuclear parameters. These 15 parameters were submitted to multivariate analyses, that is, principal-components analyses followed by the canonical transformation of the data. The 13 alkylating agents included four nitrogen mustards (chlormethine, chlorambucil, melphalan, and cyclophosphamide), two nitrosoureas (carmustine and lomustine), two platinum analogues (cisplatine and carboplatine), two ethyleneimine derivatives (thiotepa and investigational PE1001), one antibiotic (mitomycin C), one alkylsulfonate (busulfan), and one triazene (dacarbazine). The mouse MXT mammary and the human J82 and T24 bladder tumor cell lines were used in this study. The results show that these alkylating agents induced specific modifications to the chromatin pattern according to the subclass to which they belong. In other words, the multivariate statistical analyses of the 15 parameters made it possible to identify, at least partly, distinct subclasses of alkylating agents according to their mechanisms of action. As a validation of the methodology, the results also show that most of the alkylating agents induced an increase in the percentage of cells in the G2 phase, while some sometimes induced an increase in the percentage of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Boneless strip loin subprimals (n = 24) were fabricated from 12 USDA Standard yield grade 2 carcasses at a commercial beef processing facility and processed 48 h postmortem to determine the effect of injection of 200 or 250 mM calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution at 5% (wt/wt) on beef quality traits. One-third of the subprimal served as the control; the remaining portion was injected with either 200 or 250 mM CaCl2 at 5% (wt/wt). The CaCl2 concentration treatment was randomly assigned to strip loins fabricated from either the right or left side of the carcass. After 7 or 14 d of postmortem storage at 2 degrees C, 2.5-cm-thick steaks were cut from each control and treated portion of the subprimals and evaluated for Warner-Bratzler shear (WBS) force, retail display characteristics, Minolta colorimeter L*, a*, and b* values, and trained sensory panel ratings. Treatment of the muscle with 250 mM CaCl2 increased (P < .05) trained sensory panel tenderness and beef flavor scores, and both CaCl2 concentrations decreased WBS force values, when compared with the control. Scores for color, uniformity, and browning in the retail display case did not differ (P > .05) for the 200-mM treatment compared with the control. Scores for discoloration in the retail display decreased (P < .05) for all three-way interactions of CaCl2 concentration, aging time, and display time after d 2 (except 7-d control, which remained the same [P > .05] d 1 through 5). The L* values did not differ (P < .05) for interactions of CaCl2 concentration, x aging time, and retail display.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Administered a battery of ability and personality measures to 138 male and 142 female 11th and 12th graders. The ability factors comprised an extended list of the primary mental abilities; the personality factors were many of those comprising R. B. Cattell's trait organization of personality. Results are used to reexamine earlier-established sex differences on ability and personality factors, and to ascertain whether such differences exist on some more recently discovered primary ability traits. Results are presented in terms of the trait means, variances, and covariance structures. (French summary) (2 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined interrelations among measures of memory to determine whether individual differences in children's performance on learning and memory tasks may be attributable to a general strategic factor. Correlations were computed among 3 strategy-based measures of memory and 3 strategy-free measures of memory for 108 8- and 11-yr-olds. Factor analyses of these correlation matrices revealed that only for 11-yr-olds did the 3 strategy-based measures load on a single factor, as would be expected if general strategic ability was a source of individual differences in children's memory. For both 8- and 11-yr-olds there was some evidence for the presence of a strategy-free factor. (10 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has received considerable attention in recent years over its potential for providing indices of multiple sclerosis activity and progression in clinical trials of new pharmaceuticals. The perceived advantages of MRI-derived measurements include greater objectivity, sensitivity, and reproducibility when compared with clinical rating scales. Clinical scales are also somewhat biased toward lesions affecting locomotion. However, the myriad permutations of MRI acquisition parameters, analysis methodologies, and disease indices demand careful consideration when employing MRI. Moreover, the use of MRI in research into the basic mechanisms of a disease may have different requirements than its use in a clinical trial setting. Consequently, a conference was held, sponsored by the US and Canadian multiple sclerosis societies, to review the present status of various MRI processing strategies and their potential role in clinical trials. Thirteen laboratories from North America and Europe as well as regulatory agencies and statistical consultants made formal presentations followed by extended discussion. This report presents the conclusions reached and recommendations for further action that emerged from the meeting.  相似文献   

Loins from 12 carcasses of Small minus marbling and loins from 12 carcasses of Slight minus marbling were selected. Steaks from these loins were either completely trimmed of external fat or trimmed to .6 cm of external fat. Steaks were cooked to 67 degrees C either by a rapid, high-temperature broiler-grill or by a slower, lower temperature electric broiler. Muscle on the dorsal side of steaks (where fat trimming was performed) was used for shear force measurements (five separate core locations), and the ventral portion was used for sensory evaluation of tenderness. Sensory scores for tenderness were affected (P < .05) by various first-order interactions, although differences were minimal. Steaks of Slight minus marbling cooked by broiler-grilling had reduced tenderness scores. Only when steaks were cooked by broiler-grilling did complete fat removal produce cores that appeared more well-done. Broiler-grilling produced more well-done cores than did electrical broiling. Correlations between shear force expressed as peak load and tenderness scores were highest in cores that were more similar in degree of doneness to sensory evaluation samples. Although broiler-grilling produced considerable within-steak variation in degree of doneness, some of the highest correlations between shear core degree of doneness and peak load and between peak load and sensory tenderness were obtained with this broiling procedure. This would imply that rapid broiling is important in creating uniform tenderness in loin steaks of reduced fat, but further modifications in rapid broiling cookery are necessary to improve uniformity of cooked meat color.  相似文献   

Two groups of Brangus steers produced by nuclear transplantation cloning were used in parallel studies investigating the impact of calf- and yearling-feeding. The first group (n = 8) were fed as calves (CF; n = 4) or yearlings (YF; n = 4) to a constant age end point of 16 mo. The second group (n = 10) were fed as calves (CF; n = 5) or yearlings (YF; n = 5) to a constant live weight end point (530 kg). When slaughtered at the same age, CF and YF steers did not differ (P > .05) in feedlot ADG, but the CF steers were heavier and had higher dressing percentages, numeric yield grades, and quality grades (P < .05). Top loin steaks from the groups of steers did not differ (P > .05) in palatability traits. When fed to a constant live weight, the YF steers gained more rapidly (P < .05) and had lower (P < .05) numeric yield grades than did CF steers. Again CF steers had higher (P < .05) dressing percentages. There was no difference (P > .05) between the treatments in carcass quality grade or meat palatability characteristics. Thus, when finished to a constant weight end point, YF steers gained more rapidly, with no adverse effects on carcass quality grade or palatability traits; however, CF steers consistently produced higher dressing percentages, largely due to greater external fatness.  相似文献   

A study was conducted comparing ovary and oviduct development following photostimulation in two lines of turkey breeder stocks (female line and male line). Birds were euthanatized for assessment of reproductive organ morphology at 3-d intervals following photostimulation (203 d of age) to 245 d and on the day following their first oviposition. The age at first oviposition was similar for both lines. Male line birds were 3 to 4 kg heavier than female line birds throughout the study, but had lower abdominal fat pad weights when expressed as a percentage of BW. Female line birds had significantly more total carcass lipid as a percentage of BW than male line birds (24.76 vs 22.79%, respectively). Male line birds had significantly more large ovarian follicles with a greater proportion in a triple or greater hierarchical arrangement at first egg. To determine the incidence of unreconciled ovulations (presumed to be internally ovulated follicles and defined as ovulations occurring prior to first oviposition), postovulatory follicles on the ovary were reconciled with observed ovipositions and the developing eggs that were in the oviduct at the time of study. On average, male line hens had 3.0 unreconciled postovulatory follicles at first egg, whereas the female line hens had 1.6. The incidence of birds with physical remnants of internal ovulation was correlated (r = 0.44) to the number of unreconciled ovulations. The developing oviduct of the female line birds reached its mature weight (84.8 g) 3 d earlier than the ovary did. The developing ovary and oviduct of the male line hens reached their mature weights on the same day. The development of the male line oviduct is seemingly accelerated relative to that of the ovary, resulting in lost ovulations early in lay.  相似文献   

Investigated the validity of the assumption that females do not have the personality traits characteristic of senior managers. 71 female and male Master of Business Administration (MBA) students were tested on the 16 PF, the Rathus Assertiveness Inventory, and the California Personality Inventory. Female and male MBA students did not generally differ on most measures of personality. An observed difference was that the women scored higher on some of the scales that depicted masculine traits whereas their male counterparts scored higher on some of the scales that depicted feminine traits. Females may feel more pressure to conform since they comprise a minority in the business community. The data suggest that female MBA students do possess the personality traits that are commonly used to define a competent manager. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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