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Analysis of heart rate variability   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
B M Sayers 《Ergonomics》1973,16(1):17-32

We investigated the effects of low frequency whole body vibration on heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of autonomic nervous system activation that differentiates between stress and drowsiness. Fifteen participants underwent two simulated driving tasks for 60?min each: one involved whole-body 4–7?Hz vibration delivered through the car seat, and one involved no vibration. The Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS), a subjective measure of drowsiness, demonstrated a significant increase in drowsiness during the task. Within 15–30?min of exposure to vibration, autonomic (sympathetic) activity increased (p?p?Practitioner summary: The effects of physical vibration on driver drowsiness have not been well investigated. This laboratory-controlled study found characteristic changes in heart rate variability (HRV) domains that indicated progressively increasing neurological effort in maintaining alertness in response to low frequency vibration, which becomes significant within 30?min.

Abbreviations: ANS: autonomic nervous system; Ctrl: control; EEG: electroencephalography; HF: the power in high frequency range (0.15 Hz-0.4Hz) in the PSD relected parasympathetic activity only; HRV: heart rate variability; KSS: karolinska sleepiness scale; LF: the power in low frequency range (0.04 Hz-0.15Hz) in the PSD reflected both sympathetic and parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system; LF/HF ratio: the ratio of LF to HF indicated the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity; RMSSD: the root mean square of difference of adjacent RR interval; pNN50: the number of successive RR interval pairs that differed by more than 50 ms divided by the total number of RR intervals; RR interval: the differences between successive R-wave occurrence times; PSD: power spectral density; RTP: research training program; SD: standard deviation; SEM: standard error of the Mean; Vib: vibration  相似文献   

Cardiotocography is the primary method for biophysical assessment of fetal state, which is mainly based on the recording and analysis of fetal heart rate (FHR) signal. Computerized systems for fetal monitoring provide a quantitative analysis of FHR signals, however the effective methods of qualitative assessment that could support the process of medical diagnosis are still needed. The measurements of hydronium ions concentration (pH) in neonatal cord blood are an objective indicator of the fetal outcome. Improper pH level is a symptom of acidemia being the result of fetal hypoxia. The paper proposes a two-step analysis of fetal heart rate recordings that allows for effective prediction of the acidemia risk. The first step consists in fuzzy classification of FHR signals. Fuzzy inference corresponds to the clinical interpretation of signals based on the FIGO guidelines. The goal of inference is to eliminate recordings indicating the fetal wellbeing from the further classification process. In the second step, the remained recordings are nonlinearly classified using multilayer perceptron and Lagrangian Support Vector Machines (LSVM). The proposed procedures are evaluated using data collected with computerized fetal surveillance system. The assessment performance is evaluated with the number of correct classifications (CC) and quality index (QI) defined as the geometric mean of sensitivity and specificity. The highest CC = 92.0% and QI = 88.2% were achieved for the Weighted Fuzzy Scoring System combined with the LSVM algorithm. The obtained results confirm the efficacy of the proposed methods of computerized analysis of FHR signals in the evaluation of the risk of neonatal acidemia.  相似文献   

The effect of distance driven on three physiological variables taken to be indicators of fatigue was investigated on a 340 km highway circuit with eight inexperienced drivers as subjects. The physiological variables used were spectral values of heart rate variability in the 0.05-0.15Hz region (0.1 Hz HRV) supplemented by standard deviation of heart rate mean (S.D. HRV) and heart rate mean (HR). The analysis showed a significant relationship between 0.1 Hz HRV and distance driven while S.D. HRV and HR showed no direct relationship. The reason for this differential effect on the three physiological variables was discussed, and it was concluded that 0.1 Hz HRV seems to be a sensitive indicator of driver fatigue.  相似文献   

Analysis of changes in heart rate can be useful in determining the state of various body systems. In particular the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is used in the assessment of autonomic function. This paper uses the discrete harmonic wavelet transform for a time-frequency analysis of HRV data to show changes in spectral power over time. Signals representing patient heart rate are presented, and methods for spectral and time-frequency analysis are described. Three sets of patient data are then analysed using these methods. The results show the potential of time-frequency analysis in the assessment of medical disorders, such as the sleep apnoea syndrome, where transient alterations in autonomic function occur.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular mortality is significantly increased in patients suffering from schizophrenia. However, psychotic symptoms are quantified by means of the scale for the assessment of positive and negative symptoms, but many investigations try to introduce new etiology for psychiatric disorders based on combination of biological, psychological and social causes. Classification between healthy and paranoid cases has been achieved by time, frequency, Hilbert–Huang (HH) and a combination between those features as a hybrid features. Those features extracted from the Hilbert–Huang transform for each intrinsic mode function (IMF) of the detrended time series for each healthy case and paranoid case. Short-term ECG recordings of 20 unmedicated patients suffering from acute paranoid schizophrenia and those obtained from healthy matched peers have been utilized in this investigation. Frequency features: very low frequency (VLF), low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF) and HF/LF (ratio) produced promising success rate equal to 97.82 % in training and 97.77 % success rate in validation by means of IMF1 and ninefolds. Time–frequency features [LF, HF and ratio, mean, maximum (max), minimum (min) and standard deviation (SD)] provided 100 % success in both training and validation trials by means of ninefolds for IMF1 and IMF2. By utilizing IMF1 and ninefolds, frequency and Hilbert–Hang features [LF, HF, ratio, mean value of envelope ( \(\bar{a}\) )] produced 96.87 and 95.5 % for training and validation, respectively. By analyzing the first IMF and using ninefolds, time and Hilbert–Hang features [mean, max, min, SD, median, first quartile (Q1), third quartile (Q3), kurtosis, skewness, Shannon entropy, approximate entropy and energy, ( \(\bar{a}\) ), level of envelope variation ([ \(\dot{a}\) (t)]^2), central frequency \((\bar{W})\) and number of zero signal crossing \((\left| {\bar{W}} \right|)\) ] produced a 100 % success rate in training and 90 % success rate in validation. Time, frequency and HH features [energy, VLF, LF, HF, ratio and ( \(\bar{a}\) )] provided 97.5 % success rate in training and 95.24 % success rate in validation using IMF1 and sixfolds. However, frequency features have produced promising classification success rate, but hybrid features emerged the highest classification success rate than using features in each domain separately.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with a new technique to find identification factors for the different sleep stages based on a soft-decision wavelet-based estimation of power-spectral density (PSD) contained in the main frequency bands of Heart Rate Variability (HRV).A wavelet-based PSD distribution of HRV in different sleep stages is implemented on an epoch basis. Four sleep stages (S1–S4), “REM sleep” (with “rapid eye movements”), and wakefulness are considered in this work. The data used, including electro-cardiograms and sleep stage monitoring hypnograms, are provided by the sleep laboratory of the department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Germany. The data, taken from 12 healthy people and containing enough epochs of the above 5 different sleep stages plus the wake state, is divided into almost equal sets for training and test.The results show that the PSD of the very-low-frequency (VLF) band and the low-frequency (LF) band are reduced as sleep stages vary from the wake state to REM sleep and further to light sleep (S1–S2) and deep sleep (S3–S4). The variation of the PSD in the high-frequency (HF) band is almost the opposite. The ratio of the VLF/HF PSD is found to be a good identification factor between the different sleep stages, showing better results than other, commonly used factors such as the LF/HF and VLF/LF PSD ratios.  相似文献   

Typical heart rate variability (HRV) times series are cluttered with outliers generated by measurement errors, artifacts and ectopic beats. Robust estimation is an important tool in HRV analysis, since it allows clinicians to detect arrhythmia and other anomalous patterns by reducing the impact of outliers. A robust estimator for a flexible class of time series models is proposed and its empirical performance in the context of HRV data analysis is studied. The methodology entails the minimization of a pseudo-likelihood criterion function based on a generalized measure of information. The resulting estimating functions are typically re-descending, which enable reliable detection of anomalous HRV patterns and stable estimates in the presence of outliers. The infinitesimal robustness and the stability properties of the new method are illustrated through numerical simulations and two case studies from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Boston’s Beth Israel Hospital data, an important benchmark data set in HRV analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a software package for developing heart rate variability analysis. This package, called RHRV, is a third party extension for the open source statistical environment R, and can be freely downloaded from the R-CRAN repository. We review the state of the art of software related to the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV). Based upon this review, we motivate the development of an open source software platform which can be used for developing new algorithms for studying HRV or for performing clinical experiments. In particular, we show how the RHRV package greatly simplifies and accelerates the work of the computer scientist or medical specialist in the HRV field. We illustrate the utility of our package with practical examples.  相似文献   

Our studies deal with fully automatic measurement of heart rate variability (HRV) in short term electrocardiograms. Presently, all existing HRV analysis programs require user intervention for ectopic beat identification, especially of supraventricular ectopic beats (SVE). This makes the HRV measurement in large, e.g. epidemiological studies problematic. In this paper, we present a fully automatic algorithm for the discrimination of the ventricular (VE) and SVE ectopic beats from the normal QRS complexes suited for a reliable HRV analysis. The QRS identification is based on the template matching method. The ectopic beats are identified based on several morphological and timing properties of the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. The method incorporates several approaches and makes HRV analysis of large numbers of electrocardiograms feasible. It uses the template matching for the basic morphology check of the QRS complex and the P-wave, the timing information to avoid unnecessary ectopic beat checks and to adjust thresholds and it also looks for a special QRS morphology, which is common in VEs. We used a testing set of 69 electrocardiograms selected from a large number of recordings. The selected ECGs contained abnormalities including ectopic beats, right branch bundle block, respiratory arrhythmia, blocked atrial extrasystole, high amplitude and wide T-waves. The evaluation of our method showed a specificity of 0.99, supraventricular ectopic beat sensitivity of 0.99 and ventricular ectopic beat sensitivity of 0.98.  相似文献   

The effects of missing RR-interval data on nonlinear heart rate variability (HRV) analysis were investigated using simulated missing data in actual RR-interval tachograms and actual missing RR-interval data. For the simulation study, randomly selected data (ranging from 0 to 100s) were removed from actual data in the MIT-BIH normal sinus rhythm RR-interval database. The selected data are considered as a simulated artefact section. In all, 7182 tachograms of 5-min duration were used for this analysis. For each missing interval, the analysis was performed by 100 Monte Carlo runs. Poincaré plot, detrended fluctuation, and entropy analysis were executed for the nonlinear HRV parameters in each run, and the normalized errors between the data with and without the missing data duration for these parameters, were calculated. In this process, the usefulness of reconstruction was considered, for which bootstrapping and several interpolation methods (nearest neighbour, linear, cubic spline, and piecewise cubic Hermite) were used. The rules for the reconstruction, derived from the results of these simulations, were evaluated with actual missing RR-interval data obtained from a capacitive-coupled ECG during sleep. In conclusion, nonlinear parameters, excepting Poincaré-plot-analysis parameters, may not be appropriate for the accurate HRV analysis with missing data, since these parameters have relatively larger error values than time- or frequency-domain HRV parameters. However, the analysis of the long-term variation for nonlinear HRV values can be available through applying the rules for the reconstruction obtained in this study.  相似文献   

Investigation of heart rate variability is the subject of considerable interest in physiology, clinical medicine, and clinical pharmacology. The functional assessment of the autonomic nerve system by observation of its main actors, the sympathetic and parasympathetic branch, is emphasizing the importance of autonomic regulation under different physiological circumstances, in several disease states, and under drug therapy. This paper describes a PC-based system designed with LabView that performs time-domain and frequency-domain analyses of heart rate variability as suggested by the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. Examples for heart rate variability are given for different physiological states along with an analysis and evaluation by the system described.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the 0.1-Hz component of heart rate variability (HRV) allows one to discriminate among levels of mental work stress induced by different types of tasks (diagnosticity) as well as among those induced by different levels of difficulty (sensitivity). Our 14 participants were presented 14 tasks of the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development Standardized Tests for Research with Environmental Stressors battery in a repeated-measures design. Sufficient sensitivity was obtained for a discrimination between work and rest, but we found no support for a more fine-grained sensitivity. Concerning diagnosticity, only the grammatical reasoning task could be discriminated from all other tasks, indicating for this task a level of mental strain comparable to rest, which was in contrast with the results both for perceived difficulty and performance. We propose that HRV is an indicator for time pressure or emotional strain, not for mental workload, given that it seems to allow discrimination between tasks with and without pacing. Application of this research argues against using HRV as a measure of mental and especially cognitive workload, particularly where system safety or occupational risks may be at stake (e.g., when evaluating operator tasks or interface design in control room operations).  相似文献   

Feature selection plays an important role in pattern recognition systems. In this study, we explored the problem of selecting effective heart rate variability (HRV) features for recognizing congestive heart failure (CHF) based on mutual information (MI). The MI-based greedy feature selection approach proposed by Battiti was adopted in the study. The mutual information conditioned by the first-selected feature was used as a criterion for feature selection. The uniform distribution assumption was used to reduce the computational load. And, a logarithmic exponent weighting was added to model the relative importance of the MI with respect to the number of the already-selected features. The CHF recognition system contained a feature extractor that generated four categories, totally 50, features from the input HRV sequences. The proposed feature selector, termed UCMIFS, proceeded to select the most effective features for the succeeding support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Prior to feature selection, the 50 features produced a high accuracy of 96.38%, which confirmed the representativeness of the original feature set. The performance of the UCMIFS selector was demonstrated to be superior to the other MI-based feature selectors including MIFS-U, CMIFS, and mRMR. When compared to the other outstanding selectors published in the literature, the proposed UCMIFS outperformed them with as high as 97.59% accuracy in recognizing CHF using only 15 features. The results demonstrated the advantage of using the recruited features in characterizing HRV sequences for CHF recognition. The UCMIFS selector further improved the efficiency of the recognition system with substantially lowered feature dimensions and elevated recognition rate.  相似文献   

Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) with Holter monitoring is often difficult due to excessive artifacts and arrhythmias. While short sudden surges are treated successfully by most methods, slow heart rate (HR) variations, nocturnal trapezoidally-shaped HR increases and special types of arrhythmias which are similar to normal HRV fluctuations may distort further time domain and spectral analysis. This paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of different methods for preprocessing of HR data. We have developed the following approach to the analysis of HRV. (1) A combination method based on the absolute difference between HR values and both the last normal HR value and an updated mean is used for removal of artifacts and arrhythmias. This method can detect both sudden surges in HR values as well as longer periods of noise combined with slow normal variations. An additional stage of wild point removal is then optionally applied. (2) Certain special problems such as large T-waves, bigeminal rhythm, slow HR variations and nocturnal trapezoidally-shaped HR increases are also identified. Although none of the algorithms can be applied successfully to all cases, the final computer analysis for preprocessing described in the present study has proved to be superior to the simplified methods which are usually used and provides more suitable data for HRV analysis.  相似文献   

A correlation dimension analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) was applied to a group of 55 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and 55 healthy subjects as controls. The 24-h RR time series for each subject was divided into segments of 10,000 beats to determine the correlation dimension (CD) per segment. A study of the influence of the time delay (lag) in the calculation of CD was performed. Good discrimination between both groups (p<0.005) was obtained with lag values of 5 or greater. CD values of DCM patients (8.4+/-1.9) were significantly lower than CD values for controls (9.5+/-1.9). An analysis of CD values of HRV showed that for healthy people, CD night values (10.6+/-1.8) were significant greater than CD day values (9.2+/-1.9), revealing a circadian rhythm. In DCM patients, this circadian rhythm was lost and there were no differences between CD values in day (8.8+/-2.4) and night (8.9+/-2.1).  相似文献   

Music often plays an important role in people’s daily lives. Because it has the power to affect human emotion, music has gained a place in work environments and in sports training as a way to enhance the performance of particular tasks. Studies have shown that office workers perform certain jobs better and joggers run longer distances when listening to music. However, a personalized music system which can automatically recommend songs according to user’s physiological response remains absent. Therefore, this study aims to establish an intelligent music selection system for individual users to enhance their learning performance. We first created an emotional music database using data analytics classifications. During testing, innovative wearable sensing devices were used to detect heart rate variability (HRV) in experiments, which subsequently guided music selection. User emotions were then analyzed and appropriate songs were selected by using the proposed application software (App). Machine learning was used to record user preference, ensuring accurate and precise classification. Significant results generated through experimental validation indicate that this system generates high satisfaction levels, does not increase mental workload, and improves users’ performance. Under the trend of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the continuing development of wearable devices, the proposed system could stimulate innovative applications for smart factory, home, and health care.  相似文献   

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