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近年来,随着植物精油的应用领域越来越广泛,其提取技术发展的也逐渐趋于成熟,出现了很多新型的提取方法.本文介绍了几种植物精油提取的主要技术,并详细介绍了他们的特点及适用范围,总结了国内外学者在植物精油提取方面的应用研究,并对植物精油提取的应用前景进行展望[1]. 相似文献
开发利用艾蒿提取精油 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
艾蒿(ArtemisiaVulgarsL·)又名“艾”或叫“野艾”,属菊科蒿属,是多年生草本植物。株高一般在40~150厘米左右。全株有特殊的芳香气味,茎直立,密被灰白色绵毛。叶互生,基部叶开花后枯死;中部叶多变化,羽状深裂至中裂,裂片2~3对,裂片广技外形,边缘有尖裂或锯齿,叶面有白色小腺点.背面有灰白色绒毛;茎上部叶少分裂或全线、头状花序果成总状花序。花为紫红色。有瘦果.呈长圆形。文蒿主要生长在潮湿地区,喜欢比较肥沃的上隆。分布于沟边。田埂、草地和大部分丘陵地带、甘肃陇南山区均有,生长期一般为3)j~11月间。根或籽… 相似文献
几种植物精油的提取及其在化妆品中的应用 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
我国幅源辽阔,植物种类繁多,许多植物资源尚待开发.早在几千年前,人们就已注意到利用植物的花、叶、果实等来化妆或祛虫和治病,并靠这些植物中的香料来表现自己的美.西汉马王堆古尸中就出土了檀香木,桂皮等香料,可见那时就已发现它们的用途.随着科学水平的不断发展,借助各种先进仪器来分析从植物中提取的香精油,了解各种香精油或植物提取液中含香组分或其它可用于化妆品领域的天然成分,调配成各种各样的护肤品、美容美发香波、皂类、牙膏和香水等,不断推出化妆品新品种,使得从植物中提取香精油有了很宽阔的前景. 相似文献
从松树叶中提取精油的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文用不同的溶剂从若干松树叶样品中提取了精油,采用GC—MS技术分析了所得精油的化学组成。结果表明,不同产地、不同树龄的松树叶中都含有相同组分:α-蒎烯、莰烯、β-蒎烯、α-异松油烯、醋酸冰片酯、反式-丁子香烯、二环大根香叶烯、α-紫穗槐烯、δ-杜松烯、α-杜松烯。其精油分为3种萜烯类:单萜烯、倍半萜烯、含氧萜烯。当水蒸汽蒸留时,所得精油中3种萜烯的含量达到92(wt)%以上。但提取法不同所得精油的主要组成发生变化:水蒸汽蒸馏法所得精油中单萜烯含量为57.7(wt)%;乙醇溶剂提取法所得精油中含氧萜烯含量为75.47(wt)%;丙酮与水混合溶剂提取法所得精油中总萜烯含量为55.4(wt)%。 相似文献
离子液体超声-微波协同制取洋葱精油 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
以离子液体[BMIM〖DK〗]PF6作为生物催化介质,结果显示洋葱蒜氨酸酶在含25%[BMIM]PF6催化体系中的活性比在纯缓冲液介质中明显要高,对高温变性作用的抵抗能力也相应增强,但若离子液体浓度过高会对酶催化作用的发挥产生阻碍。以洋葱蒜氨酸为底物,测得离子液体[BMIM]PF6/缓冲液两相体系中蒜氨酸酶的米氏常数为0.591 mmol·L-1,最大反应速率为0.316 mmol·L-1·min-1,Vmax/Km约为缓冲液单相体系中的两倍。实验还尝试发挥疏水性离子液体[BMIM]PF6作为生物催化介质和萃取剂的双重功能,并将其与超声-微波协同萃取技术相结合应用于洋葱精油制取的酶解和萃取过程,明显提高了酶解效率和精油得率,将制得的精油经GC-MS分析,共鉴定出22种物质,其中19种为含硫化合物。 相似文献
Mehrez Romdhane Chedly Tizaoui 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》2005,80(7):759-766
A simplified model that considered the oil constituents as one constituent, anethole, the major component, was used to describe the mass transfer of steam extraction of aniseed essential oil. The model can be used to optimise and control the process. Depending on the oil content, two mass transfer regimes were identified (i) the first one corresponds to an unsaturated surface extraction and (ii) the second corresponds to the slower transfer of oil from the deeper parts of the material to the surface, which may be due to concentration gradients and chemical bonding. The model was validated by experimental data obtained from a pilot‐plant system. Solid‐steam mass transfer coefficients were determined and a critical oil content was found to limit the two mass transfer regimes. The value for this critical oil concentration (xB) was found to be 0.011 (g oil g?1 solid). In addition, an optimal operating pressure of 200 kPa was found to give maximum extraction yield. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
文中采用水蒸汽蒸馏法对海南产柠檬香茅进行精油提取,研究了提取时间、料液比、香茅粗细、香茅部位、提取液成分等因素对精油收率及主要成分存在影响,精油提取率为0.09-1.06%,50g 长2cm的干柠檬香茅在1400mL含8 g NaCl的水溶液,提取时间180min时精油出油率最高,为1.06%;随提取条件不同,精油成分有所变化,但主要成分无明显差异,主要为芳樟醇、橙花醛、香叶醛、香叶醇和香叶酸,此五种主要成分的含量约占精油总量的86-96%。电子自旋共振法(ESR)测试结果表明1%香茅精油乙醇溶液对羟基自由基具有一定清除活性,清除率32%。 相似文献
F. O. Ayorinde K. D. Carlson R. P. Pavlik J. McVety 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1990,67(8):512-518
Vernonia galamensis seed containing 40–42% oil and 30–34% epoxy acid, (cis-12,13-epoxy-cis-9-octadecenoic) was processed to oil and meal. Seed conditioning, pressing and solvent extraction research were conducted
in pilot facilities at the French Oil Mill Machinery Co. (Piqua, OH). The robust lipase system was successfully inactivated
by treating 200 lb. batches ofV. galamensis seed in a cooker/conditioner at 195–200°F and >10% moisture. Conditioned seed was mechanically pressed and the press discharge
cone setting was varied during operation from 1/32″ to 3/32″ to demonstrate the feasibility of both full pressing and prepressing.
Prepressing successfully reduced oil level in the press cake to ca. 20%. Press cake was extracted with hexane in a 1.5-ft3 batch-type, four-stage percolation unit with a 6″ square extraction cross section. Solvent extraction reduced oil level in
the defatted meal to 1–2%. The defatted meal was desolventized and toasted. Excessive foaming of the vernonia oil extract
made complete solvent stripping in the oil stripping unit difficult. 相似文献
The steam extraction was used to investigate the process parameters important in the extraction of essential oils from the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree. The diffusion process and the application of Fick's law, as well as the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient were exhibited. This has enabled the setting up of a model that takes account of the initial amount of oil in the leaves and the effect of temperature. From the literature, it can be seen that the oil collected after an extended time represents all the oil that is present in the material initially. The research conducted indicates that the extraction temperature has a significant effect on the percentage of the initial oil that is eventually extracted, with the amount of oil extracted apparently decreasing for lower temperature. This effect could, however, be modelled accurately by simply considering the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient. This model can lead to the design of an optimum steam extraction plant. 相似文献
为了解决油樟精油传统提取工艺时间长、效率低、耗能高和成本高等问题,本文遵循绿色提取理念,采用微波辅助水蒸气蒸馏法提取油樟精油并优化最佳提取工艺。根据单因素试验并结合响应面法建立二次回归模型进行方差分析和诊断,考察物料粒度、微波提取时间和微波提取功率对油樟精油得率的影响,确定最佳提取工艺并对理论结果进行实验验证。结果表明,在油樟精油得率相似的情况下,与传统的水蒸气蒸馏法(2h)相比,微波辅助水蒸气蒸馏法(10min)具有提取时间更短、效率更高和更节约能源的优势。通过二次多项式回归模型极显著(P<0.01),失拟项不显著(P>0.05),决定系数为R2=0.989等分析结合诊断图表明该模型对数据拟合良好。微波辅助水蒸气蒸馏法提取油樟精油最佳提取工艺为:物料粒度10目,微波提取时间11min,微波提取功率630W,此条件下油樟精油得率为4.479%,与实验验证结果(4.442%±0.16%)基本一致,验证了二次回归模型的可靠性。该技术较传统工艺提取时间短、效率高、耗能少、成本低,更加绿色安全且容易实现产业化,有望提高油樟精油在日化、美容、医药等各个领域的应用价值。 相似文献
利用有机溶剂提取微藻油脂的方法探究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在传统化石能源日益枯竭的趋势下,微藻生物柴油作为第三代绿色可再生的替代型能源越来越受到人们的重视.在微藻生物柴油的产业链上,油脂的提取是影响其推广应用的一个关键环节.本文实验利用有机溶剂提取微藻油脂,探究在不同的条件下微藻油脂的提取效果,并特别研究了先后使用甲醇和石油醚两种有机溶剂对微藻油脂提取率的影响.研究结果表明:温度、液料比、浸提时间对提取效率都有一定的影响,并且使用甲醇和石油醚两种溶剂分步提取时会使微藻油脂提取率明显提高;在液料比为15mL/g、提取温度为45℃、提取时间为5h时,使用石油醚作为提取剂的提取率为58.71%;使用甲醇溶剂提取后再使用石油醚提取时,在液料比和提取时间相同的条件下,温度为35℃时提取率即可达87.90% 相似文献
In vitro control of post-harvest fruit rot fungi by some plant essential oil components 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Camele I Altieri L De Martino L De Feo V Mancini E Rana GL 《International journal of molecular sciences》2012,13(2):2290-2300
Eight substances that are main components of the essential oils from three Mediterranean aromatic plants (Verbena officinalis, Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare), previously found active against some phytopathogenic Fungi and Stramenopila, have been tested in vitro against five etiological agents of post-harvest fruit decay, Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium italicum, P. expansum, Phytophthora citrophthora and Rhizopus stolonifer. The tested compounds were β-fellandrene, β-pinene, camphene, carvacrol, citral, o-cymene, γ-terpinene and thymol. Citral exhibited a fungicidal action against P. citrophthora; carvacrol and thymol showed a fungistatic activity against P. citrophthora and R. stolonifer. Citral and carvacrol at 250 ppm, and thymol at 150 and 250 ppm stopped the growth of B. cinerea. Moreover, thymol showed fungistatic and fungicidal action against P. italicum. Finally, the mycelium growth of P. expansum was inhibited in the presence of 250 ppm of thymol and carvacrol. These results represent an important step toward the goal to use some essential oils or their components as natural preservatives for fruits and foodstuffs, due to their safety for consumer healthy and positive effect on shelf life extension of agricultural fresh products. 相似文献