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非对称截面轴承在双端面磨床加工时,会经常出现外观质量差、扫边等质量问题,采用砂轮二次修整等措施,有效消除了不利因素的影响,提高了产品质量。 相似文献
刘玉民 《精密制造与自动化》1989,(4):66-72
一、前言双端面磨床在轴承加工行业中已普遍采用,主要应用双端面磨床同时加工轴承套圈的两个端面,并且它的使用范围越来越广泛,其加工原理如图1所示。 相似文献
7650双端面磨床不适应当前轴承加工的质量要求,采用机电一体化技术将其改造成具有简易型数控功能的机床。 相似文献
分析MZ7675型双端面磨床主轴套筒的工作原理,针对主轴套筒磨损,机床无法工作的问题,提出了在套筒上增设轴套的修复方法。 相似文献
张飞跃 《精密制造与自动化》2002,(4):20-21,8
一 立轴双端面磨床的两片砂轮在磨削工件时 ,上砂轮端面在工件进入处呈复合角式开口 ,使工件能够顺利进入磨削区域。 (图 1)图 1立轴双端面磨床的机械性能、砂轮的材料以及上砂轮的复合角式开口量处于一定值时 ,工件被磨削之后的质量优劣则取决于砂轮修整器修整出的砂轮磨削区域之好坏 ,即使砂轮磨削端面光滑、平整 ,带有少量盆形。立轴双端面磨床的修整器形式大致有三种。图 21 摇臂式修整器 ,简图 2。这种修整器修出的砂轮端面 ,从截面K -K剖视分析 ,带有少量的不平整 ,呈不规则曲线形状。2 一般直线 (贯穿式 )修整器 ,图 3。它的特… 相似文献
双端面磨床浇孔用的小砂轮设计南京钟山轴承有限公司(210028)陈文辉叙词端面磨床,浇注,砂轮,设计图1是M8101B卧轴不等速双端面磨床的工作砂轮。砂轮工作时,其中心必须用熔化的硫磺浇注一个直径小于内孔①50的小砂轮,否则,磨削直径小于②50的工件... 相似文献
双端面磨床的发展至今已有整整一百年的历史。根据双端面磨床的基本信息,介绍了国内外双端面磨床技术发展的过程,着重介绍了近年来国内双端面磨床生产厂所取得的技术进步。同时,通过对国内外双端面磨床制造水平所存在的差距进行了分析,并对进一步发展双端面磨床提出建议,供大家参考。继续拓展双端面磨床的应用领域,生产出更多的优质、高效、高端的新产品,去迎接更加美好的未来。 相似文献
通过用陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮对45淬硬钢工件进行磨削试验,深入分析了机床特性对CBN砂轮磨削比的影响,获得了能够进行CBN砂轮高速高效磨削的机床特征参数。 相似文献
双端面磨床是平面磨床的一个分支产品,具有生产效率高,磨削范围广,连续高效等优点,在汽车制造、轴承加工和航空航天等领域得到广泛的应用。但是受一些因素限制,磨床控制性能落后,加工精度不稳定,制约其质量、可靠性方面的发展。提出了一种对双端面磨床在线检测的补调测量装置,运用气动测量原理对加工工件和砂轮表面进行测量,补偿因砂轮磨损而带来的系统误差,可有效改善运行可靠性差,传递精度低等缺陷,提高了磨床的综合性能。 相似文献
Experimental study on fabrication and evaluation of micro pyramid-structured silicon surface using a V-tip of diamond grinding wheel 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A mechanical fabrication of micro pyramid-structured silicon surface is proposed using crossed grooving with a 60° V-tip of diamond grinding wheel. It can obtain high form-accuracy, good surface quality and efficient productivity in contrast to laser machining and etching, and also assure a high aspect ratio in contrast to other mechanical processes. In order to describe its micro-structured topography, a white-light interferometer was employed, and its measured point cloud was matched using an Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm. In micro grinding, a novel CNC mutual-wear truing was first developed to sharpen the wheel V-tip; then, the effects of microscopic wheel topography, silicon crystal-orientation and grinding parameter were investigated on ground micro-topography, truing ratio and material removal ratio; finally, its form-accuracy, pyramid top radius, groove tip radius, surface roughness and aspect ratio were evaluated. It is shown that better microscopic grain protrusion topography on wheel V-tip produces much larger material removal ratio and much better micro-structured topography in micro grinding, but it leads to much less truing ratio in finer GC truing. In micro grinding, silicon crystal-orientation has little effect on micro-structured topography due to diamond crystal-orientations that are randomly distributed on wheel V-tip. Although the micro pyramid-structured form error is only about 3.4 μm, its V-groove bottom and pyramidal top have very large form errors (23.1-47.9 μm) due to the sharpness of wheel V-tip and the frangibility of micro pyramid top. On increasing feed speed, its pyramid top radius decreases and its groove tip radius slightly increases, ultimately leading to an increase in aspect ratio, whereas its surface quality descends. It is concluded that the micro-pyramid arrays may be precisely patterned on silicon surface using a SD600 wheel with crossed tool paths, on-machine V-tip truing and the depth of cut in 1 μm. 相似文献