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宋平 《光盘技术》2003,(2):36-39
CD-R光盘的翘曲是产品质量控制一个十分重要的参数。随着光电技术的不断发展,CD-R刻录机刻录速度正在快速地提高,目前的CD-R光盘刻录速度已经达到52X(倍速),一般来说,刻录速度越高,对CD-R光盘的平整度要求也越高。本文结合生产工艺实际,对如何控制CD-R光盘的翘曲进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

云鹏 《光盘技术》2003,(4):9-11
回顾中国光盘产业的发展历史,可记录产品的生产在早期一直处于缓慢发展阶段,风光的一直都是只读格式。随着台湾厂商的减产和全球可记录光盘产品的需求持续增长,2003年全球的可记录光盘供应出现了紧张局面,这无疑给中国大陆的可记录光盘产业带来的新的活力。自2002年下半年,台湾几家国际级的大公司进入中国设立分厂之后,中国本土可记录媒体产业也如雨后春笋一样快速的成长起来,其中最具代表性的就是  相似文献   

As is the case with most eucaryotic cells, cancer cells are able to secrete extracellular vesicles (EVs) as a communication means towards their environment and surrounding cells. EVs are represented by microvesicles and smaller vesicles called exosomes, which are known for their involvement in cancer aggressiveness. The release of such EVs requires the intervention of trafficking-associated proteins, mostly represented by the RAB-GTPases family. In particular, RAB27A is known for its role in addressing EVs-to-be secreted towards the the plasma membrane. In this study, shRNAs targeting RAB27A were used in colorectal (CRC) and glioblastoma (GB) cell lines in order to alter EVs secretion. To study and monitor EVs secretion in cell lines’ supernatants, nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) was used through the NanoSight NS300 device. Since it appeared that NanoSight failed to detect the decrease in the EVs secretion, we performed another approach to drop EVs secretion (RAB27A-siRNA, indomethacin, Nexihnib20). Similar results were obtained i.e., no variation in EVs concentration. Conversely, NTA allowed us to monitor EVs up-secretion following rotenone treatment or hypoxia conditions. Therefore, our data seemed to point out the insufficiency of using only this technique for the assessment of EVs secretion decrease.  相似文献   

Xinhuai Ye 《Carbon》2003,41(4):681-686
A method for predicting adsorption equilibrium using a modified Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) equation is presented in this paper. We focus on adsorption of pure organic compounds on BPL-activated carbon. We introduce a new variable kv, a volume adjusting coefficient, and simply use Vb, the constant molar volume of the adsorbate at its normal boiling temperature, instead of Vm, the temperature-dependent molar volume of the adsorbate at the adsorption temperature. The model parameters in the modified D-R equation for an adsorbate are predicted from Vb. Overall, the modified D-R equation gives more accurate results than the traditional one.  相似文献   

Xinhuai Ye 《Carbon》2003,41(13):2519-2525
Methods to describe and predict adsorption equilibrium using the D-R equation are presented in this paper. We focus on adsorption of organic-water vapor binary mixtures on BPL activated carbon. By adjusting the partial pressure of the organic component in the binary mixture, the effects of the presence of water vapor on adsorption of the organic component are quantitatively expressed using one term in a modified form of the D-R equation. The developed models have broad application ranges that are not limited by organic type and the loadings of the organic and water vapor. They can be used for coadsorption of water-immiscible or water-miscible organic compounds with water vapor on BPL activated carbon in the cases of small or large organic loading with low or near-saturation relative humidity. Compared with other methods for the adsorption of organic-water vapor binary mixtures, our models are simple and do not require iteration.  相似文献   

乌木是大自然赋予我们的天然文化遗产,是香樟、楠木、红椿、麻柳、马桑等名贵树种经过数千年的埋藏碳化而成。乌木以其独特的方式,在生死历程之中承受了大自然鬼斧神工的精雕细琢。一形一态,无不穷揽天物;一神一奇,无不幻化玄妙;一怪一异,无不倾绝想象。乌木艺术品是精妙绝伦的稀世之宝,历代皆为进献皇宫之贡品。现今,愈加珍贵的乌木工艺品乃馈赠与收藏之佳品。  相似文献   

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