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针对中小型煤矿安全存在顶板事故多发、形势严峻的突出问题,笔者选择了具有中小型煤矿代表性的平煤新峰四矿的顶板条件做为背景实验模拟了煤层覆岩裂隙演化过程,总结分析了回采工作面裂隙场演化规律,发现了回采工作面裂隙场演化规律和顶板防治之间有着内在的联系.研究结果对中小型煤矿,特别是福建煤矿的顶板事故的防治具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

论述了矿业开发对大气环境、水文系统、土地资源的影响及引起的地质灾害,根据矿山地质环 境质量评价,提出保护与防治矿山地质环境,实施清洁生产工艺,预防和减少污染,采用先进治理技术修 复环境污染,走绿色矿业之路。  相似文献   

文章重点阐述了黄山市徽州区发生洪涝灾害的主要特点,分析了其发生的主要原因并对如何做好该地区今后的防汛工作提出了相应的防治对策;同时说明加强防洪保安工程建设的重要性.  相似文献   

元宝山北方红土崩解性灾害的防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验表明,元宝山红土含有伊-蒙混层矿物,孔隙-裂隙结构,超固结性,干时坚硬,遇水崩解的特征,是造成工程灾害的原因.采用改良红土性质或用覆盖法处理,可消除崩解特性,从而保证了工程建筑物的安全  相似文献   

通过实验室方法研究了新汶矿务局孙村煤矿-1300m深部水平的冲击倾向性,提出了孙村煤矿未来深部开采时冲击地压防治对策.  相似文献   

孙村煤矿-1300m深部围岩冲击倾向性及防治对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实验室方法研究了新汶矿务局孙村煤矿-1300m深部水平的冲击倾向性,提出了孙村煤矿未来深部开采时冲击地压防治对策.  相似文献   

坚硬顶板型冲击矿压灾害防治研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
针对兖州矿区济三煤矿6303工作面的冲击矿压问题,分析了冲击矿压发生的主要原因及影响因素.根据现场条件和数值模拟分析,提出了采用顶板爆破解除冲击矿压危险的技术措施,并确定了爆破参数.采用矿用钻孔窥视仪并配合电磁辐射法和钻屑法对爆破进行了效果检验.结果表明,通过顶板爆破措施可以破坏工作面上方坚硬厚层砂岩顶板的完整性,提前释放顶板聚集的弹性能,减弱和消除了工作面的冲击矿压危险,胜,保证了工作面的安全生产.现场实践证明,该项技术对具有坚硬顶板型冲击矿压的防治效果明显.  相似文献   

在国家经济的发展过程中,作为储存能源的矿产开采来说,其为社会的发展提供了良好的能源支撑.特别是矿产资源丰富的地区,在全国经济的飞速发展中做出了很大的能源供应贡献.但是由于多年的矿产开采,使得我国可高效开发的矿山数量不断的减少.当前的可开采矿山逐渐的呈现开发环境恶劣、地理环境复杂等特点.这就给矿山开采带来了很大的难度.针对这种情况,必须对矿山开采进行充分的环境地质分析,并制定针对性的预防措施,才能确保开采安全性.本文结合矿山开采中的常见环境地质分析,对如何进行针对性的矿山开采地质灾害预防提出了相关的对策,以供参考.  相似文献   

陇南市位于甘肃东南边陲,是甘肃唯一的长江流域地区,武都区是陇南市委、市政府所在地,是陇南地区政治、经济、文化中心,东江镇现为城区东延开发区.武都区是甘肃省地质灾害极为发育的地区之一,建国以来,武都城区一带发生泥石流灾害达40多次,其中,造成重大人身伤亡和财产损失的有3次,分别发生在1971年、1980和1984年.上述3次重大泥石流灾害均造成了部分城区、村庄被淹埋.其中,1984年泥石流和白龙江洪水灾害淹没域区1/3地面,倒塌房屋13200余间,11200多人无家可归,121个地县机关受灾,直接经济损失近亿元.其中东江镇北山的王沟暴发的泥石流灾害致使沟口村庄被淹、部分房屋倒塌,该次泥石流灾害毁坏民房10间,伤5人,冲毁农田200余亩,直接经济损失达500多万元."5.12"地震又引发沟道内老滑坡复活,新的滑坡崩塌发生,沟道堵塞程度严重,使王沟附近居民万分恐慌.为了保证该区安全,解除居民的后顾之忧,使当地居民安居乐业、经济建设蓬勃发展,对王沟泥石流进行治理十分必要.通过对王沟泥石流沟的野外勘查及现场实验,在查明王沟泥石流沟发育特征、流体特征、场地工程、水文地质条件的基础上,提出了泥石流防治对策.  相似文献   

2008年8月20日凌晨,夏河县突降暴雨,城区南北两侧洒哈尔沟、尕寺沟、颜克尔沟、曼克尔沟、门乃合沟、桑扎沟等沟道暴发泥石流,给县城及附近乡镇居民生命及财产造成严重的危害,泥石流灾害共造成4人死亡、99人受伤,造成直接经济损失近2.0亿元."8.20"泥石流爆发后,尕寺沟泥石流进入拉不楞寺寺院区,僧人住宅及寺院建筑多处受灾,沟口严重毁坏的排洪渠边沿距寺院白塔仅2.15m,直接经济损失约0.4亿元.通过对尕寺沟泥石流的野外实际调查、勘查及现场实验,在查明尕寺沟泥石流发育特征、流体特征、场地工程、水文地质条件的基础上,提出了泥石流防治对策.  相似文献   

The development of a multiple level underground mine is a complex task in which geology, engineering,ground control, and unit operations are integrated into a single mine design. The components are interdependent and must function cohesively to ensure a profitable underground mining operation. To optimize reserve recovery, mine planning should begin from the lowest level and progress up. This limits any misjudgments or oversights of a given level affecting the underlying levels and ensures the ability to maximize recovery from each level. Mine planning should start with the exploration and characterization of the geologic setting. Once the reserve geology and quality is well understood, then mine planning can begin with respect to the following:(1) orientation of mine works with respect to horizontal stress;(2)access to the reserve;(3) determination of opening widths;(4) selection of back, floor horizons and pillar centers;(5) selection of development and secondary mining heights;(6) appropriate inter-burden thicknesses; and(7) examining the stability of the multiple level mine through numerical modeling. The multiple level mine design process and decisions are presented through a case history example. The theme is that there is one opportunity to ‘‘get it right" and many chances to overlook a small aspect within the design that will plague the mine throughout all levels and through the entirety of its operating life.  相似文献   

The water abundance of mine floor limestone needs to be solved urgently as the average depth of coal mining in China has increased gradually. A method is presented to discuss water abundance with the numerical and physical layered geoelectrical model being established in the half-space, full-space and full-space with tunnel, respectively. The parameters of water abundance are changed in this study, which includes water quantity, water content and volume of abnormity of water-containing abnormity. Results indicate that the different work fields have different macroscopic influences on the apparent resistivity,and the water abundance parameters of water-containing abnormity have quantitative relationship with the apparent resistivity mean in abnormal regions(three-dimensional space region). The quantitative relationships are shown as following: firstly, the amount of water injection has negative linear correlation with the apparent resistivity mean; secondly, when abnormity is unsaturated, there is a negative power function relationship between water content and apparent resistivity mean; thirdly, the volume of abnormity and apparent resistivity mean behave as a decreasing power function law.  相似文献   

新汶矿区奥陶纪灰岩水害及其防治对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
较全面地分析了新汶矿区奥陶纪灰岩的水文地质条件、岩溶发育规律及其下限,并对奥陶纪灰岩底鼓突水的机理进行了探讨,提出了"裂隙网络导水"的观点,在此基础上讨论了矿区奥陶纪灰岩水害的防治对策.  相似文献   

新汶矿区奥陶纪灰岩水害及其防治对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
较全面地分析了新汶矿区奥陶纪灰岩的水文地质条件、岩溶发育规律及其下限 ,并对奥陶纪灰岩底鼓突水的机理进行了探讨 ,提出了“裂隙网络导水”的观点 ,在此基础上讨论了矿区奥陶纪灰岩水害的防治对策 .  相似文献   

This paper describes a field and numerical investigation of the overburden strata response to underground longwall mining, focusing on overburden strata movements and stress concentrations. Subsidence related high stress concentrations are believed to have caused damage to river beds in the Illawarra region, Australia. In the field study, extensometers, stressmeters and piezometers were installed in the overburden strata of a longwall panel at West Cliff Colliery. During longwall mining, a total of 1000 mm tensile deformation was recorded in the overburden strata and as a result bed separation and gaps were formed. Bed separation was observed to start in the roof of the mining seam and gradually propagate toward the surface as the longwall face advanced. A substantial increase in the near-surface horizontal stresses was recorded before the longwall face reached the monitored locations. The stresses continued to increase as mining advanced and they reached a peak at about 200 m behind the longwall face. A numerical modelling study identified that the angle of breakage (i.e., the angle of the boundary of caved zone) behind the longwall face and over the goaf was 22–25° from vertical direction. This is consistent with the monitoring results showing the high gradient of stresses and strains on the surface 150–320 m behind the mining face.  相似文献   

鼓山背斜是峰峰矿区的主控构造。鼓山背斜以西,断层发育,煤层埋藏较浅,地下水补、径、排条件良好,造成煤层气的逸散,煤层含气量低;鼓山背斜以东,地形相对较低,煤层呈单斜构造向深部倾伏,地下水补、径、排条件较差,煤层气得以保存和富集。  相似文献   

Aiming at soft rock ground support issues under conditions of high stress and long-term water immersion, the ground failure mechanism is revealed by taking the deep-water sumps of Jiulong Mine as the engineering background and employing field investigation, tests of rock structure, mechanical properties and mineral composition. The main factors leading to the surrounding rock failure include the high and complex stress state of the water sumps, high-clay content and water-weakened rock, and the unreasonable support design. In this paper, the broken and fractured rock mass near roadway opening is considered as ground small-structure, and deep stable rock mass as ground large-structure. A support technology focusing on cutting off the water, strengthening the small structure of the rock and transferring the large structure of the rock is proposed. The proposed support technology of interconnecting the large and small structures, based on high-strength bolts, high-stiffness shotcrete layer plugging water,strengthening the small structure with deep-hole grouting and shallow-hole grouting, highpretensioned cables tensioned twice to make the large and small structures bearing the pressure evenly,channel-steel and high-pretensioned cables are used to control floor heave. The numerical simulation and field test show that this support system can control the rock deformation of the water sumps and provide technical support to similar roadway support designs.  相似文献   

钻孔救援技术是煤矿应急救援的一项实用的救生、救援技术,为了保证钻孔救援的精度定位,综合分析了制定钻孔定位方案所需要的技术基础,指出人员定位和钻孔终孔定位是钻孔救援成败的关键,讨论了用综合法确定地下钻孔终孔位置、用全站仪和GPS RTK测设地面钻孔中心位置的方法,同时指出对近井点的检核和多种定位方法的联合运用是保证精准定位的重要举措,最后,通过实例检验了其使用效果.  相似文献   

In view of the buckling failure caused by large deformation of Mesozoic soft rock roadway in Shajihai mining area, such as serious roof fall, rib spalling, floor heave, etc., based on the detail site i...  相似文献   

针对目前地质和巷道独立建模给矿井灾害救援带来的问题,建立基于面模型的多层三维地质与巷道集成模型,并结合可视化技术为救援决策提供技术支持。研究复杂地质体的三维模型和巷道三维模型的关键技术,综合三维巷道网络的弧-节点模型与地层岩性、节点相互关联的拓扑关系,实现二者的集成建模。在此基础上,采用启发式路径搜索的A*算法,实现应急救援路线的智能快速选择。  相似文献   

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