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This paper argues that working with the proper client, selecting the appropriate content and designing the vital arenas/forums is crucial for any kind of public strategic planning. The paper combines views reflected in planning literature with the accumulated experience of the author's planning practice and the more general practice of three recent plans at different scale levels: the European Spatial Development Perspective, the Second Structural Outline Benelux and the Structure Plan for Flanders. After reflecting on public strategic (spatial) planning as such, criteria are formulated regarding its content, taking into account the core of public strategic planning and the complex problems and developments taking place in real life. To increase the likelihood that a plan will be realized it needs a close dialogue with those whose cooperation is necessary for its implementation. Such a dialogue requires settings, arenas (formal and informal) and rules of behaviour with respect to the different stakeholders. Therefore a set of criteria arenas and forums should comply with are listed. Against this background the paper provides a first look at the issues of client, content and arenas/forums as dealt with in three recent strategic plans. Finally, the paper provides some first tentative conclusions.  相似文献   

Urban infrastructure systems have long lifespans and influence the state of the environment for extended periods of time. Processes of strategic planning for urban infrastructure are thus instrumental to materializing environmental sustainability visions. Continued investments in infrastructure with adverse environmental impacts imply that sustainability priorities are not embedded in planning processes, as these processes tend to follow the path-dependent legacy of older planning paradigms. This study identifies the cognitive framings that underpin the evolution of strategic planning over the last century, to reveal the path-dependent attributes of strategic planning thinking that undermine alternative solutions. To do that, a scoping study of the literature on strategic planning of public infrastructure, from 1900 through 2013, was conducted. The findings reveal how the scholarly paradigms for infrastructure planning have transformed over time, from optimization to sustainability. While the planning practice in cities has often taken up the sustainability discourse in line with the scholarship, its actual attributes might lag behind. Knowledge about these attributes is scarce since the contemporary scholarship often contains aspirational proposals for change and little detail on how planning is undertaken in practice. It is likely that the incremental approach to infrastructure planning, which has been the dominant approach for decades, perpetuates a planning culture which contradicts the requirements for sustainability transitions, by limiting the scope of alternatives to optimizing the status quo instead of creating conditions for change. To develop effective planning interventions towards sustainability transitions in urban infrastructure systems, the paper calls for diagnostic tools that examine the realities of planning practice, and, operational frameworks for bridging historically-entrained modes of practice to sustainability aspirations.  相似文献   

Planning approaches that integrate road infrastructure and other land uses are being increasingly applied. Dealing with functional interrelatedness and stakeholder fragmentation are the main reasons for this. This article conceptualizes and analyses why and how such integrated approaches can be applied effectively throughout consecutive stages of infrastructure planning. The two case studies illustrate that the concept of integration is applied for strategic as well as operational reasons, and they reveal that these reasons may alternate throughout the planning process. Effective integration is therefore dynamic: it appropriately focuses on strengthening the socio-economic perspectives of a region for the longer term, as well as on the relations between different land uses that are physically adjacent and competing for space within a smaller area. Due to fragmented institutional contexts, successfully dealing with interrelatedness requires an intense level of interaction amongst involved actors. Such “co-production” of visions and plans has two important characteristics: negotiation, and learning about each other’s goals. Ultimately the case studies also show that planning at the infrastructure–land use interface needs institutional mechanisms to guide the alterations between strategically and operationally inspired integration. Contracts with private parties, public participation, and positive conditions for learning about each other’s referential frames are examples of the institutional mechanisms encountered in this study.  相似文献   

The Ten‐Year Plan for the port of Antwerp (1956–1965) funded the expansion of the port’s infrastructure over a 10‐year period. Strictly, a national government‐funded infrastructure programme for the construction of a set of canal docks, the programme laid the basis for a broader urbanization of the north‐eastern Antwerp metropolitan region. The importance of the operation lies primarily in its role as an instrument of urbanization rather than in the improvement of the transport and transshipment capacity of the port because it opened up a large territory to industrial settlement. The linear layout of the project along the Scheldt River led planners to conceive the further urbanization of the adjacent region on a linear city model, with satellite communities attached to the industrial and infrastructural strip. Compared with the contemporary Europoort plan for the port of Rotterdam, where several planning agencies implemented conflicting plans for functionally distinct infrastructures and the construction of a new town, the success of the Antwerp approach resides in the flexible and strategic implementation of the project as a co‐production between various authorities and private parties.  相似文献   

The process of territorial governance rescaling now ongoing in European countries concerns not only the devolution of competencies from central states to regional politico-administrative levels (towards federalism) but also a new role of institutions, agencies and companies operating in well-defined sectors. A complex – downward and upward – transfer of competencies, powers and resources is taking place. In particular, cities belong to specific territories, but are increasingly involved in large-scale processes as far as services and infrastructure construction and management are concerned, as well as economic and cooperation initiatives. This often requires the creation of regional or upper-scale agencies and companies.

The article focuses – within an analytical framework concerning the dynamics of regions and cities in the European space – on three cities in Northern Italy (Bolzano-Bozen, Trento and Verona) undergoing contradictory trends towards federalism, on the one hand, and policy integration at variable scales on specific issues – in a multi-level governance perspective – on the other hand. Finally, the role of strategic, spatial and urban planning processes and tools are analysed, drawing some conclusions of general interest.  相似文献   

当前,规划中对于多收入阶层居住分异的问题相对缺乏关注与研究,混合社区的概念认知和实践操作仍然较为模糊。研究分析了居住分异形成的内在逻辑,借鉴其他国家关于混合社区的基本理念和实践经验,探讨了我国国土空间规划中混合社区的可行模式与优化建议。研究发现,为应对多收入阶层居住分异带来的经济社会问题,可以设计以收入混合、产权混合与建筑混合等为主要组成模式的混合社区,在空间上酌情选择群体间“梯度-互嵌”的二维混合布局或“栋-层-户”的三维混合布局。在国土空间规划中更应尤为重视混合社区的规划设计,只有合理规划混合社区的区位选址、空间布局、混合目标、规模比例、产权形式、建筑模式、基础设施与公共服务以及产业发展,才能有效缓解不平等和不均衡的社会矛盾,助推实现社会群体有机融合和经济社会和谐有序的持续发展。  相似文献   

Strategic spatial planning and the longer range   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article is focused around a discussion of the nature of strategic spatial planning, as exemplified in the planning literature and in examples from Vancouver, Hong Kong and China more generally. The primary author, John Friedmann, argues that too much attention in planning practices has been given to the production of strategic plans and too little to locally‐based studies of the dynamics of urban socio‐spatial development. In commentaries from the perspectives of planning academics and practitioners from different parts of the world, the discussion is enlarged to link the spatial planning discussions to the management literature on strategic planning, to stress the well‐established process emphasis in much contemporary strategic spatial planning work, to raise some positive roles for formal plans in planning processes and to highlight recent European experiences in strategic spatial planning.  相似文献   

There is a strong trend in Norway towards strategic transport planning at the national level. The new type of integrated and holistic plans requires that members of the national parliament concentrate on strategic decision making and management by objectives, refraining from making decisions on single projects. Interviews with members of the national parliament's Standing Committee on Transport and Communications in 1997 and 2001 are used to study what the politicians mean by strategic transport planning and to present their expectations about its implementation and outcome. The problems experienced by elected representatives in rising above the project level and building transport policy on national strategic plans are the centre of attention. Increased efforts at the strategic planning level induce the national assembly to delegate project level decisions. The transaction cost politics approach sheds light on the question of whether or not members of parliament should delegate most project planning decisions about highways to the executive and what actions planners can take to make delegation more attractive.  相似文献   

iGPI, the National Initiative for Infrastructure Asset Management is a Portuguese collaborative project led by LNEC (National Civil Engineering Laboratory, Portugal) through which 19 water utilities develop their own infrastructure asset management (IAM) systems and plans in a joint training and capacitation programme. Technical assistance to the participating utilities is ensured by LNEC, IST (Technical University of Lisbon) and Addition, a software development company. The water utilities get collective as well as one-on-one support and specific training. They benefit from networking with the other utilities in a common and simultaneous process, with similar difficulties and challenges, leading to an effective sharing of solutions. The developed products, including training materials, templates and guidelines for developing strategic and tactical IAM plans, are available to the general public. This project has greatly contributed to the establishment of reference methodologies and standards for IAM planning, in a range of utilities of widely diverse size and context, effectively defining an accepted best practice. This paper discusses the project's format and its advantages, and goes on to describe the main outcomes, including selected cases and final products.  相似文献   

A true understanding of Ecological Civilization Construction is key to comprehend the connotation and goals of China’s territorial spatial planning, which echoes the ideological keynote of the country’s upgrade of socio-economic development mode. Missioned as a means to public policy making, territorial spatial planning develops roadmaps for Ecological Civilization Construction by addressing macro spatial governance problems such as the shortage of resources, severe environmental pollution, and ecosystem degradation. Furthermore, the author interprets the relationship between ecological restoration and territorial spatial planning system, and argues that the territorial spatial planning system should employ a macro-medium-micro hierarchy in scale while focusing on life-circle ecological restoration planning and implementation. In addition to the necessity of developing crossadministrative border plans, the author emphasizes the importance of multi-disciplinary cooperation. Then, he points out that "The Two Assessment Standards" should value regional characteristics and avoid to indiscriminately apply planning and design patterns in different cases. Finally, the author puts forward suggestions to practitioners in Landscape Architecture and other allied professions to prepare themselves by selfretraining with new concepts, methodologies, and technologies to be more competent for the contemporary needs of territorial spatial planning.  相似文献   

德国经过长期的立法与规划管理实践,形成了联邦、州和地区的空间秩序规划与城市规划、专项规划相互协调的空间管理机制。三者除了在空间要素上各有侧重点,其依法管理的约束对象也存在差别。综合的、跨地方的、指导性的空间秩序规划通过具有强制约束力的目标约束公共机构,基于地方自治的城市规划依法对具体的建设实施进行管理,针对特定用途或综合用途协调的专项规划在特定项目上具有优先权。本文基于对德国空间研究与州域规划学会和杜塞尔多夫行政区地区发展32号办公室的采访,对比了三类规划的空间要素,对法定的"双向反馈原则"和有关冲突协调的法律规定进行解读,总结了德国规划实现有效空间管理的协调机制,为我国国土空间规划体系的依法构建提供借鉴。  相似文献   


Australian cities have observed a “consensus turn” expressed as broad public support of greater accessibility and public transport provision as revealed in metropolitan strategic plans. In contrast large-scale road projects proposed to traverse the inner-city of three major Australian cities reveals an ongoing and deep-seated attachment by some to car-based travel in Australian urban transport planning. Comparative case studies of these three road projects in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth explores the impact that an antagonistic relationship between the state and community has on the culture of transport planning. Through observational insights, policy and media analysis and interviews with community groups, we show that this antagonistic planning culture arises when there is a fracture between metropolitan strategic plan-making and project planning, and when clear channels of communication and deliberation are undermined.  相似文献   

国土空间规划学术笔谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2018年2月《中共中央关于深化党和国家机构改革的决定》及2019年5月《中共中央国务院关于建立国土空间规划体系并监督实施的若干意见》颁布以来,国土空间规划成为行业热点,并引起业界和学界广泛关注。为推动国土空间规划编制与实施工作以及规划学科与行业发展,本刊编辑部以“国土空间规划”为主题组织学术笔谈,邀请了六位学者与业界专家就国土空间规划的广泛议题进行探讨。首先,针对国土空间规划中理想与现实的矛盾与共存,刘玉亭教授认为不仅要在目标导向上做好多规合一转变、生态文明托底建设、治理体系与能力现代化兑现,还要在内容编制中实现关键科学问题的落实;同时,面对更加复合、复杂的编制要求与成果体现,如何在庞杂、多层级的规划体系中实现部门、职能和制度的高效整合是关键,要充分意识到国土空间规划是颇具差异化、具体化的长期动态博弈过程,与之匹配的学科与行业的发展都要突破传统模式,充分延伸其发展内涵。围绕新时期规划的发展定位问题,袁奇峰教授通过溯源城市与规划的发展历程,认为国土空间规划的出现是契合当下国情的调整,相比于关注投入产出最大化和减少损益,社会、经济、生态的协调发展更应成为新时代的主旋律;当今的规划要从辖区整体和长远发展的立场出发,成为兼顾经济发展、生态维护、政府失灵规避的决策过程和土地开发管制的行政制度。关于国土空间规划中问题导向、目标导向、结果导向相结合的转变,马向明总工程师认为问题诊断是城市规划的基础,而旧式的目标导向实际上则造成了实施层面成为短板的现实;国土空间规划所补充的结果导向原则,有利于推动部门间的协调以保证实施的连续性,但现实中依旧可能面临着目标与结果脱节、部门合作与政策整合困难的窘境。围绕行业与学科发展中变与不变的话题,邹兵总规划师指出,一方面要意识到新形势下规划范畴和内容、工作要求以及技术手段的方法等三个方面的调整,强调落实一张明确的蓝图、囊括更加广泛的编制内容和拓展学科知识覆盖的必要性;另一方面,也要继续坚守规划的本质,包括规划分析与发展的基础逻辑、高品质人居环境的发展追求以及空间方案的具体落实。针对国土空间规划背景下空间价值再塑,黄慧明总规划师提出了以存量带动流量、以整备重构空间、以效率配置资源、以民生提升品质的四点主张,而“分区+分类”的划定与更新思路则能有效地对资源进行评估,也有助于规划和实施环节的衔接。面对国土空间规划中实现“多规合一”的要求,罗彦总规划师围绕目标与理念、方法与内容、实施与管理三个方面进行讨论,认为“三调”是国土空间规划编制的基础,自然地理格局是空间图底上经济社会活动的关键限定;而统筹性的规划权责分配是实施的关键保障,规划要把公共设施、资源和空间效率一并囊括并视作未来城乡公共服务体系的核心。  相似文献   

浦东新区经过3?年改革开放,进入新的发展阶段,国家赋予各项重任,自身也面临着资源紧约束及发展不平衡的双重挑战。在中央加快生态文明建设、构建国土空间规划体系的政策背景下,浦东新区通过编制国土空间总体规划引领转型,落实高质量发展、高品质生活目标。在对浦东新区发展所处的国际国内环境、发展的阶段性特征,以及市县级国土空间总体规划的作用和任务研究基础上,论文详细介绍了浦东新区国土空间总体规划“转变理念、创新机制、坚持开门做规划”的工作思路和方法,以及在战略引领、底线管控,空间协同,国土治理、以人为本、弹性适应等方面的实践探索。  相似文献   

Strategic spatial planning is increasingly practised throughout the world to develop a coordinated vision for guiding the medium- to long-term development of urban regions. However, from a theoretical and conceptual perspective, strategic spatial planning is hard to grasp, as it is multidimensional, embedded in sociopolitical and institutional complexity and highly context-dependent. Moreover, current planning debates mainly focus on the outputs of the strategic planning process while largely neglecting the impact that strategic spatial plans can have on urban transformations. Here, we show an empirically-based analytical framework grounded on an analysis of 21 European urban regions, representing the key components of plan-making and plan-implementation as well as the main interrelationships among them. The proposed framework (SPlaMI) reflects current planning practices and intends to contribute towards consolidating a European understanding of strategic spatial planning while providing the basis for dialogue with broader discourses on sustainable development in a global context.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodological approach to regional and urban planning in order to design, settle and manage a public policy for the attraction, location and distribution of different groups of immigrants. It further develops a set of decision-support tools, including a management information system and an integrated and interactive model in order to: (i) characterize the patterns of residential land used by different groups of immigrants according to their professional features, and respective evolution, (ii) anticipate the location of new immigrants or groups of immigrants that arrive into the studied territory (according to their demographic, economic and professional characteristics, keeping or changing the prevailing socio-economic, planning and territorial structure), and respective evolution, and (iii) monitor the evolution of respective social, economic and professional territorial integration. This methodology and set of tools are applied, as a case study, to the Oporto Metropolitan Area (Portugal). They possess display and simulation functionalities that support the test and implementation of local, regional and urban policy strategic decisions. Once workmanship quantitative and qualitative needs are specified – according to regional overall prevailing strategies – it outlines the socio-economic-professional conditions to welcome and to fulfil the needs of different population groups – through provision of proper housing, infrastructures, equipments and jobs, as well as through governance mechanisms – in the scope of socio-economic sustainability and life quality principles.  相似文献   

The purpose of the following paper is twofold. The first part aims to make sense of some of the efforts and contradictions in building a planning system and reinforcing a general notion of planning in Italy within the context of new processes of 'regionalization'. In particular, it questions the terms in which the issue of local autonomies are being discussed under the current National Reform process. The second part explains in more detail how the territorial (planning) systems work in Italy, focusing on the changes in public administration and the new planning laws. Finally, it gives a dynamic example between levels and government institutions in a regional environment following the introduction of a new tier.  相似文献   

In Italy, planning processes are often introduced by a Program of strategic objectives, drawn up in conjunction with the initial phases of a Strategic environmental assessment. This combination of preliminary processes offers significant space for strategic approaches and even strategic plans, particularly at the local level. This paper deals with Taranto, a socially and environmentally problematic and decaying industrial city in southern Italy. The present research shows and discusses the starting context of a recent, innovative strategic planning process, dealing with the complexity of the Taranto context through a scenario-building approach, hybridized with a cognitive-map-based interaction model.  相似文献   

徐泽  张云峰  徐颖 《城市规划》2012,(8):73-79,86
战略规划的发展取决于政府需求、市场需求和社会需求,从我国十年两轮的战略规划探索看,随着国家从快速增长阶段走向转型发展阶段,战略规划的价值取向也从强调"量的跨越"走向强调"质的提升",研究内容更加注重综合性和实施性;研究方法上加强了政策导向和公众调查,组织方式上加强了部门协作和公众参与;从发展趋势看,未来战略规划应更突出"以人文本"的价值理念;加强对空间政策和经济可行性的研究;要注重结构分析和流的分析,并要积极探索"空间信息"等新技术的应用;加强在"三规合一"方面的探索,注重规划过程中公众和企业的全程参与。  相似文献   

The article examines the way strategic spatial planning in the City of Johannesburg has attempted to reshape existing and emerging spatial patterns of a divided sprawling city, focusing particularly on current initiatives to link spatial planning and infrastructure development through the growth management strategy. The strategy has been well institutionalised in the municipality, with strong political support and links to budgets. New public transport systems are being introduced, linked to spatial plans, although some of these developments have been contested. While the property industry is responding positively to some aspects of planning, moving towards greater spatial equity remains challenging. The planning-infrastructure link seems to be strengthening planning, but it is a demanding approach which requires a very different form of planning than the traditional master planning.  相似文献   

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