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溶液共混法制备碳纳米管/双酚A型聚碳酸酯复合物的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
用溶液共混法成功地制备了不同碳纳米管含量的双酚A型聚碳酸酯复合材料,用TEM,SEM和XPS对碳纳米管和所制备的复合材料进行了多种表征,结果表明碳纳米管的纯化效果较好,表面含有C-O,C=O和O-C=O等极性官能团,复合材料中聚碳酸酯对碳纳米管的包覆较好,聚碳酸酯的包覆量随碳纳米管含量的增加而降低,碳纳米管在聚合物基体中分散均匀,两相界面间存在较强的作用力。  相似文献   

基于三维机织碳/碳复合材料的细观结构特征, 设计平板十字形试样, 在材料双轴力学性能试验机上开展了复合材料单轴、 双轴加载压缩试验, 对比分析了三维机织碳/碳复合材料在双轴压缩载荷下的力学行为。研究表明: 三维机织碳/碳复合材料的压缩行为表现为非线性、 脆性断裂; 双轴载荷作用下非线性特征更为显著, 压缩模量随应力的增加而增大, 强度与模量相较于单轴有较大幅度增加, 双轴压缩载荷作用下材料的强化效应显著; 试样破坏位置并未出现在试样中心区, 而是发生在试样的加载端部或十字形试样的加载分枝根部, 主要表现为基体开裂、 纤维断裂和层间脱粘, 碳布及其层间界面剪切强度的强弱直接影响材料的压缩强度。  相似文献   

Two-stage fatigue loading of woven carbon fibre reinforced laminates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A brief review of the models used to predict the cumulative fatigue damage in FRP composites is presented. Two‐stage fatigue loading of a [0/90,± 452,0/90]s quasi‐ isotropic woven carbon fibre/epoxy resin laminate was evaluated at stress ratio R = 0.05 and the failure mechanisms investigated using x‐radiography after each loading stage. The results are presented in terms of fatigue strength and damage growth and are compared with those in the literature. A low‐to‐high loading sequence is more damaging than a high‐to‐low one and the Palmgren‐Miner linear damage rule may no longer be valid for this kind of material, as previously reported.  相似文献   

Fibre woven thermoplastic composites (FWTC) are widely used in aerospace and other fields because of their excellent performance. During service, FWTC structures are inevitably subjected to low-velocity impact (LVI), which can cause invisible damage and eventual failure of the material. At the moment, studies on FWTC mostly focused on the orthogonal woven yarns while there's few reports about the effect of the yarn angle changing on the woven material's LVI damage response. This study aims at the effect of yarn angle changing on the damage behaviour of FWTC. A method for preparation of nonorthogonal prepregs was proposed, by which FWTC laminates with different yarn angles (60°, 75°, and 90°) were prepared for LVI tests. The results show that the maximum impact displacement and the impact duration of the impactor decrease with the decrease of the yarn angle when the FWTC laminate is subjected to LVI, while the maximum impact force shows an increasing trend. This indicates that the smaller yarn angle causes the better load-bearing capacity of the FWTC laminate under LVI conditions, while the orthogonal FWTC laminate is more ductile. The damage morphology indicated by the impact of the FWTC laminate are matrix cracks and yarn breaks, and the damage area increases with the decrease of yarn angle, where the damage of orthogonal laminate is more serious more concentrated. The results found in this paper can provide useful guidance for engineering applications and failure analysis of FWTC.  相似文献   

Geopolymer matrix composites reinforced with different volume fractions of short carbon fibres (Cf/geopolymer composites) were prepared and the mechanical properties, fracture behaviour and microstructure of as-prepared composites were studied and correlated with fibre content. The results show that short carbon fibres have a great strengthening and toughening effect at low volume percentages of fibres (3·5 and 4·5 vol.%). With the increase of fibre content, the strengthening and toughening effect of short carbon fibres reduce, possibly due to fibre damage, formation of high shear stresses at intersect between fibres and strong interface cohesion of fibre/matrix under higher forming pressure. The property improvements are primarily based on the network structure of short carbon fibre preform and the predominant strengthening and toughening mechanisms are attributed to the apparent fibre bridging and pulling-out effect.  相似文献   

刘静  曹意林  李刚  陈勃翰 《复合材料学报》2018,35(11):2979-2986
采用高能激光束对聚丙烯腈(PAN)基碳纤维进行表面改性。利用SEM、EDS、FTIR、XRD、万能试验机等表征手段,对改性前后碳纤维微观形态、成分变化、物相结构、力学性能进行表征,系统地研究了激光束对碳纤维微观组织变化、性能变化等的影响规律,探索激光束对碳纤维的作用机制。结果表明,碳纤维经激光表面改性后,其表面的粗糙度和比表面积增加,碳纤维的浸润性得到提升,且激光束的功率越高、扫描速度越低,碳纤维浸润性越好。改性后的碳纤维化学成分、微观结构及官能团种类没有改变;改性后的碳纤维官能团种类没有改变,说明激光改性过程主要以物理过程为主;激光改性没有改变碳纤维的微观结构,改性后微晶尺寸略有减小,有利于改善碳纤维与环氧树脂的界面黏结性能。激光表面改性碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的拉伸强度和冲击强度均有不同程度的提高,当碳纤维质量分数为0.2wt%、激光改性功率为150 W时,碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的拉伸强度提高了59%,冲击强度提高了52%。  相似文献   

利用原位聚合法合成具有导电性能的炭黑(CB)/聚碳酸酯(PC)复合材料。在聚合反应过程中, CB与PC在较低黏度下更好地混融, 而且通过负载催化剂连接CB和PC分子, 使CB参与PC链增长过程, 从而使CB有效分散。与传统的熔融共混法相比, 利用原位聚合法制备的CB/PC导电复合材料的渗滤阈值低, 当复合材料的体积电阻率为1.56×106 Ω·mm时, CB的质量分数仅为4.32%。通过SEM观察发现, 原位法得到的样品中CB与PC充分混融, 形成导电网络更充分有效。利用原位聚合法得到的样品的正温度系数(PTC)的对数值达到4.69, 具有作为自控温材料的潜力。  相似文献   

利用原位聚合法合成具有导电性能的炭黑(CB)/聚碳酸酯(PC)复合材料.在聚合反应过程中,CB与PC在较低黏度下更好地混融,而且通过负载催化剂连接CB和PC分子,使CB参与PC链增长过程,从而使CB有效分散.与传统的熔融共混法相比,利用原位聚合法制备的CB/PC导电复合材料的渗滤阈值低,当复合材料的体积电阻率为1.56×106 Ω ·mm时,CB的质量分数仅为4.32%.通过SEM观察发现,原位法得到的样品中CB与PC充分混融,形成导电网络更充分有效.利用原位聚合法得到的样品的正温度系数(PTC)的对数值达到4.69,具有作为自控温材料的潜力.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) may be useful due to their sound thermo-mechanical properties. The present work deals with the evaluation and analysis of elastic properties and coefficient of thermal expansions (CTEs) of a CNTs-based 2D plane woven fabric composite material system where the CNTs are radially grown on the surface of the carbon fiber. Detailed constructional features of the proposed trans-scale composite material system is explained in detail. The mathematical modeling for the material properties of each constituent or building block of the hybrid composite is developed. The mathematical model for the thermo-elastic properties of yarns is also formulated based on strength of material method whereas the thermo-elastic properties of representative unit cell is based on the unit cell method. Various numerical results have been obtained by varying the CNTs content, carbon fiber contents, and temperatures. Effects of different geometrical parameters (such as yarn thickness, yarn width, and the ratio of gap length to yarn width of the yarn) on the elastic properties as well as the CTEs are also investigated.  相似文献   

三维机织C/C-SiC复合材料弹性性能预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究了三维机织C/C-SiC复合材料的弹性性能, 基于复合材料的扫描电镜(SEM)照片, 分析了材料的细观结构的特点, 并提出了一系列的假设, 建立了三维机织C/C-SiC复合材料的细观力学模型, 利用均匀化方法预测了复合材料的弹性常数, 分析了材料的弹性性能随经纱倾斜角的变化规律。结果表明: 预测结果与试验结果吻合较好, 表明该预测模型和方法的正确性; 随着经纱倾斜角的增加, 经纱方向的弹性模量降低, 其它方向的弹性模量均增大, 但面内剪切模量和厚度方向的弹性模量增幅很小。   相似文献   

碳/碳复合材料的应用研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
综述了碳/碳(C/C)复合材料的性能及其在各个领域的应用现状.  相似文献   

低温聚苯胺/碳纳米管复合材料的制备   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用原位聚合法合成出了具有较高导电性的聚苯胺及聚苯胺 /碳纳米管复合材料 ,考察了不同碳纳米管添加量对聚苯胺 /碳纳米管复合材料表面形态、材料结构及导电性的影响并进行了表征。结果证实 ,制备出的复合聚苯胺的电导率比所见报道值提高了 1~ 2个数量级 ,为高电导率聚苯胺的合成开辟了更广阔的前景。  相似文献   

在实际成形过程中,碳纤维复合材料往往处于复杂的应力状态,开展近于真实载荷环境下的力学试验分析,能够更准确地认识实际应用中材料的成形性能和变形机理.为获得碳纤维织物的基本力学特性,设计了平纹碳纤维织物拉伸试样及成形试样,进行了单轴拉伸、双轴拉伸、镜框剪切试验和方盒冲压成形实验研究,对比了不同双拉比及纱线取向对力学性能及成形性能的影响.研究结果表明:碳纤维织物具有高度的非线性、各向异性和双拉耦合特性,即经纬向纤维的力学性能会相互影响;剪切变形是成形过程中的主要变形模式,当剪切角达到临界锁死角时,织物发生起皱现象;同种织物不同纱线取向试样表现出不同的成形性能,因此可以根据零件几何形状选择合适纤维取向的织物,从而减少缺陷,优化成形零件的力学性能.研究结果为后续建立碳纤维织物本构模型和成形仿真奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Lightweight carbon fibre rods and truss structures are of growing importance for modern transportation technologies. The struts of such frameworks are commonly designed as fibre-wound CFRP tubes. Here CFRP sandwich rods are an advantageous alternative. They have a lightweight foam core covered by a relative thin layer of composite material. In many real applications, however, the superior mechanical properties of such struts can only be utilized with appropriate load transfer elements. Two types of load transfer elements designed for high tensile and compressive loads with a simple screw connection will be described. The framework structures discussed in this paper refer to framework beams which have, in their simple version, cross-sections of an equilateral triangle. To realise a single point support at the ends of the beam-like truss, the rail struts must converge into a conical structure. The presented structures are connection designs without any metallic elements. An outstanding application of CFRP-trusses, rod connectors, and the mentioned formlocking load transfer elements can be found in the advanced lightweight structure of a recently developed semi-rigid airship, the Zeppelin NT.  相似文献   

为制备能够在Cu基体中分散均匀的大体积分数的短碳纤维(C_f)/Cu复合材料,采用电化学法在C_f表面进行了镀Cu处理,用平行Cu片做阴极代替长碳纤维束,得到镀层均匀光洁的镀Cu短C_f。在此基础上,将2V,30min条件下的C_f/Cu复合丝直接采用放电等离子烧结(SPS)制备了46vol%C_f/Cu复合材料(试样1),又用Cu粉与未包覆的C_f直接混合再烧结制备了另一种46vol%C_f/Cu复合材料(试样2)。利用XRD和SEM分别研究了C_f/Cu复合丝和C_f/Cu复合材料的物相成分、表面及断口形貌,对C_f原丝、C_f/Cu复合丝以及用2种方式制备的C_f/Cu复合材料进行了力学性能研究。结果表明:C_f/Cu复合丝拉伸载荷-位移曲线上出现了较大幅度的波动,这与其表面镀Cu层受力时发生不连续断裂有关。试样1组织的均匀性及力学性能均优于试样2。与Cu相比,用2种不同方法制备的C_f/Cu复合材料的抗拉强度低于Cu,但屈服强度比Cu高。  相似文献   

二维编织C/SiC复合材料非线性损伤本构模型与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于二维编织C/SiC复合材料的基本力学性能试验, 建立了该材料的宏观正交各向异性非线性损伤本构模型。模型中以可检测的应变作为变量, 采用形式简单的函数分别描述了单轴拉伸和剪切加载下的材料损伤演变下的应力-应变关系, 以及卸载状态的刚度变化规律。同时, 考虑了材料的单边效应以及拉压应力状态转换时的损伤钝化行为。将此本构模型编写成UMAT子程序并引入ABAQUS有限元软件, 可以完整描述该材料的加载非线性和卸载线性的应力-应变关系特征, 及其加卸载历史。通过对带孔板的拉伸模拟, 孔边应变分布与试验结果吻合较好, 验证了本构模型的有效性。  相似文献   

It is crucial to understand the characteristic fatigue crack initiation and its growth mechanisms, as well as the relationship between the mechanical properties and the fatigue damage evolution in fibre metal laminates (FMLs). Two types of FML were studied in this work: a polyacrylonitrile‐based carbon fibre epoxy matrix composite sandwiched by Ti‐6Al‐4V (Ti‐alloy) sheets (IMS60‐Ti) and a pitch‐based carbon fibre epoxy matrix composite sandwiched by Ti‐alloy sheets (K13D‐Ti). The static and fatigue mechanical properties of IMS60‐Ti and K13D‐Ti were investigated. The increased failure strain of the FML was greater than that of carbon fibre‐reinforced polymer (CFRP) matrix composites. The fatigue life of IMS60‐Ti was much longer than that of K13D‐Ti. The fatigue damage process in IMS60‐Ti was related to the fatigue creep behaviour of the Ti‐alloy face sheet and mode II cracking at the CFRP/Ti‐alloy interface, and the damage in K13D‐Ti was related to the K13D CFRP laminate.  相似文献   

针对碳纤维增强热塑性树脂复合材料(CFRTP)在热冲压成型过程中涉及到大变形、各向异性和多场耦合的现象,为了表征CFRTP在成型中的力学特征,基于有限元方法与连续介质力学理论提出了一种热塑性树脂基体与碳纤维机织物的叠层模型。与单独采用碳纤维机织物超弹性本构模型预测CFRTP成型性能的方法相比,提出的叠层模型能够表征成型温度、压边力和纤维取向对CFRTP成型缺陷的影响,并能优化热冲压成型工艺参数。这一叠层模型具有简单实用和材料参数容易确定的优点,为碳纤维机织物增强热塑性树脂复合材料成型的数值模拟和成型工艺优化奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   


The main objective of the present paper is to develop high wear resistance carbon fibre reinforced polyether ether ketone composite with addition of multiwall carbon nanotubes. These compounds were well mixed in a batch mixer, and compounded polymers were fabricated into sheets of known thickness by compression moulding. Samples were tested for wear resistance with respect to different concentration of fillers. The wear resistance properties of these samples depend on filler aspect ratio. Wear resistance of composite with 20 wt-% of carbon fibre increases when multiwall carbon nanotubewas introduced. The worn surface features have been examined using scanning electron microscope. Photomicrographs of the worn surfaces revealed higher wear resistance with the addition of carbon nanotube. Also better interfacial adhesion between carbon and vinyl ester in carbon reinforced vinyl ester composite was observed.  相似文献   

曹伟伟  朱波  蔡殉  赵伟  厉彬 《功能材料》2011,42(1):185-188
测定了碳素复合材料的法向光谱发射率和法向总发射率,利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)进行表面形貌分析,研究了浸渍致密化工艺以及表面形貌与碳素复合材料法向光谱发射率和法向总发射率的变化.结果表明,炭布和短纤维增强碳素复合材料的法向光谱发射率和总发射率均在最终浸渍致密化之后有所增加,在多次致密化后两组样品总发射率间的差距减小,增...  相似文献   

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