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Because requirements engineering (RE) problems are widely acknowledged as having a major impact on the effectiveness of the software development process, Sommerville et al. have developed a requirements maturity model. However, research has shown that the measurement process within Sommerville’s model is ambiguous, and implementation of his requirements maturity model leads to confusion. Hence, the objective of our research is to propose a new RE maturity measurement framework (REMMF) based on Sommerville’s model and to provide initial validation of REMMF. The main purpose of proposing REMMF is to allow us to more effectively measure the maturity of the RE processes being used within organisations and to assist practitioners in measuring the maturity of their RE processes. In order to evaluate REMMF, two organisations implemented the measurement framework within their IT divisions, provided us with an assessment of their requirements process and gave feedback on the REMMF measurement process. The results show that our measurement framework is clear, easy to use and provides an entry point through which the practitioners can effectively judge the strengths and weakness of their RE processes. When an organisation knows where it is, it can more effectively plan for improvement.
June VernerEmail:

When developing multiple products within a common application domain, systematic use of a software product family process can yield increased productivity in cost, quality, effort and schedule. Such a process provides the means for the reuse of software assets which can considerably reduce the development time and the cost of software products. A comprehensive strategy for the evaluating the maturity of a software product family process is needed due to growing popularity of this concept in the software industry. In this paper, we propose a five-level maturity scale for software product family process. We also present a fuzzy inference system for evaluating maturity of software product family process using the proposed maturity scale. This research is aimed at establishing a comprehensive and unified strategy for process evaluation of a software product family. Such a process evaluation strategy will enable an organization to discover and monitor the strengths and weaknesses of the various activities performed during development of multiple products within a common application domain.  相似文献   

形式概念分析与软件过程改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 引言软件过程的改进是一个复杂的过程。影响软件过程改进的因素有很多,既有软件企业管理层对其意义的理解和倡导,也有软件过程实施当中数据的收集和分析。因为从理论、方法和技术上讲,后者涉及更多的富有挑战性的领域,所以数据的收集和分析(尤其是数据分析)更加直接地决定了过程改进的成功与否。比如,基于CMM的软件过程改进主要解决以下问题:  相似文献   

《可编程器件应用》课程是电子信息类专业的核心课程。为适应工程认证标准要求,通过制定教学培养目标、优化课程教学内容和建立课程教学评价体系三方面对该课程进行教学研究。文中将认证的基本理念应用于课程教学研究,以此来提高教学质量,提升人才培养的素质,最终达到工程教育专业认证对学生毕业能力的要求。  相似文献   

The paper presents the implementation of Business Process Management in a large international company. The business case illustrates the main objectives and approach taken with the BPM initiative. Central element of the BPM implementation was the development of a process framework which consists of a reference process house (RPH) and common methods for process management across the company. In order to assess the implementation of Business Process Management and the achievements a process management maturity assessment was developed and implemented. The maturity model is based on nine categories which comprehensively cover all aspects which impact the success of Business Process Management. Some findings of the first assessment cycle are pinpointed to illustrate the benefits and best practice exchange as a result of the assessment.  相似文献   

It is well recognised that that there is a correlation between process maturity in large organisations and project success. In response to this, a number of process models and standards have been developed for the large-project environment. The Australian defence industry, unlike many overseas countries, relies to a much greater extent on small and medium-sized enterprises to supply equipment and services. Hence, the question has arisen about the scalability of overseas concepts to the Australian defence industry situation. To address this question, a research project has been undertaken to identify the current baseline of process capability for the South Australian defence software and systems engineering industry. This paper presents findings from the research project, including a general characterisation of the industry process capability and a discussion of the common perceived strengths and challenges of organisations within the industry. The project’s objectives, research design and findings are then compared and contrasted with similar research activities conducted in different parts of the world. Finally, the paper draws conclusions based on the body of work presented and suggests areas for future research and development to address industry needs.  相似文献   

CMM是评估软件能力与成熟度的一套标准,它侧重于软件开发过程的管理和工程能力的提高与评估。过程数据库PDB和过程能力基线PCB是CMM的两个机制,通过研究它们,有利于实现CMM3和CMM4中的一些重要指标。PCB有助于过程的分析和改进。本文着重讨论了PDB的概念和内容;讨论了PCB的具体定义;并根据Infosys公司的资料推出PCB以及它与统计过程控制的关系;介绍了PCB在过程改进和分析中的应用。本文对CMM的实施有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

统计过程控制方法在软件测试过程分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件测试过程是软件生命周期过程的一个重要组成部分,测试工作的好坏对软件产品的整体质量有直接的影响。文章通过使用统计过程控制方法对一个典型软件测试过程的分析,指出了测试过程、开发过程和质量监控工具中存在的问题及其改进的方向。  相似文献   

面向复用和基于构件的开发方法已经成为新的软件开发范例,许多企业也已经或计划引入这种新的软件开发方式。与一般的过程能力改进一样,这些企业也面临着如何评估自身当前软件复用能力从而制定下一步改进计划的问题。然而,当前流行的CMM/CMMI以及SPICE等过程标准都缺少面向复用和构件化开发过程的剪裁和定制,这在一定程度上阻碍了软件企业采用新的基于复用的开发方法。本文对软件复用能力评估和改进相关的工业实践和研究情况进行了总结,在此基础上提出了一种系统的软件复用能力评估框架。该框架为企业面向复用的开发过程提供了一种阶段式的评估框架,因此可以为企业面向复用能力的过程改进提供相应的指导和决策依据。本文还对软件复用能力评估框架的实施过程进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在软件企业中实施小组软件过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件企业在追求改进产品交付质量、降低软件开发成本、提高组织生产效率的三大商业目标时,已经认识到不断改进和完善自身软件过程、增强过程能力、实现成熟软件过程的必要性和迫切性。在此过程中,所面临的首要问题是如何根据企业自身情况建立或整理出一套良好的软件过程,并对此加以明确定义。该文结合所在项目组进行的小组软件过程实践,对TSP实施过程中可能遇到的一些共性问题进行了深入的分析,并提出相应的解决方案以及具体的实施策略和主要步骤。  相似文献   

软件过程控制模型,如CMM(后更名为SW-CMM)模型是一种软件过程能力评估标准,现已得到了众多国家软件产业界的认可,成为从事规模软件生产的有效性依据之一.企业的软件能力取决于该企业的过程能力,特别是在软件开发和生产中的成熟度.在CMM2模型中,将这种能力归结为可重复级别.CMM2级模型是使软件企业从开发过程的杂乱无章走向受控制管理的基础.近年来,我国的软件事业飞速发展,大量的软件企业纷纷建立.但是,在软件过程控制方面也存在一些问题,有相当一部分企业也认识到了软件过程规范管理的重要性,开始实施CMM2级管控.但是,有相当多的企业一直徘徊不前,其原因是对CMM2级理解不够透彻,本文针对CMM2级中的关键过程域和实施中的技术问题进行分析,希望为此提供一些有用的参考.  相似文献   

软件过程与软件之间有着非常紧密的联系.借鉴软件体系结构SA的有关概念,提出了软件演化过程体系结构SEPA,试图用SEPA在总体上描绘出软件演化过程的蓝图.给出SEPA的相关定义、研究目的和意义,并对SEPA的描述工具以及风格进行论述,最后提出了一种基于SEPA和过程构件的软件演化过程设计方法.  相似文献   

A modular laboratory to support process control and process engineering teaching has been designed and commissioned. The Instrumentation and Control Laboratory in the School of Engineering, Murdoch University, is unique in that it contains no fixed experiments. Rather, an experiment is constructed for a particular teaching concept from the range of process modules available. After use, the experiment is disconnected, and its components used for other experiments or returned to a store. This modular approach has allowed great flexibility in the construction of experiments to meet current learning objectives, while proving very cost effective. The reuse of equipment has avoided duplication and provided a much higher usage factor, allowing a wider menu of experiments for less investment. The other unique aspect of the laboratory is its centralised data acquisition and control system in which every measurement and control signal is linked to a central server and then made available across a network.  相似文献   

Nowadays, security aspects represent one of the most significant barriers for the adoption of large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) deployments. In this sense, being able to certify and communicate the security level of a certain device is crucial for their acceptance. Towards this end, we propose a security certification methodology designed for IoT to empower different stakeholders with the ability to assess security solutions for large-scale IoT deployments in an automated way. It also supports transparency on the IoT security level to the consumers because the methodology provides a label as one of the main results of the certification process. The certification approach represents an instantiation of the Risk-based Security Assessment and Testing methodologies presented by ETSI based on the ISO 31000 and ISO 29119, and it is built on top of different technologies and approaches for security testing and risk assessment adapted to the IoT landscape. As a proof of concept, the proposed methodology is applied to one of the scenarios proposed in the scope of the Horizon 2020 ARMOUR project for assessing the fulfillment of several security properties of IoT devices.  相似文献   

中小型企业软件过程改善方法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
软件过程改善是各个企业建立适合自身软件生产线和促进软件工业化生产的必由之路。软件过程理论和技术的研究与应用始终存在一定的差距,在国内外成功应用并受益于这些软件经验与技术的企业多数是国防企业和大型的商业企业,中小型企业具有不同于大型企业的企业特征,这些特征有些有利于软件工程技术的应用与实施,而有些又限制了软件工程技术的应用与实施。软件过程改善的关键是量体裁衣,以理论和模型为指导,充分结合企业特征,进行适合企业特色的软件过程改善。该文在分析中小型软件企业的企业文化、企业规模、软件生产的创新能力、动态变化能力、技术革新能力等特征的基础上,提出在对中小型软件企业进行过程改善时应突出几个方面,一是过程改善应充分利用开发组的丰富创造能力为解决过程改善问题提出方案,在确立过程改善目标时应尽可能多地涉及各种层次的项目组人员,同时采取划分过程改善任务单元的方法,不破坏软件开发过程的连续性;二是过程改善得到的结果应不限制团体的创造性,对过程改善结果的应用应针对具体项目相关的问题,而非建立一般性的软件过程规范。三是过程改善是应着重企业关心的目标,不一定完全依从CMM。在进行过程改善时,应实施“项目分析”关键子域,“项目分析”是以过程度量为核心的,分析?  相似文献   

Petri网的进程文法和进程语言   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、引言 Petri网进程是分析网系统运行行为最有力的工具。Petri网进程既考虑了网系统的状态变化又准确记录了引起这些变化的条件,清晰地反映事件(变迁)之间的并发和顺序关系,因此,Petri网进程比其它分析方法更便于对并发现象以及系统中同并发有关的一些性质进行分析。然而,Petri网的一个进程只能反映Petri网的一种可能的运行情况。一个Petri网往往有许多个进程,不可能一一列举,这就为进程分析带来了困难。文[1,2]中,提出了利用进程表达式描述Petri网的所有进程的方法,一个有界Petri网的进程表达式是该网的基本子进程集(有限集)为字母表的正规表达式,一个无界公平Petri网在可重复进程段行为等价的条件下也是一个正规表达式。对  相似文献   

For an industrial product with more than a minimal complexity the only reasonable way to ensure its quality is to guarantee that it is produced via a quality process. Industrial maturity demonstrates itself in the ability to separate the product from its development process, that is separating the WHAT from the HOW. This separation allows to analyze and certify (!) the development process. Especially for software development the need for certified development processes (ISO 9000, ISO 12207) is pressing. In this presentation we explore some of the basic concepts underlying the notion of a software process and some of their implications.  相似文献   

面向中小软件企业的过程改进模型6SBC研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于中小软件企业而言,实施能力成熟度模型集成(CMMI)将面临更多的挑战,但是中小软件企业为了在激烈的市场竞争中生存和发展,必须要实施软件过程改进.介绍了CMMI和六西格玛理论,给出了适合中小软件企业的一个剪裁的CMMI框架,并在这个框架的基础上结合六西格玛的DMAIC方法,提出了一个软件过程改进模型6SBC.该模型大大缩短了中小软件企业达到CMMI2和CMMI3级别的实施时间,在竞争激烈的软件市场中有效地提升了中小软件企业的核心竞争力.  相似文献   

在教育部推行师范类专业认证背景下,数学与应用数学专业依照我院办学理念和办学特色,围绕新版人才培养方案的专业培养目标,构建全程化教学实践能力培养新体系,提升人才培养质量以期为地方本科院校数学专业开展师范类专业认证工作提供参考。  相似文献   

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