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This paper presents the movement speeds and behavioral data for 45 residents evacuating a six-story assisted-living facility located on the East Coast of the United States. The building's population comprised of a diverse array of older adults and disabled residents descending the stairwells by the following methods: self-evacuation without assistance, assistance using a cane, assistance from another occupant or firefighter, or assistance using a stair chair. Movement data of these specific groups was compared and contrasted with other data collected on mobility-impaired individuals. In the current study, the National Institute of Standards and Technology observed overall average speeds ranging between (0.11 to 0.29) m/s, which in some cases, approximate the speeds of disabled people and older adults found in earlier studies, and in other cases is slower than previous studies. Slower speeds in this case may have resulted from observing a wider variety of mobility impairments (since the building observed was an assisted-living facility) and evacuation assistance provided by untrained populations. These data provide an adequate confirmation of exiting literature values typically used for disabled movement speeds in addition to updated values for future analyses.  相似文献   

Mitigation of thermal stress and adverse indoor climatic conditions is important to older low‐income populations whose age, health, and economic circumstances make them vulnerable to indoor environmental conditions. This research examines whether energy retrofits in affordable housing for older adults can also improve indoor climatic (i.e., temperature, humidity, air infiltration) conditions and whether such improvements correspond with improved health and comfort of residents. An apartment complex for low‐income older adults in Phoenix was the study site. In 2010, renovations were undertaken to make it more energy efficient and to replace interior cabinetry, flooring, and paint with materials that had low or no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Fifty‐seven residents from 53 apartment units participated in both baseline (pre‐renovation) and 1 year post‐renovation data collection trials. Environmental measures included temperature, relative humidity, and air infiltration. Health measures included general health, emotional distress, and sleep. Four questions addressed residents' perceptions of temperature quality. Results demonstrated a 19% reduction in energy consumption following the retrofit. In addition, fixed effects statistical models of the panel data showed significant stabilization of unit temperature from pre‐retrofit to 1 year post‐retrofit. Reductions in an apartment's temperature extremes of 27.2°C (81°F) and above also corresponded with improvement in occupant's reported health over the same time period, although not with occupant's perceptions of thermal comfort.  相似文献   

People with dementia may have an altered sensitivity to indoor environmental conditions compared to other older adults and younger counterparts. This paper, based on literature review and qualitative research, provides an overview of needs regarding thermal comfort and the design and implementation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for people with dementia and other relevant stakeholders through the combined use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, and the Model of Integrated Building Design. In principle, older adults do not perceive thermal comfort differently from younger adults. Due to the pathology of people with dementia, as well as their altered thermoregulation, the perception of the thermal environment might be changed. Many people with dementia express their discomfort through certain behaviour that is considered a problem for both family and professional carers. Ethical concerns are raised as well in terms of who is in charge over the thermal conditions, and the protection against temperature extremes in hot summers or cold winters. When implementing heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems one should consider aspects like user–technology interaction, diverging needs and preferences within group settings, safety issues, and minimising negative behavioural reactions and draught due to suboptimal positioning of outlets. At the same time, technology puts demands on installers who need to learn how to work with customers with dementia and their family carers.  相似文献   

There are currently about 6 million – mainly older – people with dementia in the European Union. With ageing, a number of sensory changes occur. Dementia syndrome exacerbates the effects of these sensory changes and alters perception of stimuli. People with dementia have an altered sensitivity for indoor environmental conditions, which can induce problematic behaviour with burdensome symptoms to both the person with dementia and the family carer. This paper, based on literature review, provides an overview of the indoor environmental parameters, as well as the integrated design and implementation of relevant building systems. The overview is presented in relation to the intrinsic ageing of senses, the responses of older people with dementia and the impact on other relevant stakeholders through the combined use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, and the Model of Integrated Building Design. Results are presented as indicators of the basic value, functional value and economic value, as well as a synthesis of building-related solutions. Results can help designers and building services engineers to create optimal environmental conditions inside the living environments for people with dementia, and can be used to raise awareness among health care professionals about of the influence of the indoor environment on behaviour of the person with dementia.  相似文献   

城市老年人的心理健康状态与其生活 的住区环境密切相关,通过对住区环境的优化 以支持老年人心理健康促进,有助于老年友好 城市和健康城市的建设。然而既有研究在理论 模型、指标选取和分析方法层面存在一定局限, 制约了适应于老年人心理健康的规划调整与干 预策略的提出。本研究依托于可行能力、自我 效能和社会生态模型视角的范式创新,构建适 应于老年人心理健康的住区环境优化的概念模 型,基于文献综述和概念模型提出研究框架: 选取影响老年人心理健康的住区建成和自然环 境指标体系;利用多阶层模型、非线性模型和结 构方程模型等方法甄别老年人心理健康的住区 环境影响要素、临界阈值和作用机制。研究希冀 为老年人心理健康友好型的环境规划和设计提供重点和方向,推动健康理念下的住区发展新模式,为老龄化健康住区的实践认知和设计导控 提供理论支撑和研究范式。  相似文献   

田赛中的投掷项目需要精确测定投掷距离,可采用全站仪和计算机联机作业,对于TC1700全站仪,投掷距离的测定误差为±3.42mm,所报运动员成绩的可靠度为86.36%,为确保成绩的真实性,应选用测距中误差不大于2mm+2ppm·D且测角中误差不大于5″的全站仪。  相似文献   

Inactive lifestyles have negative health consequences, while time spent sedentary (sitting and lying) is related to morbidity and premature mortality. Older adults often form the most sedentary segment of the population. Much of this behaviour may be practised at home where this group can spend extended periods. Physical activity rates among older adults are particularly low. Even household physical activities can be beneficial for this group, while they can constitute much of an older person's total activity. Despite this context, the home's role in the active and sedentary behaviours of the older population appears critically understudied. Using interview and focus group data collected from 22 older adults (healthy volunteers, stroke survivors and people with dementia), this paper begins to address this issue. Aspects of the home that aid or impede a more active, less sedentary lifestyle are identified with three presenting particular capacity in this respect discussed: steps, space within the home, and the location and form of facilities, fixtures and fittings. The crucial role health status plays in structuring this capacity is identified. Simple design recommendations, devised to support older people to lead more active lives at home, are presented.  相似文献   

住宅建筑火灾时家庭行为对安全疏散的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从社会学、心理学的角度阐述火灾情况下的家庭行为,针对家庭疏散时的特点描述聚集、逃生两个阶段,并结合有关疏散时间的模拟模型,探讨了家庭行为对安全疏在火灾危险情况下出现返回、等待、聚集的现象,耽误了疏散时间,给疏散造成不利影响。  相似文献   

The article examines how the housing tenure of older Australians, who are primarily or solely dependent on the government age pension for their income, impacts on their health. Drawing on 125 in-depth interviews with older private renters, social housing tenants and homeowners, it focuses mainly on interviewees’ narratives as to the impacts of their housing tenure on their mental health and outlook. It illustrates that security of tenure and cost of accommodation potentially has a profound impact on the psychological health of older Australians. Most of the older private renters told of being constantly stressed due to concerns about being given notice to vacate or an untenable rent increase. In contrast, the strong security of tenure and limited accommodation costs of older social housing tenants and homeowners created a foundation for a positive outlook and the capacity to lead a decent life.  相似文献   

This paper presents an account of the results of a series of tests on partially-encased composite steel/concrete beam-columns. The experimental inelastic behaviour of members is examined under idealised conditions representing extreme lateral loading in combination with co-existing axial gravity loads. Members with three different cross-sectional sizes, utilising Grade S460 steel, were employed in the tests. The specimens were tested under major- or minor-axis bending in conjunction with a constant level of axial loading. The experimental arrangement and test rig constructed for this purpose are described together with the material properties and details of the specimens. The main experimental results from tests carried out on ten composite models are presented and discussed. In addition to providing essential data for validating future analytical and design studies, the experimental results and observations enable a direct assessment of several important factors. Particular emphasis is placed on key parameters related to yield and ultimate capacity as well as on ductility and residual strength considerations.  相似文献   

The transformation of fertility and family behaviour in post-socialist countries was quick and the changes were striking. An account of the changes is the subject of dispute and the mechanisms have still not been explained in a fully satisfying manner. Relatively little attention has been paid to the changes in spatial aspects concerning the broadening of changes in family behaviour. The aim of this paper is to answer the question as to whether changes spread stochastically in post-socialist countries or if there are obvious spatial patterns. The study tries to answer the questions whether there are any cores of changes which may be understood as innovations, if there is any spatial clustering and if the extent is hierarchically arranged.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse and compare three variants of a family house in order to evaluate the total environmental impacts produced during the whole building life cycle. The first variant corresponds to the standard in force in Switzerland, the second alternative to the requirements of a quality control label for houses with low energy consumption and the third case is a very low energy consumption building. The three variants have the same architectural aspect but different insulation thicknesses and types, different energy production systems and the use of different renewable energies. The calculation of the environmental impacts is carried out by means of a life cycle analysis, which includes not only the impact related to the energy consumption during the occupancy stage, but also the materials manufacture, transport, replacement and elimination at the end of the building lifetime. The results are expressed with the Swiss and the UCTE (Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity) electricity mix to analyse how they influence the building impact.  相似文献   


There is growing recognition within housing preference studies that younger housing consumers are more amenable to compact dwellings. Yet, there remains uncertainty around the drivers of these preferences. In Auckland, the development of a spatial plan emphasizing intensification has attracted opposition from residents, reinforcing a notion that compact housing is largely unappealing. Utilizing a housing pathways approach, we question this notion through examining the housing narratives of Generation Y, a cohort whose preferences are largely ignored in this debate and poorly understood within housing research. This paper highlights the influence of past experiences on attitudes to changing urban environments, providing several themes related to housing experiences that have the potential to influence preferences. We conclude that a process of ‘acclimatisation’ to density is likely as Generation Y become exposed to higher-density housing. However, to encourage positive experiences, compact dwellings must attend to the dynamic nature of contemporary housing pathways and provide quality housing, located where young people aspire to live.  相似文献   

Over 40% of nursing home residents in the Netherlands are estimated to have visual impairments. In this study, light conditions in Dutch nursing homes were assessed in terms of horizontal and vertical illuminances and colour temperature. Results showed that in the seven nursing homes vertical illuminances in common rooms fell significantly below the 750 lx reference value in at least 65% of the measurements. Horizontal illuminance measurements in common rooms showed a similar pattern. At least 55% of the measurements were below the 750 lx threshold. The number of measurements at the window zone was significantly higher than the threshold level of 750 lx. Illuminances in the corridors fell significantly below the 200 lx threshold in at least three quarters of the measurements in six of the seven nursing homes. The colour temperature of light fell significantly below the reference value for daylight of 5000 K with median scores of 3400 to 4500 K. A significant difference in colour temperature was found between recently constructed nursing homes and some older homes. Lighting conditions of the examined nursing homes were poor. With these data, nursing home staff have the means to improve the lighting conditions, for instance, by encouraging residents to be seated next to a window when performing a task or during meals.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the experimental evaluation of steel-concrete composite member seismic performance. Relationships between the members’ seismic performance and structural parameters, such as the sectional steel strength ratios and bi-axial bending magnitudes were defined. Test results show that the strength deterioration rates increased when the members’ steel strength ratios in the weak-axis were increased. The test results also suggested that steel strength ratios in the strong and weak sectional directions be adequately adjusted so that high member performance could be achieved. It is proposed in this study that the ratio between the strong and weak-axes steel strength ratios be set to approximately 2.2 to optimize the member’s seismic performance.  相似文献   

We sought to investigate the association between active cigarette smoking (ex- and current smokers) with or without exposure to biomass fuels and respiratory symptoms/lung function in middle-aged adults and the elderly. In the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease surveillance conducted in six cities of Guangdong province, China, we surveyed 1986 residents aged 40-93 years. We recorded respiratory symptoms, smoking status, use of biomass fuel, and other covariates by using a structured questionnaire. All models were adjusted for second-hand smoking. Active smoking with or without exposure to biomass fuels was significantly associated with wheezing, chronic cough, and phlegm (all P < .05). Active smoking alone with or without exposure to biomass fuels was associated with 2.5% and 0.6% reduction in the mean forced vital capacity predicted, 6.8% and 4.2% reduction in the mean forced expiratory volume in one second predicted, and 9.0% and 4.7% reduction in the mean maximal mid-expiratory flow predicted compared with the exposure to neither smoking nor biomass fuels, respectively. However, exposure to biomass fuel alone was associated with neither greater lung function impairment nor respiratory symptoms except for chronic cough. Efforts should be made to protect home owners and their family from adverse effects of indoor air pollution.  相似文献   

Concrete-filled steel tubes (CFST) are used extensively in modern civil engineering. In many cases, they are often subjected to shear and constant axial compression, particularly when being used in high-rise buildings. ABAQUS Programming is used in this paper for the analysis of CFST subjected to shear and constant axial compression. A comparison of results calculated using this model shows good agreement with test results in general. The theoretical model was used to investigate the influence of important parameters that determine the ultimate shearing strength of the composite members. The parametric studies provide information for the development of formulae to calculate the ultimate strength of CFST members subjected to shear and constant axial compression.  相似文献   

This systematic research review examines the role of building- and interior-scale environmental factors of homes and residential developments in promoting or inhibiting older adults’ sedentary behaviour and active living. Using an adaptation of the Cochrane Review protocol, the search and screen for relevant, rigorous research studies resulted in 37 research articles. The review focuses on six built environment characteristics: (1) barriers, supports and features that ‘fit'; (2) spatial organization and layout; (3) environmental cues; (4) ambient qualities; (5) assistive technologies; and (6) gardens and outdoor spaces. Accessibility-oriented features dominated the studies and findings. Pathway and corridor design, and environmental cues that convey an instrumental function of a space also facilitated active living. Ambient features such as lighting quality and meaningful sounds and aromas were important facilitators to active living among residents with dementia. To strengthen the knowledge base of the field and its application in design and improvements of residential environments, future research should focus on: detailed measurement of built environment factors as well as active living; increasing use of digital technologies for such measurements; multidisciplinary research teams; and policy-driven research questions that arise with housing the growing population of older adults in a healthy manner.  相似文献   

The main shock of the earthquake at El Asnam on 10 October 1980 was a sudden, vertical impulse with high frequency vibrations of short duration followed by lesser vibrations. Case histories of a number of buildings are given, and the lessons that can be drawn from their failure, for future aseismic design.  相似文献   

J. Wang  Y.S. Tian  T.J. Lu 《Thin》2005,43(6):983-1002
This paper presents an experimental study on the role of frame members and sheathing by means of strain/stress distributions in each of the constituents of a cold-formed steel wall panel. Vertical compression loading was applied, and strain gauges were extensively used during the tests. At a given cross-section of the middle stud, strains/stresses experienced by its flanges are found to be significantly different from those on the web, indicating that the middle stud is not balanced in simple compression mode. However, the averaged stress on the flanges and that on the web follow the same trend as that recorded by the load cell, and can be used to work out the load carried by the stud. Screw connections between the stud and the board not only restrain the lateral displacement of the stud, but also support and re-distribute a portion of the load to the board and then to the bottom track. Upon loading, the axial force experienced by a typical screw is negligibly small initially, increasing slowly with load until substantial stud buckling occurs, resulting in often its pulling-out from the board or the stud/track. The board acts as a shearing member to steady the whole panel, a supporting member to enhance the overall/local buckling performance of the middle stud and sidetracks, as well as a structural member to support part of the vertical load.  相似文献   

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