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我国细粒煤脱水技术与设备研究现状   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
搞好细粒煤分选是生产洁净煤的重要途径,选煤厂出厂产品水分的高低直接受细粒煤水分高低的影响。本文就加强细粒煤脱水的重要性进行论述,并介绍了近期研制成功的应用于工业生产的细粒煤脱水技术与设备  相似文献   

介绍了降低浮选精煤和末精煤水分的几种过滤脱水的新型工艺设备,阐述了这些设备的工作机理和主要技术性能。  相似文献   

含油污泥脱水设备与技术   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
分析了含油污泥的性质 ,介绍了国内外含油污泥处理技术与脱水设备的现状 ,并比较各方法及设备的优缺点。提出了含油污泥脱水设备与技术的发展趋势和几点建议。  相似文献   

林惠平 《广东化工》2009,36(11):168-169
污泥脱水是减小污泥体积的关键工艺技术,而枵泥脱水设备的选型对污泥脱水效率的高低和脱水工艺的正常运行最为重要。文章以广州某水厂为例,在介绍常见污泥脱水设备的基础上,选择了合适的污泥脱水设备,在污泥脱水工艺流程中发挥了稳定的脱水效果,该厂的污泥脱水问题也得到了有效的解决。  相似文献   

几种煤炭脱水设备选用方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外在水分的高低是衡量煤炭产品质量的一个重要指标,因此,一直备受选煤科技工作者的关注,多年来一直寻求有效的脱水工艺和设备。“九五”期间,我国在煤炭脱水设备研究方面取得了较大的进展,但如何合理地选用是一个值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

随着对石油资源需求的不断增长和原油开采力度的加大,国内外原油重质化、劣质化趋势日益加剧,原油加工难度增大。尤其是随着所开采原油含盐含水量的增加,给原油的加工和利用带来一定的危害,炼油业迫切需要提高原油的脱盐脱水效率,提高原油的预处理效果。本文在介绍原油含盐含水危害的基础上,系统地介绍了常用的原油脱盐脱水方法,如电化学法、沉降法、过滤法、微波辐射法、声化学法等等。  相似文献   

通过对当前含油污泥脱水技术进行调研,归纳出当前主要脱水技术为化学法脱水、机械法脱水、微波法脱水和超声法脱水,总结了各种方法的脱水原理、影响因素和国内外研究现状。目前未有一项脱水技术能够对所有的含油污泥进行高效率的脱水,均具有局限性,因此今后开发新的脱水药剂、脱水方法或者将已开发的技术进行联合脱水是进一步研究的热点。建议合成效率高、有经济效益、绿色和普适性的表面活性剂,并结合工业应用的微波以及超声设备,开展相应工业化规模的实验。  相似文献   

石油中含有盐和水,不仅会给石油的运输造成困难,而且还会腐蚀石油的存储和运输设备、增加能耗等。因此,石油工业中一个必不可少的环节就是原油的脱水环节。在本文中,笔者在前人研究的基础上,分析了水在原油中的存在形式和乳状液破乳脱水机理,然后综和概述了国内外原油脱盐、脱水新技术的研究进展,主要有超声波法、微波辐射法、磁处理法和生物法等,并对原油脱水技术的发展方向做了展望。  相似文献   

赵志明  赵宁 《当代化工》2021,50(3):703-706
随着油田的不断开发生产,油田采出液含水率越来越高,特别是经过注水开发和三次开发的油田,采出水越来越难被脱除.该文归纳了沉降脱水、化学脱水、电场力脱水等常见脱水方法的特点,介绍了超声波脱水、微波脱水、纤维膜脱水以及微生物脱水等方法以及进展情况,分析了常见原油脱水工艺存在的问题与不足,探讨了目前原油脱水工艺的应用情况,并对...  相似文献   

介绍了新桥硫铁矿硫精矿脱水新工艺及新型压滤机的研究与开发的工业试验,结果表明采用新的脱水工艺和设备,单机处理量可提高近30 倍,滤饼水分可降低1.09 个百分点,生产成本由原来的22.78 元/吨降低到5.906 元/吨。年综合效益达1018 万元。解决了有色金属矿山普遍存在的硫精矿的脱水难题。  相似文献   

污泥板框压滤脱水给料的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在污泥板框压滤脱水的过程中,对泵给料和贮料罐给料两种给料方式进行了试验研究,从能耗方面对两种给料方式进行了比较,得出贮料罐给料优于泵给料。  相似文献   

原油脱盐脱水技术评述   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
综述了各种非电脱盐技术方法 ,主要包括离心法、直流电型旋流分离、过滤法、旋流分离、声化学法、磁处理及微波辐射等。同时指出 ,旋流分离技术在原油脱盐脱水领域具有很好的经济效益和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

微孔陶瓷在陶瓷颜料脱水中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对微孔陶瓷脱水的原理进行了研究。在陶瓷颜料生产中 ,采用微孔陶瓷脱水再烘干的方法与传统的电烘干方法进行了较深入的比较 ,并阐述了本方法具有比传统的干燥方法能耗低、产量高、污染少 ,操作方便等优点 ,尤其可节能80%以上 ,能够显著地提高经济效益 ,有着较好的推广应用前景  相似文献   

Real-scale thermal filter press dewatering equipment (plate size: 630 mm × 630 mm) was installed and operated at a waterworks for one year in an attempt to achieve sludge reduction. During the period, the dewaterability was evaluated according to the seasonal sludge properties in order to compare the dewaterability of thermal dewatering and mechanical dewatering, as well as to determine the economics of thermal dewatering. According to the results, the winter season sludge showed a 36% decrease in water content and a two-thirds reduction in dewatering velocity compared to the summertime sludge. In addition, the dewatered cakes of the thermal filter press dewatering equipment showed a lower specific cake resistance and water content in the dewatered cakes than the mechanical filter press dewatering equipment, indicating superior dewaterability. This was attributed to the easier removal of the filtrate remaining in the capillary tubes due to thermal dewatering. The energy consumption for thermal dewatering was 300 kJ/dry solids (DS) kg. A comparison of the sludge dryers indicated that it is possible to produce dewatered cakes that consume less energy and can be recycled. According to the performance evaluation results, the real-scale thermal filter press dewatering equipment had high adaptability to the changes in seasonal sludge, showing excellent dewaterability compared to the mechanical filter press dewatering equipment, and was economical due to the lower energy consumption.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out at the lab-scale to study the effect of a shearing action in a compression dewatering process. The impact of different process parameters, such as shear rate, filter-cake thickness, and pressure, on the final dry solid fraction was analyzed. Also, materials with different degrees of compressibility have been used. For slightly and moderately compressible materials (talc and kaolin, respectively), significantly higher final dry solid fractions (up to 0.79 wt/wt with talc and 0.75 wt/wt with kaolin) were obtained in the presence of a torsion shear. This behavior may mainly be explained by a rearrangement of the solid particles within the cake induced by the radial forces. A low shear rate (around 0.7 s?1) was generally sufficient to cause a quite significant increase in the cake dryness (a 12.8% increase was observed with 11-mm-thick talc cakes). A further increase in the shear did not lead to noticeable changes in the final dry solid fraction in the cakes. Otherwise, reducing the filter-cake thickness was beneficial for the dewatering. For talc cakes, the dry solid fraction was increased by 21% for a 3 mm thickness against 7% for a 25 mm thickness. With a highly compressible material, such as activated sludge, the filter-cake dryness did not change with the application of a shearing action. This behavior may be mainly attributed to the fact that biological sludge dewatering is markedly influenced by a low permeability skin at the cake/medium interface, which is very thin and not perturbed by shear forces, due to the cake thickness. The low rigidity of the solid matter in this particular case may also limit the reorientation of the particles.  相似文献   


The filtration and separation characteristics of iron ore fines have been investigated. The experimental work included: characterization, evaluation of suitable flocculants to enhance settling and dewatering rate, determination of optimum dosages of flocculants, and influence of surfactants on nitration dewatering of both flocculated and unflocculated iron ore fines by vacuum filtration. The results showed that 1) the settling rate can be enhanced many-fold (from 2.52 to 90 m/h) by a suitable flocculant, 2) the residual filter cake moisture content can be reduced from 18.2% without reagents to 12.6% with suitable surfactant dewatering aids while the filtration rate can be enhanced from 4.8 to 97.2 L/h with suitable dewatering filter aids, and 3) the specific cake resistance to filtration can be brought down from 8.6 × 109 to 1.0 × 109 m/kg by using a surfactant sodium petroleum sulfonate at a concentration of 1.47 × 10?3 kg/t. The economics of using flocculant filter aids and surfactant dewatering aids before thermal drying is described and discussed.  相似文献   


Vegetable wastes in the food industry are costly lo handle because of their high moisture content. while mill plant tailings in the mining industry contain large quantities of ultralines which are difficult io dewater.This paper describes the results of small scale electmosmotic dewatering (EOD) and combined field dewatering (CFD) measurements with model vegetable sludges and mine tailings.  相似文献   

本文介绍了化工设备机械基础课程的教改实践活动.并从课堂讲授、自学、课程设计三方面,总结了提高学生综合素质、自学能力和培养创新精神的体会.  相似文献   

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